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Tämän työn tarkoituksena oli suunnitella toimiva jätehuoltoPohjois-Karjalan keskussairaalan alueelle vuosina 2007-2008 rakennettavaan laajennus K:hon. Tavoitteena oli löytää kustannustehokas ja hyvin vanhan rakennuskannan logistiikan kanssa yhteen toimiva jätehuollon vaihtoehto. Suunnittelua ohjasivat lakien, asetusten ja muiden määräyksien ohella laajennuksen pitkälle edennyt suunnitteluvaihe ja vanhan rakennuskannan jätehuollon toimintatavat. Jätehuolto on yksi merkittävä osa sairaalan perustehtävää palvelevista tukitoiminnoista. Jätehuoltojärjestelmä on sairaanhoitotyötä palveleva, jos järjestelyt ovat loogisia, toimivia ja logistiset yhteydet ovat mahdollisimman lyhyitä. Nykyinen ihmistyövoiman käyttöön perustuva jätehuollon prosessi on esitetty varsin tarkasti, sillä laajennuksen jätehuoltosuunnitelman on käytännön syistä pohjauduttava nykyiseen toimintatapaan. Työssä esitetään uusia jätehuollon vaihtoehtoja kustannusarvioineen, mutta ehdotukset jäävät lähinnä visiotasolle laajennuksen pitkälle ehtineen suunnitteluvaiheen vuoksi. Konkreettiset vaihtoehdot koskevat jätejakeiden keräystä ja niiden kuljetuksia. Keskus sairaalan jätehuollon tehostaminen vaatii kokonaisvaltaisen jätehuoltosuunnitelman laatimista koko sairaalan alueelle. Sen myötä on mahdollista lisätä kustannustehokkuutta ottamalla käyttöön teknisiä ratkaisuja. Jätehuoltosuunnitelma laajennukseen on työssä tehty, mutta työn suurimmaksi saavutukseksi jää kuitenkin esitys myöhempien hakkeiden jätehuollon suunnittelun aikaistamisesta jo hankesuunnitteluvaiheeseen.
Normally either the Güntelberg or Davies equation is used to predict activity coefficients of electrolytes in dilute solutions when no betterequation is available. The validity of these equations and, additionally, of the parameter-free equation used in the Bates-Guggenheim convention for activity coefficients were tested with experimentally determined activity coefficients of LaCl3, CaCl2, SrCl2 and BaCl2 in aqueous solutions at 298.15 K. The experimentalactivity coefficients of these electrolytes can be usually reproduced within experimental error by means of a two-parameter equation of the Hückel type. The best Hückel equations were also determined for all electrolytes considered. The data used in the calculations of this study cover almost all reliable galvanic cell results available in the literature for the electrolytes considered. The results of the calculations reveal that the parameter-free activity coefficient equations can only be used for very dilute electrolyte solutions in thermodynamic studies
Freezing point depressions (¿Tf) of dilute solutions of several alkali metal chlorides and bromides were calculated by means of the best activity coefficient equations. In the calculations, Hückel, Hamer and Pitzer equationswere used for activity coefficients. The experimental ¿Tf values available in the literature for dilute LiCl, NaCl and KBr solutions can be predicted within experimental error by the Hückel equations used. The experimental ¿Tf values for dilute LiCl and KBr solutions can also be accurately calculated by corresponding Pitzer equations and those for dilute NaCl solutions by the Hamer equation for this salt. Neither Hamer nor Pitzer equations predict accurately the freezing points reported in the literature for LiBr and NaBr solutions. The ¿Tf values available for dilute solutions of RbCl, CsCl or CsBr are not known at the moment accurately because the existing data for these solutions are not precise. The freezing point depressions are tabulated in the present study for LiCl, NaCl and KBr solutions at several rounded molalities. The ¿Tf values in this table can be highly recommended. The activity coefficient equations used in the calculation of these values have been tested with almost allhigh-precision electrochemical data measured at 298.15 K.
The classical theory of collision induced emission (CIE) from pairs of dissimilar rare gas atoms was developed in Paper I [D. Reguera and G. Birnbaum, J. Chem. Phys. 125, 184304 (2006)] from a knowledge of the straight line collision trajectory and the assumption that the magnitude of the dipole could be represented by an exponential function of the inter-nuclear distance. This theory is extended here to deal with other functional forms of the induced dipole as revealed by ab initio calculations. Accurate analytical expression for the CIE can be obtained by least square fitting of the ab initio values of the dipole as a function of inter-atomic separation using a sum of exponentials and then proceeding as in Paper I. However, we also show how the multi-exponential fit can be replaced by a simpler fit using only two analytic functions. Our analysis is applied to the polar molecules HF and HBr. Unlike the rare gas atoms considered previously, these atomic pairs form stable bound diatomic molecules. We show that, interestingly, the spectra of these reactive molecules are characterized by the presence of multiple peaks. We also discuss the CIE arising from half collisions in excited electronic states, which in principle could be probed in photo-dissociation experiments.
Estudo microcalorimétrico da interação de tensoativos n-alquil-sulfato de sódio com tripsina a 298 k
Systematic study of the interactions of ionic surfactants with protein trypsin in buffer solution pH 3.5, 7.0 and 9.0, ionic strength 10 mM at 298 K was done using the microcalorimetric technique. In this study, anionic surfactant solutions of the sodium n-alkyl sulfates series (C8, C10, C12 and C14) were used. The enthalpy of interaction (ΔintHº) shows that the interaction of the surfactants C8, C10, C12 and C14 with trypsin in the solution pH 3.5 is an endothermic process with the value of ΔintHº decreasing linearly with increasing carbon chain length, which is attributed to the unfolding of the polypeptide chain. In the solution pH 7.0, we observed the same trend except for C14. In the solution pH 9.0, from C10 the enthapy of interaction didn't change with the increasing of the carbon chain length due to unfolding of the polypeptide. We concluded that when trypsin is folded, the enthalpy of interaction shows a linear relationship with the surfactant's hydrophobicity, in agreement with Traube's rule.
Cette thèse traite de la classification analytique du déploiement de systèmes différentiels linéaires ayant une singularité irrégulière. Elle est composée de deux articles sur le sujet: le premier présente des résultats obtenus lors de l'étude de la confluence de l'équation hypergéométrique et peut être considéré comme un cas particulier du second; le deuxième contient les théorèmes et résultats principaux. Dans les deux articles, nous considérons la confluence de deux points singuliers réguliers en un point singulier irrégulier et nous étudions les conséquences de la divergence des solutions au point singulier irrégulier sur le comportement des solutions du système déployé. Pour ce faire, nous recouvrons un voisinage de l'origine (de manière ramifiée) dans l'espace du paramètre de déploiement $\epsilon$. La monodromie d'une base de solutions bien choisie est directement reliée aux matrices de Stokes déployées. Ces dernières donnent une interprétation géométrique aux matrices de Stokes, incluant le lien (existant au moins pour les cas génériques) entre la divergence des solutions à $\epsilon=0$ et la présence de solutions logarithmiques autour des points singuliers réguliers lors de la résonance. La monodromie d'intégrales premières de systèmes de Riccati correspondants est aussi interprétée en fonction des éléments des matrices de Stokes déployées. De plus, dans le second article, nous donnons le système complet d'invariants analytiques pour le déploiement de systèmes différentiels linéaires $x^2y'=A(x)y$ ayant une singularité irrégulière de rang de Poincaré $1$ à l'origine au-dessus d'un voisinage fixé $\mathbb{D}_r$ dans la variable $x$. Ce système est constitué d'une partie formelle, donnée par des polynômes, et d'une partie analytique, donnée par une classe d'équivalence de matrices de Stokes déployées. Pour chaque valeur du paramètre $\epsilon$ dans un secteur pointé à l'origine d'ouverture plus grande que $2\pi$, nous recouvrons l'espace de la variable, $\mathbb{D}_r$, avec deux secteurs et, au-dessus de chacun, nous choisissons une base de solutions du système déployé. Cette base sert à définir les matrices de Stokes déployées. Finalement, nous prouvons un théorème de réalisation des invariants qui satisfont une condition nécessaire et suffisante, identifiant ainsi l'ensemble des modules.
In 1931 Dirac studied the motion of an electron in the field of a magnetic monopole and found that the quantization of electric charge can be explained by postulating the mere existence of a magnetic monopole. Since 1974 there has been a resurgence of interest in magnetic monopole due to the work of ‘t’ Hooft and Polyakov who independently observed that monopoles can exist as finite energy topologically stable solutions to certain spontaneously broken gauge theories. The thesis, “Studies on Magnetic Monopole Solutions of Non-abelian Gauge Theories and Related Problems”, reports a systematic investigation of classical solutions of non-abelian gauge theories with special emphasis on magnetic monopoles and dyons which possess both electric and magnetic charges. The formation of bound states of a dyon with fermions and bosons is also studied in detail. The thesis opens with an account of a new derivation of a relationship between the magnetic charge of a dyon and the topology of the gauge fields associated with it. Although this formula has been reported earlier in the literature, the present method has two distinct advantages. In the first place, it does not depend either on the mechanism of symmetry breaking or on the nature of the residual symmetry group. Secondly, the results can be generalized to finite temperature monopoles.
The accurate transport of an ion over macroscopic distances represents a challenging control problem due to the different length and time scales that enter and the experimental limitations on the controls that need to be accounted for. Here, we investigate the performance of different control techniques for ion transport in state-of-the-art segmented miniaturized ion traps. We employ numerical optimization of classical trajectories and quantum wavepacket propagation as well as analytical solutions derived from invariant based inverse engineering and geometric optimal control. The applicability of each of the control methods depends on the length and time scales of the transport. Our comprehensive set of tools allows us make a number of observations. We find that accurate shuttling can be performed with operation times below the trap oscillation period. The maximum speed is limited by the maximum acceleration that can be exerted on the ion. When using controls obtained from classical dynamics for wavepacket propagation, wavepacket squeezing is the only quantum effect that comes into play for a large range of trapping parameters. We show that this can be corrected by a compensating force derived from invariant based inverse engineering, without a significant increase in the operation time.
One among the most influential and popular data mining methods is the k-Means algorithm for cluster analysis. Techniques for improving the efficiency of k-Means have been largely explored in two main directions. The amount of computation can be significantly reduced by adopting geometrical constraints and an efficient data structure, notably a multidimensional binary search tree (KD-Tree). These techniques allow to reduce the number of distance computations the algorithm performs at each iteration. A second direction is parallel processing, where data and computation loads are distributed over many processing nodes. However, little work has been done to provide a parallel formulation of the efficient sequential techniques based on KD-Trees. Such approaches are expected to have an irregular distribution of computation load and can suffer from load imbalance. This issue has so far limited the adoption of these efficient k-Means variants in parallel computing environments. In this work, we provide a parallel formulation of the KD-Tree based k-Means algorithm for distributed memory systems and address its load balancing issue. Three solutions have been developed and tested. Two approaches are based on a static partitioning of the data set and a third solution incorporates a dynamic load balancing policy.
This study explores the implications of an organization moving toward service-dominant logic (S-D logic) on the sales function. Driven by its customers’ needs, a service orientation by its nature requires personal interaction and sales personnel are in an ideal position to develop offerings with the customer. However, the development of S-D logic may require sales staff to develop additional skills. Employing a single case study, the study identified that sales personnel are quick to appreciate the advantages of S-D logic for customer satisfaction and six specific skills were highlighted and explored. Further, three propositions were identified: in an organization adopting S-D logic, the sales process needs to elicit needs at both embedded-value and value-in-use levels. In addition, the sales process needs to coproduce not just goods and service attributes but also attributes of the customer’s usage processes. Further, the sales process needs to coproduce not just goods and service attributes but also attributes of the customer’s usage processes.
This paper represents the last technical contribution of Professor Patrick Parks before his untimely death in February 1995. The remaining authors of the paper, which was subsequently completed, wish to dedicate the article to Patrick. A frequency criterion for the stability of solutions of linear difference equations with periodic coefficients is established. The stability criterion is based on a consideration of the behaviour of a frequency hodograph with respect to the origin of coordinates in the complex plane. The formulation of this criterion does not depend on the order of the difference equation.
The micellization of F127 (E98P67E98) in dilute aqueous solutions of polyethylene glycol (PEG6000 and PEG35000) and poly(vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP K30 and PVP K90) is studied. The average hydrodynamic radius (rh,app) obtained from the dynamic light scattering technique increased with increase in PEG concentration but decreased on addition of PVP, results which are consistent with interaction of the micelles with PEG and the formation of micelles clusters, but no such interaction occurs with PVP. Tube inversion was used to determine the onset of gelation. The critical concentration of F127 for gelation increased on addition of PEG and of PVP K30 but decreased on addition of PVP K90. Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) was used to show that the 30 wt% F127 gel structure (fcc) was independent of polymer type and concentration, as was the d-spacing and so the micelle hard-sphere radius. The maximum elastic modulus (G0 max) of 30 wt% F127 decreased from its value for water alone as PEG was added, but was little changed by adding PVP. These results are consistent with the packed-micelles in the 30 wt% F127 gel being effectively isolated from the polymer solution on the microscale while, especially for the PEG, being mixed on the macroscale.