990 resultados para Stokes, James William, 1853-1901.
Este estudo visa compreender a relação que a psicologia social estabelece com a noção de verdade e de que modo este conceito foi fundamental na aquisição de seu estatuto científico. Tomando como ponto de partida a análise semântica do termo, principalmente a partir do seu paradigma grego (alétheia), a análise teórica se subdivide em três eixos principais. O primeiro deles irá abordar a tensão que se estabelece acerca das exigências do conhecimento entre o movimento sofístico e o modelo platônico. Num segundo momento, serão analisadas as torções promovidas pelas ciências modernas, transformando o método científico e racional num instrumento de classificação de todos os erros. Na parte final, o foco se desloca para as especificidades da psicologia social, buscando apontar um contraste entre as pesquisas de W. Wundt (1832-1920) e sua influência nas experiências clássicas da psicologia experimental e no empirismo radical de W. James (1842-1910). O pensamento de James será analisado dando ênfase à influência indeterminista presente nas suas propostas filosóficas e psicológicas e à análise de uma de suas principais contribuições: a teoria da verdade.
The Faraday Discussion Mechanochemistry: From Functional Solids to Single Molecules which took place 21-23 May 2014 in Montreal, Canada, brought together a diversity of academic and industrial researchers, experimentalists and theoreticians, students, as well as experienced researchers, to discuss the changing face of mechanochemistry, an area with a long history and deep connections to manufacturing, that is currently undergoing vigorous renaissance and rapid expansion in a number of areas, including supramolecular chemistry, smart polymers, metal-organic frameworks, pharmaceutical materials, catalytic organic synthesis, as well as mineral and biomass processing and nanoparticle synthesis.
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 60612
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Référence bibliographique : Rol, 60635
Full title is "A Full and Correct Account of the Chief Naval Occurrences of the Late War Between Great Britain and the United States of America; preceded by a Cursory Examination of the American Accounts of their Naval Actions Fought Previous to that Period: to Which is Added an Appendix; with Plates" This is an expanded version of author William James' pamphlet "An Inquiry into the Merits of the Principal Naval Actions between Great Britain and the United States." (Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1816) In this work he discussed how American ships, during the War of 1812, were larger and more heavily armed and manned than those of the British. He therefore, stated that American victories were due only to their greater numerical force and not their superior seamanship. Naval Occurrences is a thorough documentation of the naval operations from the British perspective that addresses contradictions and inconsistencies within the American official documents as well as political and media accounts. This is perhaps his motivation for the words "Corrected Account" within the title. James' sentiments towards the US most likely sprouted from being held prisoner while visiting in 1812. (He was falsely accused of being a renegade seeking revenge on the US.) In 1813, he escaped to Halifax where he began writing on various naval topics. James became one of the leading authorities on British Naval History.