974 resultados para Spectral dispersion


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The development of chalcogenide glasses fibers for application in the infrared wavelength region between 1 and 10 μm is a big opportunity. More particularly, the possibility to generate efficient non linear effects above 2 μm is a real challenge. We present in this work the elaboration and optical characterizations of suspended core microstructured optical fibers elaborated from the As2S3 chalcogenide glass. As an alternative to the stack and draw process a mechanical machining has been used to the elaboration of the preforms. The drawing of these preforms into fibers allows reaching a suspended core geometry, in which a 2.5 μm diameter core is linked to the fiber clad region by three supporting struts. The zero dispersion wavelength is thus shifted towards 2 μm. At 1.55 μm our fibers exhibit a dispersion around -250 ps/nm/km. Their background level of losses is below 0,5 dB/m. By pumping them at 1.55 μm with a ps source, we observe self phase modulation as well as Raman generation. Finally a strong spectral enlargement is obtained with an average output power of - 5 dbm. © 2010 SPIE.


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Type Ia supernovae have been successfully used as standardized candles to study the expansion history of the Universe. In the past few years, these studies led to the exciting result of an accelerated expansion caused by the repelling action of some sort of dark energy. This result has been confirmed by measurements of cosmic microwave background radiation, the large-scale structure, and the dynamics of galaxy clusters. The combination of all these experiments points to a “concordance model” of the Universe with flat large-scale geometry and a dominant component of dark energy. However, there are several points related to supernova measurements which need careful analysis in order to doubtlessly establish the validity of the concordance model. As the amount and quality of data increases, the need of controlling possible systematic effects which may bias the results becomes crucial. Also important is the improvement of our knowledge of the physics of supernovae events to assure and possibly refine their calibration as standardized candle. This thesis addresses some of those issues through the quantitative analysis of supernova spectra. The stress is put on a careful treatment of the data and on the definition of spectral measurement methods. The comparison of measurements for a large set of spectra from nearby supernovae is used to study the homogeneity and to search for spectral parameters which may further refine the calibration of the standardized candle. One such parameter is found to reduce the dispersion in the distance estimation of a sample of supernovae to below 6%, a precision which is comparable with the current lightcurve-based calibration, and is obtained in an independent manner. Finally, the comparison of spectral measurements from nearby and distant objects is used to test the possibility of evolution with cosmic time of the intrinsic brightness of type Ia supernovae.


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Holding the major share of stellar mass in galaxies and being also old and passively evolving, early-type galaxies (ETGs) are the primary probes in investigating these various evolution scenarios, as well as being useful means to provide insights on cosmological parameters. In this thesis work I focused specifically on ETGs and on their capability in constraining galaxy formation and evolution; in particular, the principal aims were to derive some of the ETGs evolutionary parameters, such as age, metallicity and star formation history (SFH) and to study their age-redshift and mass-age relations. In order to infer galaxy physical parameters, I used the public code STARLIGHT: this program provides a best fit to the observed spectrum from a combination of many theoretical models defined in user-made libraries. the comparison between the output and input light-weighted ages shows a good agreement starting from SNRs of ∼ 10, with a bias of ∼ 2.2% and a dispersion 3%. Furthermore, also metallicities and SFHs are well reproduced. In the second part of the thesis I performed an analysis on real data, starting from Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) spectra. I found that galaxies get older with cosmic time and with increasing mass (for a fixed redshift bin); absolute light-weighted ages, instead, result independent from the fitting parameters or the synthetic models used. Metallicities, instead, are very similar from each other and clearly consistent with the ones derived from the Lick indices. The predicted SFH indicates the presence of a double burst of star formation. Velocity dispersions and extinctiona are also well constrained, following the expected behaviours. As a further step, I also fitted single SDSS spectra (with SNR∼ 20), to verify that stacked spectra gave the same results without introducing any bias: this is an important check, if one wants to apply the method at higher z, where stacked spectra are necessary to increase the SNR. Our upcoming aim is to adopt this approach also on galaxy spectra obtained from higher redshift Surveys, such as BOSS (z ∼ 0.5), zCOSMOS (z 1), K20 (z ∼ 1), GMASS (z ∼ 1.5) and, eventually, Euclid (z 2). Indeed, I am currently carrying on a preliminary study to estabilish the applicability of the method to lower resolution, as well as higher redshift (z 2) spectra, just like the Euclid ones.


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The prediction of train induced vibration levels in structures close to railway tracks before track construction starts is important in order to avoid having to implement costly mitigation measures afterwards. The used models require an accurate characterization of the propagation medium i.e. the soil layers. To this end the spectral analysis of surface waves (SASW) method has been chosen among the active surface waves techniques available. As dynamic source a modal sledge hammer has been used. The generated vibrations have been measured at known offsets by means of several accelerometers. There are many parameters involved in estimating the experimental dispersion curve and, later on, thickness and propagation velocities of the different layers. Tests have been carried out at the Segovia railway station. Its main building covers some of the railway tracks and vibration problems in the building should be avoided. In the paper these tests as well as the influence of several parameters on the estimated soil profile will be detailed.


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In order to evaluate ground shaking characteristics due to surface soil layers in the urban area of Port-au-Prince, short-period ambient noise observation has been performed approximately in a 500x500m grid. The HVSR method was applied to this set of 36 ambient noise measurement points to determine a distribution map of soil predominant periods. This map reveals a general increasing trend in the period values, from the Miocene conglomerates in the northern and southern parts of the town to the central and western zones formed of Pleistocene and Holocene alluvial deposits respectively, where the shallow geological materials that cover the basement increase in thickness. Shorter predominant periods (less than 0.3 s) were found in mountainous and neighbouring zones, where the thickness of sediments is smaller whereas longer periods (greater than 0.5 s) appear in Holocene alluvial fans, where the thickness of sediments is larger. The shallow shear-wave velocity structure have been estimated by means of inversion of Rayleigh wave dispersion data obtained from vertical-component array records of ambient noise. The measurements were carried out at one open space located in Holocene alluvial deposits, using 3 regular pentagonal arrays with 5, 10 and 20m respectively. Reliable dispersion curves were retrieved for frequencies between 4.0 and 14 Hz, with phase velocity values ranging from 420m/s down to 270 m/s. Finally, the average shear-wave velocity of the upper 30 m (VS30) was inverted for characterization of this geological unit.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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We present here a new class of multi-channel Fiber Bragg grating (FBG), which provides the characteristics of channelized dispersion but does so with only a single reflection band. An FBG of this type can provide pure phase control of the spectral waveform of optical pulses without introducing any deleterious insertion-loss-variation. We anticipate that this new class of FBG will find some applications in wavelength-division- multiplexing systems.


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We study optical wave turbulence using as a particular example recently created ultralong-fiber laser. We show that the sign of the cavity dispersion has a critical impact on the spectral and temporal properties of generated radiation that are directly relevant to the fiber laser performance. For a normal dispersion, we observe an intermediate state with an extremely narrow spectrum condensate, which experiences an instability and a sharp transition to a strongly fluctuating regime with a wide spectrum and increased probability of spontaneous generation of large-amplitude pulses.


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We propose a novel mode-locked fiber laser design that relies on attracting similariton solutions in fiber amplifiers with normal group-velocity dispersion and strong spectral filtering to compensate increased pulse duration and bandwidth. Stable high-energy, large-bandwidth pulses are obtained that can be linearly compressed, resulting in ultrashort pulses.


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We provide an overview of our recent work on the shaping and stability of optical continua in the long pulse regime. Fibers with normal group-velocity dispersion at all-wavelengths are shown to allow for highly coherent continua that can be nonlinearly shaped using appropriate initial conditions. In contrast, supercontinua generated in the anomalous dispersion regime are shown to exhibit large fluctuations in the temporal and spectral domains that can be controlled using a carefully chosen seed. A particular example of this is the first experimental observation of the Peregrine soliton which constitutes a prototype of optical rogue-waves.


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We propose the design of a novel ?-shaped fiber laser resonator and apply it to build a long-cavity normaldispersion mode-locked Er-fiber laser which features enhanced functionalities for management and optimization of pulsed lasing regimes. We report the generation of sub-nanosecond pulses with the energy of ~0.5 µJ at a kilohertz-scale repetition rate in an all-fiber system based on the new laser design. A combination of special design solutions in the laser, such as polarization instability compensation in the ultra-long arm of the resonator, intra-cavity spectral selection of radiation with a broadband fiber Bragg grating, and polarization selection by means of a tilted refractive index grating, ensures low amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) noise and high stability of the laser system output parameters.


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We report on the generation of 42 fs pulses at 1 µm in a completely fiber-integrated format, which are, to the best of our knowledge, the shortest from all-fiber-integrated Yb-doped fiber lasers to date. The ring fiber cavity incorporates anomalous-dispersion, solid-core photonic crystal fiber with low birefringence, which acts as a broadband, in-fiber Lyot filter to facilitate mode locking. The oscillator operates in the stretched-pulse regime under slight normal net cavity dispersion. The cavity generates 4.7 ps long pulses with a spectral bandwidth of 58.2 nm, which are dechirped to 42 fs via a grating pair compressor outside of the cavity. Relative intensity noise (RIN) of the laser is characterized, with the integrated RIN found to be 0.026% in the 3 Hz-250 kHz frequency range.


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We study numerically optical turbulence using the particular example of a recently created, ultra-long fibre laser. For normal fibre dispersion, we observed an intermediate state with an extremely narrow spectrum (condensate), which experiences instability and a sharp transition to a fluctuating regime with a wider spectrum. We demonstrate that the number of modes has an impact on the condensate’s lifetime. The smaller the number of modes, the more resistant is the condensate to perturbations. Experimental results show a good agreement with numerical simulations.


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In this paper a microwave photonic filter using superstructured fiber Bragg grating and dispersive fiber is investigated. A theoretical model to describe the transfer function of the filter taking into consideration the spectral width of light source is established. Experiments are carried out to verify the theoretical analysis. Both theoretical and experimental results indicate that due to chromatic dispersion the source spectral width introduces an additional power penalty to the microwave photonic response of the filter.


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We provide an overview of our recent work on the shaping and stability of optical continua in the long pulse regime. Fibers with normal group-velocity dispersion at all-wavelengths are shown to allow for highly coherent continua that can be nonlinearly shaped using appropriate initial conditions. In contrast, supercontinua generated in the anomalous dispersion regime are shown to exhibit large fluctuations in the temporal and spectral domains that can be controlled using a carefully chosen seed. A particular example of this is the first experimental observation of the Peregrine soliton which constitutes a prototype of optical rogue-waves. © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.