896 resultados para Special needs students


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"Frances Cole ... chairman."


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Adult illiteracy rates are alarmingly high worldwide. The portability, affordability, and ease of use of mobile (or handheld) devices offer a realistic opportunity to provide novel, context-sensitive literacy resources to adults with limited literacy skills. To this end, we developed the concept of ALEX – a mobile Adult Literacy support application for EXperiential learning (Lumsden et al., 2005). On the basis of a medium-fidelity prototype of this application, we conducted an evaluation of ALEX using participants from our in tended user group. This evaluation had two goals: (a) to assess the usefulness of the ALEX concept and the usability of its current design; and (b) to reflect on the appropriateness of our evaluation process given the literacy-related needs of our participants. This paper outlines our approach to this evaluation as well as the results we obtained and our reflections on the process.


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Adoption of special needs children is now seen as a life long event whereby the adoptive child and family have unique needs. The need for postplacement resources throughout the life cycle of the adoption process is evident. This exploratory-descriptive research employed a random stratified cross-sectional design. The purpose of the study was to describe, identify, examine, and assess the relative influence of identified empirically and conceptually relevant variables of self-report experiences of adoptive parents of special needs children. Primary areas of exploration included: (1) adoptive children and families' characteristics, (2) postplacement service needs, utilization and satisfaction, and (3) adoptive parents' perceptions of their adoption experiences. A proportionate stratified random mail survey was used to obtain 474 families who had adopted special needs children from the 15 geographic districts which make up the state adoption social service agency in Florida. A 144-item survey questionnaire was used to collect basic information on demographic data, service provision, and adoption experiences. Four research questions were analyzed to test the effect the predictor variables had on willingness to adopt another special needs child, successful adoption, satisfying experience, and realism about problems. All four research questions revealed that the full model and the child's antecedent and the adoptive parents' intervening variable blocks were significant in explaining the variance in the dependent variables. The child's intervening variables alone were only significant in explaining the variance for one of the dependent variables. The results of the statistical analysis on the fifth research question and the three hypotheses determined that (1) only one postplacement service, crisis intervention, had a statistically significant impact on the adoptive parents' perceived level of satisfaction with the adoption experience; (2) adoptive parents who rate their adoption as successful are more likely to express a desire to adopt another special needs child; (3) the more adequate information on the child the adoptive parents perceived that they had prior to placement, the more they perceived they were realistic about the problems they would encounter; and (4) six specific postplacement services were found to be significant in predicting successful adoptions--crisis intervention, outpatient drug/alcohol treatment, maintenance subsidy, physical therapy, special medical equipment, and family counseling. Implications for the social work field and future research are discussed. ^


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The purpose of this article is to examine the factors that affect the inclusion of pupils in programmes for children with special needs from the perspective of the theory of recognition. The concept of recognition, which includes three aspects of social justice (economic, cultural and political), argues that the institutional arrangements that prevent ‘parity of participation’ in the school social life of the children with special needs are affected not only by economic distribution but also by the patterns of cultural values. A review of the literature shows that the arrangements of education of children with special needs are influenced primarily by the patterns of cultural values of capability and inferiority, as well as stereotypical images of children with special needs. Due to the significant emphasis on learning skills for academic knowledge and grades, less attention is dedicated to factors of recognition and representational character, making it impossible to improve some meaningful elements of inclusion. Any participation of pupils in activities, the voices of the children, visibility of the children due to achievements and the problems of arbitrariness in determining boundaries between programmes are some such elements. Moreover, aided by theories, the actions that could contribute to better inclusion are reviewed. An effective approach to changes would be the creation of transformative conditions for the recognition and balancing of redistribution, recognition, and representation. (DIPF/Orig.)


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This review was requested by the Department of Disabilities and Special Needs for an independent review of allegations of abuse, neglect, and exploitation at SC Mentor, a private provider of residential services for DDSN consumers. An analysis of incidents did not indicate systemic abuse towards consumers inasmuch as the majority of the ANE reporting system contained allegations more akin to staff/facility performance issues and the vast majority of all allegations were unsustained by independent investigations. In the future, DDSN should expand the level of detail in its ANE reporting, which currently only reports total allegations and sustained criminal incidents.


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A inclusão de alunos com necessidades educativas especiais (NEE) no sistema educativo não tem sido fácil para as escolas nem para os professores, uma vez que exige mudanças na organização escolar e nas práticas curriculares. Este estudo centra-se nas decisões de planeamento curricular e estratégias de ensino protagonizadas por professores que lecionam em turmas inclusivas e tem como objetivo identificar conceções e práticas de diferenciação curricular para alunos com NEE. O estudo incide sobre 4 professores e respetivas turmas do 1º ciclo do Ensino Básico do mesmo Agrupamento de Escolas. Como processo de recolha dos dados utilizámos a entrevista e a observação direta. Concluímos que os professores assumem a necessidade de implementar adequações curriculares como resposta às diferenças e particularidades de cada aluno. No entanto, revelaram dificuldades ao nível da gestão curricular em turmas inclusivas e as práticas que desenvolvem nem sempre facilitam a implementação das adequações que reconhecem ser necessárias.


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Dans le contexte actuel de l’éducation, l’enfant est davantage placé au cœur des relations entre la famille, l’école et la communauté, et les parents sont invités à accompagner leur enfant tout au long de son parcours scolaire. Quant aux enseignants, ils sont conviés à collaborer de façon systématique avec les familles. La collaboration entre les enseignants et les parents devient donc une condition essentielle à la réussite scolaire des élèves, notamment avec ceux qui éprouvent des difficultés d’apprentissage. Actuellement, dans nos écoles, la collaboration se situe principalement au niveau des communications obligatoires de base prescrites par le Régime pédagogique. En ce sens, Kalubi et Lesieux (2006) soulignent que le partenariat tant souhaité dans les documents officiels des ministères concernés ne transparaît pas toujours dans les pratiques quotidiennes. D’ailleurs, la littérature scientifique montre qu’il existe de nombreux obstacles liés à la collaboration école-famille-communauté, tout particulièrement lorsqu’il s’agit d’entretenir des relations harmonieuses avec les parents d’élèves à risque. À cet égard, une plus grande participation parentale est sollicitée en vue d’intensifier la collaboration entre l’école et la famille. Effectivement, les enseignants désirent que les parents s’impliquent davantage auprès de leur enfant dans les travaux et les devoirs à la maison et, du côté des parents, ils se demandent souvent comment agir pour aider encore mieux leurs enfants dans leur apprentissage (Gouvernement du Québec, 2000). Le plan d’intervention est un outil reconnu par les milieux scolaires pour aider l’élève à risque dans son cheminement scolaire puisqu’il sollicite la participation des parents et encourage la collaboration école-famille-communauté. De fait, il s’inscrit dans une démarche dynamique et prend appui sur une vision systémique de la situation de l’élève, ce qui permet de mieux identifier les besoins de l’élève à risque et d’y répondre adéquatement (Gouvernement du Québec, 2004). En prolongement à ce que l’on connaît déjà sur la participation parentale et la collaboration école-famille-communauté, nous orientons cette recherche sur les perceptions et les attentes d’enseignants au primaire en classe ordinaire et de parents d’élèves à risque à l’égard de la participation parentale et de la collaboration école-famille dans le cadre de l’élaboration et du suivi du plan d’intervention. Cette étude emprunte une approche de recherche qualitative de type exploratoire et elle est menée auprès de huit enseignants au primaire et de sept parents d’élèves à risque. Les participants ont délibérément été choisis pour leur représentativité par rapport à l’objet d’étude (Mongeau, 2009). Une procédure d’échantillonnage par volontariat a été appliquée et les données ont été recueillies par le biais d’entrevues semi-dirigées. L’analyse des entrevues révèle que les parents participent au plan d’intervention parce qu’ils veulent soutenir et aider leur enfant dans leur cheminement scolaire. Il existe cependant de multiples façons pour les parents de participer à la réussite scolaire de leur enfant, celles-ci variant particulièrement selon leurs intérêts, leurs compétences et leurs disponibilités. En ce qui concerne les enseignants, les entrevues nous dévoilent qu’ils ont globalement des perceptions positives à l’égard des parents, ce qui favorise grandement l’établissement de relations harmonieuses. Par contre, ils s’attendent à une plus grande participation parentale dans le suivi scolaire de l’enfant à la maison. Tant d’un côté que de l’autre, les résultats indiquent qu’il faut favoriser davantage la participation des parents à l’élaboration et au suivi du plan d’intervention de l’élève à risque. Idéalement, les enseignants et les parents devraient s’enrichir mutuellement de leurs ressources et de leurs expertises complémentaires en créant des relations collaboratives plutôt que hiérarchiques. Ce niveau de collaboration est sans aucun doute celui qui favoriserait avantageusement la réussite scolaire des élèves à risque.


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RESUMO: Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar as entidades que interagem entre si para tornar a Escola verdadeiramente inclusiva: Órgãos de Gestão e Professores. Se no caso dos primeiros, estamos a falar de decisões a dois níveis, pedagógico e organizacional, como por exemplo a nível dos processos de avaliação, ou no estabelecimento de um critério de atribuição das turmas aos professores mais experientes, logo mais capazes para lidar com estas dificuldades inerentes aos alunos com NEE, no caso dos professores falamos exclusivamente de decisões a nível pedagógico, relacionadas com formas de organização, construção de currículo, formações de grupos ou a definição de tutorias durante a aula. A recolha de dados, feita a partir de um conjunto de entrevistas a professores e directores de escolas, e a sua análise qualitativa permitiu apurar que no caso dos professores, as decisões tomadas têm ido ao encontro dos estudos actuais, com métodos de trabalho que assentam no trabalho cooperativo (Johnson, &, Johnson, 1990) como meio de promover a inclusão destes alunos no seio de uma turma regular. Em relação às escolas analisadas, não existem critérios consistentes para distribuição dos alunos com necessidades educativas permanentes por diferentes turmas, com desrespeito do quadro normativo, nem para a atribuição de turmas aos professores. o que na prática significa que frequentemente as turmas com mais alunos portadores de necessidades educativas especiais são atribuídas de forma aparentemente aleatória, recaindo nos professores em início de carreira e em estágio pedagógico, a quem é pedido que façam as pontes entre a escola e as respectivas famílias, entre a investigação e a prática lectiva, numa relação contínua de estudo, reflexão e acção. ABSTRACT: This qualitative based study, aims at analyzing the interactions between the two entities responsible for promoting inclusive schools: Governing Bodies and Teachers. Supported by the legal framework concerning the conditions to include Special Needs Students in regular schools, the former are the ones responsible for, at educational and organizational levels, establishing the guidelines for learning assessment and setting the criteria for assigning students to classes and classes to teachers. The teachers are in charge of decisions concerning the field work, such as the relationships with families, the issues of classroom work, and of responding to students’ learning needs, may these be permanent or occasional. Regardless of their experience in classroom teaching, it is the responsibility of each teacher to care for their classroom inclusiveness, taking care of the specificities of the Special Needs Students allocated to their classes, and taking decisions concerning the classroom organization, the composition of the working groups , the curriculum administration and the involvement of all students in tutoring the “special” ones , so that they may be included as successful class members, according to the level of expectations designed for their conditions. Governing Bodies and teachers behaved differently in responding to the interviews designed for this study, teachers being more open to talk about their conditions of work, their teaching strategies and working methods. These are based on classroom cooperative work, coping with the current research findings on the same issues of inclusion in regular school settings. It is up to them to bridge school and families, knowledge and practice, self-study, reflection and action. Governing bodies, however, revealed to be more inconsistent in assigning teachers to classes, and in allocating Special Needs Students to regular classes, often skipping what is established in the national norms.


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O presente trabalho tem por base o estudo do tipo de atitude revelada pelos docentes de 2ºciclo face à inclusão escolar de alunos com necessidades educativas especiais. A metodologia seguida passou pela entrevista aplicada a cinco docentes de vários grupos disciplinares, observação direta a dois docentes em contexto de sala de aula e análise documental. A análise dos resultados obtidos permite afirmar que os docentes estão sensibilizados para as vantagens da escola inclusiva, contudo, consideram que, para a escola inclusiva ter sucesso, é imprescindível investir na formação de professores, sobretudo, na área das necessidades educativas especiais. Para além de referido anteriormente salienta-se ainda, a necessidade de maior número de horas de apoio por parte dos docentes de Educação Especial, mais recursos materiais, turmas mais reduzidas e apoio de outros técnicos especializados. A inclusão dos alunos considerados com necessidades educativas especiais no ensino regular implica mudanças ao nível das atitudes e das práticas pedagógicas de todos os intervenientes no processo ensino e aprendizagem, da organização e da gestão na sala de aula e na própria Escola enquanto instituição.


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A inclusão de alunos com necessidades educativas especiais no ensino regular tem vindo a revelar-se um desafio tremendo para os professores, que têm tentado incluir as crianças com deficiência sem negligenciar as necessidades das crianças ditas normais. Os professores assumem, assim, um papel determinante na promoção da educação inclusiva, que está fortemente ligada às atitudes dos professores face aos alunos com necessidades educativas especiais. O objectivo deste estudo é então investigar as atitudes gerais dos professores, determinando o modo como estes percepcionam as vantagens da inclusão quer para os alunos ditos normais quer para os alunos com deficiência e perceber de que forma essas atitudes são influenciáveis, tendo em conta a experiência profissional, a experiência no ensino de alunos com deficiência e a formação inicial dos docentes. A amostra foi constituída por 640 professores do ensino regular (N=463 do género feminino e N=177 do género masculino). Foi aplicado o APIAD – Atitudes dos Professores face à Inclusão de Alunos com Deficiência (Leitão, 2011). Concluiu-se que os docentes com menos de 5 anos de serviço apresentam atitudes gerais mais favoráveis em relação à inclusão (p=0,000) e em relação às vantagens da inclusão para os alunos ditos normais (p=0,024), quando comparados com o grupo com mais de 10 anos de experiência. Quanto à experiência no ensino de alunos com deficiência, os resultados indicaram que os professores com experiência possuem atitudes mais favoráveis, do que aqueles que não têm experiência, quer gerais (p=0,000) quer face às vantagens da inclusão (p=0,023) quer ainda às vantagens da inclusão para os alunos com deficiência (p=0,013). No que se refere à formação inicial, os professores, com contacto com alunos com deficiência durante a sua formação, revelaram atitudes gerais mais positivas (p=0,000) do que os professores sem essa formação inicial, o mesmo acontecendo no que se refere às atitudes percepcionadas no que diz respeito às vantagens da inclusão (p=0,016) e às vantagens da inclusão para os alunos com deficiência (p=0,006)


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The move to include students with special needs (NEE) in the schools presents a paradigm that raises continual discussion about how to implement this proposal. Considering that learning is built from the weaving of socially constructed knowledge and the field of knowledge concerning subjectivity, this research explores the difficulties that occur with the later in the process of inclusion in the schools. Admittedly, the promise implicit in the school does not guarantee that the student learn, but the envisioning of this learning, when the student s educator discredits him, is such that the person is then not taken on as an actual student, being excluded from the transmission of knowledge, even within the school. The project implemented at the Instituto Educacional Casa Escola IECE, for the last three years, shows us that the possibility and sustainability of this envisioning is intimately linked to the subjectivity of the educator, as well as how one relates to the institutional culture. We question then, how this perspective is formed in the educator this perspective capable of denying the offer of a place as student, allowing him to advance while learning. With this in mind, we explore the paradoxical elements present in the paradigm of inclusion, as well as analyzing theoretically, through the body of conceptual psychoanalysis, the process of subjective constitution. We intend to bring to light how this process coincides with the construction of the educator s perspective of exemption from teaching the special needs students. We question, through the formative functions of subjective structuring (The Mirror Stage and the Oedipus Complex), how to form a perspective capable of promoting inclusion of special needs students in educators. Finally, we show how it is possible to bring to light, with the concepts of the I ideal and the ideal I, the subjective difficulties in the practicing instructor


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The practice of teaching is permeated by adverse working conditions, low wages, inadequacy of material and teaching resources, overcrowded classrooms, tension in relationships with the students, excessive work load, lack of safety in the school environment, insignificant participation in institutional planning and in institutional politics. The objective of the present study was to compare burnout among three groups of teachers who work in elementary grades: a) 20 teachers who teach in regular school classrooms without the inclusion of students with special educational needs - RSI Group; b) 20 teachers who teach in the regular classroom with special needs students - RCI Group; c) 20 teachers who teach in resource classrooms (SR Group). The instruments used for data collection were the Maslach Burnout Inventory -MBI. The data was analyzed by SPSS version 13.0 and Kruskal-Wallis test for comparison of the three groups. The results were organized in the form of figures and tables. In general, the results demonstrated that the groups presented relative similarity. The teachers from the SR Group obtained the best results in the evaluation of the three burnout scales when compared to the RSI Group and RCI Group, that is, there was a prevalence of answers in the lower levels of emotional exhaustion, high level of low personal accomplishment and low level for depersonalization. It is hoped that these results contribute to a better understanding of burnout in teachers from regular classrooms with or without students with educational special needs and/or to indicate new directions for investigation.