750 resultados para Strategic sectors
El Territorio hoy es visto como una totalidad organizada que no puede ser pensada separando cada uno de los elementos que la componen; cada uno de ellos es definido por su relación con los otros elementos. Así, un pensamiento que integra diferentes disciplinas y saberes comienza a manejar una realidad que lejos está de definir certezas inamovibles, y comienza a vislumbrar horizontes estratégicos. La adaptación a la no linealidad de las relaciones que se dan sobre el territorio, y la diferencia de velocidades en las que actúan los distintos actores, nos exige hacer de la flexibilidad una característica esencial de la metodología de planificación estratégica. La multi-causalidad de los fenómenos que estructuran el territorio nos obliga a construir criterios cualitativos, entendiendo que nos es imposible la medición de estas cadenas causales y su reconstrucción completa en el tiempo; sin dejar por ello de edificar un marco profundo de acción y transformación que responda a una realidad cierta y veraz. Los fenómenos producidos sobre el territorio nunca actúan de manera aislada, lo que implica una responsabilidad a la hora de comprender las sinergias y la restricción que afectan los resultados de los procesos desatados. La presente ponencia corresponde a la Segunda Fase del proceso de identificación estratégica de los proyectos Plan Estratégico Territorial (PET) que se inició en el año 2005; dicho Plan es llevada a cabo por la Subsecretaría de Planificación Territorial del Ministerio de Planificación Federal y fue abordado sobre la base de tres pretensiones: institucionalizar el ejercicio del pensamiento estratégico, fortalecer la metodología de trabajo transdisciplinaria y multisectorial, y diseñar un sistema de ponderación de proyectos estratégicos de infraestructura, tanto a nivel provincial como nacional, con una fuerte base cualitativa. Este proceso dio como resultado una cartera ponderada de proyectos de infraestructura conjuntamente con una metodología que permitió consolidar los equipos provinciales de planificación, tanto en su relación con los decisores políticos como con los actores de los múltiples sectores del gobierno, y en estos resultados consolidar y reforzar una cultura del pensamiento estratégico sobre el territorio
El Territorio hoy es visto como una totalidad organizada que no puede ser pensada separando cada uno de los elementos que la componen; cada uno de ellos es definido por su relación con los otros elementos. Así, un pensamiento que integra diferentes disciplinas y saberes comienza a manejar una realidad que lejos está de definir certezas inamovibles, y comienza a vislumbrar horizontes estratégicos. La adaptación a la no linealidad de las relaciones que se dan sobre el territorio, y la diferencia de velocidades en las que actúan los distintos actores, nos exige hacer de la flexibilidad una característica esencial de la metodología de planificación estratégica. La multi-causalidad de los fenómenos que estructuran el territorio nos obliga a construir criterios cualitativos, entendiendo que nos es imposible la medición de estas cadenas causales y su reconstrucción completa en el tiempo; sin dejar por ello de edificar un marco profundo de acción y transformación que responda a una realidad cierta y veraz. Los fenómenos producidos sobre el territorio nunca actúan de manera aislada, lo que implica una responsabilidad a la hora de comprender las sinergias y la restricción que afectan los resultados de los procesos desatados. La presente ponencia corresponde a la Segunda Fase del proceso de identificación estratégica de los proyectos Plan Estratégico Territorial (PET) que se inició en el año 2005; dicho Plan es llevada a cabo por la Subsecretaría de Planificación Territorial del Ministerio de Planificación Federal y fue abordado sobre la base de tres pretensiones: institucionalizar el ejercicio del pensamiento estratégico, fortalecer la metodología de trabajo transdisciplinaria y multisectorial, y diseñar un sistema de ponderación de proyectos estratégicos de infraestructura, tanto a nivel provincial como nacional, con una fuerte base cualitativa. Este proceso dio como resultado una cartera ponderada de proyectos de infraestructura conjuntamente con una metodología que permitió consolidar los equipos provinciales de planificación, tanto en su relación con los decisores políticos como con los actores de los múltiples sectores del gobierno, y en estos resultados consolidar y reforzar una cultura del pensamiento estratégico sobre el territorio
El Territorio hoy es visto como una totalidad organizada que no puede ser pensada separando cada uno de los elementos que la componen; cada uno de ellos es definido por su relación con los otros elementos. Así, un pensamiento que integra diferentes disciplinas y saberes comienza a manejar una realidad que lejos está de definir certezas inamovibles, y comienza a vislumbrar horizontes estratégicos. La adaptación a la no linealidad de las relaciones que se dan sobre el territorio, y la diferencia de velocidades en las que actúan los distintos actores, nos exige hacer de la flexibilidad una característica esencial de la metodología de planificación estratégica. La multi-causalidad de los fenómenos que estructuran el territorio nos obliga a construir criterios cualitativos, entendiendo que nos es imposible la medición de estas cadenas causales y su reconstrucción completa en el tiempo; sin dejar por ello de edificar un marco profundo de acción y transformación que responda a una realidad cierta y veraz. Los fenómenos producidos sobre el territorio nunca actúan de manera aislada, lo que implica una responsabilidad a la hora de comprender las sinergias y la restricción que afectan los resultados de los procesos desatados. La presente ponencia corresponde a la Segunda Fase del proceso de identificación estratégica de los proyectos Plan Estratégico Territorial (PET) que se inició en el año 2005; dicho Plan es llevada a cabo por la Subsecretaría de Planificación Territorial del Ministerio de Planificación Federal y fue abordado sobre la base de tres pretensiones: institucionalizar el ejercicio del pensamiento estratégico, fortalecer la metodología de trabajo transdisciplinaria y multisectorial, y diseñar un sistema de ponderación de proyectos estratégicos de infraestructura, tanto a nivel provincial como nacional, con una fuerte base cualitativa. Este proceso dio como resultado una cartera ponderada de proyectos de infraestructura conjuntamente con una metodología que permitió consolidar los equipos provinciales de planificación, tanto en su relación con los decisores políticos como con los actores de los múltiples sectores del gobierno, y en estos resultados consolidar y reforzar una cultura del pensamiento estratégico sobre el territorio
In 2007, an alliance was formed between the Illinois Suicide Prevention Strategic Planning Committee and the Illinois Suicide Prevention Coalition, unifying the strengths of the groups to continue to advance the plan. The joint mission of this alliance is "to reduce suicide and its stigma throughout Illinois by collaboratively working with concerned stakeholders from the public and private sectors to increase awareness and education, provide opportunities to develop individual and organizational capacity in addressing suicide prevention, and advocate for access to treatment."
Conducts a strategic group mapping exercise by analysing R&D investment, sales/marketing cost and leadership information pertaining to the pharmaceuticals industry. Explains that strategic group mapping assists companies in identifying their principal competitors, and hence supports strategic decision-making, and shows that, in the pharmaceutical industry, R&D spending, the cost of sales and marketing, i.e. detailing, and technological leadership are mobility barriers to companies moving between sectors. Illustrates, in bubble-chart format, strategic groups in the pharmaceutical industry, plotting detailing-costs against the scale of activity in therapeutic areas. Places companies into 12 groups, and profiles the strategy and market-position similarities of the companies in each group. Concludes with three questions for companies to ask when evaluating their own, and their competitors, strategies and returns, and suggests that strategy mapping can be carried out in other industries, provided mobility barriers are identified.
The two areas of theory upon which this research was based were „strategy development process?(SDP) and „complex adaptive systems? (CAS), as part of complexity theory, focused on human social organisations. The literature reviewed showed that there is a paucity of empirical work and theory in the overlap of the two areas, providing an opportunity for contributions to knowledge in each area of theory, and for practitioners. An inductive approach was adopted for this research, in an effort to discover new insights to the focus area of study. It was undertaken from within an interpretivist paradigm, and based on a novel conceptual framework. The organisationally intimate nature of the research topic, and the researcher?s circumstances required a research design that was both in-depth and long term. The result was a single, exploratory, case study, which included use of data from 44 in-depth, semi-structured interviews, from 36 people, involving all the top management team members and significant other staff members; observations, rumour and grapevine (ORG) data; and archive data, over a 5½ year period (2005 – 2010). Findings confirm the validity of the conceptual framework, and that complex adaptive systems theory has potential to extend strategy development process theory. It has shown how and why the strategy process developed in the case study organisation by providing deeper insights to the behaviour of the people, their backgrounds, and interactions. Broad predictions of the „latent strategy development? process and some elements of the strategy content are also possible. Based on this research, it is possible to extend the utility of the SDP model by including peoples? behavioural characteristics within the organisation, via complex adaptive systems theory. Further research is recommended to test limits of the application of the conceptual framework and improve its efficacy with more organisations across a variety of sectors.
This thesis draws on two key areas of the innovation literature, the strategic management of technology (SMOT) and innovation networks. The aim is to integrate these two areas of the management of innovation literature to develop a framework which I describe as the Strategic Innovation Network (SIN). The key proposition that the revised framework (SIN) aims to address is based on the work of Chandler (1962). Chandler's (1962) conclusion that 'structure follows strategy' is examined in relation to the interaction between corporate/technology strategy and network structure. The SIN is intended to address weaknesses in both the SMOT and network literature. The research data is based on five detailed longitudinal case studies. The organisations are defined as mid-corporate firms operating in traditional manufacturing sectors. Each organisation was chosen on the basis that it was aiming to develop its innovative capacity through product or process innovation projects. The research was carried out over an 18 month period with interviews being held regularly to develop the longitudinal aspect of the study analysis. The data for each individual case study is examined using the SIN framework. The longitudinal approach addresses the objective to provide a dynamic model of the innovation processes by mapping the changes in network structure during the course of individual projects. The network structural changes are examined in relation to each organisation's strategy and five key dynamic network stages are identified in relation to the innovation process. These network stages show the influence strategy has on the structures adopted by the five case studies.
This thesis examines the process of knowledge acquisition by Malaysian manufacturing firms through their involvement in international strategic alliances. The strategic alliances can be with or without equity involvement. Firms involved with a foreign partner with equity involvement are joint venture firms while non-equity involvement are firms that engaged in contractual agreements. Using empirical evidence from 65 international alliances gathered through a survey conducted in high-technology manufacturing sectors, several factors that influence the process of knowledge acquisition are examined. The factors are: learning capacity, experience, goals, active involvement and accessibility to the foreign knowledge. Censored regression analysis and ordered probit analysis are used to analyse the effects of these factors on knowledge acquisition and its determinant parts, and the effects of knowledge acquisition and its determinants on the performance of the alliances. A second questionnaire gathered evidence relating to the factors, which encouraged tacit knowledge transfer between the foreign and Malaysian partners in international alliances. The key findings of the study are: knowledge acquisition in international strategic alliances is influenced by five determining factors; learning capacity, experience, articulated goals, active involvement and accessibility; new technology knowledge, product development knowledge and manufacturing process knowledge are influenced differently by the determining factors; knowledge acquisition and its determinant factors have a significant impact on the firm’s performance; cultural differences tend to moderate the effect on the firm’s performance; acquiring tacit knowledge is not only influenced by the five determinant factors but also by other factors, such as dependency, accessibility, trust, manufacturing control, learning methods and organisational systems; Malaysian firms involved in joint ventures tend to acquire more knowledge than those involved in contractual agreements, but joint ventures also exhibit higher degrees of dependency than contractual agreements; and the presence of R&D activity in the Malaysian partner encourages knowledge acquisition, but the amount of R&D expenditure has no effect on knowledge acquisition.
Liberalisation has become an increasingly important policy trend, both in the private and public sectors of advanced industrial economies. This article eschews deterministic accounts of liberalisation by considering why government attempts to institute competition may be successful in some cases and not others. It considers the relative strength of explanations focusing on the institutional context, and on the volume and power of sectoral actors supporting liberalisation. These approaches are applied to two attempts to liberalise, one successful and one unsuccessful, within one sector in one nation – higher education in Britain. Each explanation is seen to have some explanatory power, but none is sufficient to explain why competition was generalised in the one case and not the other. The article counsels the need for scholars of liberalisation to be open to multiple explanations which may require the marshalling of multiple sources and types of evidence.
This paper examines the impact of ownership structures of emerging-market firms, which are shaped by local institutions, on the decision of these firms to undertake outward FDI. Our results suggest that family firms and firms with concentrated ownerships (both ubiquitous in emerging markets) are less likely to invest overseas, and that strategic equity holding by foreign investors facilitates outward FDI. We conclude that organisational forms such as family firms, which are optimal outcomes of institutions prevailing in emerging markets, may be suboptimal in a changing business environment in which outward FDI is necessary for access to resources and markets.
With a strong focus on employability, this new text treats international, strategic and contemporary issues as central to the study and practice of Human Resource Management. Covering the core curriculum, this book provides all the knowledge and tools you need to get the best possible grades and achieve great career success after university. Key Features •Skills and employability focus will help you to secure a job in the tough economic climate whether as an HRM specialist or as a line manager. •Debating HRM boxes will develop your critical thinking skills, valued by examiners and employers alike. •International and cross-cultural perspectives are woven into discussion and case studies to prepare you for the realities of the global workplace. •Contemporary and strategic issues such as ethics, justice and CSR are introduced early on to underpin and enhance your understanding of the core HRM functions. •Unique final part will ensure that your skills can be applied in a range of organisational settings including SMEs and the not-for-profit and voluntary sectors. •Mapped to the CIPD’s learning outcomes but with an emphasis on the role of line managers throughout. •Companion website includes full text journal articles, glossary and chapter podcasts
Strategic sourcing plays an important role in organisations' performance. Strategic sourcing has been researched extensively using empirical studies as well as review work, such as strategic sourcing importance, issues and challenges, processes, source selection criteria and framework. However, there is no research on critical success factors for strategic sourcing specific to industry and country. This research aims to qualitatively evaluate and understand the current role of strategic sourcing, the critical success factors for business performance and its relationship with strategic sourcing, and strategic supplier evaluation criteria from multiple stakeholders' perspectives specific to industry and country. This research studies twenty organisations from Germany and the United Kingdom (UK) covering two industry sectors - electronics manufacturing and construction. We consider five organisations from each industry sector and each country. The findings from twenty case studies reveal comparative analysis of strategic sourcing practices of two countries and two industries.
Organizations can use the valuable tool of data envelopment analysis (DEA) to make informed decisions on developing successful strategies, setting specific goals, and identifying underperforming activities to improve the output or outcome of performance measurement. The Handbook of Research on Strategic Performance Management and Measurement Using Data Envelopment Analysis highlights the advantages of using DEA as a tool to improve business performance and identify sources of inefficiency in public and private organizations. These recently developed theories and applications of DEA will be useful for policymakers, managers, and practitioners in the areas of sustainable development of our society including environment, agriculture, finance, and higher education sectors. All rights reserved.
The growth of international tourism and the attendant economic benefits to the world nations, has been phenominal since the end of the second world war. It is considered that the industry's upsurge will continue even in the phase of various constraints exemplified in high fuel cost, constant increase in fares and the threatening world-wide recessions. Developed as well as developing countries have gained substantially from the industry. A recent development shows increasing tourist traffic towards developing countries, while developed countries still hold their fort in stable growth of tourist receipts. The strategic beneficial effects of international tourist industry are often quantified in terms of foreign exchange earnings, employments offered, and the Real Estate super-structures; but in general,the industry has innumerable direct and indirect benefits to any nation engaging in the trade. The objective of this thesis is to demonstrate by comparative analysis and proven parameters that the international tourist industry which is given low priority in development in Nigeria, can equally contribute to the nation's economic growth as other industrial sectors which receive high priority and patronage in development. The data for this paper are gathered from primary sources which are i) responses by the Federal and State Governments' tourism-related offices; ii) government publications e.a. the Third National Development Plan of Federal Republic of Nigeria; and iii) Books and collections. The secondary sources include reports,periodicals and hospitality industry publications. To formally establish the international tourist industry in Nigeria, all the governments (Federal, State and Local) and the private sector in the country, should commence the development of the industry with research and feasibility studies, to be followed by proper planning at all levels and based on the result of the research and feasibility studies.
Beauty and personal care in mass market: A strategic analysis of perfumery and cosmetics at Sonae MC
Directed internship