997 resultados para Stone like Theorem


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Introduction: The occurrence of urolithiasis in pregnancy represents a challenge in both diagnosis and treatment of this condition, because it presents risks not only to the mother but also to the fetus. Surgical treatment may be indicated for patients with infection, persistent pain, and obstruction of a solitary kidney. We present our experience on the management of pregnant patients with ureteral calculi and a review of the literature. Materials and Methods: The charts of 19 pregnant patients with obstructive ureteral calculi were retrospectively reviewed. Gestational age ranged from 13 to 33 weeks. In all patients, ureteral stone was diagnosed on abdominal ultrasound. In regard to localization, 15 calculi were in the distal ureter, 3 in the proximal ureter, and 1 in the interior of an ureterocele. Calculi size ranged from 6 to 10 mm (mean, 8 mm). The following criteria were used to indicate ureteroscopy: persistent pain with no improvement after clinical treatment, increase in renal dilation, or presence of uterine contractions. Nine patients (47.3%) were submitted to ureteroscopy. All calculi (100%) were removed with a stone basket extractor under continuous endoscopic vision. None of the calculi demanded the use of a lithotriptor. Results: Nine patients (47.3%) treated with clinical measurements presented no obstetric complications and spontaneous elimination of the calculi. Nine patients (47.3%) submitted to ureteroscopy had no surgical complications. There was remission of pain in all cases after ureteroscopy and ureteral catheter placement. Conclusion: The diagnosis and treatment of ureteral lithiasis in pregnant women present potential risks for the fetus and the mother. Conservative management is the first option, but ureteroscopy may be performed with safety and high success rates.


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Context. Observations in the cosmological domain are heavily dependent on the validity of the cosmic distance-duality (DD) relation, eta = D(L)(z)(1+ z)(2)/D(A)(z) = 1, an exact result required by the Etherington reciprocity theorem where D(L)(z) and D(A)(z) are, respectively, the luminosity and angular diameter distances. In the limit of very small redshifts D(A)(z) = D(L)(z) and this ratio is trivially satisfied. Measurements of Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect (SZE) and X-rays combined with the DD relation have been used to determine D(A)(z) from galaxy clusters. This combination offers the possibility of testing the validity of the DD relation, as well as determining which physical processes occur in galaxy clusters via their shapes. Aims. We use WMAP (7 years) results by fixing the conventional Lambda CDM model to verify the consistence between the validity of DD relation and different assumptions about galaxy cluster geometries usually adopted in the literature. Methods. We assume that. is a function of the redshift parametrized by two different relations: eta(z) = 1+eta(0)z, and eta(z) = 1+eta(0)z/(1+z), where eta(0) is a constant parameter quantifying the possible departure from the strict validity of the DD relation. In order to determine the probability density function (PDF) of eta(0), we consider the angular diameter distances from galaxy clusters recently studied by two different groups by assuming elliptical (isothermal) and spherical (non-isothermal) beta models. The strict validity of the DD relation will occur only if the maximum value of eta(0) PDF is centered on eta(0) = 0. Results. It was found that the elliptical beta model is in good agreement with the data, showing no violation of the DD relation (PDF peaked close to eta(0) = 0 at 1 sigma), while the spherical (non-isothermal) one is only marginally compatible at 3 sigma. Conclusions. The present results derived by combining the SZE and X-ray surface brightness data from galaxy clusters with the latest WMAP results (7-years) favors the elliptical geometry for galaxy clusters. It is remarkable that a local property like the geometry of galaxy clusters might be constrained by a global argument provided by the cosmic DD relation.


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Context. X-ray data analysis have found that fairly complex structures at cluster centres are more common than expected. Many of these structures have similar morphologies, which exhibit spiral-like substructure. Aims. It is not yet well known how these structures are formed or maintained. Understanding the origin of these spiral-like features at the centre of some clusters is the major motivation behind this work. Methods. We analyse deep Chandra observations of 15 nearby galaxy clusters ( 0.01 < z < 0.06), and use X-ray temperature and substructure maps to detect small features at the cores of the clusters. Results. We detect spiral-like features at the centre of 7 clusters: A85, A426, A496, Hydra A cluster, Centaurus, Ophiuchus, and A4059. These patterns are similar to those found in numerical hydrodynamic simulations of cluster mergers with non-zero impact parameter. In some clusters of our sample, a strong radio source also occupies the inner region of the cluster, which indicates a possible connection between the two. Our investigation implies that these spiral-like structures may be caused by off-axis minor mergers. Since these features occur in regions of high density, they may confine radio emission from the central galaxy producing, in some cases, unusual radio morphology.


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Mariner-like elements are widely present in diverse organisms. These elements constitute a large fraction of the eukaryotic genome; they transpose by a ""cut-and-paste"" mechanism with their own transposase protein. We found two groups of mobile elements in the genus Rhynchosciara. PCR using primers designed from R. americana transposons (Ramar1 and Ramar2) were the starting point for this comparative study. Genomic DNA templates of four species: R. hollaenderi, R. millerii, R. baschanti, and Rhynchosciara sp were used and genomic sequences were amplified, sequenced and the molecular structures of the elements characterized as being putative mariner-like elements. The first group included the putative full-length elements. The second group was composed of defective mariner elements that contain a deletion overlapping most of the internal region of the transposase open reading frame. They were named Rmar1 (type 1) and Rmar2 (type 2), respectively. Many conserved amino acid blocks were identified, as well as a specific D,D(34) D signature motif that was defective in some elements. Based on predicted transposase sequences, these elements encode truncated proteins and are phylogenetically very close to mariner-like elements of the mauritiana subfamily. The inverted terminal repeat sequences that flanked the mariner-like elements are responsible for their mobility. These inverted terminal repeat sequences were identified by inverse PCR.


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In this work we prove that the Achilles-Manaresi multiplicity sequence, like the classical Hilbert-Samuel multiplicity, is additive with respect to the exact sequence of modules. We also prove the associativity formula for his mulitplicity sequence. As a consequence, we give new proofs for two results already known. First, the Achilles-Manaresi multiplicity sequence is an invariant up to reduction, a result first proved by Ciuperca. Second, I subset of J is a reduction of (J,M) if and only if c(0)(I(p), M(p)) = c(0)(J(p), M(p)) for all p is an element of Spec(A), a result first proved by Flenner and Manaresi.


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We study the question of stability of the ground state of a scalar theory which is a generalization of the phi(3) theory and has some similarity to gravity with a cosmological constant. We show that the ground state of the theory at zero temperature becomes unstable above a certain critical temperature, which is evaluated in closed form at high temperature.


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We present Monte Carlo simulations for a molecular motor system found in virtually all eukaryotic cells, the acto-myosin motor system, composed of a group of organic macromolecules. Cell motors were mapped to an Ising-like model, where the interaction field is transmitted through a tropomyosin polymer chain. The presence of Ca(2+) induces tropomyosin to block or unblock binding sites of the myosin motor leading to its activation or deactivation. We used the Metropolis algorithm to find the transient and the equilibrium states of the acto-myosin system composed of solvent, actin, tropomyosin, troponin, Ca(2+), and myosin-S1 at a given temperature, including the spatial configuration of tropomyosin on the actin filament surface. Our model describes the short- and long-range cooperativity during actin-myosin binding which emerges from the bending stiffness of the tropomyosin complex. We found all transition rates between the states only using the interaction energy of the constituents. The agreement between our model and experimental data also supports the recent theory of flexible tropomyosin.


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We prove a Goldstone theorem in thermal relativistic quantum field theory, which relates spontaneous symmetry breaking to the rate of spacelike decay of the two-point function. The critical rate of fall-off coincides with that of the massless free scalar field theory. Related results and open problems are briefly discussed. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3526961]


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This paper presents a description of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) of quadrupolar systems using the Holstein-Primakoff (HP) formalism and its analogy with a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) system. Two nuclear spin systems constituted of quadrupolar nuclei I=3/2 ((23)Na) and I=7/2 ((133)Cs) in lyotropic liquid crystals were used for experimental demonstrations. Specifically, we derived the conditions necessary for accomplishing the analogy, executed the proper experiments, and compared with quantum mechanical prediction for a Bose system. The NMR description in the HP representation could be applied in the future as a workbench for BEC-like systems, where the statistical properties may be obtained using the intermediate statistic, first established by Gentile. The description can be applied for any quadrupolar systems, including new developed solid-state NMR GaAS nanodevices.


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An (n, d)-expander is a graph G = (V, E) such that for every X subset of V with vertical bar X vertical bar <= 2n - 2 we have vertical bar Gamma(G)(X) vertical bar >= (d + 1) vertical bar X vertical bar. A tree T is small if it has at most n vertices and has maximum degree at most d. Friedman and Pippenger (1987) proved that any ( n; d)- expander contains every small tree. However, their elegant proof does not seem to yield an efficient algorithm for obtaining the tree. In this paper, we give an alternative result that does admit a polynomial time algorithm for finding the immersion of any small tree in subgraphs G of (N, D, lambda)-graphs Lambda, as long as G contains a positive fraction of the edges of Lambda and lambda/D is small enough. In several applications of the Friedman-Pippenger theorem, including the ones in the original paper of those authors, the (n, d)-expander G is a subgraph of an (N, D, lambda)-graph as above. Therefore, our result suffices to provide efficient algorithms for such previously non-constructive applications. As an example, we discuss a recent result of Alon, Krivelevich, and Sudakov (2007) concerning embedding nearly spanning bounded degree trees, the proof of which makes use of the Friedman-Pippenger theorem. We shall also show a construction inspired on Wigderson-Zuckerman expander graphs for which any sufficiently dense subgraph contains all trees of sizes and maximum degrees achieving essentially optimal parameters. Our algorithmic approach is based on a reduction of the tree embedding problem to a certain on-line matching problem for bipartite graphs, solved by Aggarwal et al. (1996).


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We describe the effect of influenza-like illness (ILI) during the outbreak of pandemic (H1N1) 2009 on health care worker (HCW) absenteeism and compare the effectiveness and cost of 2 sick leave policies for HCWs with suspected influenza. We assessed initial 2-day sick leaves plus reassessment until the HOW was asymptomatic (2-day + reassessment policy), and initial 7-day sick leaves (7-day policy). Sick leaves peaked in August 2009: 3% of the workforce received leave for ILI. Costs during May October reached R$798,051.87 (approximate to US $443,362). The 7-day policy led to a higher monthly rate of sick leave days per 100 HCWs than did the 2-day + reassessment policy (8.72 vs. 3.47 days/100 HCWs; p<0.0001) and resulted in higher costs (US $609 vs. US $1,128 per HCW on leave). ILI affected HCW absenteeism. The 7-day policy was more costly and not more effective in preventing transmission to patients than the 2-day + reassessment policy.


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Let P be a linear partial differential operator with analytic coefficients. We assume that P is of the form ""sum of squares"", satisfying Hormander's bracket condition. Let q be a characteristic point; for P. We assume that q lies on a symplectic Poisson stratum of codimension two. General results of Okaji Show that P is analytic hypoelliptic at q. Hence Okaji has established the validity of Treves' conjecture in the codimension two case. Our goal here is to give a simple, self-contained proof of this fact.


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Serpentine receptors comprise a large family of membrane receptors distributed over diverse organisms, such as bacteria, fungi, plants and all metazoans. However, the presence of serpentine receptors in protozoan parasites is largely unknown so far. In the present study we performed a genome-wide search for proteins containing seven transmembrane domains (7TM) in the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum and identified four serpentine receptor-like proteins. These proteins, denoted PfSR1, PfSR10, PfSR12 and PfSR25, show membrane topologies that resemble those exhibited by members belonging to different families of serpentine receptors. Expression of the pfsrs genes was detected by Real Time PCR in P. falciparum intraerythrocytic stages, indicating that they potentially code for functional proteins. We also found corresponding homologues for the PfSRs in five other Plasmodium species, two primate and three rodent parasites. PfSR10 and 25 are the most conserved receptors among the different species, while PfSR1 and 12 are more divergent. Interestingly, we found that PfSR10 and PfSR12 possess similarity to orphan serpentine receptors of other organisms. The identification of potential parasite membrane receptors raises a new perspective for essential aspects of malaria parasite host cell infection.


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Ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) are bloodsucking ectoparasitic arthropods of human and veterinary medical importance. Tick saliva has been shown to contain a wide range of bioactive molecules with vasodilatory, antihemostatic, and immunomodulatory activities. We have previously demonstrated that saliva from Rhipicephalus sanguineus ticks inhibits the maturation of dendritic cells (DCs) stimulated with LPS. Here we examined the mechanism of this immune subversion, evaluating the effect of tick saliva on Toll-like receptor (TLR)-4 signalling pathway in bone marrow-derived DCs. We demonstrated that R. sanguineus tick saliva impairs maturation of DCs stimulated with LIPS, a TLR-4 ligand, leading to increased production of interleukin (IL)-10 and reduced synthesis of IL-12p70 and TNF-alpha. The immunomodulatory effect of the tick saliva on the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines by DCs stimulated with LPS was associated with the observation that tick saliva inhibits the activation of the ERK 1/2 and p38 MAP kinases. These effects were independent of the expression of TLR-4 on the surface of DCs. Additionally, saliva-treated DCs also presented a similar pattern of cytokine modulation in response to other TLR ligands. Since the recent literature reports that several parasites evade immune responses through TLR-2-mediated production of IL-10, we evaluated the effect of tick saliva on the percentage of TLR-2(+) DCs stimulated with the TLR-2 ligand lipoteicoic acid (LTA). The data showed that the population of DCs expressing TLR-2 was significantly increased in DCs treated with LTA plus saliva. In addition, tick saliva alone increased the expression of TLR-2 in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Our data suggest that tick saliva induces regulatory DCs, which secrete IL-10 and low levels of IL-12 and TNF-alpha when stimulated by TLR ligands. Such regulatory DCs are associated with expression of TLR-2 and inhibition of ERK and p38, which promotes the production of IL-10 and thus down-modulates the host`s immune response, possibly favouring susceptibility to tick infestations. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study presents a solid-like finite element formulation to solve geometric non-linear three-dimensional inhomogeneous frames. To achieve the desired representation, unconstrained vectors are used instead of the classic rigid director triad; as a consequence, the resulting formulation does not use finite rotation schemes. High order curved elements with any cross section are developed using a full three-dimensional constitutive elastic relation. Warping and variable thickness strain modes are introduced to avoid locking. The warping mode is solved numerically in FEM pre-processing computational code, which is coupled to the main program. The extra calculations are relatively small when the number of finite elements. with the same cross section, increases. The warping mode is based on a 2D free torsion (Saint-Venant) problem that considers inhomogeneous material. A scheme that automatically generates shape functions and its derivatives allow the use of any degree of approximation for the developed frame element. General examples are solved to check the objectivity, path independence, locking free behavior, generality and accuracy of the proposed formulation. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.