968 resultados para Soil-borne fungi
Grain legumes are known to increase the soil mineral nitrogen (N) content, reduce the infection pressure of soil borne pathogens, and hence enhance subsequent cereals yields. Replicated field experiments were performed throughout W. Europe (Denmark, United Kingdom, France, Germany and Italy) to asses the effect of intercropping pea and barley on the N supply to subsequent wheat in organic cropping systems. Pea and barley were grown either as sole crops at the recommended plant density (P100 and B100, respectively) or in replacement (P50B50) or additive (P100B50) intercropping designs. In the replacement design the total relative plant density is kept constant, while the additive design uses the optimal sole crop density for pea supplementing with 'extra' barley plants. The pea and barley crops were followed by winter wheat with and without N application. Additional experiments in Denmark and the United Kingdom included subsequent spring wheat with grass-clover as catch crops. The experiment was repeated over the three cropping seasons of 2003, 2004 and 2005. Irrespective of sites and intercrop design pea-barley intercropping improved the plant resource utilization (water, light, nutrients) to grain N yield with 25-30% using the Land Equivalent ratio. In terms of absolute quantities, sole cropped pea accumulated more N in the grains as compared to the additive design followed by the replacement design and then sole cropped barley. The post harvest soil mineral N content was unaffected by the preceding crops. Under the following winter wheat, the lowest mineral N content was generally found in early spring. Variation in soil mineral N content under the winter wheat between sites and seasons indicated a greater influence of regional climatic conditions and long-term cropping history than annual preceding crop and residue quality. Just as with the soil mineral N, the subsequent crop response to preceding crop was negligible. Soil N balances showed general negative values in the 2-year period, indicating depletion of N independent of preceding crop and cropping strategy. It is recommended to develop more rotational approaches to determine subsequent crop effects in organic cropping systems, since preceding crop effects, especially when including legumes, can occur over several years of cropping.
Entomopathogenic bacterial strains Pseudomonas (Flavimonas) oryzihabitans and Xenorhabdus nematophilus, both bacterial symbionts of the entomopathogenic nematodes Steinernema abbasi and S. carpocapsae have been recently used for suppression of soil-borne pathogens. Bacterial biocontrol agents (P. oryzihabitans and X nematophila) have been tested for production of secondary metabolites in vitro and their fungistatic effect,on mycelium and spore development of soil-borne pathogens. Isolates of Pythium spp. and Rhizoctonia solani, the causal agent of cotton damping-off, varied in sensitivity in vitro to the antibiotics phenazine-I-carboxylic acid (PCA), cyanide (HCN) and siderophores produced by bacterial strains shown previously to have potential for biological control of those pathogens. These findings affirm the role of the antibiotics PCA, HCN and siderophores in the biocontrol activity of these entomopathogenic strains and support earlier evidence that mechanisms of secondary metabolites are responsible for suppression of damping-off diseases. In the present studies colonies of R oryzihabitans showed production of PCA with presence of crystalline deposits after six days development and positive production where found as well in the siderophore's assay when X nematophila strain indicated HCN production in the in vitro assays. In vitro antifungal activity showed that bacteria densities of 101 to 10(6)cells/ml have antifungal activity in different media cultures. The results show further that isolates of Pythium spp. and R. solani insensitive to PCA, HCN and siderophores are present in the pathogen population and provide additional justification for the use of mixtures of entomopathogenic strains that employ different mechanisms of pathogen suppression to manage damping-off.
Bioaccessibility studies have been widely used as a research tool to determine the potential human exposure to ingested contaminants. More recently they have been practically applied for soil borne toxic elements. This paper reviews the application of bioaccessibility tests across a range of organic pollutants and contaminated matrices. Important factors are reported to be: the physiological relevance of the test, the components in the gut media, the size fraction chosen for the test and whether it contains a sorptive sink. The bioaccessibility is also a function of the composition of the matrix (e.g. organic carbon content of soils) and the physico-chemical characteristics of the pollutant under test. Despite the widespread use of these tests, there are a large number of formats used and very few validation studies with animal models. We propose a unified format for a bioaccessibility test for organic pollutants. The robustness of this test should first be confirmed through inter laboratory comparison, then tested in-vivo.
Premature germination of resting spores as a means of protecting brassica crops from Plasmodiphora brassicae Wor., (Clubroot). Crop Protection. Clubroot disease causes substantial yield and quality losses in broadacre oil seed and intensive vegetable brassica crops worldwide. The causal microbe Plasmodiophora brassicae Wor., perennates as soil-borne dormant resting spores. Their germination is triggered by exudates from host roots. A valuable addition to sustainable integrated control strategies could be developed by identifying and synthesising the molecules responsible for stimulating resting spore germination. This paper reports experiments in which stimulatory exudates were collected from brassica roots following exposure to infective stages of P. brassicae. Analyses identified a germination signalling molecule of circa 1 kDa formed of glucose sub-units. Mass spectral analyses showed this to be a complex hexasaccharide carbohydrate with structural similarities to the components of plant cell walls. This is the first report of a host generated hexasaccharide which is capable of stimulating the germination of resting spores of P. brassicae. The implications for environmentally benign control of clubroot are discussed briefly.
Irrigation is a major husbandry tool, vital for world food production and security. The purpose of this review is twofold:- firstly drawing attention to the beneficial and deleterious aspects of irrigation resulting from interactions with the microbial world; secondly, forming a basis for encouraging further research and development. Irrigation is for example, a valuable component in the control of some soil borne pathogens such as Streptomyces scabies, the cause of potato common scab and Fusarium cubense, a cause of banana wilt. By contrast, applying irrigation encourages some foliar pathogens and factors such as splash dispersal of propagules and the retention of leaf wetness are important elements in the successful establishment of disease foci. Irrigation applied at low levels in the canopy directly towards the stem bases and root zones of plants also provides means encouraging disease development. Irrigation also offers means for the direct spread of microbes such as water borne moulds, Oomycetes, and plasmodial pathogens coming from populations present in the water supply. The presence of plant disease causing microbes in sources of irrigation has been associated with outbreaks of diseases such as clubroot (Plasmodiophora brassicae). Irrigation can be utilised as a means for applying agrochemicals, fungigation. The developing technologies of water restriction and root zone drying also have an impact on the success of disease causing organisms. This is an emerging technology and its interactions with benign and pathogenic microbes require consideration.
Using digitized images of the three-dimensional, branching structures for root systems of bean seedlings, together with analytical and numerical methods that map a common susceptible-infected- recovered (`SIR`) epidemiological model onto the bond percolation problem, we show how the spatially correlated branching structures of plant roots affect transmission efficiencies, and hence the invasion criterion, for a soil-borne pathogen as it spreads through ensembles of morphologically complex hosts. We conclude that the inherent heterogeneities in transmissibilities arising from correlations in the degrees of overlap between neighbouring plants render a population of root systems less susceptible to epidemic invasion than a corresponding homogeneous system. Several components of morphological complexity are analysed that contribute to disorder and heterogeneities in the transmissibility of infection. Anisotropy in root shape is shown to increase resilience to epidemic invasion, while increasing the degree of branching enhances the spread of epidemics in the population of roots. Some extension of the methods for other epidemiological systems are discussed.
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o efeito de três ecossistemas sobre, a ocorrência de fungos rizosféricos, endofíticos e epifíticos. As áreas de estudo estão localizadas em uma propriedade rural, situada na cidade de Venâncio Aires, RS. Os fungos endofíticos e epifíticos foram isolados de amostras de raízes de guajuvira, (Patagonula americana L.), coletadas na mata (área 1), de uva-do-japão (Hovenia dulcis Thunb.), na área intermediária (área 2) e de fumo ou de milho, na lavoura (área 3) e, os fungos rizosféricos isolados de solo coletado junto as raízes dos vegetais citados. As amostras foram coletadas nos meses de janeiro, maio, setembro e novembro de 2004 e 2005. Os fungos foram identificados segundo características morfológicas com auxílio de chaves de identificação. As áreas 2 e 3 foram mais similares com relação aos fungos rizosféricos e epifíticos, enquanto, que, as áreas 1 e 2 foram mais similares com relação aos fungos endofíticos. A diversidade dos fungos isolados das três áreas não diferiu ao longo dos dois anos de coleta. A presença de Fusarium spp., em vegetais sem sintomas de doença indica que, as mesmas podem ser raças avirulentas ou patógenos latentes em equilíbrio com o hospedeiro e o ambiente. A presença de fungos antagonistas, principalmente Trichoderma spp. também, são responsáveis por esse equilíbrio, o qual ocorre nas três áreas.
O tratamento de sementes com fungicida é um seguro de baixo custo para os produtores de sementes e plantadores de amendoim. O uso de fungicidas adequados pode contribuir para o melhor desempenho do material de propagação, proporcionando maiores rendimentos na colheita. Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo avaliar a eficiência do fungicida carboxin + thiram e a viabilidade do uso de óleo vegetal e de surfactante à base de organosilicone como agentes veiculadores do fungicida, no controle de fungos associados às sementes de amendoim. Foram comparadas duas doses de carboxin + thiram (50 + 50 e 70 + 70 g.i.a./100 kg de sementes) em mistura com água e a dose de 50 + 50 g.i.a./100 kg de sementes em mistura com os agentes veiculadores, avaliando-se os efeitos na germinação e vigor das sementes e estabelecimento da cultura no campo. Verificou-se que o principal efeito benéfico dos tratamentos é a redução significativa de sementes mortas e/ou da ocorrência de damping-off de pré-emergência. Independentemente da dose, o fungicida associado à água, proporciona controle eficiente dos patógenos presentes nas sementes, exceto no caso de Rhizopus sp. O óleo vegetal e o surfactante proporcionam melhor cobertura e aderência do fungicida às sementes, aumentando a eficiência do mesmo no controle de Aspergillus spp. e de Penicillium sp. Não se constata efeito fitotóxico do fungicida e dos agentes veiculadores sobre as sementes de amendoim.
Grafting is an alternative technique often recommended for cucumber culture in protected environments. This study aimed to study yield of cucumber grafted on different rootstocks compared to non-grafted plants in non-infected soil. Five treatments (Japanese cucumber hybrid 'Tsuyataro' without grafting, grafted on squash hybrids 'Shelper', 'Excitte Ikki', 'Daiguy' and 'Keiji') were evaluated in a completely randomized blocks design, with four repetitions and six plants per plot. Lesser fruit yield was obtained in cucumber grafted on 'Keiji', while cucumber grafted on other rootstocks did not differ from non-grafted plants. So, in the absence of soil borne diseases, grafting did not increase cucumber fruit yield, and, depending on rootstock, grafting can decrease production compared with non grafted plants.
Uma das principais doenças do maracujazeiro, na maioria dos estados produtores do Brasil, é a podridão do colo, causada por Fusarium solani. Pouco se sabe a respeito da fisiologia deste patógeno do maracujazeiro amarelo, principalmente quanto à produção de enzimas extracelulares. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi verificar, em meios de cultura individuais e apropriados, a produção das enzimas extracelulares amilase, lipase, celulase, proteases (caseinase e gelatinase), lacase (oxidase) e catalase por isolados de F. solani, provenientes de maracujazeiro amarelo. O delineamento experimental adotado foi o inteiramente casualizado, em esquema de dois fatores (nove isolados versus sete enzimas), com três repetições. Todos os isolados de F. solani produziram, de maneira semiquantitativa, as enzimas extracelulares amilase, lipase, celulase, caseinase (protease) e lacase (oxidase). No entanto, a quantidade produzida de cada enzima foi significativamente diferente entre os isolados. As enzimas extracelulares gelatinase (protease) e catalase foram produzidas em pouca quantidade e de maneira igual por todos os isolados do fungo.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Microbiologia Aplicada) - IBRC