887 resultados para Sostenibilità, tetti verdi, urban green technology, LID, SUDS, LCA.
The 21st century poses many challenges for global sustainability. Among them, most importantly, the human race will encounter scarcity of raw materials and conventional energy resources. And, India may have to take the brunt of these problems as it is going to be the most populated region of the world with concomitant increase in energy demand and requirement of other resources. India will be the testing ground for introducing newer ways of green technology and innovative principles of resource management and utilization. With the vagaries of potential climate change gathering clouds in the background, Earth sciences will have a special and predominant role in guiding the society in prioritizing our resource discovery, utilization and their consumption and the upkeep of environment. On the fundamental level, Earth sciences are going through a most exciting phase of development as a born-again science. Technological breakthroughs including the satellite-based observations augur well for gaining new insights into Earth processes. A set of exciting fundamental problems that are globally identified will set the stage for an exhilarating period of new discoveries. Improvements in numerical and computer-based techniques will assist in modelling of Earth processes to unprecedented levels. India will have to take special effort in improving the existing experimentation facilities in the Earth science departments of the country, and also the general level of Earth science education to meet the global standards. This article presents an Earth science vision for the 21st century in an Indian context.
城市绿地是城市景观的重要组成部分,起着调节城市生态环境、美化城市景观、提供休闲游憩场所的重要作用,在城市发展中扮演着关键角色。沈阳市近年来将城市绿地建设作为城市建设的重要方面,取得了显著成效。因此,本文利用2006年Quick Bird高分辨率卫星影像对沈阳市三环内的城市绿地景观格局进行了研究,具体结论如下: (1) 沈阳三环内绿地斑块18261个,绿地面积 173.71km2,斑块数目主要以中型斑块为主(62.25%);在面积上以大型斑块为主(85.59%);绿地总体呈现斑块分布不均衡。 (2) 居住绿地、单位附属绿地与道路绿地破碎化程度高,分布分散,斑块形状复杂。城市绿地廊道连通性较高,道路绿地平均分维数最大。 (3) 公园绿地亚类中,综合型公园与带状公园面积较大,破碎化程度低;社区公园与街头绿地面积较小,破碎化程度高,分布分散。 (4) 绿地景观整体上,绿地斑块密度较大,破碎化程度高,景观多样性指数为1.6,斑块类型丰富,均匀度指数为0.73,蔓延度指数为0.83,存在着少数类型控制整个景观的现象。 (5) 绿地系统梯度分析表明:类型水平上,不同的绿地类型沿景观格局梯度表现出明显的空间特征;景观水平上,不同景观指数沿样带梯度也表现出差异性,表明城市化导致景观的破碎化程度增大,景观异质性增高。城乡边缘区绿地类型最为丰富,多样性指数较高,其格局有利于绿地生态环境维护功能的发挥。
本文利用中高分辨率遥感影像研究2006年沈阳市三环内城市绿地的空间格局及2001-2006年间的变化,以期对5年的高强度绿化建设进行评价。利用QuickBird高分辨率遥感影像,结合基于知识分类方法提取的植被覆盖信息和目视解译方法提取的土地利用信息,分析了2006年附属绿地的空间分布格局和公园绿地可达性。利用2001、2006年两景Landsat TM影像,基于线性混合分解方法提取的植被盖度信息,分析了5年间的绿化建设强度及其空间分布。 本文得到以下结论: 1) 工业用地和公共设施用地的绿化率均较高,分别是28.9%和32.3%。研究区域多层老式居住用地和道路的绿化率只有近20%。新居住用地中高层片块居住用地的平均斑块面积较小,主要是由小块的街区角落开发而成,绿化率只有10.3%;其余的新居住用地的绿化率均高于多层老式居住用地。居住用地高度类型相同的情况下,花园式居住用地比片块式居住用地拥有更高的绿化率。 2) 附属绿地绿化率随距市中心距离的递增梯度反映了城市内外绿化状况的两极分化现象,在几种主要的城市用地类型之间存在差异:公共设施(4.16%∙km-1)>多层老式居住用地(3.85%∙km-1)>新居住用地(3.05%∙km-1)>道路(2.36%∙km-1)。新居住用地弱于多层老式居住用地,表明随着旧城改造的持续进行,居住用地的内外两极分化现象可以得到缓解。公共设施用地的内外两极分化现象较严重,城市化进程中慎重对待高绿化率的公共设施用地如高校等迫于地价压力的外迁行为。 3) 公园绿地可达性分析的结果表明,只有29.25%的居住用地分布在距最近公园绿地5分钟的步行范围内,43.31%的居住用地在5-15分钟的步行范围内,建议持续增加公园绿地建设,尤其是在工商业密集区。研究区域尚未出现居住用地绿化环境的马太效应(高公园绿地可达性+高附属绿地绿化率)。 4) 2001-2006年,道路、居住用地、公共设施用地、公共绿地及广场的植被盖度均有不同程度的增加(5%-9%),证实了5年间绿化建设力度之大;工业用地的植被盖度几乎没有变化,原因估计是工业用地空间属于非公共空间,不属于公共绿化建设区域。5年间植被增量空间分布均匀,没有针对低绿化覆盖率地区加强绿化建设力度,部分缓解了绿化率的城市内外两极分化现象。
Today more than 99% of plastics are petroleum-based because of the availability and cost of the raw material. The durability of disposed plastics contributes to the environmental problems as waste and their persistence in the environment causes deleterious effects on the ecosystem. Environmental pollution awareness and the demand for green technology have drawn considerable attention of both academia and industry into biodegradable polymers. In this regard green chemistry technology has the potential to provide solution to this issue. Enzymatic grafting has recently been the focus of green chemistry technologies due to the growing environmental concerns, legal restrictions, and increasing availability of scientific knowledge. Over the last several years, research covering various applications of robust enzymes like laccases and lipases has been increased rapidly, particularly in the field of polymer science, to graft multi-functional materials of interest. In principle, enzyme-assisted grafting may modify/impart a variety of functionalities to the grafted composites which individual materials fail to demonstrate on their own. The modified polymers through grafting have a bright future and their development is practically boundless. In the present study series of graft composites with poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (P(3HB) as side chain and cellulose as a backbone polymer were successfully synthesised by introducing enzymatic grafting technique where laccase and lipase were used as model catalysts [1-3]. Subsequently, the resulting composites were removed from the casting surface under ambient environment and characterised by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and X-ray diffraction (XRD) in detail. Moreover, the thermo-mechanical behaviours of the grafted composites were investigated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and dynamic mechanical analyser (DMA) measurements, respectively. In addition, hydrophobic and hydrophilic characteristics of the grafted polymers were studied through drop contour analysis using water contact angle (WCA). In comparison to the individual counterparts improvement was observed in the thermo- mechanical properties of the composites to varied extent. The tensile strength, elongation at break, and Young’s modulus values of the composites reached their highest levels in comparison to the films prepared with pure P(3HB) only which was too fragile to measure any of the above said characteristics. Interestingly, untreated P(3HB) was hydrophobic in nature and after lipase treatment P(3HB) and P(3HB)-EC-based graft composite attained higher level of hydrophilicity. This is a desired characteristic that enhances the biocompatibility of the materials for proper cell adhesion and proliferation therefore suggesting potential candidates for tissue engineering/bio-medical type applications [3]. The present research will be a first step in the biopolymer modification. To date no report has been found in literature explaining the laccase/lipase assisted grafting of P(3HB) [1-3]. The newly grafted composites exhibit unique functionalities with wider range of potential applications in bio-plastics, pharmaceutical, and cosmetics industries, tissue engineering, and biosensors. [1] H.M.N. Iqbal, G. Kyazze, T. Tron and T. Keshavarz, Cellulose 21, 3613-3621 (2014). [2] H.M.N. Iqbal, G. Kyazze, T. Tron and T. Keshavarz, Carbohydrate Polymers 113, 131-137 (2014). [3] H.M.N. Iqbal, G. Kyazze, T. Tron and T. Keshavarz, Polymer Chemistry In-Press, DOI: 10.1039/C4PY0 0857J (2014).
Dans l’ère post-industrielle, où la densification apparaît comme une solution afin de freiner l’étalement urbain, la question de l’avenir des terrains en friche devient incontournable. En effet, ceux-ci deviennent hautement convoités par les acteurs du redéveloppement urbain puisqu’ils détiennent un potentiel foncier important. Face à ces pressions, cette recherche s’intéresse à la complexité des terrains en friche, puisqu’il existe une diversité de potentiels, outre le foncier. Parmi ces potentiels, les friches peuvent être utilisées comme des espaces verts urbains. Effectivement, il arrive qu’on retrouve sur ces sites des usagers qui les fréquentent, à différents desseins. L’étude tente ainsi de répertorier et de comprendre les pratiques faites par les usagers, pour deux cas étudiés à Montréal : le Boisé Jean-Milot et le Champ des possibles. L’objectif est non seulement de qualifier ces pratiques, mais également de mettre en évidence les facteurs d’influence qui les sous-tendent. La recherche s’inscrit dans les approches personnes-environnement. D’un point de vue méthodologique, des entretiens in situ ont été menés avec les usagers afin qu’ils puissent expliquer leur expérience vécue de la friche. Les facteurs d’influence ont émergé des discours tenus en entrevue. Les cas étudiés montrent que la friche est un espace d’exception en ville : les friches urbaines végétalisées sont le cadre de pratiques exclusives, en plus de faire vivre une variété d’ambiances à l’usager. Les résultats permettent ainsi de placer la friche comme un espace vert complémentaire au parc urbain. La friche fait partie d’un portfolio d’espaces disponibles, utilisés au moment présent. En relevant les facteurs qui influencent les usagers à fréquenter les friches, on met en lumière des qualités qui pourraient être utiles dans la planification des espaces verts urbains et dans le développement d’une vision innovante pour l’avenir des friches.
Las negociaciones del cambio climático no han arrojado resultados contundentes para afrontar la problemática que trata. El estudio de la institucionalidad establecida en el régimen, específicamente en el Protocolo de Kioto, para efectos de las negociaciones y de la lucha directa contra la problemática del cambio climático muestra señales de inoperancia. El GTE-PK no ha logrado concluir satisfactoriamente con su mandato y las negociaciones parecen estancadas por la falta de voluntad para negociar por parte de los grupos de negociación tanto de los Países Parte del Anexo I como de los No Anexo I. Lo anterior, no permite dar claridad sobre el futuro del Mecanismo de Desarrollo Limpio. Sin embargo, su institucionalidad no ha sido del todo un fracaso ya que la Junta Ejecutiva del Mecanismo de Desarrollo Limpio (JE) ha logrado registrar una gran cantidad de proyectos MDL y ha permitido lograr importantes avances en transferencia de tecnología verde entre los países Parte. En este trabajo se analizarán las dinámicas de las negociaciones en el régimen del cambio climático y su injerencia en la institucionalidad establecida bajo el Protocolo de Kioto.
El interés de este estudio de caso es comparar las dinámicas de uso y apropiación del espacio público en parques de origen formal e informal, y discutir sus implicaciones en la vida social y urbana, teniendo como zonas el parque Villa de la Torre (informal) y el parque Cayetano Cañizares (formal). Este trabajo se enmarca en conceptos de uso y apropiación del espacio público, a partir de los cuales se examinan las dinámicas de formalidad e informalidad de los parques zonas de estudio, explorando qué efectos puede tener su origen, y revisando si el parque informal implica falta de apropiación y usos conflictivos, o si por el contrario, las dinámicas que en espacios públicos se dan pueden incluir dinámicas positivas y negativas indistintamente de su origen.
With the increasing frequency and magnitude of warmer days during the summer in the UK, bedding plants which were a traditional part of the urban green landscape are perceived as unsustainable and water-demanding. During recent summers when bans on irrigation have been imposed, use and sales of bedding plants have dropped dramatically having a negative financial impact on the nursery industry. Retaining bedding species as a feature in public and even private spaces in future may be conditional on them being managed in a manner that minimises their water use. Using Petunia x hybrida ‘Hurrah White’ we aimed to discover which irrigation approach was the most efficient for maintaining plants’ ornamental quality (flower numbers, size and longevity), shoot and root growth under water deficit and periods of complete water withdrawal. Plants were grown from plugs for 51 days in wooden rhizotrons (0.35 m (h) x 0.1 m (w) x 0.065 m (d)); the rhizotrons’ front comprised clear Perspex which enabled us to monitor root growth closely. Irrigation treatments were: 1. watering with the amount which constitutes 50% of container capacity by conventional surface drip-irrigation (‘50% TOP’); 2. 50% as sub-irrigation at 10 cm depth (‘50% SUB’); 3. ‘split’ irrigation: 25% as surface drip- and 25% as sub-irrigation at 15 cm depth (‘25/25 SPLIT’); 4. 25% as conventional surface drip-irrigation (‘25% TOP’). Plants were irrigated daily at 18:00 apart from days 34-36 (inclusive) when water was withdrawn for all the treatments. Plants in ‘50% SUB’ had the most flowers and their size was comparable to that of ‘50% TOP’. Differences between treatments in other ‘quality’ parameters (height, shoot number) were biologically small. There was less root growth at deeper soil surface levels for ‘50% TOP’ which indicated that irrigation methods like ‘50% SUB’ and ‘25/25 SPLIT’ and stronger water deficits encouraged deeper root growth. It is suggested that sub-irrigation at 10 cm depth with water amounts of 50% container capacity would result in the most root growth with the maximum flowering for Petunia. Leaf stomatal conductance appeared to be most sensitive to the changes in substrate moisture content in the deepest part of the soil profile, where most roots were situated.
Rhizoremediation is a bioremediation technique whereby enhanced microbial degradation of organic contaminants occurs within the plant root zone (rhizosphere). It is considered an effective and affordable ‘green technology’ for remediating soils contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons (PHCs). This paper critically reviews the potential role of root exuded compounds in rhizoremediation, with emphasis on commonly exuded low molecular weight aliphatic organic acid anions (carboxylates). The extent to which remediation is achieved shows wide disparity among plant species. Therefore, plant selection is crucial for the advancement and widespread adoption of this technology. Root exudation is speculated to be one of the predominant factors leading to microbial changes in the rhizosphere and thus the potential driver behind enhanced petroleum biodegradation. Carboxylates can form a significant component of the root exudate mixture and are hypothesised to enhance petroleum biodegradation by: i) providing an easily degradable energy source; ii) increasing phosphorus supply; and/or iii) enhancing the contaminant bioavailability. These differing hypotheses, which are not mutually exclusive, require further investigation to progress our understanding of plant–microbe interactions with the aim to improve plant species selection and the efficacy of rhizoremediation.
Grass lawns are a ubiquitous feature of urban green-space throughout much of the temperate world. Species poor and intensively managed, lawns are ecologically impoverished, however environmentally aware lawn owners are reluctant to implement alternatives due to aesthetic concerns. Developing an alternative lawn format which is both biodiversity friendly and aesthetically pleasing is an imperative for urban greening. We suggest that such an alternative can be provided by replacing the grass lawn by a forb-based mix. To advance this, we tested the floral performance of three groups of clonal perennial forbs (native, non-native and mixed), each maintained using standard lawn management mowing regimes. Our findings show that both the frequency of mowing and the height at which mowing is applied influence floral performance and lawn aesthetics. Species origin was found to influence floral productivity, floral visibility and floral variety within grass-free lawns, with native species providing the greatest floral performance. The behaviour and management of grass lawns was not found to be a suitable analogue for the management of grass-free lawns and grass-free lawns are sufficiently different from grass lawns to require an entirely original management approach. We suggest that the grass-free lawn can provide an aesthetically and environmentally relevant replacement for the ubiquitous and ecologically-poor grass lawn.
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE
Belém vem perdendo, de forma incessante e rápida, o seu verde urbano. Essa perda apresenta características singulares, quando comparada a que outras cidades brasileiras igualmente sofrem face ao processo de especulação urbana e à ocupação desordenada do solo. Na cidade das mangueiras, são justamente elas, as mangueiras – tombadas pelo Patrimônio como bem de uso comum e preservação permanente – as espécies que padecem maiores danos, descaracterizando a cidade como tal. Além disso, diferentemente de outras capitais, onde a iniciativa privada tem sido responsável pela maior parte dos danos ambientais, em Belém, as ações e omissões do poder público em relação à cidade, respondem mais gravemente que o setor privado, pela deterioração da paisagem urbana, seja no que concerne ao verde, seja no que diz respeito às águas internas da cidade.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This paper is aimed to analyze the distribution of green areas in public spaces of the Limeira city. This study seeks to diagnose the current situation of the distribution of green areas in the city of Limeira and how these areas contribute to the quality of life of city residents. The concept of public green areas can be defined in different ways , and for this study were considered spaces where there is a prevalence of vegetation, parks , public gardens , squares and medians of avenues performing aesthetic and ecological , whose soil is not completely covered . The presence of urban green areas has several functions, such as a space for recreation , environmental education and interpretation , and thus contribute to a greater closeness between man and nature . The aim of this study is to discuss what benefits, incentives and difficulties exist for the maintenance and expansion of green areas in the city and investigate the population's perception of, and their relationship with, these spaces