950 resultados para Stocks.
Stocks Reservoir is situated amidst the Forest of Bowland in the upper reaches of the old river valley of the Hodder. The reservoir was built in 1927 for the Fylde Water Board who primarily supplied water to Blackpool. The objective of this study is to assess the degree and likelihood of fish ingress onto the fish plates at the present and proposed stocking densities. An additional aim is to evaluate the operational implications, and if necessary suggest methods of alleviating the problem. Three spheres of study have been undertaken to achieve these objectives, these being: 1. To selectively stock the reservoir and monitor the angling club catches in order to assess the total population, relating it to fish plate losses and proposed stocking densities. 2. To monitor the fish taken from the fish plates and assess the reasons for their ingress. 3. To study the draw off tower and fish plates, and suggest ways of ameliorating or halting the loss of fish and consequent operational problems.
This report comprises a mean weekly summary of the raw data of the fish population of the Stocks Reservoir major tributaries in conjunction with completed maps, diagrams, tables and figures. These cover the Stocks tributary stream survey, the Fishery and fish plate impingement. This paper does not constitute a final report which the author intends to submit as a Ph.D. thesis. However, it does present much of the data and analysis completed in its final draft, which may be of immediate use and benefit to the Authority.
Evolution of catch and catch by unit effort of the sardine fishing boats (purse seiners) has been examined from 1966 to 1975. The effort data has been calculated with a new computer programme: Crosardi (Soisson et Barbe, 1974). The analysis has been done on the whole stock and in more detail on the east and west stocks of Côte d'Ivoire. The Sardinella eba stock has been analysed separately. Those analyses were done using the general production model (Prodfit; Fox, 1974). The stock of the eastern area of the Côte d'Ivoire seems to be exploited at its maximum level. Nevertheless, the western area stock could be able to support a progressive increase of fishing effort.
Assessing the vulnerability of stocks to fishing practices in U.S. federal waters was recently highlighted by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, as an important factor to consider when 1) identifying stocks that should be managed and protected under a fishery management plan; 2) grouping data-poor stocks into relevant management complexes; and 3) developing precautionary harvest control rules. To assist the regional fishery management councils in determining vulnerability, NMFS elected to use a modified version of a productivity and susceptibility analysis (PSA) because it can be based on qualitative data, has a history of use in other fisheries, and is recommended by several organizations as a reasonable approach for evaluating risk. A number of productivity and susceptibility attributes for a stock are used in a PSA and from these attributes, index scores and measures of uncertainty are computed and graphically displayed. To demonstrate the utility of the resulting vulnerability evaluation, we evaluated six U.S. fisheries targeting 162 stocks that exhibited varying degrees of productivity and susceptibility, and for which data quality varied. Overall, the PSA was capable of differentiating the vulnerability of stocks along the gradient of susceptibility and productivity indices, although fixed thresholds separating low-, moderate-, and highly vulnerable species were not observed. The PSA can be used as a flexible tool that can incorporate regional-specific information on fishery and management activity.
King mackerel (Scomberomorus cavalla) are ecologically and economically important scombrids that inhabit U.S. waters of the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) and Atlantic Ocean (Atlantic). Separate migratory groups, or stocks, migrate from eastern GOM and southeastern U.S. Atlantic to south Florida waters where the stocks mix during winter. Currently, all winter landings from a management-defined south Florida mixing zone are attributed to the GOM stock. In this study, the stock composition of winter landings across three south Florida sampling zones was estimated by using stock-specific otolith morphological variables and Fourier harmonics. The mean accuracies of the jackknifed classifications from stepwise linear discriminant function analysis of otolith shape variables ranged from 66−76% for sex-specific models. Estimates of the contribution of the Atlantic stock to winter landings, derived from maximum likelihood stock mixing models, indicated the contribution was highest off southeastern Florida (as high as 82.8% for females in winter 2001−02) and lowest off southwestern Florida (as low as 14.5% for females in winter 2002−03). Overall, results provided evidence that the Atlantic stock contributes a certain, and perhaps a significant (i.e., ≥50%), percentage of landings taken in the management-defined winter mixing zone off south Florida, and the practice of assigning all winter mixing zone landings to the GOM stock should
Endoparasitic helminths were inventoried in 483 American plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides) collected from the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence, NAFO (North Atlantic Fisheries Organization) division 4T, and Cape Breton Shelf (NAFO subdivision 4Vn) in September 2004 and May 2003, respectively. Forward stepwise discriminant function analysis (DFA) of the 4T samples indicated that abundances of the acanthocephalans Echinorhynchus gadi and Corynosoma strumosum were significant in the classification of plaice to western or eastern 4T. Cross validation yielded a correct classification rate of 79% overall, thereby supporting the findings of earlier mark-recapture studies which have indicated that 4T plaice comprise two discrete stocks: a western and an eastern stock. Further analyses including 4Vn samples, however, indicated that endoparasitic helminths may have little value as tags in the classification of plaice overwintering in Laurentian Channel waters of the Cabot Strait and Cape Breton Shelf, where mixing of 4T and 4Vn fish may occur.
A simple approach is introduced to estimate the natural mortality rate (M) of fish stocks. The approach is based on the age at maximum cohort biomass, or critical length (L*) concept. The ratio of the critical length to the asymptotic length ( = L*/L8) is relatively constant in 141 fish stocks at 0.62 (CV = 21.4 per cent) and the relationship M = 3K(1- )/ is derived and could be used to estimate M, where K is the growth coefficient of the von Bertalanffy growth function. Average values of are given for the various Families of fish in order to estimate M based on closely related species.
The freshwater river systems and floodplains of Bangladesh are the breeding grounds for 13 endemic species of carps and barbs and a large number of other fish species, including a number of exotic carps and other species that have been introduced for aquaculture. Since 1967, breeding of endemic and exotic aquaculture species for seed producton through hypophysation techniques has become a common practice. The paper describes the present status of broodstock management, identifies problems, and suggests some guidelines to control negative selection and inbreeding in hatchery stocks in Bangladesh.
Parameters of the von Bertalanffy growth function are presented for 42 fish stocks belonging to 16 families, 22 genera and 27 species. The growth performance index, Phi '(= log K + 2logL sub( infinity )), was computed for each stock and was found to be highest in male Gymnarchus niloticus (Gymnarchidae) from Lake Chad and lowest in Chrysichthys auratus (Bagridae) from the Cross River. Mean Phi ' for major fish genera and families are also presented and was highest in brackishwater fishes, closely followed by freshwater and inshore marine water fishes.
The giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) is cultured widely around the world but little is known about the levels and patterns of genetic diversity in either wild or cultured stocks. Studies have suggested that genetic diversity may be relatively low in some cultured stocks due to the history of how they were founded and subsequent exposure to repeated population bottlenecks in hatcheries. In contrast, wild stocks have an extensive distribution that extends from Southern Asia across Southeast (SE) Asia to the Pacific region. Therefore, wild stocks could be an important resource for genetic improvement of culture stocks in the future. Understanding the extent and patterns of genetic diversity in wild giant freshwater prawn stocks will assist decisions about the direction future breeding programs may take. Wild stock genetic diversity was examined using a 472 base-pair segment of the 16S rRNA gene in 18 wild populations collected from across the natural range of the species. Two major clades ("eastern" and "western") were identifi ed either side of Huxley’s line, with a minimum divergence of 6.2 per cent, which implies separation since the Miocene period (5-10 MYA). While divergence estimates within major clades was small (maximum 0.9 per cent), evidence was also found for population structuring at a lower spatial scale. This will be examined more intensively with a faster evolving mtDNA gene in the future.
Predicting and under-standing the dynamics of a population requires knowledge of vital rates such as survival, growth, and reproduction. However, these variables are influenced by individual behavior, and when managing exploited populations, it is now generally realized that knowledge of a species’ behavior and life history strategies is required. However, predicting and understanding a response to novel conditions—such as increased fishing-induced mortality, changes in environmental conditions, or specific management strategies—also require knowing the endogenous or exogenous cues that induce phenotypic changes and knowing whether these behaviors and life history patterns are plastic. Although a wide variety of patterns of sex change have been observed in the wild, it is not known how the specific sex-change rule and cues that induce sex change affect stock dynamics. Using an individual based model, we examined the effect of the sex-change rule on the predicted stock dynamics, the effect of mating group size, and the performance of traditional spawning-per-recruit (SPR) measures in a protogynous stock. We considered four different patterns of sex change in which the probability of sex change is determined by 1) the absolute size of the individual, 2) the relative length of individuals at the mating site, 3) the frequency of smaller individuals at the mating site, and 4) expected reproductive success. All four pat-terns of sex change have distinct stock dynamics. Although each sex-change rule leads to the prediction that the stock will be sensitive to the size-selective fishing pattern and may crash if too many reproductive size classes are fished, the performance of traditional spawning-per-recruit measures, the fishing pattern that leads to the greatest yield, and the effect of mating group size all differ distinctly for the four sex-change rules. These results indicate that the management of individual species requires knowledge of whether sex change occurs, as well as an understanding of the endogenous or exogenous cues that induce sex change.
Development of a high-speed and high-yield water-powered fish evisceration system (FES) to efficiently preprocess small fish and bycatch for producing minced fish meat is described. The concept of the system is propelling fish in a stream of water through an arrangement of cutting blades and brushes. Eviscerated fish are separated from the viscera and water stream in a dual screen rotary sieve. The FES processed head off fish, weighing 170–500 g, at the rate of 300 fish/min when used with an automatic heading machine. Yields of mince produced from walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma; and Pacific whiting, Merluccius productus; processed by the FES ranged between 43% and 58%. The maximum yield of minced muscle from fish weighing over 250 g was 52%, and the yield of 250 g was 58%. Test results indicated that surimi made from minced meat recovered from fish processed with the FES was comparable in quality to commercial grade surimi from conventional systems. Redesigned for commercial operation in the Faeroe Islands (Denmark), the system effectively processed North Atlantic blue whiting, Micromesistius poutassou, with an average weight of 110 g at a constant rate of 500–600 fish/min, producing deboned mince feeding a surimi processing line at a rate of 2.0 t/h. Yields of mince ranged from 55% to 63% from round fish. Surimi made from the blue whiting mince meat produced by the FES was comparable to surimi commercially produced from blue whiting by Norway and France and sold into European markets.
The organization of coastwide management programs for Atlantic menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus, and Gulf menhaden, B. patronus, are described. Recent assessments of the status of the Atlantic and Gulf menhaden stocks are summarized. Estimates of population size and fishing mortalities are obtained from virtual population analysis, and are used in determining spawner-recruit relationships, spawning stock ratios, yield-per-recruit, and surplus production. Management issues are addressed in the framework of assessment results.
The California fishery for red sea urchins, Strongylocentrotus franciscanus, has undergone explosive growth in recent years and is approaching full exploitation. Thus, there is considerable interest in enhancing stocks to maintain a high rate of landings. Fishable stocks of red sea urchins in different areas appear to be limited at three stages in their life history: By the availability of larvae, by the survival of newly settled to mid-sized animals, and by the food available to support growth and reproduction of larger animals. Here I review other efforts, notably the extensive Japanese work, to enhance fishable stocks of benthic marine invertebrates, and consider the potential options for red sea urchins at different points of limitation. These include collecting or culturing seed for outplanting, physical habitat improvement measures, improving the food supply, and conservation measures to protect existing stocks until alternate methods are proven and in place. The options are compared in terms of biological feasibility, capital and labor requirements, and potential implications for change in the structure of the fishing industry.
This is the assessment and exploitation of eel (Anguilla anguilla. L) stocks in the River Thames and its catchment performed by the Polytechnic of Central London and The Thames Water Authority Research Project between April 1985 and April 1986. The report makes an examination of the pre-pollution history of the Thames eel fishing industry to permit an assessment of the recovery of the eel stock following the cleaning up of the Tideway. Archive material shows that the 19th Century stock was larger and more widely distributed than it is today, and the natural recruitment of elvers to the system is now much smaller. Sampling of commercial catches and trapping studies, including comparisons of different mesh sizes, have been undertaken in order to develop a statistical model of the Inner Estuary eel stock and its fishery. Local migrations and activity throughout the year are studied. Electro—fishing methods and eel traps are compared using mark-recapture techniques in order to develop an accurate means of assessing relative abundance and distribution. Work so far has concentrated mainly on the Rivers Darent and Roding but a preliminary distribution map for the whole catchment has been prepared. An experimental trapping site was established on the River Darent to investigate natural recruitment and up—river migration of elvers and juvenile eels. 1790 small eels were taken in 1985 providing information on the scale, timings and factors affecting the migration.