996 resultados para Southern Pacific Railroads


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The quartz contents of sediments from Hole 595A, determined by X-ray diffractometry, serve as an indicator of eolian transport of terrigenous material to the central southern Pacific. The quartz contents are very small and, within limits of analytical resolution, vary only slightly from the Cretaceous to the present. However, the accumulation rate of the eolian quartz does change significantly. The quartz accumulation reflects the changing position of the site with respect to the terrigenous source areas and the variations in wind systems through time.


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Environmental transitions leading to spatial physical-chemical gradients are of ecological and evolutionary interest because they are able to induce variations in phenotypic plasticity. Thus, the adaptive variability to low-pH river discharges may drive divergent stress responses [ingestion rates (IR) and expression of stress-related genes such as Heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) and Ferritin] in the neritic copepod Acartia tonsa facing changes in the marine chemistry associated to ocean acidification (OA). These responses were tested in copepod populations inhabiting two environments with contrasting carbonate system parameters (an estuarine versus coastal area) in the Southern Pacific Ocean, and assessing an in situ and 96-h experimental incubation under conditions of high pressure of CO2 (PCO2 1200 ppm). Adaptive variability was a determining factor in driving variability of copepods' responses. Thus, the food-rich but colder and corrosive estuary induced a traits trade-off expressed as depressed IR under in situ conditions. However, this experience allowed these copepods to tolerate further exposure to high PCO2 levels better, as their IRs were on average 43% higher than those of the coastal individuals. Indeed, expression of both the Hsp70 and Ferritin genes in coastal copepods was significantly higher after acclimation to high PCO2 conditions. Along with other recent evidence, our findings confirm that adaptation to local fluctuations in seawater pH seems to play a significant role in the response of planktonic populations to OA-associated conditions. Facing the environmental threat represented by the inter-play between multiple drivers of climate change, this biological feature should be examined in detail as a potential tool for risk mitigation policies in coastal management arrangements.


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U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Roads and Canals. Railroad to Oregon. Report. (20th Cong., 2d sess. House. Rep. 198): p. 11-12.


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Drake Passage is a major route for many water masses from the strong Antarctic Circumpolar Current. During the ANTXXIV-3 expedition (in 2008) the vertical distributions of dissolved and size-fractionated particulate 231Pa and thorium isotopes (230Th, 232Th and 234Th) were investigated in order to better define the scavenging regimes and the effects of the oceanic circulation on the fate of particulate material and on the Pa-Th distributions in the water column. The reversible scavenging-model applied to both 230Th and 234Th, in the upper 1500 m depth, gives estimates of the particle dynamics (settling velocities S~ 500-1300 m/y, adsorption and desorption rate constants of 0.1-0.4 1/y and 1-6 1/y respectively). Particulate 234Th/230Th activity ratio shows a depth dependence, with decreasing ratio with increasing depth in agreement with previous studies, but no relationship with particle size was found. 231Pa and thorium isotope fractionation and partition coefficients were investigated with particle size vs depth and latitude and appear to vary horizontally following a North-South gradient. This suggests that both radionuclides are mostly bound to the fine suspended particles. At Drake Passage, the 230Thxs distribution is controlled by a southward upwelling of deep water (clearly visible on the vertical section of total 230Thxs, defined as dissolved + particulate concentrations) and reversible-scavenging processes (linear increase of 230Thxs with increasing depth) with North of the Southern ACC Front, higher settling velocities and less adsorption/desorption cycles, than South of it. Distributions of dissolved and total 231Paxs also reflect the influence of the North-South upwelling but somehow this effect appears to be limited to the upper 1500 m depth of the water column. Below this depth, 231Paxs vertical profiles exhibit contrasted concentrations, with some high dissolved activities in the deep water of the stations in the northern part of the ACC and not South of the ACC. These N-S differences in dissolved 231Paxs were attributed to the different origins and scavenging history of the deep Pacific waters flowing across Drake Passage. Here at North, radionuclides-rich deep water originates from the Central Pacific, while at South, deep water derives from the Southern Pacific in which the observed low radionuclides concentrations are attributed to high opal abundance. South of the Drake Passage, high dissolved and particulate activities of 230Th and 232Th confirmed the intrusion of 230Th-rich Weddell Sea Deep Water (WSDW) close to the Antarctic Peninsula.


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The MAREDAT atlas covers 11 types of plankton, ranging in size from bacteria to jellyfish. Together, these plankton groups determine the health and productivity of the global ocean and play a vital role in the global carbon cycle. Working within a uniform and consistent spatial and depth grid (map) of the global ocean, the researchers compiled thousands and tens of thousands of data points to identify regions of plankton abundance and scarcity as well as areas of data abundance and scarcity. At many of the grid points, the MAREDAT team accomplished the difficult conversion from abundance (numbers of organisms) to biomass (carbon mass of organisms). The MAREDAT atlas provides an unprecedented global data set for ecological and biochemical analysis and modeling as well as a clear mandate for compiling additional existing data and for focusing future data gathering efforts on key groups in key areas of the ocean. The present data set presents depth integrated values of diazotrophs Gamma-A nifH genes abundance, computed from a collection of source data sets.


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The Atacama Desert has been pointed out as one of the places on earth where the highest surface irradiance may occur. This area is characterized by its high altitude, prevalent cloudless conditions and relatively low columns of ozone and water vapor. Aimed at the characterization of the solar spectrum in the Atacama Desert, we carried out in February-March 2015 ground-based measurements of the spectral irradiance (from the ultraviolet to the near infrared) at seven locations that ranged from the city of Antofagasta (on the southern pacific coastline) to the Chajnantor Plateau (5,100 m altitude). Our spectral measurements allowed us to retrieve the total ozone column, the precipitable water, and the aerosol properties at each location. We found that changes in these parameters, as well as the shorter optical path length at high-altitude locations, lead to significant increases in the surface irradiance with the altitude. Our measurements show that, in the range 0-5100 m altitude, surface irradiance increases with the altitude by about 27% in the infrared range, 6% in the visible range, and 20% in the ultraviolet range. Spectral measurements carried out at the Izana Observatory (Tenerife, Spain), in Hannover (Germany) and in Santiago (Chile), were used for further comparisons.


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ResumenEl artículo explora a partir de fuentes diversas (orales, hemerográficas y documentales) la problemática de la desestructuración económica sufrida por el Pacífico Sur costarricense, los distintos impactos sociales de la crisis que esta suscitó, el gran conflicto huelguístico del año 1984 y las políticas y respuestas ofrecidas por el Estado y los distintos actores sociales, de cara a tal problemáticaAbstractThrough the use of a wide diversity of sources (oral, newspaper, and documentary), this article explores the problem areas of the economic destructuring suffered by the Costa Rican Southern Pacific region, the different social impacts generated by this crisis, the great strike of 1984, and the policies and solutions proposed by the State and other social actors, in the face of these major issues.


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An assessment of the fifth Coupled Models Intercomparison Project (CMIP5) models’ simulation of the near-surface westerly wind jet position and strength over the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific sectors of the Southern Ocean is presented. Compared with reanalysis climatologies there is an equatorward bias of 3.7° (inter-model standard deviation of ± 2.2°) in the ensemble mean position of the zonal mean jet. The ensemble mean strength is biased slightly too weak, with the largest biases over the Pacific sector (-1.6±1.1 m/s, 27 -22%). An analysis of atmosphere-only (AMIP) experiments indicates that 41% of the zonal mean position bias comes from coupling of the ocean/ice models to the atmosphere. The response to future emissions scenarios (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5) is characterized by two phases: (i) the period of most rapid ozone recovery (2000-2049) during which there is insignificant change in summer; and (ii) the period 2050-2098 during which RCP4.5 simulations show no significant change but RCP8.5 simulations show poleward shifts (0.30, 0.19 and 0.28°/decade over the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific sectors respectively), and increases in strength (0.06, 0.08 and 0.15 m/s/decade respectively). The models with larger equatorward position biases generally show larger poleward shifts (i.e. state dependence). This inter-model relationship is strongest over the Pacific sector (r=-0.89) and insignificant over the Atlantic sector (r=-0.50). However, an assessment of jet structure shows that over the Atlantic sector jet shift is significantly correlated with jet width whereas over the Pacific sector the distance between the sub-polar and sub-tropical westerly jets appears to be more important.


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Stomach contents were analyzed from 127 Baird’s beaked whales, Berardizls bairdii, taken in coastal waters of Japan. During late July-August of 1985- 1987, 1989, and 1991, 107 samples were collected from off the Pacific coast of Honshu. An additional 20 samples were collected from whales taken in the southern Sea of Okhotsk during late August-September of 1988 and 1989. Prey identification using fish otoliths and cephalopod beaks revealed the whales fed primarily on deep-water gadiform fishes and cephalopods in both regions. Prey species diversity and the percentage of cephalopods and fish differed between the two regions. Off the Pacific coast of Honshu the whales fed primarily on benthopelagic fishes (81.8%) and only 18.0% on cephalopods. Eight species of fish representing two families, the codlings (Moridae) and the grenadiers (Macrouridde), collectively made up 81.3% of the total. Thirty species of cephalopods representing 14 families made up 12.7%. In the southern Sea of Okhotsk, cephalopods accounted for 87.1% of stomach contents. The families Gonatidae and Cranchiidae were the predominant cephalopod prey, accounting for 86.7% of the diet. Gadiform fish accounted for only 12.9% of the diet. Longfin codling, Laernonma longipes, was the dominant fish prey in both regions. Depth distribution of the two commonly consumed fish off the Pacific coast of Honshu indicate the whales in this region fed primarily at depths ranging from 800 to 1,200 m.


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An array of four sediment trap moorings recorded the particulate flux across the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) at 170 °W, between November 1996 and January 1998, as part of the US JGOFS-Antarctic Environment and Southern Ocean Process Study (AESOPS) program. The trap locations represent sampling within the Polar Frontal Zone, the Antarctic Polar Front, the Antarctic Zone and the Southern Antarctic Zone. Here we report observations from 1000 m below the sea-surface compared to seafloor and surface water distributions. Sub-sample splits from each trap were obtained and total diatom flux and species composition were determined. The diatom fluxes were quantified using both a dilution and a 'spike' method to allow for the rapid repeatability of measurements. Diatom flux was found to be highly seasonal across the ACC particularly at higher latitudes. Marine snow aggregates of intact diatom cells and chains were the major components of the biogenic flux. Siliceous particle size was noted to decrease with increasing latitude, which could be aligned with a shift of the diatom assemblage to small-size species/sea-ice affiliated species. A 'double-structured' diatom flux was recorded at the location of the Antarctic Polar Front trap, with a shift in the diatom assemblage from larger to smaller diatoms in the second flux episode. The sediment trap assemblage shows deviations from the surface water assemblage, while surface sediment samples indicate that significant dissolution occurs after 1000 m and at the sediment-water interface. Estimation of diatom biovolumes across the ACC shows that large diatoms have the potential to greatly impact biogenic fluxes to the ocean interior despite their low fluxes. Small species of the genus Fragilariopsis could potentially export as much Corg as Fragilariopsis kerguelensis near the retreating ice edge. However, their low abundance in the surface sediments also suggests that these diatoms are a shallow export species.


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Dust deposition in the Southern Ocean constitutes a critical modulator of past global climate variability, but how it has varied temporally and geographically is underdetermined. Here, we present data sets of glacial-interglacial dust-supply cycles from the largest Southern Ocean sector, the polar South Pacific, indicating three times higher dust deposition during glacial periods than during interglacials for the past million years. Although the most likely dust source for the South Pacific is Australia and New Zealand, the glacial-interglacial pattern and timing of lithogenic sediment deposition is similar to dust records from Antarctica and the South Atlantic dominated by Patagonian sources. These similarities imply large-scale common climate forcings such as latitudinal shifts of the southern westerlies and regionally enhanced glaciogenic dust mobilization in New Zealand and Patagonia.


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We combined longitudinal analyses of otolith microstructure and trace elemental composition in ~ age 1-2 Pacific bluefin tuna (PBT, n = 24) for inferring the arrival of individuals in the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem (CCLME). Element:Ca ratios in transverse otolith sections (9-12 rows, triplicate ablations from coreprimordium to edge, ø50 µm) were quantified for eight elements: Li, Mg, Mn, Co, Cu, Zn, Sr, and Ba, which was followed by microstructure analysis to provide age estimates corresponding to each ablation spot. Age estimates from otoliths ranged from 328 to 498 days post hatch. The combined elemental signatures of four elements (Ba, Mg, Co, Cu) showed a significant increase at the otolith edge in approximately half of the individuals (30-60 days prior to catch). Given the different oceanographic properties of oligotrophic open Pacific vs. high nutrient, upwelling CCLME waters, this signal is consistent with the entry of the fish into the CCLME, which was estimated to occur primarily in July after a transoceanic migration of ~1.5-2.0 months.


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A high-resolution multiproxy study performed on a marine record from SE Pacific off southern South America was used to reconstruct past regional environmental changes and their relation to global climate, particularly to El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon during the last 2200 years. Our results suggest a sustained northward shift in the position of the zonal systems, i.e. the Southern Westerly Wind belt and the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, which occurred between 1300 and 750 yr BP. The synchrony of the latitudinal shift with cooling in Antarctica and reduced ENSO activity observed in several marine and terrestrial archives across South America suggests a causal link between ENSO and the proposed displacement of the zonal systems. This shift might have acted as a positive feedback to more La Niña-like conditions between 1300 and 750 yr BP by steepening the hemispheric and tropical Pacific zonal sea surface temperature gradient. This scenario further suggests different boundary conditions for ENSO before 1300 and after 750 yr BP.