618 resultados para Sponges, Dysidea Herbacea (porifera)
INTRODUCTION. Multimodal strategy targeted at prevention of catheter-related infection combine education to general measures of hygiene with specific guidelines for catheter insertion and dressing (1). OBJECTIVES. In this context, we tested the introduction of chlorhexidine(CHX)-impregnated sponges (2). METHODS. In our 32-beds mixed ICU, prospective surveillance of primary bacteremia and of microbiologically documented catheter-related bloodstream infections (CRBSI) is performed according to standardized definitions. New guidelines for central venous catheter (CVC) dressing combined a CHX-impregnated sponge (BioPatch_) with a transparent occlusive dressing (Tegaderm _) and planning for refection every 7 days. To contain costs, Biopatch_ was used only for internal jugular and femoral sites. Other elements of the prevention were not modified (overall compliance to hand hygiene 65-68%; non coated catheters except for burned patients [173 out of 9,542 patients];maximal sterile barriers for insertion; alcoholic solution ofCHXfor skin disinfection). RESULTS. Median monthly CVC-days increased from 710, to 749, 855 and 965 in 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009, respectively (p\0.01). Following introduction of the new guidelines (4Q2007), the average monthly rate of infections decreased from 3.7 (95% CI: 2.6-4.8) episodes/1000 CVC-days over the 24 preceding months to 2.2 (95% CI: 1.5-2.8) over the 24 following months (p = 0.031). Dressings needed to be changed every 3-4 days. The decrease of catheter-related infections we observed in all consecutive admitted patients is comparable to that recently showed in a placeborandomized trial2. Further generalization to all CVC and arterial catheters access may be justified. CONCLUSIONS. Our data strongly suggest that combined with occlusive dressings, CHXimpregnated sponges for dressing of all CVC catheters inserted in internal jugular and/or femoral sites, significantly reduces the rate of primary bacteremia and CRBSI. REFERENCES. (1) Eggimann P, Harbarth S, Constantin MN, Touveneau S, Chevrolet JC, Pittet D. Impact of a prevention strategy targeted at vascular-access care on incidence of infections acquired in intensive care. Lancet 2000; 355:1864-1868. (2) Timsit JF, Schwebel C, Bouadma L, Geffroy A, Garrouste-Org, Pease S et al. Chlorhexidine- impregnated sponges and less frequent dressing changes for prevention of catheter-related infections in critically ill adults: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA 2009; 301(12):1231-1241.
O crescimento limitado de rizóforos de Vernonia herbacea (Asteraceae) em solução de Hoagland levou à necessidade de estabelecer uma solução nutritiva para o cultivo dessa planta, visando ao incremento da biomassa de seus rizóforos ricos em frutanos. Essa solução (denominada Vernonia), constituída de Ca(NO3)2.4H2O 2,5 mmol L-1, KNO3 2,3 mmol L-1 , KH2PO4 0,52 mmol L-1, Mg(NO3)2.6H2O 1,7 mmol L-1 e Na2SO4 1,3 mmol L-1, foi comparada com a de Hoagland nas forças iônicas de 50%, 100% e 200%. Foram realizadas duas avaliações para análise de crescimento e conteúdo de frutanos. As plantas não sobreviveram até os dois meses na solução de Hoagland 200%. A solução Vernonia diluída duas vezes (50%) foi a mais eficiente para o incremento de massa seca dos rizóforos e produção de frutanos por planta. Maior crescimento da parte aérea foi verificado nas soluções de Hoagland e Vernonia 100%. Em comparação com a solução de Hoagland, a solução Vernonia é mais pobre em macronutrientes, confirmando a hipótese de que plantas adaptadas a solos oligotróficos são menos exigentes em nutrientes minerais.
The chemical investigation of the MeOH extract from the bryozoan B. dentata MeOH yielded tambjamines A (1), C (3), D (4), K (6), aldehyde 8 and the new tambjamine J1(9), while the extract of its predator, the nudibranch Tambja stegosauriformis, yielded tambjamines C and K, along with aldehyde 8. Furodisinin lactone (11) was isolated from the nudibranch Hypselodoris lajensis, a compound previously isolated from Dysidea sponges. The alkaloid 2,5,6-tribromo-N-methylgramine (12) was isolated from the nudibranch Okenia zoobotryon and from its prey, the bryozoan Zoobotryon verticillatum, the only source of 12 previously known.
The underground organs of Vernonia herbacea (Vell.) Rusby, known as rhizophores, acumulate 80% of their dry mass as fructans of the inulin type. In view of the growing industrial use of fructans as dietetic and general food products, and of their medical application, the present investigation aimed at evaluating the effect of mineral fertilization and period of cultivation on the production of these carbohydrates in field trials. Plants used in the experiments were obtained by vegetative propagation from rhizophores collected from plants growing in natural areas of the cerrado, and cultivated for two years. Fertilization consisted of N:P2O5:K2O (80:200:150 kg.ha-1) plus 80 kg.ha-1 nitrogen as dressing. Soil fertilization did not stimulate biomass or inulin production, but in the second year of cultivation a dramatic gain in biomass and inulin was detected in both treated and control plants. Inulin production varied from 113 to 674 kg.ha-1 which corresponds to 43% of the rhizophore dry mass. The composition of fructans was not altered by fertilization, although treated plants had a higher proportion of sucrose and fructans with degree of polymerization 3-8 in the second year of cultivation. The results identify this species as a fructan source similar to other commercial crops and recommend further agronomic studies, aimed at increasing the production of this polysaccharide.
The influence of climatic variations on fructan content in tropical regions is not well known. The present study deals with the effects of temperature on fructan contents in rhizophores of plants of Vernonia herbacea, a native species from the Brazilian cerrado vegetation. Intact plants and fragmented rhizophores were subjected to different temperatures under natural and controlled environmental conditions. Rhizophores of plants in pre-dormant stage (aerial parts showing some yellowish leaves) presented higher fructan content at 5oC than those kept at 25oC, whereas in dormant plants (aerial parts absent) temperature treatments did not affect fructan contents. Fragmented rhizophores obtained from dormant plants presented higher levels of fructo-polysaccharides at the end of the experiment than at the beginning of the treatment, regardless of the temperature they were stored, whereas fragments obtained from vegetative plants showed a decrease in fructan content under the same treatments. It was concluded that variations observed in fructan contents are related to the phenological state of the plants prior to the treatment rather than to extraneous temperatures they are subjected to during this stage.
Vernonia herbacea acumula altas concentrações de frutanos do tipo inulina em seus órgãos subterrâneos de reserva, denominados rizóforos. Foi estudada a influência da adubação nitrogenada no crescimento dessa espécie e na produção de frutanos. Plantas obtidas a partir de fragmentos de rizóforos foram cultivadas em área de cerrado onde receberam três doses de nitrogênio: 6, 12 e 24 kg N.ha-1 na forma de (NH4)2SO4. Plantas jovens, com seis meses de idade, mostraram aumento em altura, área foliar e massa seca da parte aérea e dos rizóforos em resposta ao aumento da dose de nitrogênio. Por outro lado, o teor de frutanos decresceu com o aumento da concentração do nitrogênio. Após doze meses de cultivo, o crescimento das plantas foi estimulado apenas nas doses entre 6 e 12 kg.ha-1 de nitrogênio. Os resultados mostraram, também, que o teor de frutanos em plantas jovens está correlacionado negativamente tanto ao crescimento quanto às concentrações crescentes de nitrogênio. Já as plantas tratadas com 24 kg N.ha-1 chegaram a acumular 6,0 g de frutanos por planta, enquanto nas plantas controle, que não receberam N suplementar, esse valor foi de 3,5 g. Assim, aplicação de 24 kg N.ha-1 é recomendada para uma colheita antecipada (12 meses) visando à produção de frutanos.
Neste trabalho, o pericarpo e pápus de Vernonia brevifolia e V. herbacea são descritos morfoanatômica e ontogeneticamente. As espécies são muito similares entre si, possuindo ovário ínfero, bicarpelar, sincárpico e unilocular. Na formação do pericarpo, nenhuma das regiões é multiplicativa. O exocarpo é unisseriado e recoberto por fina cutícula. Observam-se tricomas tectores longos, multicelulares e bisseriados, que persistem até a maturidade; os tricomas glandulares capitados não se mantêm na maturidade. O mesocarpo externo é composto por duas ou três camadas de fibras em V. herbacea e apenas uma em V. brevifolia, acumulando cristais prismáticos. O mesocarpo interno é similar nas espécies, de natureza parenquimática. Feixes vasculares colaterais ocorrem imersos entre o mesocarpo externo e o interno. O endocarpo é unisseriado, havendo duas a três camadas apenas nas regiões de fusão dos carpelos. Na porção apical do pericarpo, observa-se uma protuberância onde se insere o pápus duplo, composto por células lignificadas, algumas projetadas perifericamente. Na base do fruto, ocorre o carpopódio que, em V. herbacea, é mais amplo e abriga drusas e estilóides; em V. brevifolia, o carpopódio é reduzido e não ocorrem cristais. Na maturidade, o pericarpo de ambas as espécies é desidratado, de modo que a maioria das camadas fica colapsada, distinguindo-se apenas algumas células do exocarpo e tricomas tectores, as fibras e cristais mesocárpicos externos e o xilema dos feixes vasculares.
Previous studies showed that plants of Vernonia herbacea grown for one year under a limited nitrogen supply presented reduced growth and higher fructan content than plants treated with sufficient nitrogen supply. However, the total fructan production was similar in both plant groups due to the higher biomass of the underground reserve organ in nitrogen-sufficient (N-sufficient) plants. In the present study we aimed to evaluate if a stress growing condition under nitrogen-limited (N-limited) supply, following cultivation under N-sufficient supply would have a positive effect on fructan production. Plants cultivated during one year under N-sufficient supply (10.7 mmol L-1 N-NO3-) were separated in two groups. During the following six months, one group continued to receive the same treatment (control) while the other received an N-limited supply (1.3 mmol L-1 N-NO3-). Growth, photosynthesis and soluble carbohydrates were measured at days 0, 30, 60, 90 and 180. At day 30, plants transferred to N-limited supply showed a significant increase in growth and a decrease in fructan concentration, as a response to the stressing condition. However, in the following period growth was reduced and fructan concentration was increased, confirming the inverse relationship between nitrogen concentration and fructan content. After 180 days, although the fructan concentration in N-limited was significantly higher, with a fructan production of 6.0 g plant¹, the higher gain in rhizophore biomass after 18 months of cultivation in N-sufficient solution led to a fructan production of 8.3 g plant¹, thus surpassing the higher fructan concentration of N-limited plants.
A new protocol is described for immunization of outbred Swiss mice. The procedure is based on subcutaneous implantation of antigen-coupled polyester-polyurethane sponges cut into disks of 10 mm in diameter vs 2 mm in thickness. Antigen coupling was performed by overnight incubation of the sponge with a solution of ovalbumin (Ova) (2 mg/ml) diluted in sodium carbonate buffer, pH 9.6. The amount of ovalbumin that was taken up by the sponge was between 71.4 to 82.5 µg. This was estimated by comparing the Ova absorbance at 280 nm in coating buffer solutions before and after incubation. To compare the efficiency of the proposed method, experimental groups immunized with the antigen in the presence of adjuvants (10 µg in Al(OH)3 or 100 µg in complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA)) were run in parallel. The data obtained after the 3rd week of immunization indicate that both cellular and humoral immune responses were achieved. These were assayed by antigen-induced footpad swelling and ELISA (specific antibodies), respectively. The levels of both immune responses elicited were similar to the responses observed in mice immunized with ovalbumin in the presence of Al(OH)3. The method might represent an advantage when immunizing with pathogenic antigens. Preliminary experiments have suggested that the antigen remains immobilized or bound to the sponge for a long period of time, since there is an increment on the cell population inside the sponges after boosting the animals. If so, the undesirable effects of immunization would be reduced.
Chemical investigation of the crude extract of a marine sponge Dysidea robusta led to the isolation of an inseparable mixture of saturated ceramides. These were identified from spectroscopic data as well as by hydrolysis followed by LC-MS analysis of the sphingosine moieties.
Dibromotyrosine-derived metabolites are of common occurrence within marine sponges belonging to the order Verongida. However, previous chemical analysis of crude extracts obtained from samples of the verongid sponge Aplysina fulva collected in Brazil did not provide any dibromotyrosine-derived compounds. In this investigation, five samples of A. fulva from five different locations along the Brazilian coastline and one sample from a temperate reef in the South Atlantic Bight (SAB) (Georgia, USA) were investigated for the presence of bromotyrosine-derived compounds. All six samples collected yielded dibromotyrosine-derived compounds, including a new derivative, named aplysinafulvin, which has been identified by. analysis of spectroscopic data. These results confirm previous assumptions that dibromotyrosine-derived metabolites can be considered as chemotaxonomic markers of verongid sponges. The isolation of aplysinafulvin provides additional support for a biogenetic pathway involving an arene oxide intermediate in the biosynthesis of Verongida metabolites. It cannot yet be established if the chemical variability observed among the six samples of A.fulva collected in Brazil and the SAB is the result of different environmental factors, distinct chemical extraction and isolation protocols, or a consequence of hidden genetic diversity within the postulated morphological plasticity of this species. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Little is known about the microbial diversity associated with marine macroorganisms, despite the vital role microorganisms may play in marine ecosystems. The aim of the present study was to investigate the diversity of bacteria and fungi isolated from eight marine invertebrate and one algae samples. Data derived from ARDRA and sequencing analyses allowed the identification of marine-derived microorganisms isolated from those samples. Microbial strains identified up to the genus level revealed 144 distinct ribotypes out of 256 fungal strains and 158 distinct ribotypes out of 181 bacterial strains. Filamentous fungi were distributed among 24 different genera belonging to Ascomycota, Zygomycota and Basidiomycota, some of which had never been reported in the literature as marine invertebrate-inhabiting fungi (Pestalotiopsis, Xylaria, Botrysphaeria and Cunnninghamella). Bacterial isolates were affiliated to 41 different genera, being Bacillus, Ruegeria, Micrococcus, Pseudovibrio and Staphylococcus the most abundant ones. Results revealed an unexpected high microbial diversity associated to the macroorganisms which have been collected and suggested the selection of certain microbial taxonomic groups according to the host. The combined data gathered from this investigation contribute to broaden the knowledge of microbial diversity associated to marine macroorganisms, including as a promising source for the discovery of new natural products. (C) 2009 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.