998 resultados para Sonho americano


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The male of Eneoptera surinamensis (Orthoptera-Eneopteridae) is provided with 9 chromosomes, that is, with 3 pairs of autosomes and 3 sex chromosomes. Spermatogonia. - The autosomes of the spermatogonia are of the same size and U-shaped. One of the sex chromosomes approximately equalling the autosomes in size is telocentric, while the other two are much larger and V-shaped. One of the latter is smaller than the other. The sex chromosomes as showed in Figs. 1 and 2 are designated by X, Yl and Y2, X being the larger V, Yl the smaller one and Y2 the rod-shaped. Primary spermatocytes. - Before the growth period of the spermatocytes all the three sex chromosomes are visible in a state of strong heteropycnosis. X is remarkable in this stage in having two long arms well separated by a wide commissural segment. (Figs. 4, 5 and 6). During the growth period Y2 disappears, while X and Yl remain in a condensed form until metaphase. These may be separated from one another or united in the most varied and irregular manner. (Fig. 7 to 12). In the latter case the segments in contact seem to be always different so that we cannot recognize any homology of parts in the sense os genetics. At diplotene Y2 reappears together with the autosomal tetrads. X and Yl may again be seen as separate or united elements. (Figs. 13 and 14). At later diakinesis and metaphase the three sex chromosomes are always independent from each other, Y2 being typically rod-shaped, X and Yl V-shaped, X being a little larger than Yl. (Fig. 15 to 18). At metaphase the three condensed tetrads go to the equatorial plane, while the sex chromosomes occupy any position at both sides of this plane. In almost all figures which could be perfectly analysed X appeared at one side of the autosomal plate an Yl together with Y2 far apart at the other side. (Figs. 16 and 18). Only a few exception have been found. (Figs. 17 and 19). At anaphase X goes in precession to one pole, Yl and Y2 to the other (Figs. 20 and 21). As it is suggested by the few figures in which a localization of the sex chromosomes different from the normal has been observed, the possibility of other types of segregation of these elements cannot be entirely precluded. But, if this does happen, the resulting gametes should be inviable or give inviable zygotes. Early in anaphase autosomes and sex chromosomes divide longitudinally, being maintained united only by the kinetochore. (Figs. 20 and 21). At metaphase the three sex chromosomes seem to show no special repulsion against each other, X being found in the proximity of Yl or Y2 indifferently. At anaphase, however, the evidences in hand point to a stronger repulsion between X on the one side and both Ys on the other, so that in spite of the mutual repulsion of the latter they finish by going to the same pole. Secondary spermatocytes. - At telophase of the primary spermatocytes all the chromosomes enter into distension without disappearing of view. A nuclear membrane is formed around the chromosomes. All the chromosomes excepting Y2 which has two arms, are four-branched. (Fig. 22). Soon the chromosomes enter again into contraction giving rise to the secondary metaphase plate. Secondary spermatocytes provided as expected with four and five chromosomes are abundantly found. (Figs. 23 and 24). In the former all chromosomes are X-shaped while in the latter there is one which is V-shaped. This is the rod- shaped Y2. In the anaphase of the spermatocytes with four chromosomes all the chromosomes are V-shaped, one of them (X) being much larger than the others. In those with five there is one rod-shaped chromosome (Y2). (Fig. 25), Spermatids. Two classes of spermatids are produced, one with X and other with Yl and Y2. All the autosomes as well as Y2 soon enter into solution, X remaining visible for long time in one class and Yl in the other. (Figs. 26 and 27). Since both are very alike at this stage, one cannot distinguish the two classes of spermatids. Somatic chromosomes in the famale. - In the follicular cells of the ovary 8 chromosomes were found, two of which are much larger than the rest. (Figs. 29 and 30). These are considered as being sex chromosomes. CONCLUSION: Eneoptera surinamensis has a new type of sex-determining mechanism, the male being X Yl Y2 and the female XX. The sex chromosomes segregate without entering into contact at metaphase or forming group. After a review of the other known cases of complex sex chromosome mechanism the author held that Eneoptera is the unique representative of a true determinate segregation of sex chromosomes. Y2 behaving as sex chromosome and as autosome is considered as representing an intermediary state of the evolution of the sex chromosomes.


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According to E. Chagas (1938), South-American Kala Azar is a widespread disease from the jungle, several cases being reported from North Brazil (Estado do Pará: Marajó Island, Tocantins and Gurupi river valleys; Estados do Piauí and Ceará: coast and hinterland). Other cases were found in Northeast Brazil (Estados de Pernambuco, Alagôas and Sergipe: coast and hinterland; Estado da Bahia: hinterland). A few cases were described from Estado de Mato-Grosso (Brazil), Provincia de Salta and Território do Chaco (Argentine), and Zona contestada do Chaco (Paraguai-Bolívia). A well defined secondary anemia associated with enlargement of the liver and spleen are the chief symptoms. Death usually occurs in cachexia and with symptoms of heart failure. Half the patients were children aged less than ten years (CHAGAS, CASTRO & FERREIRA, 1937). Quite exhaustive epidemiological researches performed by CHAGAS, FERREIRA, DEANE, DEANE & GUIMARÃES (1938) in Municipio de Abaeté (Estado do Pará, Brazil) gave the incidence of 1.48% for the natural infection in human, 4.49% in dogs, and 2.63% in cats. The infection was arcribed (CUNHA & CHAGAS, 1937) to a new species of Leishmania (L. chagasi). Latter CUNHA (1938) state, that it is identical to L. infantum. ADLER (1940) found that so far it has been impossible to distinguish L. chagasi from L. infantum by any laboratory test but a final judgment must be reserved until further experiments with different species of sandflies have been carried out. Skin changes in canine Kala Azar were signaled by many workers, and their importance as regards the transmission of the disease is recognized by some of them (ADLER & THEODOR, 1931, 2. CUNHA, 1933). Cutaneous ulcers in naturally infected dogs are referred by CRITIEN (1911) in Malta, by CHODUKIN & SCHEVTSCHENKO (1928) in Taschkent, by DONATIEN & LESTOCQUARD (1929) and by LESTOCQUARD & PARROT (1929) in Algeria, and by BLANC & CAMINOPETROS (1931) in Greece. Depilation is signaled by YAKIMOFF & KOHL-YAKIMOFF (1911) in Tunis, by YAKIMOFF (1915) in Turkestan. Eczematous areas or a condition described as "eczema furfurace" is sometimes noted in the areas of depilation (DONATIEN & LESTOCQUARD). The skin changes noticed by ADLER & THEODOR (1932) in dogs naturally infected with Mediterranean Kala Azar can be briefly summarized as a selective infiltration of macrophages around hair follicles including the sebaceous glands and the presence of infected macrophages in normal dermis. The latter phenomenon in the complete absence of secondary infiltration of round cells and plasma cells is the most striking characteristic of canine Kala Azar and differentiates it from L. tropica. In the more advanced stages the dermis is more cellular than that of normal dogs and may even contain a few small dense areas of infiltration with macrophages and some round cells and polymorphs. The external changes, i. e., seborrhea and depilation are roughly proportional to the number of affected hair follicles. In dogs experimentally infected with South-American Kala Azar the parasites were regularly found in blocks of skin removed from the living animal every fortnight (CUNHA, 1938). The changes noticed by CUNHA, besides the presence of Leishmania, were perivascular and diffuse infiltration of the cutis with mononuclears sometimes more marked near hair follicles, as well as depilation, seborrhea and ulceration. The parasites were first discovered and very numerous in the paws. Our material was obtained from dogs experimentally infected by Dr. A. MARQUES DA CUNHA< and they were the subject of a previous paper by CUNHA (1938). In this study, however, several animals were discarded as it was found that they did develop a superimposed infection by Demodex canis. This paper deals with the changes found in 88 blocks of skin removed from five dogs, two infected with two different canine strains, and three with two distinct human strains of South-American Kala Azar. CUNHA'S valuable material affords serial observations of the cutaneous changes in Kala Azar as most of the blocks of skin were taken every fortnight. The following conclusions were drawn after a careful microscopic study. (1) Skin changes directly induced in the dog by the parasites of South-American Kala Azar may b described as an infiltration of the corium (pars papillaris and upper portion of the reticular layer) by histocytes. Parasites are scanty, at first, latter becoming very numerous in the cytoplasm of such cells. Sometimes the histocytes either embedding or not leishman bodies appear as distinct nodes of infiltration or cell aggregations (histocytic granuloma, Figs. 8 and 22) having a perivascular distribution. The capillary loops in the papillae, the vessels of the sweat glands, the subpapillary plexus, the vertical twigs connecting the superficial and deep plexuses are the ordinary seats of the histocytic Kala Azar granulomata. (2) Some of the cutaneous changes are transient, and show spontaneous tendency to heal. A gradual transformation of the histocytes either containing or not leishman bodies into fixed connective tissue cells or fibroblasts occut and accounts for the natural regression just mentioned. Figs. 3, 5, 18, 19 and 20 are good illustrations of such fibroblastic transformation of the histocytic Kala Azar granulomata. (3) Skin changes induced by the causative organism of South-American Kala Azar are neither uniform nor simultaneous. The same stage may be found in the same dog in different periods of the disease, and not the same changes take place when pieces from several regions are examined in the same moment. The fibroblastic transformation of the histocytic granulomata marking the beginning of the process of repair, e. g., was recognised in dog C, in the 196th as well as in the 213rd (Fig. 18) and 231st (Fig. 19) days after the inoculation. (4) The connective tissue of the skin in dogs experimentally infected with South-American Kala Azar is overflowed by blood cells (monocytes and lymphocytes) besides the proliferation in situ of undifferentiated mesenchymal cells. A marked increase in the number of cells specially the "ruhende Wanderzellen" (Figs. 4 and 15) is noticed even during the first weeks after inoculation (prodomal stage) when no leishman bodies are yet found in the skin. Latter a massive infiltration by amoeboid wandering cells similar to typical blood monocytes (Fig. 21) associated to a small number of lymphocytes and plasma cells (Figs. 9, 17, 21, and 24) indicates that the emigration of blood cells...


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Foram observadas infecções no macaco americano "Sagui" (Callitrix jacchus, Linneu 1758), quando inoculados com Plasmodium knowlesi. Inoculações massiças intra-venosas, são mortais em cerca de 10 dias. Com inoculações intra-musculares de menores quantidades de parasitos, foram verificados alguns casos de curas espontaneas. As características morfológicas e o seu conhecido ciclo de 24 horas taes como observados na infecção do macaco Rhesus, permanecem as mesmas no macaco estudado. O vigor do "sagui" em cativeiro é nitidamente inferior ao do "Rhesus" mas como seu preço de custo é trinta vezes menor, deve ser êle considerado como mais um animal útil para as pesquisas em malaria experimental.


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a) The species Amblyomma tapiri Tonelli Rondelli, 1937 and Amblyomma finitimum Tonelli Rondelli, 1937 are synonymous with Amblyomma cajennense Fabricius, 1787. Both species are based in differences of size, colour, punctations and form of the dorsal shield, presence or absence of ventral plates, size, form and direction of the spine of coxa IV. Such differences prouved to be only variations frequently observed in large lots or in cultures of Amblyomma cajennense. The revalidation of Koch's species Amblyomma tenellum Koch, 1844 and Amblyomma mixtum Koch, 1844 proposed by TONELLI RONDELLI as also of Amblyomma sculptum Berlese, 1888 and Amblyomma versicolor Nuttal et Warburton, 1908 cannot be accepted by the same reasons. b) Amblyomma beccari Tonelli Rondelli, 1939 and Amblyomma latepunctatum Tonelli Rondelli, 1939 are cospecific with Amblyomma scalpturatum Neumann, 1899 the same being true for Amblyomma myrmecophagium Schulze, 1935 and for Amblyomma brasiliense var. guianense Floch et Abonnenc, 1940, as previously stated. c) Amblyomma tasquei Floch et Abonnenc, 1940 is a good species but synonym with Amblyomma romitii Tonelli Rondelli, 1939 which has priority. d) Amblyomma curruca Schulze, 1936 is a synonym of Amblyomma parvum Aragão, 1908. e) Amblyomma deminutivum Neumann, 1899 represents a variation of Amblyomma dissimile Koch, 1844, a species whose internal spine of coxa IV may be poorly developed or even absent. f) Amblyomma nigrum Tonelli Rondelli, 1939 prouved to be synonym with Amblyomma paccae Aragao, 1911 the type representing a blackish specimen of the later species. g) Amblyomma brimonti Neumann, 1913 is a synonym of Amblyomma humerale Koch, 1844.


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Aquest treball analitza quins trets de la personalitat de la Hillary Rodham Clinton han influït en la creació de la seva imatge pública i quines estratègies de comunicació l'han convertit, d'entre totes les dones del panorama polític d'Estats Units, en la primera dona candidata a la presidència.


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Esta investigación aporta una visión panorámica del escenario competitivo de la industria de los PCs en los mercados del continente americano con mayor volumen de ventas. En él se describen los cambios producidos por el proceso de migración hacia la portabilidad que caracterizó el período 2005 - 2007. A partir de la estimación de un modelo de elección discreta Logit con coeficientes aleatorios, se recuperan los costes marginales a nivel de producto. A su vez, se desarrolla un análisis regional del ejercicio de poder de mercado por grupos de marcas basado en el Índice de Lerner, que revela que los cambios observados fueron gobernados principalmente por variaciones en la elasticidad-precio de la demanda. En particular, la incorporación de consumidores con una mayor elasticidad en el fragmento de portátiles en Latinoamérica podría explicar bajos niveles de poder de mercado (márgenes) en un contexto de precios a la baja y aumento de la demanda. Palabras clave: productos diferenciados, demanda, oligopolio, poder de mercado, Índice de Lerner, Logit con coeficientes aleatorios, PC. JEL: D12, F23, L13, L63.


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A produção intelectual apresentada no I Simpósio Ibero-Americano de História da Enfermagem foi organizada a partir de três eixos temáticos: antropologia do cuidado, história das instituições de ensino, de assistência e agremiações de enfermagem e história de vida, totalizando 198 estudos. Mediante os resultados apresentados a produção mostrada no simpósio apontou para a tendência dos estudos em história da enfermagem, nos eixos temáticos, pela ordem de interesse dos pesquisadores em: história das instituições, antropologia do cuidado e história de vida.


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Este trabajo de investigación plantea un paralelismo entre los marcos en pintura y lostítulos de crédito en cine. Se analizan los créditos de tres películas (Un americano en París, West Side Story y El desprecio) según sus características de indicación, frontera, límite, umbral al imaginario y marco de actividad. Las películas a las que acompañan pertenecen, a su vez, a diferentes medios de producción y jerarquía, aspectos tecnológicos, áreas estéticas y estructuras de emisión y recepción. Los tres marcos son, a su vez, marcos-objeto, marcos-límite, marcos-ventana y marcos-espejo. Se leen de manera centrípeta, entre dos mundos y desde fuera del marco. Para ello se parte de una metodología transdisciplinar basada en la hermenéutica, el análisis crítico de los textos audiovisuales, los estudios sobrela imagen y el marco como objeto social.


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