956 resultados para Solid Tumors
Prostate cancer is one of the most prevalent cancer types in men. The development of prostate tumors is known to require androgen exposure, and several pathways governing cell growth are deregulated in prostate tumorigenesis. Recent genetic studies have revealed that complex gene fusions and copy - number alterations are frequent in prostate cancer, a unique feature among solid tumors. These chromosomal aberrations are though to arise as a consequence of faulty repair of DNA double strand breaks (DSB). Most repair mechanisms have been studied in detail in cancer cell lines, but how DNA damage is detected and repaired in normal differentiated human cells has not been widely addressed. The events leading to the gene fusions in prostate cancer are under rigorous studies, as they not only shed light on the basic pathobiologic mechanisms but may also produce molecular targets for prostate cancer treatment and prevention. Prostate and seminal vesicles are part of the male reproductive system. They share similar structure and function but differ dramatically in their cancer incidence. Approximately fifty primary seminal vesicle carcinomas have been reported worldwide. Surprisingly, only little is known on why seminal vesicles are resistant to neoplastic changes. As both tissues are androgen dependent, it is a mystery that androgen signaling would only lead to tumors in prostate tissue. In this work, we set up novel ex vivo human tissue culture models of prostate and seminal vesicles, and used them to study how DNA damage is recognized in normal epithelium. One of the major DNA - damage inducible pathways, mediated by the ATM kinase, was robustly activated in all main cell types of both tissues. Interestingly, we discovered that secretory epithelial cells had less histone variant H2A.X and after DNA damage lower levels of H2AX were phosphorylated on serine 139 (γH2AX) than in basal or stromal cells. γH2AX has been considered essential for efficient DSB repair, but as there were no significant differences in the γH2AX levels between the two tissues, it seems more likely that the role of γH2AX is less important in postmitotic cells. We also gained insight into the regulation of p53, an important transcription factor that protects genomic integrity via multiple mechanisms, in human tissues. DSBs did not lead to a pronounced activation of p53, but treatments causing transcriptional stress, on the other hand, were able to launch a notable p53 response in both tissue types. In general, ex vivo culturing of human tissues provided unique means to study differentiated cells in their relevant tissue context, and is suited for testing novel therapeutic drugs before clinical trials. In order to study how prostate and seminal vesicle epithelial cells are able to activate DNA damage induced cell cycle checkpoints, we used primary cultures of prostate and seminal vesicle epithelial cells. To our knowledge, we are the first to report isolation of human primary seminal vesicle cells. Surprisingly, human prostate epithelial cells did not activate cell cycle checkpoints after DSBs in part due to low levels of Wee1A, a kinase regulating CDK activity, while primary seminal vesicle epithelial cells possessed proficient cell cycle checkpoints and expressed high levels of Wee1A. Similarly, seminal vesicle cells showed a distinct activation of the p53 - pathway after DSBs that did not occur in prostate epithelial cells. This indicates that p53 protein function is under different control mechanisms in the two cell types, which together with proficient cell cycle checkpoints may be crucial in protecting seminal vesicles from endogenous and exogenous DNA damaging factors and, as a consequence, from carcinogenesis. These data indicate that two very similar organs of male reproductive system do not respond to DNA damage similarly. The differentiated, non - replicating cells of both tissues were able to recognize DSBs, but under proliferation human prostate epithelial cells had deficient activation of the DNA damage response. This suggests that prostate epithelium is most vulnerable to accumulating genomic aberrations under conditions where it needs to proliferate, for example after inflammatory cellular damage.
Mycobacterium indicus pranii (MIP) is approved for use as an adjuvant (Immuvac/Cadi-05) in the treatment of leprosy. In addition, its efficacy is being investigated in clinical trials on patients with tuberculosis and different tumors. To evaluate and delineate the mechanisms by which autoclaved MIP enhances anti-tumor responses, the growth of solid tumors consisting of Sp2/0 (myeloma) and EL4 (thymoma) cells was studied in BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice, respectively. Treatment of mice with a single intra-dermal (i.d.) injection of MIP 3 days after Sp2/0 implantation greatly suppresses tumor growth. MIP treatment of tumor bearing mice lowers Interleukin (IL)6 but increases IL12p70 and IFN? amounts in sera. Also, increase in CD8+ T cell mediated lysis of specific tumor targets and production of high amounts of IL2 and IFN? by CD4+ T cells upon stimulation with specific tumor antigens in MIP treated mice is observed. Furthermore, MIP is also effective in reducing the growth of EL4 tumors; however, this efficacy is reduced in Ifn?-/- mice. In fact, several MIP mediated anti-tumor responses are greatly abrogated in Ifn?-/- mice: increase in serum Interleukin (IL)12p70 amounts, induction of IL2 and lysis of EL4 targets by splenocytes upon stimulation with specific tumor antigens. Interestingly, tumor-induced increase in serum IL12p70 and IFN? and reduction in growth of Sp2/0 and EL4 tumors by MIP are not observed in nonobese diabetic severe combined immunodeficiency mice. Overall, our study clearly demonstrates the importance of a functional immune network, in particular endogenous CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and IFN?, in mediating the anti-tumor responses by MIP.
The Wilms tumor 1 gene (WT1) can either repress or induce the expression of genes. Inconsistent with its tumor suppressor role, elevated WT1 levels have been observed in leukemia and solid tumors. WT1 has also been suggested to act as an oncogene by inducing the expression of MYC and BCL-2. However, these are only the correlational studies, and no functional study has been performed to date. Consistent with its tumor suppressor role, CDC73 binds to RNA polymerase II as part of a PAF1 transcriptional regulatory complex and causes transcriptional repression of oncogenes MYC and CCND1. It also represses beta-catenin-mediated transcription. Based on the reduced level of CDC73 in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) samples in the absence of loss-of-heterozygosity, promoter methylation, and mutations, we speculated that an inhibitory transcription factor is regulating its expression. The bioinformatics analysis predicted WT1 as an inhibitory transcription factor to regulate the CDC73 level. Our results showed that overexpression of WT1 decreased CDC73 levels and promoted proliferation of OSCC cells. ChIP and EMSA results demonstrated binding of WT1 to the CDC73 promoter. The 5-azacytidine treatment of OSCC cells led to an up-regulation of WT1 with a concomitant down-regulation of CDC73, further suggesting regulation of CDC73 by WT1. Exogenous CDC73 attenuated the protumorigenic activity of WT1 by apoptosis induction. An inverse correlation between expression levels of CDC73 and WT1 was observed in OSCC samples. These observations indicated that WT1 functions as an oncogene by repressing the expression of CDC73 in OSCC. We suggest that targeting WT1 could be a therapeutic strategy for cancer, including OSCC.
Os resultados permitiram a redação de quatro artigos. Aspectos microbiológicos e clínicos de corinebacterioses em pacientes com câncer observados durante cinco anos foram descritos no Artigo 1. No Artigo 2 foram apresentados casos de bacteremia causados por corinebactérias invasivas não toxigênicas em dois períodos com intervalo de sete anos. As infecções em pacientes com câncer por C. diphtheriae, causando casos clínicos atípicos foram descritas no Artigo 3, além do estudo dos principais fatores de virulência de uma cepa de C. diphtheriae isolada de infecção associada ao cateter de nefrostomia foi descrita no Artigo 4. Resumidamente no Artigo 1, além dos aspectos clínico-epidemiológicos foram avaliados os perfis de resistência aos antimicrobianos e o potencial de virulência dos micro-organismos. Em cinco anos, 932 amostras de corinebactérias, com perfis de resistência aos antimicrobianos testados, foram isoladas de pacientes com câncer. As espécies predominantes foram Corynebacterium amycolatum (44,7%), Corynebacterium minutissimum (18,3%) e Corynebacterium pseudodiphtheriticum (8,5%). O uso de catéteres de longa permanência e a neutropenia, foram às condições importantes para infecção por corinebactérias. As doenças de base mais comuns foram os tumores sólidos. Pacientes hospitalizados apresentaram risco seis vezes maior de morrer, quando relacionadas às taxas de mortalidade com 30 dias (RC= 5,5; IC 95%= 1,15-26,30; p= 0,033). As bacteremias (Artigo 2) causadas por corinebactérias foram observadas em dois períodos: 2003-2004 (n=38) e de 2012-2013 (n=24). As espécies multirresistentes C. amycolatum e Corynebacterium jeikeium foram os principais responsáveis pelos quadros de bacteremia. Havia 34 pacientes com tumores sólidos e 28 pacientes com doenças linfoproliferativas, sendo que 21 deles apresentavam neutropenia e 54 utilizavam cateter venoso central. Em 41 pacientes havia infecção relacionada ou associada aos dispositivos intravasculares. Os pacientes com bacteremia responderam ao tratamento com vancomicina após a remoção do cateter. O comportamento agressivo da neoplasia, o tempo de internação hospitalar e o uso de CVC aumentaram o risco de bacteremias por Corynebacterium spp. No Artigo 3, 17 casos de infecções atípicas causadas por Corynebacterium diphtheriae foram diagnosticadas de 1996 a 2013. A incidência de C. diphtheriae correspondeu a 15,8 casos/100.000 admissões, 465 vezes maior que a incidência de difteria na população brasileira. Sintomas toxêmicos foram observados em nove pacientes, embora quadros de difteria clássica e endocardite não fossem observados. O perfil eletroforético em campo pulsado (PFGE) demonstrou um perfil de distribuição endêmica, apesar de haver dois casos de pacientes com o mesmo perfil eletroforético sugerindo transmissão relacionada aos cuidados à saúde. A adesão em superfícies bióticas e abióticas e produção de biofilme em cateter de poliuretano (Artigo 4) foi demonstrada em C. diphtheriae não toxigênico no sítio de inserção do cateter de nefrostomia. Os dados desses artigos permitiram concluir que (i) diferentes espécies de corinebactérias multirresistentes foram capazes de causar infecções em pacientes com câncer, incluindo bacteremias; (ii) C. diphtheriae foi capaz de causar infecções graves em indivíduos imunocomprometidos, incluindo infecções relacionadas ao uso de dispositivos invasivos em populações de risco, tais como pacientes com câncer.
Tem sido descrito que o acúmulo de mutações em proto-oncogenes e genes supressores de tumor contribui para o direcionamento da célula à carcinogênese. Na maioria dos casos de câncer, as células apresentam proliferação descontrolada devido a alterações na expressão e/ou mutações de ciclinas, quinases dependentes de ciclinas e/ou inibidores do ciclo celular. Os tumores sólidos figuram entre o tipo de câncer mais incidente no mundo, sendo a quimioterapia e/ou hormônio-terapia, radioterapia e cirurgia os tratamentos mais indicados para estes tipos de tumores. Entretanto, o tratamento quimioterápico apresenta diversos efeitos colaterais e muitas vezes é ineficaz. Portanto, a busca por novas moléculas capazes de conter a proliferação destas células e com baixa toxicidade para o organismo se faz necessário. Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a ação antitumoral in vitro de um novo composto sintético, a pterocarpanoquinona LQB118, sobre algumas linhagens tumorais humanas de alta prevalência e estudar alguns dos seus mecanismos de ação. As linhagens tumorais estudadas neste trabalho foram os adenocarcinomas de mama (MCF7) e próstata (PC-3), e carcinoma de pulmão (A549). A citotoxicidade foi avaliada pelo ensaio do MTT e a proliferação celular pela contagem de células vivas (exclusão do corante azul de tripan) e análise do ciclo celular (citometria de fluxo). A expressão gênica foi avaliada por RT-PCR e a apoptose foi avaliada por condensação da cromatina (microscopia de fluorescência-DAPI), fragmentação de DNA (eletroforese) e marcação com anexina V (citometria de fluxo). Das linhagens tumorais testadas, a de próstata (PC3) foi a que se mostrou mais sensível ao LQB 118, e em função deste resultado, os demais experimentos foram realizados com esta linhagem tumoral. O efeito citotóxico do LQB 118 se mostrou tempo e concentração dependente. Esta substância inibiu a proliferação celular e prejudicou a progressão do ciclo celular, acumulando células nas fases S e G2/M. Buscando esclarecer os mecanismos desta ação antitumoral, demonstrou-se que o LQB 118 inibe a expressão do mRNA do fator de transcrição c-Myc e das ciclinas D1 e B1, e induz a apoptose de tais células tumorais. Em suma, o LQB 118 é capaz de inibir a proliferação das células tumorais de próstata, alterando a expressão do mRNA de alguns genes reguladores do ciclo celular, resultando em interrupção do ciclo celular e indução de apoptose, indicando este composto como um potencial candidato a futuro medicamento no tratamento do câncer de próstata.
By means of "emulsion-electrospinning", both hydrophobic and hydrophilic drugs, paclitaxel (PTX) and doxorubicin hydrochloride (DOX), were successfully loaded into PEG-PLA nanofiber mats to realize multi-drug delivery. The release behaviors of both the drugs from the same fiber mats were ascribed to their solubility properties and distribution status in the fibers. Due to its high hydrophilicity, DOX was easy to diffuse out from the fibers, and its release rate was always faster than that of hydrophobic PTX. Moreover, the release rate of PTX was accelerated by DOX's release from the same drug-loaded fibers. In vitro cytotoxicity against rat Glioma C6 cells indicated that the dual drug combination showed a higher inhibition and apoptosis against C6 cells than a single drug-loaded system, which suggests the promise for multi-drug delivery on combination therapy.
Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas
Neoplastic tissue is typically highly vascularized, contains abnormal concentrations of extracellular proteins (e.g. collagen, proteoglycans) and has a high interstitial fluid pres- sure compared to most normal tissues. These changes result in an overall stiffening typical of most solid tumors. Elasticity Imaging (EI) is a technique which uses imaging systems to measure relative tissue deformation and thus noninvasively infer its mechanical stiffness. Stiffness is recovered from measured deformation by using an appropriate mathematical model and solving an inverse problem. The integration of EI with existing imaging modal- ities can improve their diagnostic and research capabilities. The aim of this work is to develop and evaluate techniques to image and quantify the mechanical properties of soft tissues in three dimensions (3D). To that end, this thesis presents and validates a method by which three dimensional ultrasound images can be used to image and quantify the shear modulus distribution of tissue mimicking phantoms. This work is presented to motivate and justify the use of this elasticity imaging technique in a clinical breast cancer screening study. The imaging methodologies discussed are intended to improve the specificity of mammography practices in general. During the development of these techniques, several issues concerning the accuracy and uniqueness of the result were elucidated. Two new algorithms for 3D EI are designed and characterized in this thesis. The first provides three dimensional motion estimates from ultrasound images of the deforming ma- terial. The novel features include finite element interpolation of the displacement field, inclusion of prior information and the ability to enforce physical constraints. The roles of regularization, mesh resolution and an incompressibility constraint on the accuracy of the measured deformation is quantified. The estimated signal to noise ratio of the measured displacement fields are approximately 1800, 21 and 41 for the axial, lateral and eleva- tional components, respectively. The second algorithm recovers the shear elastic modulus distribution of the deforming material by efficiently solving the three dimensional inverse problem as an optimization problem. This method utilizes finite element interpolations, the adjoint method to evaluate the gradient and a quasi-Newton BFGS method for optimiza- tion. Its novel features include the use of the adjoint method and TVD regularization with piece-wise constant interpolation. A source of non-uniqueness in this inverse problem is identified theoretically, demonstrated computationally, explained physically and overcome practically. Both algorithms were test on ultrasound data of independently characterized tissue mimicking phantoms. The recovered elastic modulus was in all cases within 35% of the reference elastic contrast. Finally, the preliminary application of these techniques to tomosynthesis images showed the feasiblity of imaging an elastic inclusion.
Although lactic acidosis is a prominent feature of solid tumors, we still have limited understanding of the mechanisms by which lactic acidosis influences metabolic phenotypes of cancer cells. We compared global transcriptional responses of breast cancer cells in response to three distinct tumor microenvironmental stresses: lactic acidosis, glucose deprivation, and hypoxia. We found that lactic acidosis and glucose deprivation trigger highly similar transcriptional responses, each inducing features of starvation response. In contrast to their comparable effects on gene expression, lactic acidosis and glucose deprivation have opposing effects on glucose uptake. This divergence of metabolic responses in the context of highly similar transcriptional responses allows the identification of a small subset of genes that are regulated in opposite directions by these two conditions. Among these selected genes, TXNIP and its paralogue ARRDC4 are both induced under lactic acidosis and repressed with glucose deprivation. This induction of TXNIP under lactic acidosis is caused by the activation of the glucose-sensing helix-loop-helix transcriptional complex MondoA:Mlx, which is usually triggered upon glucose exposure. Therefore, the upregulation of TXNIP significantly contributes to inhibition of tumor glycolytic phenotypes under lactic acidosis. Expression levels of TXNIP and ARRDC4 in human cancers are also highly correlated with predicted lactic acidosis pathway activities and associated with favorable clinical outcomes. Lactic acidosis triggers features of starvation response while activating the glucose-sensing MondoA-TXNIP pathways and contributing to the "anti-Warburg" metabolic effects and anti-tumor properties of cancer cells. These results stem from integrative analysis of transcriptome and metabolic response data under various tumor microenvironmental stresses and open new paths to explore how these stresses influence phenotypic and metabolic adaptations in human cancers.
BACKGROUND: SOX2 (Sry-box 2) is required to maintain a variety of stem cells, is overexpressed in some solid tumors, and is expressed in epithelial cells of the lung. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We show that SOX2 is overexpressed in human squamous cell lung tumors and some adenocarcinomas. We have generated mouse models in which Sox2 is upregulated in epithelial cells of the lung during development and in the adult. In both cases, overexpression leads to extensive hyperplasia. In the terminal bronchioles, a trachea-like pseudostratified epithelium develops with p63-positive cells underlying columnar cells. Over 12-34 weeks, about half of the mice expressing the highest levels of Sox2 develop carcinoma. These tumors resemble adenocarcinoma but express the squamous marker, Trp63 (p63). CONCLUSIONS: These findings demonstrate that Sox2 overexpression both induces a proximal phenotype in the distal airways/alveoli and leads to cancer.
OBJECT: Chordoma cells can generate solid-like tumors in xenograft models that express some molecular characteristics of the parent tumor, including positivity for brachyury and cytokeratins. However, there is a dearth of molecular markers that relate to chordoma tumor growth, as well as the cell lines needed to advance treatment. The objective in this study was to isolate a novel primary chordoma cell source and analyze the characteristics of tumor growth in a mouse xenograft model for comparison with the established U-CH1 and U-CH2b cell lines. METHODS: Primary cells from a sacral chordoma, called "DVC-4," were cultured alongside U-CH1 and U-CH2b cells for more than 20 passages and characterized for expression of CD24 and brachyury. While brachyury is believed essential for driving tumor formation, CD24 is associated with healthy nucleus pulposus cells. Each cell type was subcutaneously implanted in NOD/SCID/IL2Rγ(null) mice. The percentage of solid tumors formed, time to maximum tumor size, and immunostaining scores for CD24 and brachyury (intensity scores of 0-3, heterogeneity scores of 0-1) were reported and evaluated to test differences across groups. RESULTS: The DVC-4 cells retained chordoma-like morphology in culture and exhibited CD24 and brachyury expression profiles in vitro that were similar to those for U-CH1 and U-CH2b. Both U-CH1 and DVC-4 cells grew tumors at rates that were faster than those for U-CH2b cells. Gross tumor developed at nearly every site (95%) injected with U-CH1 and at most sites (75%) injected with DVC-4. In contrast, U-CH2b cells produced grossly visible tumors in less than 50% of injected sites. Brachyury staining was similar among tumors derived from all 3 cell types and was intensely positive (scores of 2-3) in a majority of tissue sections. In contrast, differences in the pattern and intensity of staining for CD24 were noted among the 3 types of cell-derived tumors (p < 0.05, chi-square test), with evidence of intense and uniform staining in a majority of U-CH1 tumor sections (score of 3) and more than half of the DVC-4 tumor sections (scores of 2-3). In contrast, a majority of sections from U-CH2b cells stained modestly for CD24 (scores of 1-2) with a predominantly heterogeneous staining pattern. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first report on xenografts generated from U-CH2b cells in which a low tumorigenicity was discovered despite evidence of chordoma-like characteristics in vitro. For tumors derived from a primary chordoma cell and U-CH1 cell line, similarly intense staining for CD24 was observed, which may correspond to their similar potential to grow tumors. In contrast, U-CH2b tumors stained less intensely for CD24. These results emphasize that many markers, including CD24, may be useful in distinguishing among chordoma cell types and their tumorigenicity in vivo.
BACKGROUND: Epigenetic alterations have been implicated in the pathogenesis of solid tumors, however, proto-oncogenes activated by promoter demethylation have been sporadically reported. We used an integrative method to analyze expression in primary head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) and pharmacologically demethylated cell lines to identify aberrantly demethylated and expressed candidate proto-oncogenes and cancer testes antigens in HNSCC. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We noted coordinated promoter demethylation and simultaneous transcriptional upregulation of proto-oncogene candidates with promoter homology, and phylogenetic footprinting of these promoters demonstrated potential recognition sites for the transcription factor BORIS. Aberrant BORIS expression correlated with upregulation of candidate proto-oncogenes in multiple human malignancies including primary non-small cell lung cancers and HNSCC, induced coordinated proto-oncogene specific promoter demethylation and expression in non-tumorigenic cells, and transformed NIH3T3 cells. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Coordinated, epigenetic unmasking of multiple genes with growth promoting activity occurs in aerodigestive cancers, and BORIS is implicated in the coordinated promoter demethylation and reactivation of epigenetically silenced genes in human cancers.
Hypoxic cancer cells are resistant to treatment, leading to the selection of cells with a more malignant phenotype. The expression of interleukin-8 (IL-8) plays an important role in the tumorigenesis and metastasis of solid tumors including prostate cancer. Recently, we detected elevated expression of IL-8 and IL-8 receptors in human prostate cancer tissue. The objective of the current study was to determine whether hypoxia increases IL-8 and IL-8 receptor expression in prostate cancer cells and whether this contributes to a survival advantage in hypoxic cells. IL-8, CXCR1 and CXCR2 messenger RNA (mRNA) expression in PC3 cells was upregulated in response to hypoxia in a time-dependent manner. Elevated IL-8 secretion following hypoxia was detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, while immunoblotting confirmed elevated receptor expression. Attenuation of hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF-1) and nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB) transcriptional activity using small interfering RNA (siRNA), a HIF-1 dominant-negative and pharmacological inhibitors, abrogated hypoxia-induced transcription of CXCR1 and CXCR2 in PC3 cells. Furthermore, chromatin-IP analysis demonstrated binding of HIF-1 and NF-kappaB to CXCR1. Finally, inhibition of IL-8 signaling potentiated etoposide-induced cell death in hypoxic PC3 cells. These results suggest that IL-8 signaling confers a survival advantage to hypoxic prostate cancer cells, and therefore, strategies to inhibit IL-8 signaling may sensitize hypoxic tumor cells to conventional treatments.
CCN3, a founding member of the CCN family of growth regulators, was linked with hematology in 2003(1) when it was detected in human serum. CCN3 is expressed and secreted by hematopoietic progenitor cells in normal bone marrow. CCN3 acts through the core stem cell signalling pathways including Notch and Bone Morphogenic Protein, connecting CCN3 with the modulation of self-renewal and maturation of a number of cell lineages including hematopoietic, osteogenic and chondrogenic. CCN3 expression is disrupted in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia as a consequence of the BCR-ABL oncogene and allows the leukemic clone to evade growth regulation. In contrast, naive cord blood progenitors undergo enhanced clonal expansion in response to CCN3. Altered CCN3 expression is associated with numerous solid tumors including glioblastoma, melanoma. adrenocortical tumours, prostate cancer and bone malignancies including osteosarcoma. Mature CCN3 protein has five distinct modules and truncated protein variants with altered function are found in many cancers. Regulation by CCN3 is therefore cell type and isoform specific. CCN3 has emerged as a key player in stem cell regulation, hematopoiesis and a crucial component within the bone marrow microenvironment. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The transcription factors Pea3, Erm, and Er81 can promote cancer initiation and progression in various types of solid tumors. However, their role in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) has not been elucidated. In this study, we found that the expression levels of Pea3 and Erm, but not that of Er81, were significantly higher in ESCC compared with nontumor esophageal epithelium. A high level of Pea3 expression was significantly correlated with a shorter overall survival in a cohort of 81 patients with ESCC and the subgroup with N1 stage tumor (Wilcoxon-Gehan test, P = 0.016 and P = 0.001, respectively). Pea3 was overexpressed in seven ESCC cell lines compared with two immortalized esophageal cell lines. Pea3 knockdown reduced cell proliferation and suppressed nonadherent growth, migration, and invasion in ESCC cells in vitro. In addition, Pea3 knockdown in ESCC cells resulted in a down-regulation of phospho-Akt and matrix metalloproteinase 13, whereas a significant positive correlation in the expression levels was observed between Pea3 and phospho-Akt (r = 0.281, P