78 resultados para Startups


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The year is 2015 and the startup and tech business ecosphere has never seen more activity. In New York City alone, the tech startup industry is on track to amass $8 billion dollars in total funding – the highest in 7 years (CB Insights, 2015). According to the Kauffman Index of Entrepreneurship (2015), this figure represents just 20% of the total funding in the United States. Thanks to platforms that link entrepreneurs with investors, there are simply more funding opportunities than ever, and funding can be initiated in a variety of ways (angel investors, venture capital firms, crowdfunding). And yet, in spite of all this, according to Forbes Magazine (2015), nine of ten startups will fail. Because of the unpredictable nature of the modern tech industry, it is difficult to pinpoint exactly why 90% of startups fail – but the general consensus amongst top tech executives is that “startups make products that no one wants” (Fortune, 2014). In 2011, author Eric Ries wrote a book called The Lean Startup in attempts to solve this all-too-familiar problem. It was in this book where he developed the framework for The Hypothesis-Driven Entrepreneurship Process, an iterative process that aims at proving a market before actually launching a product. Ries discusses concepts such as the Minimum Variable Product, the smallest set of activities necessary to disprove a hypothesis (or business model characteristic). Ries encourages acting briefly and often: if you are to fail, then fail fast. In today’s fast-moving economy, an entrepreneur cannot afford to waste his own time, nor his customer’s time. The purpose of this thesis is to conduct an in-depth of analysis of Hypothesis-Driven Entrepreneurship Process, in order to test market viability of a reallife startup idea, ShowMeAround. This analysis will follow the scientific Lean Startup approach; for the purpose of developing a functional business model and business plan. The objective is to conclude with an investment-ready startup idea, backed by rigorous entrepreneurial study.


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Proyecto de intervención realizado al interior del Centro de Emprendimiento UR Emprende de la Universidad del Rosario que ofrece como producto final, una definición de emprendimiento social para la entidad. Esta sirve como modelo para el examen de cuáles de las distintas entidades que fueron contactadas para presentar a la comunidad rosarista sus proyectos sociales, se ajustan a la definición alcanzada. El análisis del emprendimiento social a la luz de las Ciencias Sociales es abordado con una visión reflexiva y crítica que busca establecer qué hacer para que ir más allá de la sola creación de empresas. El foco de interés lo constituyen las comunidades, principales gestores del proceso emprendedor, así como las oportunidades de crear a través de la empresa social, nuevas perspectivas de desarrollo social y abrir una línea de estudio que no existe en las Ciencias Sociales.


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Dado que el dinamismo del comercio internacional requiere imprescindiblemente de herramientas informativas, permanente flujo de información, estudios constantes, precisos y actualizados; se plantea el presente estudio con el objetivo de posibilitar un acercamiento a estas herramientas con las cuales los empresarios de Pymes colombianas puedan enfocar su actividad económica de manera efectiva, de tal forma que destinen sus exportaciones a los mercados más atractivos por medio de los productos indicados. Este es un análisis útil que podría convertirse en herramienta fundamental para que los empresarios y emprendedores nacionales cuenten con la investigación detallada de los mercados de Estonia, Finlandia, Francia, Grecia y Hungría bajo el marco del TLC Colombia-Unión Europea. Este estudio se realiza a su vez con la finalidad de conservar, fortalecer y expandir el posicionamiento de los productos nacionales en el mercado internacional.


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Para el administrador el proceso de la toma de decisiones es uno de sus mayores retos y responsabilidades, ya que en su desarrollo se debe definir el camino más acertado en un sin número de alternativas, teniendo en cuenta los obstáculos sociales, políticos y económicos del entorno empresarial. Para llegar a la decisión adecuada no hay que perder de vista los objetivos y metas propuestas, además de tener presente el proceso lógico, detectando, analizando y demostrando el porqué de esa elección. Consecuentemente el análisis que propone esta investigación aportara conocimientos sobre los tipos de lógica utilizados en la toma de decisiones estratégicas al administrador para satisfacer las demandas asociadas con el mercadeo para que de esta manera se pueda generar y ampliar eficientemente las competencia idóneas del administrador en la inserción internacional de un mercado laboral cada vez mayor (Valero, 2011). A lo largo de la investigación se pretende desarrollar un estudio teórico para explicar la relación entre la lógica y la toma de decisiones estratégicas de marketing y como estos conceptos se combinan para llegar a un resultado final. Esto se llevara a cabo por medio de un análisis de planes de marketing, iniciando por conceptos básicos como marketing, lógica, decisiones estratégicas, dirección de marketing seguido de los principios lógicos y contradicciones que se pueden llegar a generar entre la fundamentación teórica


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Por definição as empresas startups estão expostas a mais riscos e vulnerabilidades que empresas maduras e já estabelecidas no mercado. O objetivo do presente estudo é identificar, aplicar e testar uma possível metodologia para calcular prêmio de risco adicional para startups. Para tanto este trabalho desenvolve um estudo de caso no qual a conhecida metodologia para cálculo de prêmio de risco de tamanho da Morningstar é aplicada a uma startup americana. A aderência da metodologia proposta neste estudo é testada pela metodologia do filtro de Kalman, que calcula o prêmio de risco por tamanho variando ao longo do tempo. Os resultados encontrados são similares em ambas as metodologias. De forma que é possível concluir que a metodologia da Morningstar, quando aplicada para calcular prêmio por tamanho variante ao longo do tempo é robusta.


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Recentemente diversos empreendedores passaram a empregar uma nova abordagem na criação de empresas, denominada “Lean Startup” que, começou a ser difundida no Brasil em 2012 com o livro de Eric Ries. Seguindo a perspectiva do empreendedorismo como método, ela representa uma ruptura nos estudos de empreendedorismo, pois é diferente da abordagem preditiva utilizada até então em que elabora-se um plano de negócios e, somente depois da busca de investimentos, o produto é testado com clientes. Embora muito utilizada, existem poucos estudos acadêmicos sobre as práticas Lean aplicadas a Startups, daí a relevância do presente estudo. Com caráter exploratório, a pesquisa utiliza uma metodologia quantitativa e se vale de uma survey, respondida por 115 empreendedores, sócios de empresas de base tecnológica com até 42 meses de existência, com o objetivo de descobrir se eles conhecem a Lean Startup, o quanto suas ferramentas são adotadas e se elas trazem efeitos positivos. Como resultado, constatou-se que a Lean Startup é amplamente conhecida e utilizada, foram encontradas sinalizações de resultados positivos obtidos pelo uso de algumas de suas ferramentas - feedback acelerado, produto mínimo viável (PMV) e métricas da contabilidade para inovação, que medem o aprendizado no lugar de lucro. Dessa forma, a pesquisa contribui com o aumento do conhecimento sobre a Lean Startup, bem como por meio da formulação de perguntas para direcionar estudo futuros.


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The purpose of the dissertation is to investigate in depth the difference between the challenges social and business entrepreneurs face in the growth phase of their business in the particular environment of Brazil. This objective has been achieved through a two-steps methodology. The first step is a set of in-depth interviews carried out with industry experts such as professors, venture capitalists, consultants, fund managers or people involved in the support of growing startups (i.e. accelerators). These interviews allowed, first, to build a general perspective on the environment entrepreneurs operate into and to identify a list of challenges entrepreneurs face in the growth process of their business. This list was completed with the additional challenges identified in the previous literature. The second step of the methodology was to test the relevance of these challenges in the mind and experience of social and traditional entrepreneurs. A questionnaire was then submitted to 145 social and 286 traditional entrepreneurs. The results were statistically analyzed to test the relative relevance of these challenges for one group of entrepreneurs with respect to the other. The outcome of the analysis was significant. The most relevant challenges identified were, for both groups, taxation, bureaucracy, finding the right employees, creating effective teams, measuring firm performance and social value creation and obtaining funds. On the other side motivation, innovation, competition and lack of market space for growth represented the least relevant issues in the minds of entrepreneurs. This rank however did not differ significantly from social to traditional entrepreneurs. This testifies that in Brazil social and traditional entrepreneurs face the same set of challenges despite the widespread belief of the opposite.


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It is well documented venture capital‟s positive impact on creation and development of highly successful innovative companies worldwide. Venture capital not only provides funding to startups and SMEs (small and medium enterprises) that usually have financing gap, especially in emerging markets, but also brings a whole package of valuable resources that reduces companies‟ mortality rates. Using quantitative data obtained from an empirical survey as background, this paper discusses the role of venture capital in the success of innovative startups and SMEs, and it examines if, and to what extent, venture capitalists are supporting the entrepreneurial activity in Brazil. I focused on the portfolio companies analyzes and confirmed the hypothesis that the venture capital industry has been supporting entrepreneurship in Brazil. Second, I identified an important evidence of a venture capital‟s positive impact on economic activity, especially the capital market. Third, it became clear that venture capital-back entrepreneurship is highly concentrated in the Southeast region. And fourth, I identified that private equity expansion is also playing a key role on that dynamics. As consequence, I conclude that the venture capital (and private equity) industry has been very important to build an enormously dynamic and strong local entrepreneurial economy. Its committed capital grew 50% per year between 2005 and 2008 to achieve US$27 billion, which invested US$ 11 billion, which employs 1,400 professionals (75% with post-graduate degrees) and maintains 482 portfolio companies, mostly SMEs. In addition, venture capital-backed companies represented one third of the IPOs that occurred in Brazil between 2004 and 2008 (approximately US$15 billion).


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It is well documented the positive impact of the Private Equity and Venture Capital (PE/VC) industry on the creation and development of highly successful innovative companies in a few countries, mainly in the United States. PE/VC firms provide not only capital to startups and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) that usually have financing gap, especially in emerging markets, but also strategic resources that enable these enterprises to commercialize innovation. As consequence, government incentive and nurture of local PE/VC industries would be expected in emerging economies due to innovation‟s importance to economic growth. This paper aims to identify if the Brazilian government has supported local PE/VC industry throughout the years in order to foster favorable conditions to creating and developing successful innovative businesses. It also analyzes Brazil‟s main public policies towards PE/VC and if they encompass all the three stages of its cycle – fundraising, investing and exiting. I conducted an empirical research which collected primary data from a sample of 127 PE/VC firms (90% of the population) operating in Brazil as of June, 2008. All firms answered a webbased questionnaire that collected quantitative data regarding their investment vehicles, portfolio companies, investments and exits. I compared the data obtained from the survey with the main local governmental PE/VC support programs. First, I confirmed the hypothesis that the Brazilian government has been using the PE/VC industry as a public policy towards entrepreneurship and innovation. Second, I identified that although PE/VC public policies in Brazil are mostly concentrated in fundraising phase, they have been able to positively impact the whole cycle. Third, it became clear that the Brazilian government became more concerned about Seed and Venture Capital (VC) Early stages due to their importance to the entire PE/VC value chain. As consequence, I conclude that those public policies have been very important to build a dynamic and strong local PE/VC industry, whose committed capital grew 50% per year between 2005 and 2008 to achieve US$27 billion, which invested US$ 11 billion, which employs 1,400 professionals (75% with postgraduate degrees) and maintains 482 portfolio companies, mostly SMEs. In addition, PE/VCbacked companies represented one third of the Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) that occurred in Brazil between 2004 and 2008 (approximately US$15 billion).


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Pesquisa em foco: MOOCs e modelos de negócios de startups de educação - 2013. Pesquisadora: Professora Libânia Rangel de Alvarenga Paes


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O fenômeno das empresas born globals e a internacionalização de empresas brasileiras de base tecnológica são tópicos recentes na literatura acadêmica, devido também ao fenômeno ser recente. Não existem muitos estudados feitos com foco no mercado brasileiro, e os poucos que foram feitos, possuem um viés quantitativo. Esse estudo, entretanto, tem como objetivo analisar startups de maneira qualitativa. Uma extensa revisão de literatura foi desenvolvida a fim de melhor analisar as fundações nas quais o estudo seria desenvolvido, revisando os métodos de internacionalização, empreendedorismo no Brasil, e o fenômeno born global no geral. Entrevistas foram conduzidas com empreendedores no Brasil, que passaram pelo processo de internacionalização de seus modelos de negócios, a fim de reunir introspecções a respeito das peculiaridades do mercado brasileiro. Foram também analisados os fatores de escalabilidade de modelos de negócios dependentes de tecnologia, motivadores para a internacionalização, critério de seleção de mercados, programas governamentais, e o papel das startups brasileiras em uma perspectiva global.


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Semifinal da competição de Startups do Desafio Brasil


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Final da competição de Startups do Desafio Brasil


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O objetivo desta pesquisa é compreender quais drivers que afetam a inovação em modelos de negócio de startup. A revisão da literatura sugere quatro drivers de inovação: criatividade/experimentação, direção estratégica, contexto econômico e pressão do steakeholder. Além desses, há também e um driver de resistência a mudança, caminhando no sentido inverso à inovação, que é a lógica dominante da firma. A pesquisa utiliza o método de estudo de casos múltiplo, a partir de quatro casos de startups de tecnologia que apresentam características de inovação disruptiva em seu modelo de negócio. A análise dos casos mostrou que o driver ‘contexto econômico’ tem predominância na fase de criação do modelo de negócio, enquanto ‘criatividade/experimentação’ e ‘direção estratégica’ tem maior efeito com a evolução do negócio. A ‘pressão do stakeholder’ tem efeito indireto, ao aumentar a influência dos demais drivers. Já a ‘lógica dominante da firma’ não apresentou evidências de influência. Esta pesquisa contribui para o avanço da teoria na compreensão dos motivadores de inovação dos modelos de negócio em startups de tecnologia. A pesquisa encontrou evidências da ocorrência de queda na criatividade/experimentação com o passar do tempo, levando a uma maior rigidez e menor nível de inovação dos modelos de negócio. Como estudo de caso múltiplos, as descobertas desta pesquisa ficam restritas a generalizações teóricas dentro de seu contexto.


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The present work analyzes the establishment of a startup’s operations and the structuring all of the processes required to start up the business, launch the platform and keep it working. The thesis’ main focus can therefore be described as designing and structuring a startup’s operations in an emerging market before and during its global launch. Such business project aims to provide a successful case regarding the creation of a business and its launch into an emerging market, by illustrating a practical example on how to structure the business’ operations within a limited time frame. Moreover, this work will also perform a complete economic analysis of Brazil, thorough analyses of the industries the company is related to, as well as a competitive analysis of the market the venture operates in. Furthermore, an assessment of the venture’s business model and of its first six-month performance will also be included. The thesis’ ultimate goal lies in evaluating the company’s potential of success in the next few years, by highlighting its strengths and criticalities. On top of providing the company’s management with brilliant findings and forecasts about its own business, the present work will represent a reference and a practical roadmap for any entrepreneur willing to establish his operations in Brazil.