873 resultados para Solar PV tariffs


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Two stage processes consisting of precursor preparation by thermal evaporation followed by chalcogenisation in the required atmosphere is found to be a feasible technique for the PV materials such as n-Beta In2S3, p-CulnSe2, p-CulnS2 and p-CuIn(Sel_xSx)2. The growth parameters such as chalcogenisation temperature and duration of chalcogenisation etc have been optimised in the present study.Single phase Beta-In2S3 thin films can be obtained by sulfurising the indium films above 300°C for 45 minutes. Low sulfurisation temperatures required prolonged annealing after the sulfurisation to obtain single phase Beta-1n2S3, which resulted in high material loss. The maximum band gap of 2.58 eV was obtained for the nearly stoichiometric Beta-In2S3 film which was sulfurised at 350°C. This wider band gap, n type Beta-In2S3 can be used as an alternative to toxic CdS as window layer in photovoltaics .The systematic study on the structural optical and electrical properties of CuInSe2 films by varying the process parameters such as the duration of selenization and the selenization temperature led to the conclusion that for the growth of single-phase CuInSe2, the optimum selenization temperature is 350°C and duration is 3 hours. The presence of some binary phases in films for shorter selenization period and lower selenization temperature may be due to the incomplete reaction and indium loss. Optical band gap energy of 1.05 eV obtained for the films under the optimum condition.In order to obtain a closer match to the solar spectrum it is desirable to increase the band gap of the CulnSe2 by a few meV . Further research works were carried out to produce graded band gap CuIn(Se,S)2 absorber films by incorporation of sulfur into CuInSe2. It was observed that when the CulnSe2 prepared by two stage process were post annealed in sulfur atmosphere, the sulfur may be occupying the interstitial positions or forming a CuInS2 phase along with CuInSe2 phase. The sulfur treatment during the selenization process OfCu11 ln9 precursors resulted in Culn (Se,S)2 thin films. A band gap of 1.38 eV was obtained for the CuIn(Se,S)2.The optimised thin films n-beta 1n2S3, p-CulnSe2 and p-Culn(Sel-xSx)2 can be used for fabrication of polycrystalline solar cells.


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Met Office station data from 1980 to 2012 has been used to characterise the interannual variability of incident solar irradiance across the UK. The same data are used to evaluate four popular historical irradiance products to determine which are most suitable for use by the UK PV industry for site selection and system design. The study confirmed previous findings that interannual variability is typically 3–6% and weighted average probability of a particular percentage deviation from the mean at an average site in the UK was calculated. This weighted average showed that fewer than 2% of site-years could be expected to fall below 90% of the long-term site mean. The historical irradiance products were compared against Met Office station data from the input years of each product. This investigation has found that all products perform well. No products have a strong spatial trend. Meteonorm 7 is most conservative (MBE = −2.5%), CMSAF is most optimistic (MBE = +3.4%) and an average of all four products performs better than any one individual product (MBE = 0.3%)


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A series of measurements on the performance of solar cell string modules with low-concentrating CPC reflectors with a concentration factor C ˜ 4X have been carried out. To minimise the reduction in efficiency due to high cell temperatures, the modules were cooled. Four different way of cooling were tested:1) The thermal mass of the module was increased, 2) passive air cooling was used by introducing a small air gap between the module and the reflector, 3) the PV cells were cooled by a large cooling fin, 4) the module was actively cooled by circulating cold water on the back. The best performance was given with the actively cooled PV module which gave 2,2 times the output from a reference module while for the output from the module with a cooling fin the value was 1,8.Active cooling is also interesting due to the possibility of co-generation of thermal and electrical energy which is discussed in the paper. Simulations, based on climate data from Stockholm, latitude 59.4°N, show that there are good prospects for producing useful temperatures of the cooling fluid with only a slightly reduced performance of the electrical fraction of the PV thermal hybrid system.


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PV-Wind-Hybrid systems for stand-alone applications have the potential to be more cost efficient compared to PV-alone systems. The two energy sources can, to some extent, compensate each others minima. The combination of solar and wind should be especially favorable for locations at high latitudes such as Sweden with a very uneven distribution of solar radiation during the year. In this article PV-Wind-Hybrid systems have been studied for 11 locations in Sweden. These systems supply the household electricity for single family houses. The aim was to evaluate the system costs, the cost of energy generated by the PV-Wind-Hybrid systems, the effect of the load size and to what extent the combination of these two energy sources can reduce the costs compared to a PV-alone system. The study has been performed with the simulation tool HOMER developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) for techno-economical feasibility studies of hybrid systems. The results from HOMER show that the net present costs (NPC) for a hybrid system designed for an annual load of 6000 kWh with a capacity shortage of 10% will vary between $48,000 and $87,000. Sizing the system for a load of 1800 kWh/year will give a NPC of $17,000 for the best and $33,000 for the worst location. PV-Wind-Hybrid systems are for all locations more cost effective compared to PV-alone systems. Using a Hybrid system is reducing the NPC for Borlänge by 36% and for Lund by 64%. The cost per kWh electricity varies between $1.4 for the worst location and $0.9 for the best location if a PV-Wind-Hybrid system is used.


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The purpose of the calculations was to estimate the most suitable slopes and azimuths for three different positions per day of a solar panel in order to obtain the most possible energy from the PV panel compared with a stationary PV panel. The calculations were made in the computer program PV F-CHART.


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På uppdrag av STEM bevakade Eva Lindberg från Centrum för solenergi-forskning, SERC, Högskolan Dalarna, 20th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Barcelona, 6-10 juni 2005. Ca 1700 personer fanns på deltagarlistan. På grund av konferensen omfattning kan endast ett litet urval av föredrag och utställare kommenteras i rapporten. Konferensprogrammet var indelat på följande områden:1. Grundläggande fakta, nya komponenter och material2. Kristallina kiselsolceller and materialteknologi3. Amorft och mikrokristallint kisel4. CIS, CdTe och andra (II-VI) ternära tunnfilmsceller5. PV-moduler och komponenter i PV-system6. PV-system i nätanslutna applikationer7. Globala aspekter på PV-solelektricitet8. PV-industrins resultatFoU om kristallina solceller dominerade stort, sedan tunnfilmsceller av främst amorft kisel. Intressant var att återvinning är föremål för FoU; dels återvinning av kiselsolceller när panelen tjänat ut; dels återvinning av Cu, Cd, Se och Te när tunnfilmscellerna tas ur bruk.237 företag fanns representerade i utställningen, varav 20 från Kina. Tyskland dominerade stort. Utställningen teman var följande: 1) Tillverkare av kiselplattor, solceller, PV-moduler, koncentratorer, solföljare (se bild nedan) 2) Tillverkare och återförsäljare av utrustning och material 3) Integrering och distribution av system 4) Mätningar och kontrollteknologi 5) Forskning och laboratorier 6) Service, teknik, konsulting 7) Myndigheter och föreningar 8) Media och förlag 9) Tillverkare av inverterare 10) Övrigt.


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The work presented in this thesis concerns the dimensioning of an Energy Storage System (ESS) which will be used as an energy buffer for a grid-connected PV plant. This ESS should help managing the PV plant to inject electricity into the grid according to the requirements of the grid System Operator. It is desired to obtain a final production not below 1300kWh/kWp with a maximum ESS budget of 0.9€/Wp. The PV plant will be sited in Martinique Island and connected to the main grid. This grid is a small one where the perturbations due clouds in the PV generation are not negligible anymore. A software simulation tool, incorporating a model for the PV-plant production, the ESS and the required injection pattern of electricity into the grid has been developed in MS Excel. This tool has been used to optimize the relevant parameters defining the ESS so that the feed-in of electricity into the grid can be controlled to fulfill the conditions given by the System Operator. The inputs used for this simulation tool are, besides the conditions given by the System Operator on the allowed injection pattern, the production data from a similar PV-plant in a close-by location, and variables for defining the ESS. The PV production data used is from a site with similar climate and weather conditions as for the site on the Martinique Island and hence gives information on the short term insolation variations as well as expected annual electricity production. The ESS capacity and the injected electric energy will be the main figures to compare while doing an economic study of the whole plant. Hence, the Net Present Value, Benefit to Cost method and Pay-back period studies are carried on as dependent of the ESS capacity. The conclusion of this work is that it is possible to obtain the requested injection pattern by using an ESS. The design of the ESS can be made within an acceptable budget. The capacity of ESS to link with the PV system depends on the priorities of the final output characteristics, and it also depends on which economic parameter that is chosen as a priority.


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The diffusion of Concentrating Solar Power Systems (CSP) systems is currently taking place at a much slower pace than photovoltaic (PV) power systems. This is mainly because of the higher present cost of the solar thermal power plants, but also for the time that is needed in order to build them. Though economic attractiveness of different Concentrating technologies varies, still PV power dominates the market. The price of CSP is expected to drop significantly in the near future and wide spread installation of them will follow. The main aim of this project is the creation of different relevant case studies on solar thermal power generation and a comparison betwwen them. The purpose of this detailed comparison is the techno-economic appraisal of a number of CSP systems and the understanding of their behaviour under various boundary conditions. The CSP technologies which will be examined are the Parabolic Trough, the Molten Salt Power Tower, the Linear Fresnel Mirrors and the Dish Stirling. These systems will be appropriatly sized and simulated. All of the simulations aim in the optimization of the particular system. This includes two main issues. The first is the achievement of the lowest possible levelized cost of electricity and the second is the maximization of the annual energy output (kWh). The project also aims in the specification of these factors which affect more the results and more specifically, in what they contribute to the cost reduction or the power generation. Also, photovoltaic systems will be simulated under same boundary conditions to facolitate a comparison between the PV and the CSP systems. Last but not leats, there will be a determination of the system which performs better in each case study.


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Low concentrator PV-T hybrid systems produce both electricity and thermal energy; this fact increases the overall efficiency of the system and reduces the cost of solar electricity. These systems use concentrators which are optical devices that concentrate sunlight on to solar cells and reduce expensive solar cell area. This thesis work deals with the thermal evaluation of a PV-T collector from Solarus.Firstly the thermal efficiency of the low concentrator collector was characterized for the thermal-collector without PV cells on the absorber. Only two types of paint were on the absorber, one for each trough of the collector. Both paints are black one is glossy and the other is dull,. The thermal efficiency at no temperature difference between collector and ambient for these two types of paint was 0.65 and 0.64 respectively; the U-value was 8.4 W/m2°C for the trough with the glossy type of paint and 8.6 W/m2°C for the trough with dull type of paint. The annual thermal output of these two paints was calculated for two different geographic locations, Casablanca, Morocco and Älvkarleby, Sweden.Secondly the thermal efficiency was defined for the PV-T collector with PV cells on the absorber. The PV cells cover 85% of the absorber, without any paint on the rest of the absorber area. We also tested how the electrical power output influences the thermal power output of the PV-T collector. The thermal and total performances for the PV-T collector were only characterized with reflector sides, because of the lack of time we could not characterize them with transparent sides also.


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This thesis evaluates different sites for a weather measurement system and a suitable PV- simulation for University of Surabaya (UBAYA) in Indonesia/Java. The weather station is able to monitor all common weather phenomena including solar insolation. It is planned to use the data for scientific and educational purposes in the renewable energy studies. During evaluation and installation it falls into place that official specifications from global meteorological organizations could not be meet for some sensors caused by the conditions of UBAYA campus. After arranging the hardware the weather at the site was monitored for period of time. A comparison with different official sources from ground based and satellite bases measurements showed differences in wind and solar radiation. In some cases the monthly average solar insolation was deviating 42 % for satellite-based measurements. For the ground based it was less than 10 %. The average wind speed has a difference of 33 % compared to a source, which evaluated the wind power in Surabaya. The wind direction shows instabilities towards east compared with data from local weather station at the airport. PSET has the chance to get some investments to investigate photovoltaic on there own roof. With several simulations a suitable roof direction and the yearly and monthly outputs are shown. With a 7.7 kWpeak PV installation with the latest crystalline technology on the market 8.82 MWh/year could be achieved with weather data from 2012. Thin film technology could increase the value up to 9.13 MWh/year. However, the roofs have enough area to install PV. Finally the low price of electricity in Indonesia makes it not worth to feed in the energy into the public grid.


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A common problem when planning large free field PV-plants is optimizing the ground occupation ratio while maintaining low shading losses. Due to the complexity of this task, several PV-plants have been built using various configurations. In order to compare the shading losses of different PV technologies and array designs, empirical performance data of five free field PV-plants operating in Germany was analyzed. The data collected comprised 140 winter days from October 2011 until March 2012. The relative shading losses were estimated by comparing the energy output of selected arrays in the front rows (shading-free) against that of shaded arrays in the back rows of the same plant. The results showed that landscape mounting with mc-Si PV-modules yielded significantly better results than portrait one. With CIGS modules, making cross-table strings using the lower modules was not beneficial as expected and had more losses than a one-string-per-table layout. Parallel substrings with CdTe showed relatively low losses. Among the two CdTe products analyzed, none showed a significantly better performance.


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As energias renováveis têm sido cada vez mais a alternativa encontrada para substituir o uso dos combustíveis fósseis na produção de energia. Neste contexto, surge a oportunidade de realizar um estudo sobre o “Potencial Solar dos Edifícios Públicos da RAM” como objeto de trabalho desta tese de Mestrado em Engenharia de Telecomunicações e Redes de Energia (METRE). Pretende-se que este estudo sirva para impulsionar o investimento nesta área por parte dos decisores regionais, dotando-os de um estudo do potencial de produção de energia solar nos edifícios públicos da RAM. Através de estudos desenvolvidos pelo LREC, ERAMAC - Maximização da Penetração das Energias Renováveis e Utilização Racional da Energia nas Ilhas da Macaronésia, e do Joint Research Centre (JRC), contendo dados do Instituto Meteorológico (IM), da Agência Regional da Energia e Ambiente da Região Autónoma da Madeira (AREAM), do LREC e do World Meteorological Organization (WMO), avaliou-se a radiação solar na RAM, através de tabelas e mapas de radiação solar, contendo a radiação solar global diária média mensal e média anual. Posteriormente fez-se uma análise da oferta do mercado atual de painéis fotovoltaicos (PV) em termos de eficiência, distinguindo as várias gerações de tipos de painéis introduzidos no mercado. Foram realizadas várias pesquisas em diversas áreas de energias renováveis e tecnologias existentes para, posteriormente, se realizar uma seleção e introspeção da informação essencial ao tema de forma a definir-se a fase de desenvolvimento desta tese. Com o auxílio da ferramenta computacional Quantum GIS, foram identificados alguns edifícios públicos com a dimensão e exposição solar apropriada para a colocação de sistemas solares nos mesmos. De seguida, foi realizado uma análise do preço pago/recebido por kWh consumido/produzido e cinco casos de estudos, nos quais foram focados os diferentes impactos de várias tecnologias solares nos prédios públicos da RAM, avaliando financeiramente os custos e retorno do investimento na aplicação destas tecnologias em cada caso, através das ferramentas computacionais, SolTerm e RETScreen. Finalmente retirou-se as respetivas conclusões acerca das opções tomadas, por exemplo, na escolha das tecnologias solares a implementar, os seus custos, o retorno do investimento, preços dos painéis fotovoltaicos, entre outros.


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The use of solar energy for electricity generation has shown a growing interest in recent years. Generally, the conversion of solar energy into electricity is made by PV modules installed on fixed structures, with slope determined by the latitude of the installation site. In this sense, the use of mobile structures with solar tracking, has enabled increased production of the generated energy. However, the performance of these structures depends on the type of tracker and the position control used. In this work, it is proposed position control a strategy applied for a solar tracker, which will be installed in Laboratory of Power Electronics and Renewable Energy (LEPER), located in the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). The tracker system is of polar type with daily positioning east-west and tilt angle manual adjustment in the seasonal periods, from north to south