995 resultados para Starlike Function of Order Alpha


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Prevalence of faecal indicator bacteria, Escherichia coli and pathogenic bacteria, Vibrio cholerae, Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Salmonella were analysed in Vembanadu lake (98350N 768250E), along south west coast of India for a period of one year from ten stations on the southern and northern sides of a salt water regulator constructed in Vembanadu Lake in order to prevent incursion of seawater during certain periods of the year. While the northern side of the lake has a connection to the sea, the southern side is enclosed when the salt water regulator is closed. The results revealed the water body is polluted with high faecal coliform bacteria with mean MPN value ranging from 1718-7706/100 ml. E. coli, V. cholerae, V. parahaemolyticus and Salmonella serotypes such as S. paratyphi A, B, C and S. newport were isolated and this is the first report on the isolation of these Salmonella serovars from this lake. E. coli showed highest percentage of incidence (85.6–86.7%) followed by Salmonella (42–57%), V. choleare (40–45%) and V. parahaemolyticus (31.5–32%). The increased prevalence of indicator and pathogenic bacteria in the enclosed southern part of Vembanadu Lake may be resulting from the altered flow patterns due to the salt water regulator.


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The principle theme of this thesis was the synthesis of bioactive compounds. To this end, this work was focus on two main projects. The first one, which was carried out in the Department of Chemistry of the University of Girona under the supervision of Dr Montserrat Heras, concerned the synthesis of new unnatural amino acids bearing a pyrimidine ring within their side chain for incorporation into the antimicrobial peptide BP100 following a rational design in order to improve its biological profile. On the other hand, the second chapter of this thesis was developed in collaboration with the Laboratoire de Chimie Organique (ESPCI-ParisTech, Paris, France) under the guidance of Pr Janine Cossy and Dr Arseniyadis. This chapter was centered on the total synthesis of three marine natural products with complex structures and interesting biological activities: acremolide B, (–) bitungolide F and lyngbouilloside.


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Background: Activation of the platelet integrin alpha(2)beta(1) is closely regulated due to the high thrombogenicity of its ligand. As a beta(1) interacting kinase, ILK represents a candidate intracellular regulator of alpha(2)beta(1) in human platelets. Objectives We investigated the regulation of ILK in human platelets and the role of ILK in regulating alpha(2)beta(1) activation in HEL cells, a megakaryocytic cell line. Methods: An in-vitro kinase assay was used to determine the effect of platelet agonists on ILK kinase activity together with the contribution of PI3K and PKC on ILK activation. Interaction of ILK with beta(1)-integrin subunits was investigated by coimmunoprecipitation and the role of ILK in regulating alpha(2)beta(1) function assessed by overexpression studies in HEL cells. Results: We report that collagen and thrombin modulate ILK kinase activity in human platelets in an aggregation-independent manner. Furthermore, ILK activity is dually regulated by PI3K and PKC in thrombin-stimulated platelets and regulated by PI3K in collagen-stimulated cells. ILK associates with the beta(1)-integrin subunits immunoprecipitated from platelet cell lysates, an association which increased upon collagen stimulation. Overexpression of ILK in HEL cells enhanced alpha(2)beta(1)-mediated adhesion whereas overexpression of kinase-dead ILK reduced adhesion, indicating a role for this kinase in the positive regulation of alpha(2)beta(1). Conclusions: Our findings that ILK regulates alpha(2)beta(1) in HEL cells, is activated in platelets and associates with beta(1)-integrins, raise the possibility that it may play a key role in adhesion events upon agonist stimulation of platelets.


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Objective: To compare the frequency of nail biting in 4 settings (interventions) designed to elicit the functions of nail biting and to compare the results with a self-report questionnaire about the functions of nail biting. Design: Randomised allocation of participants to order of conditions. Setting: University Psychology Department. Subjects: Forty undergraduates who reported biting their nails. Interventions: Left alone (boredom), solving maths problems (frustration), reprimanded for nail biting (contingent attention), continuous conversation (noncontingent attention). Main Outcome measures: Number of times the undergraduates bit their nails. Results: Nail biting occurred most often in two conditions, boredom and frustration. Conclusion: Nail biting in young adults occurs as a result of boredom or working on difficult problems, which may reflect a particular emotional state. It occurs least often when people are engaged in social interaction or when they are reprimanded for the behavior. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The high complexity of cloud parameterizations now held in models puts more pressure on observational studies to provide useful means to evaluate them. One approach to the problem put forth in the modelling community is to evaluate under what atmospheric conditions the parameterizations fail to simulate the cloud properties and under what conditions they do a good job. It is the ambition of this paper to characterize the variability of the statistical properties of tropical ice clouds in different tropical "regimes" recently identified in the literature to aid the development of better process-oriented parameterizations in models. For this purpose, the statistical properties of non-precipitating tropical ice clouds over Darwin, Australia are characterized using ground-based radar-lidar observations from the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program. The ice cloud properties analysed are the frequency of ice cloud occurrence, the morphological properties (cloud top height and thickness), and the microphysical and radiative properties (ice water content, visible extinction, effective radius, and total concentration). The variability of these tropical ice cloud properties is then studied as a function of the large-scale cloud regimes derived from the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP), the amplitude and phase of the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO), and the large-scale atmospheric regime as derived from a long-term record of radiosonde observations over Darwin. The vertical variability of ice cloud occurrence and microphysical properties is largest in all regimes (1.5 order of magnitude for ice water content and extinction, a factor 3 in effective radius, and three orders of magnitude in concentration, typically). 98 % of ice clouds in our dataset are characterized by either a small cloud fraction (smaller than 0.3) or a very large cloud fraction (larger than 0.9). In the ice part of the troposphere three distinct layers characterized by different statistically-dominant microphysical processes are identified. The variability of the ice cloud properties as a function of the large-scale atmospheric regime, cloud regime, and MJO phase is large, producing mean differences of up to a factor 8 in the frequency of ice cloud occurrence between large-scale atmospheric regimes and mean differences of a factor 2 typically in all microphysical properties. Finally, the diurnal cycle of the frequency of occurrence of ice clouds is also very different between regimes and MJO phases, with diurnal amplitudes of the vertically-integrated frequency of ice cloud occurrence ranging from as low as 0.2 (weak diurnal amplitude) to values in excess of 2.0 (very large diurnal amplitude). Modellers should now use these results to check if their model cloud parameterizations are capable of translating a given atmospheric forcing into the correct statistical ice cloud properties.


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Clusters of galaxies are the most impressive gravitationally-bound systems in the universe, and their abundance (the cluster mass function) is an important statistic to probe the matter density parameter (Omega(m)) and the amplitude of density fluctuations (sigma(8)). The cluster mass function is usually described in terms of the Press-Schecther (PS) formalism where the primordial density fluctuations are assumed to be a Gaussian random field. In previous works we have proposed a non-Gaussian analytical extension of the PS approach with basis on the q-power law distribution (PL) of the nonextensive kinetic theory. In this paper, by applying the PL distribution to fit the observational mass function data from X-ray highest flux-limited sample (HIFLUGCS), we find a strong degeneracy among the cosmic parameters, sigma(8), Omega(m) and the q parameter from the PL distribution. A joint analysis involving recent observations from baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) peak and Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) shift parameter is carried out in order to break these degeneracy and better constrain the physically relevant parameters. The present results suggest that the next generation of cluster surveys will be able to probe the quantities of cosmological interest (sigma(8), Omega(m)) and the underlying cluster physics quantified by the q-parameter.


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Nickel hydroxide can provide an outstanding cathode material in alkaline secondary batteries, however the progressive decrease of the charge capacity as a function of the number of oxidation/reduction cycles is a challenging problem to be solved. New improvements on the electrochemical properties of electrode materials can be achieved by exploiting the much better performance of alpha-nickel hydroxide. Such materials were obtained in a stable form by sol-gel method and characterized by thermogravimetric analyses, UV-Vis spectroscopy, X-ray diffractometry, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance techniques. The results revealed not only the formation of the alpha-Ni(OH)(2) phase, but also a much better electrochemical reversibility and stability as compared with similar materials obtained by electrochemical precipitation method.


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The segment C-terminal to the hydrophobic motif at the V5 domain of protein kinase C (PKC) is the least conserved both in length and in amino acid identity among all PKC isozymes. By generating serial truncation mutants followed by biochemical and functional analyses, we show here that the very C terminus of PKCα is critical in conferring the full catalytic competence to the kinase and for transducing signals in cells. Deletion of one C-terminal amino acid residue caused the loss of ~60% of the catalytic activity of the mutant PKCα, whereas deletion of 10 C-terminal amino acid residues abrogated the catalytic activity of PKCα in immune complex kinase assays. The PKCα C-terminal truncation mutants were found to lose their ability to activate mitogen-activated protein kinase, to rescue apoptosis induced by the inhibition of endogenous PKC in COS cells, and to augment melatonin-stimulated neurite outgrowth. Furthermore, molecular dynamics simulations revealed that the deletion of 1 or 10 C-terminal residues results in the deformation of the V5 domain and the ATP-binding pocket, respectively. Finally, PKCα immunoprecipitated using an antibody against its C terminus had only marginal catalytic activity compared with that of the PKCα immunoprecipitated by an antibody against its N terminus. Therefore, the very C-terminal tail of PKCα is a novel determinant of the catalytic activity of PKC and a promising target for selective modulation of PKCα function. Molecules that bind preferentially to the very C terminus of distinct PKC isozymes and suppress their catalytic activity may constitute a new class of selective inhibitors of PKC.


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This thesis looks at the functions and effects of the ‘second-person’ pronoun in narrative prose fiction, with particular focus on the fluidity and ambiguity of the mode that I will call Protean-'you.' It is a mode in which it is unclear whether the ‘you’ is a character, the narrator, a reader/narratee, or no-one in particular—or a combination of these—so that readers find ‘second-person’ utterances at once familiar and deeply strange. I regard the ‘second person’ as a special case of narrative ‘person’ that, at its most fluid, can produce an experience of reading quite unlike that of reading traditional ‘first-‘ and ‘third-person’ narrative. Essentially, this unique experience comes about because Protean-‘you’ neglects to constitute the stable modes of subjectivity that readers expect to find within narrative textuality. These stable modes of subjectivity, modelled on what I will refer to as Cartesianism’s hegemonic notion of the self, have been thoroughly formalised and naturalised within the practices of ‘first-‘ and ‘third-person’ narrative. The Protean-‘you’ form of ‘second-person’ narrative, conversely, is a mode of narrative discourse that puts readers in a place of doubt and uncertainty, its unsettling equivocations forcefully disrupting accustomed, mimetic explanations of narrative and denying us access to the foundational, authorising subject of classical Cartesian thought. Rather than founding a notion of ‘second-person’ narrative and narrative ‘person’ generally on Cartesianism's ‘self-ish’ logic of unified, privatised identity, I turn to C.S, Peirce's notion of the semiotic self and to developments in post-structuralist thought. Essentially, the conception of subjectivity underpinning my arguments is Peirce's proposition that the self is to be conceived of not as a cogito, but as a sign by which the conscious entity knows itself. It is a sign, moreover, that is constantly being re-read, reinterpreted, so that identity is never self-complete. This reconception of subjectivity is necessary because 1 will argue that the effects of Protean-‘you’ arise in some part from a tension between Cartesianism's hegemony and what philosophical pragmatism and post-structuralism glimpse as the actual condition of the human subject—the subject as dispersed and contingent rather than unified and authoritative. Most discussions of ‘second-person’ narrative conceive of the mode in terms of implicit communicative relations, in some measure instituting Cartesianism's notion of the intentionalist self at the centre of literary meaning. I contrast the paradigmatic address model that arises from this conception against a model that approaches the analysis of ‘second-person’ narrative modality in terms of a referential function, that is, in terms of the object or objects referred to deictically by the ‘second-person’ pronoun. Two principal functions of ‘second-person’ textuality are identified and discussed at length. The first is generalisation, which is rarely dissipated altogether, a situation that contributes to the ambiguities of the pronoun's reference in much ‘second-person’ fiction. The second principal function is that of address, that is, the allocutionary function. Clearly, although stories that continually refer to a ‘you’ can seem quite baffling and unnatural, not all ‘second-person’ narratives unsettle the reader. In order to make the ‘second person's’ outlandish narratives knowable and stable, we bring to bear on them in our habits of reading whatever hermeneutic frames, whatever interpretive keys, come to hand, including a large number of unexceptional forms of literary and ‘natural’ discourse that employ the ‘second-person’ pronoun. These forms include letter writing and internal dialogue (i.e., talking to one's self), the language of the courtroom, the travelogue, the maxim, and so on. In looking at the ways in which the radicalising potentials of ‘second-person’ discourse are contained or recuperated, I focus on issues of vraisemblance and mimesis. Vraisemblance can be described as the ‘system of conventions and expectations which rests on/reinforces that more general system of ‘mutual knowledge’ produced within a community for the realisation and maintenance of a whole social world’. All of the forms of the vraisemblable are already instituted within social, cultural relations, so that what vraisemblance describes is the way we fit the inscriptions we read-that is, the way in which we naturalise what we read-into those given cultural and social forms. I also look at the conventionalising and naturalising work done by notions of mimesis in explaining relations between the world, our being in it, and texts, proposing that mimesis provides a principle buttress by which the good standing of the metaphor of ‘person’ is preserved in traditional and pre-critical modes of analysis. Indeed, the critic’s recourse to ‘person’ is in some measure always an engagement with mimesis. Any discussion that maintains that mimesis is in some way productive of meaning-which this thesis in fact does-must identify mimesis as a merely conventional category within practices of reading and semiosis more generally, and at the very least remove that term from its traditional position of transparent primacy and authority. Some of the most interesting and insightful arguments about ‘second-person’ narrative propose that the ‘second person’s’ most striking effects derive from the constitution of an ‘intersubjective’ experience of reading in which the subject positions of the ‘you’-protagonist, reader-narratee and narrator are combined into a fluid and indeterminate multiple subjectivity. Notions of intersubjectivity frequently position themselves as liberating the reader from Cartesianism's fixed, authoritative modes of subjectivity, Frequently, however, they tend implicitly to reinstate Cartesianism's notion of the self at the centre of textual practice and subjectivity. I look at Daniel Gunn's novel ‘Almost You’, at length in this context, illustrating the constant overdetermination of the ‘you’ and the novel's narrating voice, and demonstrating that this overdetermination leaves the origin of the narrative discourse, the identity of the narrator, and the ontological nature of both principal protagonists utterly ambiguous. The fluidity and ambiguity of Protean-‘you’ in ‘Almost You’ is discussed in terms of ‘second-person’ intersubjectivity, but with a view to demonstrating the indebtedness by the notion of intersubjectivity to Cartesianism's hegemony of ‘person’. I then turn to a discussion of what might be a more ‘old fashioned’ if perhaps ultimately more far-reaching approach to the ‘second person’s’ often startling ambiguities. This is Keats's notion of negative capability, a capacity or quality in which a person ‘is capable of being in uncertainties, Mysteries, doubts, without any irritable reaching after fact and reason.’ I suggest that Protean-‘you’ texts will license all of the readings of ambiguity and fluidity proposed in my discussion of ‘Almost You’, but conclude that the instances of indeterminacy illustrate no more than that: the fluidity and deep ambiguity, and thus, finally, the lack of coherence, of Protean-‘you’ discourse. This has particular implications for how we are to consider readers’ experiences of narrative texts. More fundamentally, it has implications for how we are to consider readers as subjects. I suggest that unstable, ambiguous instances of ‘second-person’ narrative can tear the complex and systematic embroidery of ideological suture that unifies Cretinism’s experience or sense of subjectivity, leaving the reader in a condition of epistemological and ontological havoc. I go on to argue that much of the deeply unsettling effect of Protean-‘you’ discourse anises because its utterances explicitly gesture towards Cretinism’s notion of self. Protean-‘you’ involves a sense of address that is much more pronounced than we are accustomed to facing when reading literary narrative, alerting us to the presence of inscribed anthropomorphic subjects. At the very same time, protean-‘you’ leaves its inscribed subjects indeterminate, ambiguous. This conflict generates a tension between the anticipation of the emergence of speaking and listening selves and our inability to find them. I go on to propose that Protean-‘you’ narrative's lack of coherence is also to be understood as the condition of narrative actuality generally, but a condition that is vigorously mediated against by dominant practices of reading and writing, hocusing my discussion in this respect on the issue of narrative ‘person,’ I argue that narrative ‘person’ is constituted within texts as an apparent unity, but that it is in fact, produced as unitary solely within the practice of making sense, that is, Within our habits of reading, and so is never finally unified. I propose that this is the case for ‘first-‘ and ‘third-person’ modes no less than for the ‘second.’ Where ‘second-person’ narrative at its most radical and Protean differs from conventional ‘first-‘ and ‘third-person’ narratives is the degree to which each has been circumscribed by practices of tantalization, containment and limit, and, in particular, Cretinism’s hegemony of ‘person.’ It may be that the most significant insights ‘second-person’ narrative has to offer are to be found within its capacity to reveal to the engaged reader the underlying condition of narrative discourse, and more generally, its capacity to reveal the actual condition of the human subject-a condition in which, exactly like its textual corollary of narrative ‘person,’ the self is glimpsed as thoroughly dispersed and contingent.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In order to evaluate the relationship between the morphology of the upper lip and muscle activity in a sample of 38 subjects (17 males and 21 females) with Angle Class II division 1 malocclusions, cephalometric and electromyographic analyses were conducted. The sample was subdivided into either predominantly nose or mouth breathers. The individuals were evaluated at two different periods, with a 2 year interval. At the first observation, the subjects were 11 years to 14 years 11 months of age and at the second observation, 13 years 4 months to 16 years 6 months of age. Height and thickness of the upper lip were measured on lateral cephalograms with the aid of a digital pachymeter. For each individual, electromyographic records were obtained of the orbicularis oris superior muscle at rest and in a series of 12 movements. The electromyographic data were normalized as a function of amplitude, for achievement of the percentage value of each movement. Pearson and Spearman correlation tests were applied.The results showed some correlation between morphology and muscle function (at a confidence level of 95 per cent). However, as the values of the correlation coefficient (r) were too low to establish associations between variables, it was concluded that the dimensions of the upper lip are not correlated with muscle activity.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)