880 resultados para Speed limits.


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Federal Highway Administration, Office of Research and Development, Washington, D.C.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Traffic Safety Programs, Washington, D.C.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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At head of title on cover: Welcome to life in Illinois.


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Variable Speed Limit (VSL) strategies identify and disseminate dynamic speed limits that are determined to be appropriate based on prevailing traffic conditions, road surface conditions, and weather conditions. This dissertation develops and evaluates a shockwave-based VSL system that uses a heuristic switching logic-based controller with specified thresholds of prevailing traffic flow conditions. The system aims to improve operations and mobility at critical bottlenecks. Before traffic breakdown occurrence, the proposed VSL’s goal is to prevent or postpone breakdown by decreasing the inflow and achieving uniform distribution in speed and flow. After breakdown occurrence, the VSL system aims to dampen traffic congestion by reducing the inflow traffic to the congested area and increasing the bottleneck capacity by deactivating the VSL at the head of the congested area. The shockwave-based VSL system pushes the VSL location upstream as the congested area propagates upstream. In addition to testing the system using infrastructure detector-based data, this dissertation investigates the use of Connected Vehicle trajectory data as input to the shockwave-based VSL system performance. Since the field Connected Vehicle data are not available, as part of this research, Vehicle-to-Infrastructure communication is modeled in the microscopic simulation to obtain individual vehicle trajectories. In this system, wavelet transform is used to analyze aggregated individual vehicles’ speed data to determine the locations of congestion. The currently recommended calibration procedures of simulation models are generally based on the capacity, volume and system-performance values and do not specifically examine traffic breakdown characteristics. However, since the proposed VSL strategies are countermeasures to the impacts of breakdown conditions, considering breakdown characteristics in the calibration procedure is important to have a reliable assessment. Several enhancements were proposed in this study to account for the breakdown characteristics at bottleneck locations in the calibration process. In this dissertation, performance of shockwave-based VSL is compared to VSL systems with different fixed VSL message sign locations utilizing the calibrated microscopic model. The results show that shockwave-based VSL outperforms fixed-location VSL systems, and it can considerably decrease the maximum back of queue and duration of breakdown while increasing the average speed during breakdown.


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Dynamic vehicle behavior is used to identify safe traffic speed limits. The proposed methodology is based on the vehicle vertical wheel contact force response excited by measured pavement irregularities on the frequency domain. A quarter-car model is used to identify vehicle dynamic behavior. The vertical elevation of an unpaved road surface has been measured. The roughness spectral density is quantified as ISO Level C. Calculations for the vehicle inertance function were derived by using the vertical contact force transfer function weighed by the pavement spectral density roughness function in the frequency domain. The statistical contact load variation is obtained from the vehicle inertance density function integration. The vehicle safety behavior concept is based on its handling ability properties. The ability to generate tangential forces on the wheel/road contact interface is the key to vehicle handling. This ability is related to tire/pavement contact forces. A contribution to establish a traffic safety speed limit is obtained from the likelihood of the loss of driveability. The results show that at speeds faster than 25 km/h the likelihood of tire contact loss is possible when traveling on the measured road type. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)TE.19435436.0000216. (C) 2011 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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Devido ao acréscimo significativo de viaturas e peões nas grandes cidades foi necessário recorrer aos mecanismos existentes para coordenar o tráfego. Nesta perspectiva surge a implementação de semáforos com o objectivo de ordenar o tráfego nas vias rodoviárias. A gestão de tráfego, tem sido sujeita a inovações tanto ao nível dos equipamentos, do software usado, gestão centralizada, monitorização das vias e na sincronização semafórica, sendo possível a criação de programas ajustados às diferentes exigências de tráfego verificadas durante as vinte e quatro horas para pontos distintos da cidade. Conceptualmente foram elaborados estudos, com o objectivo de identificar a relação entre a velocidade o fluxo e o intervalo num determinado intervalo de tempo, bem como a relação entre a velocidade e a sinistralidade. Até 1995 Portugal era um dos países com maior número de sinistros rodoviários Na sequência desta evolução foram instalados radares de controlo de velocidade no final de 2006 com o objectivo de obrigar ao cumprimento dos limites de velocidade impostos pelo código da estrada e reduzir a sinistralidade automóvel na cidade de Lisboa. Passados alguns anos sobre o investimento realizadoanteriormente, constatamos que existe a necessidade de implementar novas tecnologias na detecção das infracções, sejam estas de excesso de velocidade ou violação do semáforo vermelho (VSV), optimizar a informação disponibilizada aos automobilistas e aos peões, coordenar a interacção entre os veículos prioritários e os restantes presentes na via, dinamizar a gestão interna das contra ordenações, agilizar os procedimentos informatizar a recolha deinformação de modo a tornar os processos mais céleres.


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O principal motivo para a realização deste trabalho consistiu no desenvolvimento de tecnologia robótica, que permitisse o mergulho e ascenção de grandes profundidades de uma forma eficiente. O trabalho realizado contemplou uma fase inicial de análise e estudo dos sistemas robóticos existentes no mercado, bem como métodos utilizados identificando vantagens e desvantagens em relação ao tipo de veículo pretendido. Seguiu-se uma fase de projeto e estudo mecânico, com o intuito de desenvolver um veículo com variação de lastro através do bombeamento de óleo para um reservatório exterior, para variar o volume total do veículo, variando assim a sua flutuabilidade. Para operar a grande profundidade com AUV’s é conveniente poder efetuar o trajeto up/down de forma eficiente e a variação de lastro apresenta vantagens nesse aspeto. No entanto, contrariamente aos gliders o interesse está na possibilidade de subir e descer na vertical. Para controlar a flutuabilidade e ao mesmo tempo analisar a profundidade do veículo em tempo real, foi necessario o uso de um sistema de processamento central que adquirisse a informação do sensor de pressão e comunicasse com o sistema de variação de lastro, de modo a fazer o controlo de posicionamento vertical desejado. Do ponto de vista tecnológico procurou-se desenvolver e avaliar soluções de variação de volume intermédias entre as dos gliders (poucas gramas) e as dos ROV’s workclass (dezenas ou centenas de kilogramas). Posteriormente, foi desenvolvido um simulador em matlab (Simulink) que reflete o comportamento da descida do veículo, permitindo alterar parâmetros do veículo e analisar os seus resultados práticos, de modo a poder ajustar o veículo real. Nos resultados simulados verificamos o cálculo das velocidades limite atingidas pelo veículo com diferentes coeficientes de atrito, bem como o comportamento da variação de lastro do veículo no seu deslocamento vertical. Sistema de Variação de Lastro para Controlo de Movimento Vertical de Veículo Subaquático Por fim, verificou-se ainda a capacidade de controlo do veículo para uma determinada profundiade, e foi feita a comparação entre estas simulações executadas com parâmetros muito próximos do ensaio real e os respetivos ensaios reais.


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This paper revisits the argument that the stabilisation bias that arises under discretionary monetary policy can be reduced if policy is delegated to a policymaker with redesigned objectives. We study four delegation schemes: price level targeting, interest rate smoothing, speed limits and straight conservatism. These can all increase social welfare in models with a unique discretionary equilibrium. We investigate how these schemes perform in a model with capital accumulation where uniqueness does not necessarily apply. We discuss how multiplicity arises and demonstrate that no delegation scheme is able to eliminate all potential bad equilibria. Price level targeting has two interesting features. It can create a new equilibrium that is welfare dominated, but it can also alter equilibrium stability properties and make coordination on the best equilibrium more likely.


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In April 1991 the Iowa Department of Transportation, the CNW Transportation Company, the SOO Line, and local agencies and business in the Mason City/Clear Lake area initiated an Operation Lifesaver program to attempt to increase public awareness of safety issues and safe behavior at railroad-highway grade crossings. This document reports an initial study of data on traffic characteristics at a selected set of grade crossings in Cerro Gordo County taken before and after the safety program. Twenty-two crossings were studied. The 13 crossings at which collisions were reported for the five years prior to the study were included in the sample of sites. Two field observations were made at each study crossing before the Operation Lifesaver campaign was in full swing, and two observations were made after the conclusion of the main effort of the campaign. The summary of each data set is contained in a companion volume. The research shows that Operation Lifesaver altered drivers' behavior in the following ways: (1) reduced approach speeds and crossing speeds at crossings with low speed limits, (2) reduced the percent of drivers approaching the crossing at speeds in excess of the posted speed limit, and (3) increased alertness of drivers to railroad crossing hazards as evidenced by more drivers looking for a clear track. Thus, Operation Lifesaver enhanced safety in street and highway traffic operations in the vicinity of railroad-highway grade crossings.


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Traditionally, thoracic aortic rupture, suspected after blunt thoracic trauma, is characterized by a chest radiograph showing a widened mediastinum. The diagnostic machinery consecutively activated still depends heavily on the pressure as additional traumatic lesions. A patient with additional cranio-cerebral trauma would typically undergo contrast-enhanced computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging of head, chest, and other regions. In a number of patients these analyses would confirm the presence of blood in the mediastinum without formal proof of an aortic disruption. This is because mediastinal hematomas may be caused not only by an aortic rupture, but also by numerous other blood sources including fractures of the spine and other macro- and microvascular lesions providing similar images. Therefore, aortic angiography became our preferred diagnostic tool to identify or rule out acute traumatic lesions of not only the aorta but with great vessels. However recently, a number of traumatic aortic transsections have been identified by transoesophageal echocardiography (TEE). TEE has the additional advantage of being a bed-side procedure providing additional information about cardiac function. The latter analysis allows for identification and quantification of cardiac contusions, post-traumatic myocardial infarctions, and valvar lesions which are of prime importance to develop an adequate surgical strategy and to assess the risk of the numerous emergency procedures required in patients with polytrauma. The standard approach for repair of isthmic aortic rupture is through a lateral thoracotomy. Distal and proximal control of the aorta can be achieved in a substantial number of cases before complete aortic rupture occurs and a higher proportion of direct suture repair can be achieved under such circumstances. Most proximal descending aortic procedures are performed without cardiopulmonary bypass (clamp and go) but paraplegia may occur before, during, or after the procedure. Ascending aortic lesions and disruption of the aortic arch, the supra-aortic vessels, the main pulmonary arteries, the great veins as well as cardiac lesions are best approached through a sternotomy, which may have to be extended. Cardiopulmonary bypass allowing for deep hypothermia and circulatory arrest is often required and carries its own complications. It is not clear whether the increasing proportion of ascending aortic and cardiac lesions which are observed nowadays are due to a change in trauma mechanics (i.e., speed limits, seat belts, air-bags), an improvement of the diagnostic tools or both.