992 resultados para Spinath, Birgit


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Poster at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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The goal of the present study was to identify plant species used as food source, the floral resources utilized, and the insects that visit flowers in a grassland community in southern Brazil. The study was carried out in an area of one hectare, located in a grassland formation in the Parque Estadual de Itapuã, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The flowering pattern was seasonal, and richness and abundance of insects was higher during the period of high resource availability. Flowers of 106 species of angiosperms (73 genera and 34 families) were used as source of floral resources for 219 species (2,767 specimens) of insects. A total of 91.5% of plant species were visited by bees, 53.8% by flies, 34.9% by wasps, 22.6% by butterflies, and 12.3% by beetles. Nectar was the main resource consumed by the visitors (41.1%). Asteraceae was the richest (38 spp.) and most visited family, with 63.1% of the species and 49.5% of all specimens of recorded insects. Bees were the most representative insects (33.2% spp., 65% indiv.), followed by flies (26.9% spp., 16.5% indiv.), wasps, butterflies and beetles. 40 plant species were considered important resources for the floral visitors' community, due to high number of, both, species and individuals recorded in their flowers. The family Asteraceae as a species set was the main floral resource used by insect visitors through the year and has great importance for the maintenance of populations of many species of bees, flies, wasps and butterflies in the studied area.


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In my dissertation called Speaking of the unsayable: The circular philosophy of Nicholas of Cusa in his work De coniecturis, I presuppose an internal (conceptual) relation between the personal experience of God of Nicholas of Cusa (1401-64) in 1438 and, on the other hand, his philosophy. I hence try to describe the precise character of this relation. Referring to the Norwegian scholars Egil Wyller and Viggo Rossvær, I assume that there is a circularity in Cusanus’ philosophy which appears as self-references (= a sentence refers to itself: A is explained by B and B is explained by A). Wyller finds three phases in the thought of Cusanus (1. De docta ignorantia I-III, 2. De coniecturis I-II, 3. all subsequent works). Rossvær finds it impossible to presuppose certain phases, as the philosophy of Cusanus continuously proceeds and remains open to new ideas. As Cusanus however treats his experience of God far more consciously in his second work De coniecturis than in De docta ignorantia, I find it possible to distinguish between the earlier Cusanus (De docta ignorantia including his earlier works) and the later Cusanus (De coniecturis, about 1444, as well as the following works). Cusanus creates a philosophy of language in outline expressed in De coniecturis, in which he presents two concepts of necessity, i.e. absolute necessity and logical, or reasonable, necessity. These are interrelated in the sense that the mind, or the self, logically affirms the absolute, or unsayable, necessity, which shows itself in the mind and which the mind affirms conjecturally. The endeavour conceptually to understand absolute necessity implies intuitive (or intellectual) contemplation, or vision (investigatio symbolica), in which the four mental unities (the absolute, the intellectual, the rational and the sensuous) work together according to the rules described in De coniecturis. In De coniecturis Cusanus obviously turns from a negative concept of the unsayable to a paradigmatic, which implies that he looks for principles of speaking of the unsayable and presents the idea of a divine language (divinaliter). However, he leaves this idea behind after De coniecturis, although he continues to create new concepts of the unsayable and incomprehensible. The intellectual language of absolute seeing is expressed in the subjunctive, i.e. conditionally. In order to describe the unsayable, Cusanus uses tautologies, the primary one of which is a concept of God, i.e. non aliud est non aliud quam non aliud (the non-other is non-other than the nonother). Wyller considers this the crucial point of the philosophy of Cusanus (De non aliud), described by the latter as the definition of definitions, i.e. the absolute definition. However, this definition is empty regarding its content. It demonstrates that God surpasses the coincidence of opposites (coincidentia oppositorum) and that he is “superunsayable” (superineffabilis), i.e. he is beyond what can be conceived or said. Nothing hence prevents us from speaking of him, provided that he is described as unsayable (= the paradigmatic concept of the unsayable). Here the mode of seeing is decisive. Cusanus in this context (and especially in his later literary production) uses modalities which concern possibility and necessity. His aim is to conduct any willing reader ahead on the way of life (philosophia mentalis). In De coniecturis II he describes the notion of human self-consciousness as the basis of spiritual mutuality in accordance with the humanistic tradition of his time. I mainly oppose the negatively determined concept of Christian mysticism presented by the German philosopher Kurt Flasch and prefer the presentation of Burkhard Mojsisch of the translogical and conjectural use of language in De coniecturis. In particular, I take account of the Scandinavian research, basically that of Johannes Sløk, Birgit H. Helander, Egil Wyller and Viggo Rossvær, who all consider the personal experience of God described by Cusanus a tacit precondition of his philosophy.


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Tagungsband - Vorträge vom Automation Symposium 2006


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Vorträge / Präsentationen des Automation Symposiums 2008


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Die Modellierung und Spezifikation von Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) als prozessnah operierende Software-Systeme stellt eine Herausforderung interdisziplinärer Kommunikation dar. Bisher existiert kein grafisches Beschreibungsmittel, das diesen Prozess ausdrücklich unterstützt. In diesem Diskussionspapier werden bestehende Beschreibungsmittel aus angrenzenden Bereichen, wie die Business Process Modeling Notation, Petrinetze, die formalisierte Prozessbeschreibung oder die Unified Modelling Language anhand allgemeiner und MES-spezifischer Anforderungen auf ihre Eignung untersucht. Es wurden erhebliche Lücken bei der Erfüllung der Anforderungen durch bestehende Beschreibungsmittel identifiziert.


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Zentrale Forschungsförderung der Universität Kassel (ZFF)


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Seit der Gründung der Ökologischen Landbaubewegung wird über eine angepasste Bodenbearbeitung diskutiert. Konservierende Bodenbearbeitungssysteme scheinen zwar dem Prinzip des Erhalts und der Förderung der Bodenfruchtbarkeit am ehesten gerecht zu werden, wurden bislang vor allem auf Grund der Unkrautregulierung im Ökolandbau abgelehnt. Anhand von vier Methoden (Literaturrecherche, Feldversuch, Umfrage und Experteninterviews) werden die unterschiedlichen Aspekte der konservierenden Bodenbearbeitung in der Praxis des Ökolandbaus untersucht. In dem dreijährigen Feldversuch wurde das Mulchsaatverfahren nach Getreide mit zwei verschiedenen Bearbeitungstiefen (5-7 cm und 13-15 cm) zur Zwischenfrucht mit dem Pflugeinsatz (25 cm) verglichen. Dabei zeigt sich, dass bei der tiefen Bearbeitung mit dem Grubber der für einen nennenswerten Erosionsschutz notwendige Bedeckungsgrad von 30 % nicht zuverlässig erreicht wird. Gleichzeitig sprechen die geringen Unterschiede in den Trockenmasseerträgen der flachen und tiefen Grubbervarianten für eine flachere Bearbeitung. Die Ergebnisse der Umfrage zur Bodenbearbeitung, die 367 Ökobauern beantworteten, zeigen, dass die Mehrheit der Betriebe (56%) bei der Grundbodenbearbeitung den Pflug einsetzt. 6% der befragten Ökobauern geben an ohne Pflug zu wirtschaften. Etwa 40 % der befragten Ökobauern verzichten zumindest einmal in ihrer Fruchtfolge auf den Pflug. Die Experteninterviews von drei Ökobauern verdeutlichen die unterschiedlichen Maßnahmen der konservierenden Bodenbearbeitung. Ein komplexes System wird erkennbar, das sich durch langjährige Erfahrung der Landwirte entwickelt hat. Anhand der Ergebnisse ist eine konservierende Bodenbearbeitung im Ökolandbau möglich und im Sinne der Förderung der Bodenfruchtbarkeit auch als notwendig zu bezeichnen. Allerdings ist dabei die Bodenbearbeitung nicht isoliert zu betrachten. Im Konzept der konservierenden Bodenbearbeitung sind Entscheidungen in vielen Teilbereichen des Ökobetriebs zum Erfolg notwendig.