942 resultados para Species-area relation
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) - IBRC
A survey was carried out on the fish species in the Sorocaba. River basin, the main tributary of the left margin of the Tiete River, located in the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The species were collected with gill nets. After identification of the specimens, their relative abundance, weight and standard length were determined. Up to the present moment there are not any studies that focus this subject in this hydrographic basin. Fifty-three species, distributed in eighteen families and six orders were collected. Characiformes were represented by twenty-eight species, Siluriformes by seventeen species, the Gymnotiformes by three species, Perciformes and Cyprinodontiformes by two species, and the Synbranchiformes by one species. Among the collected species there were two exotic. The most abundant species were Astyanax fasciatus and Hypostomus ancistroides. In relation to total weight the most representative species were Hoplias malabaricus and Hypostomus ancistroides. Cyprinus carpio, Prochilodus lineatus, Schizodon nasutus and Hoplias malabaricus were the most representative species in relation to average weight. Largest standard length were recorded for Sternopygus macrurus, Steindachnerina insculpta, Eigenmannia aff. virescens and Cyprinus carpio.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Genética e Melhoramento de Plantas) - FCAV
The anthropogenic pressures on coastal areas represent important factors affecting local, regional, and even global patterns of distribution and abundance of benthic organisms. This report undertakes a comparative analysis of the community structure of rocky shore intertidal phytobenthos in both pristine like environments (PLE) and urbanized environments (UBE) in southern Brazil, characterizing variations on different spatial scales. Multivariate analysis of variance indicated that the PLE is characterized by a larger number of taxa and an increased occurrence of Rhodophyta species in relation to UBE. In contrast, UBE were dominated by opportunistic algae, such as Cladophora and Ulva spp. Significance tests further indicated higher species richness and Shannon-Wiener diversity on the PLE in relation to UBE. Here we provide data showing the magnitude of seaweed biodiversity loss and discuss direct and indirect consequences of unplanned urbanization on these communities. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The Yellow-spotted River Turtle (Podocnemis unifilis Troschel, 1848) and the South American River Turtle (Podocnemis expansa (Schweigger, 1812)) are two turtles species that are widely distributed and have ecological, economic, and cultural importance in the Amazon basin. Although sympatric regarding most of their distribution, few studies have addressed the coexistence of these two species. To examine this, we analyzed the trophic level and the primary carbon source from the diets of both species in Baixo Araguaia, Tocantins, Brazil, using stable isotope analyses of carbon (delta C-13) and nitrogen (delta N-15). We also verified possible intraspecific variations (related to sex and body mass) in the trophic levels and primary carbon sources of their diets. Podocnemis unifilis had higher values of delta N-15 than P. expansa, averaging 7.59 parts per thousand and 5.06 parts per thousand, respectively, a difference which may indicate a possible trophic change owing to exploiting different food resources. No differences were found between the two species in relation to delta C-13 (mean values of -26.2 parts per thousand and -26.1 parts per thousand, respectively). The similarity between delta C-13 values suggests that the sources of their basal feeding are the same, consisting mainly of C-3 plants. There was no intraspecific variation in the values of delta C-13 and delta N-15.
Hybrid materials were prepared by combining clay mineral (montmorillonite SWy-2 and saponite SapCa-1) and dyes extracted from the acai (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) fruit, which contains mainly anthocyanins from the 3-glucoside class, to increase the stability of the dye and facilitate its handling and storage. Clay minerals are common ingredients in therapeutic and pharmaceutical products and acai phytochemicals show disease prevention properties. The extract of the acai fruit was mixed with water suspensions of layered silicates in different proportions. The dyeclay hybrids presented incorporated organic material in amounts up to 24 wt.-%. X ray diffractometry and vibrational (FTIR and Raman) and electronic spectroscopic data showed that flavylium cations were successfully intercalated between the inorganic layers. Mass-coupled thermogravimetric analysis (TGA-MS) data showed a significant gain in the thermostability of the organic species in relation to anthocyanins in the extract. MS curves related to CO2 release (m/z = 44) are ascendant above 200 degrees C when the dye cations are confined to the inorganic structure. The radical scavenging activity of the hybrid materials was monitored by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) toward the stable radical DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) and compared to the activity of the acai extract. In addition to the fact that interaction with clay minerals improves the stability of the acai dyes against heat, their properties as radical scavengers are preserved after intercalation. The improvement in the properties of the nutraceutical species by intercalation by using biocompatible inorganic structures can be valuable for human therapy.
Within-site variability in species detectability is a problem common to many biodiversity assessments and can strongly bias the results. Such variability can be caused by many factors, including simple counting inaccuracies, which can be solved by increasing sample size, or by temporal changes in species behavior, meaning that the way the temporal sampling protocol is designed is also very important. Here we use the example of mist-netted tropical birds to determine how design decisions in the temporal sampling protocol can alter the data collected and how these changes might affect the detection of ecological patterns, such as the species-area relationship (SAR). Using data from almost 3400 birds captured from 21,000 net-hours at 31 sites in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, we found that the magnitude of ecological trends remained fairly stable, but the probability of detecting statistically significant ecological patterns varied depending on sampling effort, time of day and season in which sampling was conducted. For example, more species were detected in the wet season, but the SAR was strongest in the dry season. We found that the temporal distribution of sampling effort was more important than its total amount, discovering that similar ecological results could have been obtained with one-third of the total effort, as long as each site had been equally sampled over 2 yr. We discuss that projects with the same sampling effort and spatial design, but with different temporal sampling protocol are likely to report different ecological patterns, which may ultimately lead to inappropriate conservation strategies.
Abstract Background The Atlantic rainforest ecosystem, where bromeliads are abundant, provides an excellent environment for Kerteszia species, because these anophelines use the axils of those plants as larval habitat. Anopheles (K.) cruzii and Anopheles (K.) bellator are considered the primary vectors of malaria in the Atlantic forest. Although the incidence of malaria has declined in some areas of the Atlantic forest, autochthonous cases are still registered every year, with Anopheles cruzii being considered to be a primary vector of both human and simian Plasmodium. Methods Recent publications that addressed ecological aspects that are important for understanding the involvement of Kerteszia species in the epidemiology of malaria in the Atlantic rainforest in the Neotropical Region were analysed. Conclusion The current state of knowledge about Kerteszia species in relation to the Atlantic rainforest ecosystem was discussed. Emphasis was placed on ecological characteristics related to epidemiological aspects of this group of mosquitoes. The main objective was to investigate biological aspects of the species that should be given priority in future studies.
The quality of fish products is indispensably linked to the freshness of the raw material modulated by appropriate manipulation and storage conditions, specially the storage temperature after catch. The purpose of the research presented in this thesis, which was largely conducted in the context of a research project funded by Italian Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies (MIPAAF), concerned the evaluation of the freshness of farmed and wild fish species, in relation to different storage conditions, under ice (0°C) or at refrigeration temperature (4°C). Several specimens of different species, bogue (Boops boops), red mullet (Mullus barbatus), sea bream (Sparus aurata) and sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax), during storage, under the different temperature conditions adopted, have been examined. The assessed control parameters were physical (texture, through the use of a dynamometer; visual quality using a computer vision system (CVS)), chemical (through footprint metabolomics 1H-NMR) and sensory (Quality Index Method (QIM). Microbiological determinations were also carried out on the species of hake (Merluccius merluccius). In general obtained results confirmed that the temperature of manipulation/conservation is a key factor in maintaining fish freshness. NMR spectroscopy showed to be able to quantify and evaluate the kinetics for unselected compounds during fish degradation, even a posteriori. This can be suitable for the development of new parameters related to quality and freshness. The development of physical methods, particularly the image analysis performed by computer vision system (CVS), for the evaluation of fish degradation, is very promising. Among CVS parameters, skin colour, presence and distribution of gill mucus, and eye shape modification evidenced a high sensibility for the estimation of fish quality loss, as a function of the adopted storage conditions. Particularly the eye concavity index detected on fish eye showed a high positive correlation with total QIM score.
We present the data of the 3rdresearch expedition of the European Dry Grasslands Group (EDGG), which was conducted in 2011 in two contrasting areas in NW Bulgarian mountains. The aim was to collect plot data for comparing Bulgarian dry grasslands with those of other parts of Europe in terms of syntaxonomy and biodiversity. We sampled 15 nested-plot series (0.0001–100 m²) and 68 normal plots(10 m²) covering the full variety of dry grassland types occurring in the Vratsa area (Balkan Mts.) and the Koprivshtitsa area (Sredna Gora Mt.). In the plots all vascular plants, terricolous non-vascular plants and a set of soil and other environmental parameters were determined. By applying modified TWIN-SPAN, we distinguished 10 floristically well characterised vegetation types at the association level. After comparison with the regional and European literature, we propose to place them within three classes and five orders: Festuco-Brometea with the orders Stipo pulcherrimae-Festucetalia pallentis (xerophilous dry grasslands of base-rich rocks; alliance Saturejion montanae), Brachypodietalia pinnate (meso-xeric, basiphilous grasslands; alliances Cirsio-Brachypodion pinnate and Chyrsopogono grylli-Danthonion calycinae),Calluno-Ulicetea with the order Nardetalia stricae (lowland to montane Nardus swards; alliance Violion caninae), and Koelerio-Corynephoretea with the orders Sedo-Scleranthetalia (open communities of skeleton-rich, acidic soils; alliance unclear) and Trifolioarvensis-Festucetalia ovinae(closed, meso-xeric, acidophilous grasslands; alliance Armerio rumelicae-Potentillion). The Violion caninae with the association Festuco rubrae-Genistelletum sagittalisis reported from Bulgaria for the first time, while the two occurring Koelerio-Corynephoretea communities are described as new associations (Cetrario aculeatae-Plantaginetum radicatae, Plantagini radicatae-Agrostietum capillaris). According to DCA the main floristic gradient was largely determined by soil conditions, differentiating the Festuco-Brometea communities on soils with high pH and high humus content from the Koelerio-Corynephoretea communities on acidic, humus-poor soils, while the Calluno-Ulicetea stands are the connecting link. At 10 m² Festuco-Brometea and Calluno-Ulicetea stands were richer in species across all investigated taxa and in vascular plants than Koelerio-Corynephoretea stands; the latter were richest in lichen species, while bryophyte richness did not differ significantly among syntaxa. Among the Bulgarian classes, the species-area relationships tended to be steepest in the Festuco-Brometea (i.e. highest beta diversity), but both alpha and beta diversity clearly fell behind the Festuco-Brometea communities in the Transylvanian Plateau, Romania, located less than 500 km north of the study region. Overall, our study contributes to a more adequate placement of the Bulgarian dry grasslands in the European syntaxonomic system and provides valuable data for large-scale analyses of biodiversity patterns
El objetivo fue estudiar la diversidad de coleópteros epígeos en el cultivo de maní, su composición taxonómica y su hábito alimenticio, a fin de aportar conocimientos acerca de especies potencialmente dañinas o benéficas al cultivo. Durante las campañas agrícolas 2004/05, 2005/06 y 2006/07 se colocaron 10 trampas Barber en un lote de maní ubicado en la localidad de Olaeta (Córdoba, Argentina). Se instalaron siguiendo un diseño en "X" dentro del lote en el momento de la siembra del cultivo y se dejaron hasta la cosecha. La colecta se realizó con una frecuencia semanal y el material fue identificado y cuantificado. Se determinó la frecuencia y constancia de cada especie colectada y la riqueza de especies fue calculada a través del Índice de diversidad de Simpson. Se registraron 10 familias y dentro de ellas 19 géneros/especies: los individuos fitófagos representaron entre el 66 y el 71%; los predadores entre el 18 y el 27% y los coprófagos entre el 2 y el 16% en los tres ciclos estudiados. La mayor diversidad (0,80-0,82) se obtuvo entre mediados de diciembre y principios de enero. Las especies fitófagas que se encontraron podrían comportarse como plagas para el cultivo.
Aim: To investigate shell size variation among gastropod faunas of fossil and recent long-lived European lakes and discuss potential underlying processes. Location: 23 long-lived lakes of the Miocene to Recent of Europe. Methods: Based on a dataset of 1412 species of both fossil and extant lacustrine gastropods, we assessed differences in shell size in terms of characteristics of the faunas (species richness, degree of endemism, differences in family composition) and the lakes (surface area, latitude and longitude of lake centroid, distance to closest neighbouring lake) using multiple and linear regression models. Because of a strong species-area relationship, we used resampling to determine whether any observed correlation is driven by that relationship. Results: The regression models indicated size range expansion rather than unidirectional increase or decrease as the dominant pattern of size evolution. The multiple regression models for size range and maximum and minimum size were statistically significant, while the model with mean size was not. Individual contributions and linear regressions indicated species richness and lake surface area as best predictors for size changes. Resampling analysis revealed no significant effects of species richness on the observed patterns. The correlations are comparable across families of different size classes, suggesting a general pattern. Main conclusions: Among the chosen variables, species richness and lake surface area are the most robust predictors of shell size in long-lived lake gastropods. Although the most outstanding and attractive examples for size evolution in lacustrine gastropods derive from lakes with extensive durations, shell size appears to be independent of the duration of the lake as well as longevity of a species. The analogue of long-lived lakes as 'evolutionary islands' does not hold for developments of shell size because different sets of parameters predict size changes.