982 resultados para Stokes, Teorema de
<正> Stokes流,或称零雷诺数流,指的是尺寸微小、速度缓慢的流动。它的理论在化工、生物力学、物理化学、环境保护、选矿、地球物理和气象科学等各个领域都有重要的应用。 零雷诺数流可用Stokes方程来描述:式中μ,V和P分别是流体的粘度、速度向量和压力。直到本世纪60年代,只有数目非常有
<正> 引言 最近十多年,简化NS方程(以下记为SNS)的研究和计算有长足进展。由于在NS方程组中对粘性项的取舍不同,因而有几种不同的简化NS方程组,究竟哪种形式更合理,是需进一步探讨的一个问题。文献[1]利用原始NS方程及三种不同的简化NS方程组,对球的超音速绕流数值试验表明,其效果是不一样的。文献[3]也指出,如果SNS方程组的形式选择不当,会带来不可忽略的误差。从二维研究不难看出,目前广泛采用的三维SNS方程即粘性激波层方程组(VSL)及抛物化NS方程组(PNS),都不是最合理的简化形式。本文提出三维NS方程组的一种最好形式,称为修正的PNS方程组(记为MPNS),并论证它的合理性及精确度。
<正> 简化N-S方程组具有抛物-双曲方程组的特性,对定常情况可用向前推进的计算方法,要比数值求解椭圆型完全N-S方程组简单得多;求解简化N-S方程组能够同时算出无粘外部流和粘性边界层流,理论上要比先算无粘流、然后再算粘性边界层流的常规方法
A new compact finite difference-Fourier spectral hybrid method for solving the three dimensional incompressible Navier-Stokes equations is developed in the present paper. The fifth-order upwind compact finite difference schemes for the nonlinear convection terms in the physical space, and the sixth-order center compact schemes for the derivatives in spectral space are described, respectively. The fourth-order compact schemes in a single nine-point cell for solving the Helmholtz equations satisfied by the velocities and pressure in spectral space is derived and its preconditioned conjugate gradient iteration method is studied. The treatment of pressure boundary conditions and the three dimensional non-reflecting outflow boundary conditions are presented. Application to the vortex dislocation evolution in a three dimensional wake is also reported.
It is proved that the simplified Navier-Stokes (SNS) equations presented by Gao Zhi[1], Davis and Golowachof-Kuzbmin-Popof (GKP)[3] are respectively regular and singular near a separation point for a two-dimensional laminar flow over a flat plate. The order of the algebraic singularity of Davis and GKP equation[2,3] near the separation point is indicated. A comparison among the classical boundary layer (CBL) equations, Davis and GKP equations, Gao Zhi equations and the complete Navier-Stokes (NS) equations near the separation point is given.
This study deals with the formulation, mathematical property and physical meaning of the simplified Navier-Stokes (SNS) equations. The tensorial SNS equations proposed is the simplest in form and is applicable to flow fields with arbitrary body boundaries. The zones of influence and dependence of the SNS equations, which are of primary importance to numerical solutions, are expounded for the first time from the viewpoint of subcharacteristics. Besides, a detailed analysis of the diffusion process in flow fields shows that the diffusion effect has an influence zone globally windward and an upwind propagation greatly depressed by convection. The maximum upwind influential distance of the viscous effect and the relative importance of the viscous effect in the flow direction to that in the direction normal to the flow are represented by the Reynolds number, which illustrates the conversion of the complete Navier-Stokes (NS) equations to the SNS equations for flows with large Reynolds number.
The hierarchial structure and mathematical property of the simplified Navier-Stokesequations (SNSE) are studied for viscous flow over a sphere and a jet of compressible flu-id. All kinds of the hierarchial SNSE can be divided into three types according to theirmathematical property and also into five groups according to their physical content. Amultilayers structure model for viscous shear flow with a main stream direction is pre-sented. For the example of viscous incompressible flow over a flat plate there existthree layers for both the separated flow and the attached flow; the character of thetransition from the three layers of attached flow to those of separated flow is elucidated.A concept of transition layer being situated between the viscous layer and inviscidlayer is introduced. The transition layer features the interaction between viscous flow andinviscid flow. The inner-outer-layers-matched SNSE proposed by the present author inthe past is developed into the layers matched (LsM)-SNSE.
Ten kinds of the simplified Navier-Stokes equations (SNSE) are reviewed and also used to calculate the Jeffery-Hamel flow as well as to analyze briefly the seven kinds of flows to which the exact solutions of the complete Navier-Stokes equations (CNSE) have been found. Analysis shows that the actual differences among the solutions of the different SNSE can go beyond the range of the order of magnitude of Re-1/2 and result even in different flow patterns, therefore, how to choose the viscous terms included in the SNSE is worthy of notice where Re=S∞u∞ L/μ∞ is the Reynolds numbers. For the aforesaid eight kinds of flows, the solutions to the inner-outer-layer-matched SNSE and to the thin-layer-2-order SNSE agree completely with the exact solutions to CNSE. But the solutions to all the other SNSE are not completely consistent with the exact solutions to CNSE and not a few of them are actually the solutions of the classical boundary layer theory. The innerouter-layer-matched SNSE contains the shear stress causing angular displacement of the inormal axis with respect to the streamwise axis and the normal stress causing expansion-contraction in the direction of the normal axis and the viscous terms being of the order of magnitude of the normal stress; and it can also reasonably treat the inertial terms as well as the relation between the viscous and inertial terms. Therefore, it seems promising in respects of both mechanics and mathematics.
Starting from the second-order finite volume scheme,though numerical value perturbation of the cell facial fluxes, the perturbational finite volume (PFV) scheme of the Navier-Stokes (NS) equations for compressible flow is developed in this paper. The central PFV scheme is used to compute the one-dimensional NS equations with shock wave.Numerical results show that the PFV scheme can obtain essentially non-oscillatory solution.