989 resultados para Somatic cells count (SCC)


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The effect of somatic cell count (SCC) and milk fraction on milk composition, distribution of cell populations, and mRNA expression of various inflammatory parameters was studied. Therefore, quarter milk samples were defined as cisternal (C), first 400 g of alveolar (A1), and remaining alveolar milk (A2) during the course of milking. Quarters were assigned to 4 groups according to their total SCC: 1) <12 x 10(3)/mL, 2) 12 to 100 x 10(3)/mL, 3) 100 to 350 x 10(3)/mL, and 4) >350 x 10(3)/mL. Milk constituents of interest were SCC, fat, protein, lactose sodium, and chloride ions as well as electrical conductivity. Cell populations were classified into lymphocytes, macrophages, and neutrophils (PMN). The mRNA expression of the inflammatory factors tumor necrosis factor-alpha, interleukin-1beta, cyclooxygenase-2, lactoferrin, and lysozyme was measured via real-time, quantitative reverse transcription PCR. Somatic cell count decreased from highest levels in C to lowest levels in A1 and increased thereafter to A2 in all groups. Fat content increased from C to A2 and with increasing SCC level. Lactose decreased with increasing SCC level but remained unchanged during milking. Concentrations of sodium and chloride, and electrical conductivity increased with increasing SCC but were higher in C than in A1 and A2. Protein was not affected by milk fraction or SCC level. The distribution of leukocytes was dramatically influenced by milk fraction and SCC. Lymphocytes were the dominating cell population in group 1, but the proportion of lymphocytes was low in groups 2, 3, and 4. Macrophage proportion was highest in group 2 and decreased in groups 3 and 4, whereas that of PMN increased from group 2 to 4. The content of macrophages decreased during milking in all SCC groups whereas that of PMN increased. The proportion of lymphocytes was not affected by milk fraction. The mRNA expression of all inflammatory factors showed an increase with increasing SCC but minor changes occurred during milking. In conclusion, milk fraction and SCC level have a crucial influence on the distribution of leukocyte populations and several milk constituents. The surprisingly high content of lymphocytes and concomitantly low mRNA expression of inflammatory factors in quarters with SCC <12 x 10(3)/mL indicates a different and possibly reduced readiness of the immune system to respond to invading pathogens.


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The c-mos proto-oncogene, which is expressed at relatively high levels in male and female germ cells, plays a key role in oocyte meiotic maturation. The c-mos gene product in oocytes (p39$\sp{\rm c-mos}$) is necessary and sufficient to initiate meiosis. p39$\sp{\rm c-mos}$ is also an essential component of the cytostatic factor, which is responsible for arresting vertebrate oocytes at the second meiotic metaphase by stabilizing the maturation promoting factor (MPF). MPF is a universal regulator of both meiosis and mitosis. Much less is understood about c-mos expression and function in somatic cells. In addition to gonadal tissues, c-Mos has been detected in some somatic tissues and non-germ cell lines including NIH 3T3 cells as a protein termed p43$\sp{\rm c-mos}$. Since c-mos RNA transcripts were not previously detected in this cell line by Northern blot or S1 protection analyses, a search was made for c-mos RNA in NIH 3T3 cells. c-mos transcripts were detected using the highly sensitive RNA-PCR method and RNase protection assays. Furthermore, cell cycle analyses indicated that expression of c-mos RNA is tightly controlled in a cell cycle dependent manner with highest levels of transcripts (approximately 5 copies/cell) during the G2 phase.^ In order to determine the physiological significance of c-mos RNA expression in somatic cells, antisense mos was placed under the control of an inducible promoter and introduced into either NIH 3T3 cells or C2 cells. It was found that a basal level of expression of antisense mos resulted in interference with mitotic progression and growth arrest. Several nuclear abnormalities were observed, especially the appearance of binucleated and multinucleated cells as well as the extrusion of microvesicles containing cellular material. These results indicate that antisense mos expression results in a block in cytokinesis. In summary, these results establish that c-mos expression is not restricted to germ cells, but instead indicate that c-mos RNA expression occurs during the G2 stage of the cell cycle. Furthermore, these studies demonstrate that the c-mos proto-oncogene plays an important role in cell cycle progression. As in meiosis, c-mos may have a similar but not identical function in regulating cell cycle events in somatic cells, particularly in controlling mitotic progression via activation/stabilization of MPF. ^


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Bovine mastitis is a frequent problem in Swiss dairy herds. One of the main pathogens causing significant economic loss is Staphylococcus aureus. Various Staph. aureus genotypes with different biological properties have been described. Genotype B (GTB) of Staph. aureus was identified as the most contagious and one of the most prevalent strains in Switzerland. The aim of this study was to identify risk factors associated with the herd-level presence of Staph. aureus GTB and Staph. aureus non-GTB in Swiss dairy herds with an elevated yield-corrected herd somatic cell count (YCHSCC). One hundred dairy herds with a mean YCHSCC between 200,000 and 300,000cells/mL in 2010 were recruited and each farm was visited once during milking. A standardized protocol investigating demography, mastitis management, cow husbandry, milking system, and milking routine was completed during the visit. A bulk tank milk (BTM) sample was analyzed by real-time PCR for the presence of Staph. aureus GTB to classify the herds into 2 groups: Staph. aureus GTB-positive and Staph. aureus GTB-negative. Moreover, quarter milk samples were aseptically collected for bacteriological culture from cows with a somatic cell count ≥150,000cells/mL on the last test-day before the visit. The culture results allowed us to allocate the Staph. aureus GTB-negative farms to Staph. aureus non-GTB and Staph. aureus-free groups. Multivariable multinomial logistic regression models were built to identify risk factors associated with the herd-level presence of Staph. aureus GTB and Staph. aureus non-GTB. The prevalence of Staph. aureus GTB herds was 16% (n=16), whereas that of Staph. aureus non-GTB herds was 38% (n=38). Herds that sent lactating cows to seasonal communal pastures had significantly higher odds of being infected with Staph. aureus GTB (odds ratio: 10.2, 95% CI: 1.9-56.6), compared with herds without communal pasturing. Herds that purchased heifers had significantly higher odds of being infected with Staph. aureus GTB (rather than Staph. aureus non-GTB) compared with herds without purchase of heifers. Furthermore, herds that did not use udder ointment as supportive therapy for acute mastitis had significantly higher odds of being infected with Staph. aureus GTB (odds ratio: 8.5, 95% CI: 1.6-58.4) or Staph. aureus non-GTB (odds ratio: 6.1, 95% CI: 1.3-27.8) than herds that used udder ointment occasionally or regularly. Herds in which the milker performed unrelated activities during milking had significantly higher odds of being infected with Staph. aureus GTB (rather than Staph. aureus non-GTB) compared with herds in which the milker did not perform unrelated activities at milking. Awareness of 4 potential risk factors identified in this study guides implementation of intervention strategies to improve udder health in both Staph. aureus GTB and Staph. aureus non-GTB herds.


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate effects of intramammary administration of prednisolone on the immune response of mammary glands in cows. ANIMALS: 5 lactating Red Holsteins. PROCEDURES: Cows received a different intramammary infusion in each mammary gland (10 mg of prednisolone, 100 μg of lipopolysaccharide [LPS], 100 μg of LPS and 10 mg of prednisolone, or saline [0.9% NaCl] solution). Milk samples were collected before (time 0) and 3, 6, 9, 12, 24, and 36 hours after treatment. Somatic cell count (SCC), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity, and concentrations of serum albumin (SA) and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α in milk and mRNA expression of TNF-α, interleukin (IL)-8, and IL-1β in milk somatic cells were analyzed. RESULTS: Saline solution or prednisolone did not change SCC, LDH activity, and SA and TNF-α concentrations in milk and mRNA expression of TNF-α, IL-1β, and IL-8 in milk somatic cells. The SCC and TNF-α concentration in milk increased similarly in glands infused with LPS, independent of prednisolone administration. However, the increase of LDH activity and SA concentration in milk after LPS infusion was diminished by prednisolone administration. The mRNA expression of TNF-α, IL-8, and IL-1β in milk somatic cells increased after LPS infusion and was unaffected by prednisolone. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Intramammary administration of prednisolone did not induce an immune response and did not change mRNA expression of TNF-α, IL-8, and L-1β during the response to intramammary administration of LPS. However, prednisolone reduced disruption of the blood-milk barrier. This could influence the severity and cure rate of mastitis.


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Red Blood cell mediated and glass needle mediated microinjection technology was used to introduce macromolecules into mammalian somatic cells. The biological activities of DNA synthesis inducing factor(s) (Chapter 1), mitotic factor(s) (Chapter 2), and DNA coding for ovalbumin and thymidine kinase (Chapter 3) were studied following injection into mammalian somatic cells.^ Chapter 1. A cell undergoing DNA replication (S phase) contains a factor(s) that induces DNA synthesis prematurely in a G(,1) nucleus when an S phase cell is fused to a G(,1) cell. An assay for the active factor(s) was developed in which a mixture of s phase extract loaded red blood cells (RBC) and synchronous G(,1) HeLa cells was centrifuged onto Concanavalin A (Con A) treated coverslips and fused by PEG. This technique is called "Centrifusion". The synchronous G(,1) HeLa cells injected with S phase extract initiated DNA synthesis earlier than the control G(,1) cells mock injected with RBC loaded with buffer.^ Chapter 2. It has been demonstrated that fusion between a mitotic and an interphase cell usually leads to breakdown of the interphase nucleus, followed by condensation of the interphase chromatin into discrete chromosomes, a process termed premature chromosome condensation. I wanted to develop an assay for the mitotic factor(s) that induces premature chromosome condensation. Experiments were performed utilizing glass needle mediated microinjection of HeLa cell mitotic extract into interphase somatic mammalian cells in an attempt to induce premature chromosome condensation. However, I was not able to induce premature chromosome condensation in the interphase cells, probably because of an inability to introduce sufficient mitotic factor(s) into the cells.^ Chapter 3. A recombinant plasmid containing the chicken ovalbumin gene and three copies of the Herpes thymidine Kinase gene (pOV12-TK) was introduced into mouse LMTK('-) cell nuclei using glass needle mediated gene transfer resulting in LMTK('+) clones that were selected for in HAT medium. Restriction enzyme analysis of the high molecular weight DNA from 6 HAT medium survivor cell clones revealed the presence of one or at best only a few copies of the 12kb ovalbumin gene per mouse genome. Further analysis showed the ovalbumin DNA was not rearranged and was associated with high molecular weight mouse cell DNA. Each of the analyzed cell clones produced ovalbumin demonstrating that the biological activity of the microinjected ovalbumin was retained. ^


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During mitosis an inhibitory activity associated with unattached kinetochores prevents PtK1 cells from entering anaphase until all kinetochores become attached to the spindle. To gain a better understanding of how unattached kinetochores block the metaphase/anaphase transition we followed mitosis in PtK1 cells containing two independent spindles in a common cytoplasm. We found that unattached kinetochores on one spindle did not block anaphase onset in a neighboring mature metaphase spindle 20 μm away that lacked unattached kinetochores. As in cells containing a single spindle, anaphase onset occurred in the mature spindles x̄ = 24 min after the last kinetochore attached regardless of whether the adjacent immature spindle contained one or more unattached kinetochores. These findings reveal that the inhibitory activity associated with an unattached kinetochore is functionally limited to the vicinity of the spindle containing the unattached kinetochore. We also found that once a mature spindle entered anaphase the neighboring spindle also entered anaphase x̄ = 9 min later regardless of whether it contained monooriented chromosomes. Thus, anaphase onset in the mature spindle catalyzes a “start anaphase” reaction that spreads globally throughout the cytoplasm and overrides the inhibitory signal produced by unattached kinetochores in an adjacent spindle. Finally, we found that cleavage furrows often formed between the two independent spindles. This reveals that the presence of chromosomes and/or a spindle between two centrosomes is not a prerequisite for cleavage in vertebrate somatic cells.


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Genetic events leading to the loss of heterozygosity (LOH) have been shown to play a crucial role in the development of cancer. However, LOH events do not occur only in genetically unstable cancer cells but also have been detected in normal somatic cells of mouse and man. Mice, in which one of the alleles for adenine phosphoribosyltransferase (Aprt) has been disrupted by gene targeting, were used to investigate the potency of carcinogens to induce LOH in vivo. After 7,12-dimethyl-1,2-benz[a]anthracene (DMBA) exposure, a 3-fold stronger mutagenic response was detected at the autosomal Aprt gene than at the X chromosomal hypoxantine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (Hprt) gene in splenic T-lymphocytes. Allele-specific PCR analysis showed that the normal, nontargeted Aprt allele was lost in 70% of the DMBA-induced Aprt mutants. Fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis demonstrated that the targeted allele had become duplicated in almost all DMBA-induced mutants that displayed LOH at Aprt. These results indicate that the main mechanisms by which DMBA caused LOH were mitotic recombination or chromosome loss and duplication but not deletion. However, after treatment with the alkylating agent N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea, Aprt had a similar mutagenic response to Hprt while the majority (90%) of N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea-induced Aprt mutants had retained both alleles. Unexpectedly, irradiation with x-rays, which induce primarily large deletions, resulted in a significant increase of the mutant frequency at Hprt but not at Aprt. This in vivo study clearly indicates that, in normal somatic cells, carcinogen exposure can result in the induction of LOH events that are compatible with cell survival and may represent an initiating event in tumorigenesis.


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Human pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDC) catalyzes a key step in the generation of cellular energy and is composed by three catalytic elements (E1, E2, E3), one structural subunit (E3-binding protein), and specific regulatory elements, phosphatases and kinases (PDKs, PDPs). The E1α subunit exists as two isoforms encoded by different genes: PDHA1 located on Xp22.1 and expressed in somatic tissues, and the intronless PDHA2 located on chromosome 4 and only detected in human spermatocytes and spermatids. We report on a young adult female patient who has PDC deficiency associated with a compound heterozygosity in PDHX encoding the E3-binding protein. Additionally, in the patient and in all members of her immediate family, a full-length testis-specific PDHA2 mRNA and a 5′UTR-truncated PDHA1 mRNA were detected in circulating lymphocytes and cultured fibroblasts, being bothmRNAs translated into full-length PDHA2 and PDHA1 proteins, resulting in the co-existence of both PDHA isoforms in somatic cells.Moreover, we observed that DNA hypomethylation of a CpG island in the coding region of PDHA2 gene is associatedwith the somatic activation of this gene transcription in these individuals. This study represents the first natural model of the de-repression of the testis-specific PDHA2 gene in human somatic cells, and raises some questions related to the somatic activation of this gene as a potential therapeutic approach for most forms of PDC deficiency.


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Despite the identification of SRY as the testis-determining gene in mammals, the genetic interactions controlling the earliest steps of male sex determination remain poorly understood. In particular, the molecular lesions underlying a high proportion of human XY gonadal dysgenesis, XX maleness and XX true hermaphroditism remain undiscovered. A number of screens have identified candidate genes whose expression is modulated during testis or ovary differentiation in mice, but these screens have used whole gonads, consisting of multiple cell types, or stages of gonadal development well beyond the time of sex determination. We describe here a novel reporter mouse line that expresses enhanced green fluorescent protein under the control of an Sf1 promoter fragment, marking Sertoli and granulosa cell precursors during the critical period of sex determination. These cells were purified from gonads of male and female transgenic embryos at 10.5 dpc (shortly after Sry transcription is activated) and 11.5 dpc (when Sox9 transcription begins), and their transcriptomes analysed using Affymetrix genome arrays. We identified 266 genes, including Dhh, Fgf9 and Ptgds, that were upregulated and 50 genes that were downregulated in 11.5 dpc male somatic gonad cells only, and 242 genes, including Fst, that were upregulated in 11.5 dpc female somatic gonad cells only. The majority of these genes are novel genes that lack identifiable homology, and several human orthologues were found to map to chromosomal loci implicated in disorders of sexual development. These genes represent an important resource with which to piece together the earliest steps of sex determination and gonad development, and provide new candidates for mutation searching in human sexual dysgenesis syndromes.


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This article presents a dataset proving the simultaneous presence of a 5′UTR-truncated PDHA1 mRNA and a full-length PDHA2 mRNA in the somatic cells of a PDC-deficient female patient and all members of her immediate family (parents and brother). We have designed a large set of primer pairs in order to perform detailed RT-PCR assays allowing the clear identification of both PDHA1 and PDHA2 mRNA species in somatic cells. In addition, two different experimental approaches were used to elucidate the copy number of PDHA1 gene in the patient and her mother. The interpretation and discussion of these data, along with further extensive experiments concerning the origin of this altered gene expression and its potential therapeutic consequences, can be found in “Complex genetic findings in a female patient with pyruvate dehydrogenase complex deficiency: null mutations in the PDHX gene associated with unusual expression of the testis-specific PDHA2 gene in her somatic cells” (A. Pinheiro, M.J. Silva, C. Florindo, et al., 2016).


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O leite é um alimento de grande importância na alimentação humana e amplamente consumido. Desta forma, justifica-se o estudo de suas características e a avaliação de procedimentos higiênicos durante toda a sua cadeia produtiva, desde a ordenha até o seu processamento. O objetivo do trabalho foi caracterizar laticínios localizados no estado do Espírito Santo, bem como avaliar as características de qualidade do leite cru e do leite pasteurizado de quatro estabelecimentos. O estudo foi dividido em quatro etapas: 1) seleção de dois laticínios com Selo de Inspeção Federal (SIF) e dois laticínios com Selo de Inspeção Estadual (SIE); 2) Elaboração de questionário para coleta de dados; 3) coleta de amostras de leite cru refrigerado e leite pasteurizado nos laticínios selecionados e avaliação da qualidade da matéria-prima e; 4) caracterização dos quatro laticínios e avaliação das condições higiênico-sanitárias dos estabelecimentos (aplicação questionário elaborado e da Lista de Verificação de Boas Práticas de Fabricação - check-list – presente na RDC nº 275 / 2002 da Anvisa).Os resultados obtidos com as análises de composição centesimal, acidez titulável, pH e Contagem de Células Somáticas (CCS) das amostras dos laticínios SIF 1, SIF 2, SIE 1 e SIE 2 indicaram conformidade com o padrão exigido pela Instrução Normativa nº 62/2011 do MAPA. Com relação ao teste do alizarol, todas as amostras analisadas apresentaram coloração parda avermelhada sem coagulação, indicando conformidade com a exigência da legislação. Para o teste de detecção de antibiótico da classe β-lactâmicos, todas as amostras de leite dos quatro laticínios analisadas nas três coletas tiveram ausência pelo método utilizado. Em uma das amostras coletadas da indústria SIF 1 foi verificada a presença da enzima fosfatase alcalina em leite pasteurizado, indicando que o tratamento térmico não foi adequado e que, portanto, poderia haver presença de microrganismos patogênicos na amostra, ou que a enzima se renaturou, apresentando um resultado falso positivo para o teste. Além disso, foi verificado que duas amostras de leite coletadas do laticínio SIE 1 apresentaram ausência da enzima lactoperoxidase,O leite é um alimento de grande importância na alimentação humana e amplamente consumido. Desta forma, justifica-se o estudo de suas características e a avaliação de procedimentos higiênicos durante toda a sua cadeia produtiva, desde a ordenha até o seu processamento. O objetivo do trabalho foi caracterizar laticínios localizados no estado do Espírito Santo, bem como avaliar as características de qualidade do leite cru e do leite pasteurizado de quatro estabelecimentos. O estudo foi dividido em quatro etapas: 1) seleção de dois laticínios com Selo de Inspeção Federal (SIF) e dois laticínios com Selo de Inspeção Estadual (SIE); 2) Elaboração de questionário para coleta de dados; 3) coleta de amostras de leite cru refrigerado e leite pasteurizado nos laticínios selecionados e avaliação da qualidade da matéria-prima e; 4) caracterização dos quatro laticínios e avaliação das condições higiênico-sanitárias dos estabelecimentos (aplicação questionário elaborado e da Lista de Verificação de Boas Práticas de Fabricação - check-list – presente na RDC nº 275 / 2002 da Anvisa).Os resultados obtidos com as análises de composição centesimal, acidez titulável, pH e Contagem de Células Somáticas (CCS) das amostras dos laticínios SIF 1, SIF 2, SIE 1 e SIE 2 indicaram conformidade com o padrão exigido pela Instrução Normativa nº 62/2011 do MAPA. Com relação ao teste do alizarol, todas as amostras analisadas apresentaram coloração parda avermelhada sem coagulação, indicando conformidade com a exigência da legislação. Para o teste de detecção de antibiótico da classe β-lactâmicos, todas as amostras de leite dos quatro laticínios analisadas nas três coletas tiveram ausência pelo método utilizado. Em uma das amostras coletadas da indústria SIF 1 foi verificada a presença da enzima fosfatase alcalina em leite pasteurizado, indicando que o tratamento térmico não foi adequado e que, portanto, poderia haver presença de microrganismos patogênicos na amostra, ou que a enzima se renaturou, apresentando um resultado falso positivo para o teste. Além disso, foi verificado que duas amostras de leite coletadas do laticínio SIE 1 apresentaram ausência da enzima lactoperoxidase,O leite é um alimento de grande importância na alimentação humana e amplamente consumido. Desta forma, justifica-se o estudo de suas características e a avaliação de procedimentos higiênicos durante toda a sua cadeia produtiva, desde a ordenha até o seu processamento. O objetivo do trabalho foi caracterizar laticínios localizados no estado do Espírito Santo, bem como avaliar as características de qualidade do leite cru e do leite pasteurizado de quatro estabelecimentos. O estudo foi dividido em quatro etapas: 1) seleção de dois laticínios com Selo de Inspeção Federal (SIF) e dois laticínios com Selo de Inspeção Estadual (SIE); 2) Elaboração de questionário para coleta de dados; 3) coleta de amostras de leite cru refrigerado e leite pasteurizado nos laticínios selecionados e avaliação da qualidade da matéria-prima e; 4) caracterização dos quatro laticínios e avaliação das condições higiênico-sanitárias dos estabelecimentos (aplicação questionário elaborado e da Lista de Verificação de Boas Práticas de Fabricação - check-list – presente na RDC nº 275 / 2002 da Anvisa).Os resultados obtidos com as análises de composição centesimal, acidez titulável, pH e Contagem de Células Somáticas (CCS) das amostras dos laticínios SIF 1, SIF 2, SIE 1 e SIE 2 indicaram conformidade com o padrão exigido pela Instrução Normativa nº 62/2011 do MAPA. Com relação ao teste do alizarol, todas as amostras analisadas apresentaram coloração parda avermelhada sem coagulação, indicando conformidade com a exigência da legislação. Para o teste de detecção de antibiótico da classe β-lactâmicos, todas as amostras de leite dos quatro laticínios analisadas nas três coletas tiveram ausência pelo método utilizado. Em uma das amostras coletadas da indústria SIF 1 foi verificada a presença da enzima fosfatase alcalina em leite pasteurizado, indicando que o tratamento térmico não foi adequado e que, portanto, poderia haver presença de microrganismos patogênicos na amostra, ou que a enzima se renaturou, apresentando um resultado falso positivo para o teste. Além disso, foi verificado que duas amostras de leite coletadas do laticínio SIE 1 apresentaram ausência da enzima lactoperoxidase,indicando a sua desnaturação devido à superpasteurização do leite. Para as análises microbiológicas de contagem bacteriana total e bactérias psicrotróficas, foi verificado uma contagem acima do estabelecido pela legislação. Além disso, os maiores valores médios de Contagem Bacteriana Total (CBT), contagem de microrganismos psicrotróficos e coliformes totais nas amostras de leite cru refrigerado foram verificados entre os laticínios com SIF, podendo ter como causa o uso de tanques comunitários pelos produtores, tempo de transporte para coleta de leite maior do que a média dos laticínios com SIE, a falta de adoção das Boas Práticas de Ordenha e o maior volume de leite coletado de diferentes produtores. Com relação à CBT e à contagem de coliformes totais em leite pasteurizado, os maiores valores médios foram verificados também nos laticínios SIF 1 e SIF 2. Os laticínios que apresentaram maior porcentagem de adequação aos requisitos das BPF foram os laticínios SIF 1 (87,82 %) e SIF 2 (80,66 %), os quais já possuíam os POP’s (Procedimento Operacional Padronizado), CIP (Controle Integrado de Pragas) e BPF (Boas Práticas de Fabricação) implantados ou em fase final de implantação. A análise dos resultados das análises microbiológicas, da aplicação do check-list e da aplicação do questionário permitiu a conclusão de que as empresas que possuíam SIF, apesar de apresentarem uma maior porcentagem de adequação aos requisitos de boas práticas de fabricação, possuíam uma qualidade da matéria-prima menor do que as indústrias com SIE. A partir dos resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir que o estudo de laticínios no estado do Espírito Santo possibilitou o conhecimento do setor e de seus problemas, contribuindo para o emprego de ações de melhoria e prevenção de futuros problemas.


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The aims of the present study were to evaluate the performance of Jersey and Holstein cows under different rainfall conditions (dry and rainy seasons) by monitoring aspects related to subclinical mastitis (somatic cell count, microbiological isolation, type of isolated pathogen), milk quality (lactose, protein, fat, total solids) and production (mean milk production) of both breeds. The study was carried out in a dairy farm located in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Eight visitations were done to the farm, four in a period of high rainfall and four in a period of low rainfall. Milk samples were collected from 79 Holstein cows and 37 Jersey cows for electronic somatic cell count and determination of the main milk components (protein, fat, total solids, lactose). Milk fat, protein, total solids and production were influenced by breed and the season, with similar tendencies for both breeds in both seasons. Somatic cell count (SCC) showed similar results for both breeds. Holstein cows with intramammary infections (IMI) presented a higher increase in SCC when compared to Jersey cows (P<0.001). In the dry season, 53 animals had IMI in at least one month during the study, which 32 were Holstein and 21 were Jersey cows. In the rainy season, 65 animals had intramammary infection, being 43 Holstein and 22 Jersey cows. The frequency of IMI cases was larger in the rainy season than in the dry season. Jersey cows had a lower chance of showing IMI signs and symptoms than Holstein cows in the rainy season (odds ratio=0.52). The larger number of IMI cases in the rainy season may have led to a lower milk lactose rate for both breeds, thus milk lactose rate can be considered an indicator of IMI status. There was prevalence of contagious pathogens overall in the study. The applied model showed that environmental pathogens were more frequently isolated from the breed Jersey, regardless of the study season. There seems to be differences in the immune response of Jersey and Holstein breeds.