941 resultados para Soil fertility evaluation


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da aplicação de 0, 20 e 40 Mg ha-1 de lodo de esgoto, na presença e ausência de fertilizante mineral (NPK) na fertilidade e nos teores de metais pesados de um Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo distrófico, cultivado com cana-de-açúcar. Amostras de solo foram coletadas aos 146, 272 e 484 dias após o plantio da cultura de cana-de-açúcar e foram submetidas à análise de fertilidade pelo método do Instituto Agronômico de Campinas, incluindo a determinação do S, Cr, Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb e Zn. O lodo de esgoto diminuiu a acidez do solo e forneceu Ca, P, S e Zn, principalmente. Seus efeitos foram de curta duração, restringindo-se a um ano agrícola. Os teores dos metais pesados das amostras de solo tratado foram maiores que os da testemunha, mas menores que os valores considerados perigosos ao ambiente.


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Fifteen soil samples and four extradants (DTPA, Na 2EDTA, HCl and Mehlich 1) were used to study soil extraction methods for available zinc. Each extradant was studied in three soil:solution ratios (1:2, 1:4 and 1:10) and in three extraction periods in the ratio most frequently used. The zinc extracted by DTPA, Na 2EDTA and HCl was not affected by use of soil:solution ratios 1:2 and 1:4, but the amount extracted increased with the 1:10 ratio. In this relation, the variation coefficients increased. With Mehlich, no definite tendency was observed. The increase of extraction period for DTPA extractant, in 1:2 ratio, had little effect on the amount of zinc extracted and on the precision. As to Na 2EDTA extractant in 1:10 ratio, with the increase of extraction time, both increased. As to HCl and Mehlich, both in 1:4 ratio, the increase in extraction period had no effect on the amount of zinc extracted and no definite effect on the precision. Thus, the use of 1:2 ratio for DTPA and Na 2EDTA and 1:4 ratio for acid extractants is recommended. Concerning the period of extraction, 120 min should be used with DTPA and Na 2EDTA, 15 min with HCl and 5 min with Mehlich.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the possibility of mapping adsorbed phosphorus through soil color and magnetic susceptibility. The experiment was done in a 380-ha sugarcane area, which included four types of Oxisols, with different texture and natural fertility. Two hundred and forty-one soil samples were collected at 0.00-0.25-m depth. The soil redness index was calculated from sample values of hue, value, and chroma, obtained with diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. Regression models were adjusted between adsorbed phosphorus and soil magnetic susceptibility or redness index. Data spatial dependence was evaluated with geostatistics. Magnetic susceptibility is significantly correlated to adsorbed phosphorus, which allows it to be used as a component in pedotransfer functions for indirect quantification of soil adsorbed phosphorus. The redness index and the magnetic susceptibility show spatial dependency with adsorbed phosphorus. Soil magnetic susceptibility and redness index, evaluated with diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, can aid in the mapping and identification of areas with different phosphorus adsorption potential.


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Vegetable oils and their derivatives, like biodiesel, are used extensively throughout the world, thus posing an environmental risk when disposed. Toxicity testing using test organisms shows how these residues affect ecosystems. Toxicity tests using earthworms (Eisenia foetida. are widespread because they are a practical resource for analyzing terrestrial organisms. For phytotoxicological analysis, we used seeds of arugula (Eruca sativa and lettuce (Lactuca sativa. to analyze the germination of seeds in contaminated soil samples. The toxicological experiment was conducted with four different periods of biodegradation in soil: zero days, 60 days, 120 days and 180 days. The studied contaminants were soybean oil (new and used) and biodiesel (B100). An evaluation of the germination of both seeds showed an increased toxicity for all contaminants as the biodegradation occurred, biodiesel being the most toxic among the contaminants. on the other hand, for the tests using earthworms, the biodiesel was the only contaminant that proved to be toxic. Therefore, the higher toxicity of the sample containing these hydrocarbons over time can be attributed to the secondary compounds formed by microbial action. Thus, we conclude that the biodegradation in soil of the studied compounds requires longer periods for the sample toxicity to be decreased with the action of microorganisms.


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The problems caused by the residual effluents of wine distilleries for alcohol production are well known. The effluent effects in soil and groundwater are being researched in an area with sugar cane culture which receives, yearly, vinasse by dispersion. Samples are being collected from the soil, the groundwater and the existing creeks in the area. Four sub-areas are being monitored separately with a vinasse application of 300 m 3/ha year. Experimentation periods in each area have been 0, 5, 10 and 15 years. In the unsaturated zone, samples are being collected at depths of 25, 75 and 150 cm. The chemical analyses include macro and micro nutrients, organic matter and pH. Physical analyses give the soil water retention, hydraulic conductivity and soil particle distribution. These measurements permit the evaluation of nitrogen absorption and fertility changes of the soil. A tendency for the maintenance of soil fertility can be observed but with an elevation of nitrate concentration in groundwater.


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Acer saccharum Marsh., is one of the most valuable trees in the northern hardwood forests. Severe dieback was recently reported by area foresters in the western Upper Great Lakes Region. Sugar Maple has had a history of dieback over the last 100 years throughout its range and different variables have been identified as being the predisposing and inciting factors in different regions at different times. Some of the most common factors attributed to previous maple dieback episodes were insect defoliation outbreaks, inadequate precipitation, poor soils, atmospheric deposition, fungal pathogens, poor management, or a combination of these. The current sugar maple dieback was evaluated to determine the etiology, severity, and change in dieback on both industry and public lands. A network of 120 sugar maple health evaluation plots was established in the Upper Peninsula, Michigan, northern Wisconsin, and eastern Minnesota and evaluated annually from 2009-2012. Mean sugar maple crown dieback between 2009-2012 was 12.4% (ranging from 0.8-75.5%) across the region. Overall, during the sampling period, mean dieback decreased by 5% but individual plots and trees continued to decline. Relationships were examined between sugar maple dieback and growth, habitat conditions, ownership, climate, soil, foliage nutrients, and the maple pathogen sapstreak. The only statistically significant factor was found to be a high level of forest floor impacts due to exotic earthworm activity. Sugar maple on soils with lower pH had less earthworm impacts, less dieback, and higher growth rates than those on soils more favorable to earthworms. Nutritional status of foliage and soil was correlated with dieback and growth suggesting perturbation of nutrient cycling may be predisposing or contributing to dieback. The previous winter's snowfall totals, length of stay on the ground, and number of days with freezing temperatures had a significant positive relationship to sugar maple growth rates. Sapstreak disease, Ceratocystis virescens, may be contributing to dieback in some stands but was not related to the amount of dieback in the region. The ultimate goal of this research is to help forest managers in the Great Lakes Region prevent, anticipate, reduce, and/or salvage stands with dieback and loss in the future. An improved understanding of the complex etiology associated with sugar maple dieback in the Upper Great Lakes Region is necessary to make appropriate silvicultural decisions. Forest Health education helps increase awareness and proactive forest management in the face of changing forest ecosystems. Lessons are included to assist educators in incorporating forest health into standard biological disciplines at the secondary school curricula.


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Includes bibliography.


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Policies that encourage greenhouse-gas emitters to mitigate emissions through terrestrial carbon (C) offsets – C sequestration in soils or biomass – will promote practices that reduce erosion and build soil fertility, while fostering adaptation to climate change, agricultural development, and rehabilitation of degraded soils. However none of these benefits will be possible until changes in C stocks can be documented accurately and cost-effectively. This is particularly challenging when dealing with changes in soil organic C (SOC) stocks. Precise methods for measuring C in soil samples are well established, but spatial variability in the factors that determine SOC stocks makes it difficult to document change. Widespread interest in the benefits of SOC sequestration has brought this issue to the fore in the development of US and international climate policy. Here, we review the challenges to documenting changes in SOC stocks, how policy decisions influence offset documentation requirements, and the benefits and drawbacks of different sampling strategies and extrapolation methods.


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Soil microorganisms are critical to ecosystem functioning and the maintenance of soil fertility. However, despite global increases in the inputs of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) to ecosystems due to human activities, we lack a predictive understanding of how microbial communities respond to elevated nutrient inputs across environmental gradients. Here we used high-throughput sequencing of marker genes to elucidate the responses of soil fungal, archaeal, and bacterial communities using an N and P addition experiment replicated at 25 globally distributed grassland sites. We also sequenced metagenomes from a subset of the sites to determine how the functional attributes of bacterial communities change in response to elevated nutrients. Despite strong compositional differences across sites, microbial communities shifted in a consistent manner with N or P additions, and the magnitude of these shifts was related to the magnitude of plant community responses to nutrient inputs. Mycorrhizal fungi and methanogenic archaea decreased in relative abundance with nutrient additions, as did the relative abundances of oligotrophic bacterial taxa. The metagenomic data provided additional evidence for this shift in bacterial life history strategies because nutrient additions decreased the average genome sizes of the bacterial community members and elicited changes in the relative abundances of representative functional genes. Our results suggest that elevated N and P inputs lead to predictable shifts in the taxonomic and functional traits of soil microbial communities, including increases in the relative abundances of faster-growing, copiotrophic bacterial taxa, with these shifts likely to impact belowground ecosystems worldwide.


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Lantana camara is a recognized weed of worldwide significance due to its extensive distribution and its impacts on primary industries and nature conservation. However, quantitative data on the impact of the weed on soil ecosystem properties are scanty, especially in SE Australia, despite the pervasive presence of the weed along its coastal and inland regions. Consequently, mineral soils for physicochemical analyses were collected beneath and away from L. camara infestations in four sites west of Brisbane, SE Australia. These sites (hoop pine plantation, cattle farm, and two eucalyptus forests with occasional grazing and a fire regime, respectively) vary in landscape and land-use types. Significant site effect was more frequently observed than effect due to invasion status. Nonetheless, after controlling for site differences, ~50% of the 23 soil traits examined differed significantly between infested and non-infested soils. Moisture, pH, Ca, total and organic C, and total N (but not exchangeable N in form of NO3-) were significantly elevated, while sodium, chloride, copper, iron, sulfur, and manganese, many of which can be toxic to plant growth if present in excess levels, were present at lower levels in soils supporting L. camara compared to soils lacking the weed. These results indicate that L. camara can improve soil fertility and influence nutrient cycling, making the substratum ideal for its own growth and might explain the ability of the weed to outcompete other species, especially native ones.


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Macfadyena unguis-cati (L.) Gentry (Bignoniaceae) is a major environmental weed in coastal Queensland, Australia. There is a lack of quantitative data on its leaf chemistry and its impact on soil properties. Soils from infested vs uninfested areas, and leaves of M. unguis-cati and three co-occurring vine species (one exotic, two native) were collected at six sites (riparian and non-riparian) in south-eastern Queensland. Effects of invasion status, species, site and habitat type were examined using univariate and multivariate analyses. Habitat type had a greater effect on soil nutrients than on leaf chemistry. Invasion effect of M. unguis-cati on soil chemistry was more pronounced in non-riparian than in riparian habitat. Significantly higher values were obtained in M. unguis-cati infested (vs. uninfested) soils for ~50% of traits. Leaf ion concentrations differed significantly between exotic and native vines. Observed higher leaf-nutrient load (especially nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) in exotic plants aligns with the preference of invasive plant species for disturbed habitats with higher nutrient input. Higher load of trace elements (aluminium, boron, cadmium and iron) in its leaves suggests that cycling of heavy-metal ions, many of which are potentially toxic at excess level, could be accelerated in soils of M. unguis-cati-invaded landscape. Although inferences from the present study are based on correlative data, the consistency of the patterns across many sites suggests that M. unguis-cati may improve soil fertility and influence nutrient cycling, perhaps through legacy effects of its own litter input.


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Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) forests dominate in Finnish Lapland. The need to study the effect of both soil factors and site preparation on the performance of planted Scots pine has increased due to the problems encountered in reforestation, especially on mesic and moist, formerly spruce-dominated sites. The present thesis examines soil hydrological properties and conditions, and effect of site preparation on them on 10 pine- and 10 spruce-dominated upland forest sites. Finally, the effects of both the site preparation and reforestation methods, and soil hydrology on the long-term performance of planted Scots pine are summarized. The results showed that pine and spruce sites differ significantly in their soil physical properties. Under field capacity or wetter soil moisture conditions, planted pines presumably suffer from excessive soil water and poor soil aeration on most of the originally spruce sites, but not on the pine sites. The results also suggested that site preparation affects the soil-water regime and thus prerequisites for forest growth over two decades after site preparation. High variation in the survival and mean height of planted pine was found. The study suggested that on spruce sites, pine survival is the lowest on sites that dry out slowly after rainfall events, and that height growth is the fastest on soils that reach favourable aeration conditions for root growth soon after saturation, and/or where the average air-filled porosity near field capacity is large enough for good root growth. Survival, but not mean height can be enhanced by employing intensive site preparation methods on spruce sites. On coarser-textured pine sites, site preparation methods don t affect survival, but methods affecting soil fertility, such as prescribed burning and ploughing, seem to enhance the height growth of planted Scots pines over several decades. The use of soil water content in situ as the sole criterion for sites suitable for pine reforestation was tested and found to be a relatively uncertain parameter. The thesis identified new potential soil variables, which should be tested using other data in the future.


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More than 1200 wheat and 120 barley experiments conducted in Australia to examine yield responses to applied nitrogen (N) fertiliser are contained in a national database of field crops nutrient research (BFDC National Database). The yield responses are accompanied by various pre-plant soil test data to quantify plant-available N and other indicators of soil fertility status or mineralisable N. A web application (BFDC Interrogator), developed to access the database, enables construction of calibrations between relative crop yield ((Y0/Ymax) × 100) and N soil test value. In this paper we report the critical soil test values for 90% RY (CV90) and the associated critical ranges (CR90, defined as the 70% confidence interval around that CV90) derived from analysis of various subsets of these winter cereal experiments. Experimental programs were conducted throughout Australia’s main grain-production regions in different eras, starting from the 1960s in Queensland through to Victoria during 2000s. Improved management practices adopted during the period were reflected in increasing potential yields with research era, increasing from an average Ymax of 2.2 t/ha in Queensland in the 1960s and 1970s, to 3.4 t/ha in South Australia (SA) in the 1980s, to 4.3 t/ha in New South Wales (NSW) in the 1990s, and 4.2 t/ha in Victoria in the 2000s. Various sampling depths (0.1–1.2 m) and methods of quantifying available N (nitrate-N or mineral-N) from pre-planting soil samples were used and provided useful guides to the need for supplementary N. The most regionally consistent relationships were established using nitrate-N (kg/ha) in the top 0.6 m of the soil profile, with regional and seasonal variation in CV90 largely accounted for through impacts on experimental Ymax. The CV90 for nitrate-N within the top 0.6 m of the soil profile for wheat crops increased from 36 to 110 kg nitrate-N/ha as Ymax increased over the range 1 to >5 t/ha. Apparent variation in CV90 with seasonal moisture availability was entirely consistent with impacts on experimental Ymax. Further analyses of wheat trials with available grain protein (~45% of all experiments) established that grain yield and not grain N content was the major driver of crop N demand and CV90. Subsets of data explored the impact of crop management practices such as crop rotation or fallow length on both pre-planting profile mineral-N and CV90. Analyses showed that while management practices influenced profile mineral-N at planting and the likelihood and size of yield response to applied N fertiliser, they had no significant impact on CV90. A level of risk is involved with the use of pre-plant testing to determine the need for supplementary N application in all Australian dryland systems. In southern and western regions, where crop performance is based almost entirely on in-crop rainfall, this risk is offset by the management opportunity to split N applications during crop growth in response to changing crop yield potential. In northern cropping systems, where stored soil moisture at sowing is indicative of minimum yield potential, erratic winter rainfall increases uncertainty about actual yield potential as well as reducing the opportunity for effective in-season applications.


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In Northern Vietnam, organic fertilization programmes are being tested to restore soil fertility and reduce soil erosion. However, the amendment of organic matter in soil is also associated with the development of the invasive earthworm species Dichogaster bolaui. The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of organic matter amendment quality (compost vs. vermicompost) on D. bolaui. Our study confirmed D. bolaui development in organic patches in the field. However, we also observed that the flat-backed millipede Asiomorpha coarctata proliferated in these organic patches. Native to Asia, this millipede species is also considered as invasive in America. Both D. bolaui and A. coarctata more rapidly colonized compost than vermicompost patches. A laboratory experiment confirmed this trend and showed the limited development of D. bolaui in vermicompost. This is probably because of the decreased palatability of this substrate to soil fauna. In conclusion, any restoration practice that aims to increase the organic stocks in soils degraded by erosion should consider the quality of the organic amendment. In Northern Vietnam, vermicompost may be the preferred substrate for restoring soils while limiting the spread of D. bolaui. (C) 2014 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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A avaliação da qualidade dos solos e a redução da Mata Atlântica tem sido alvo de diversas pesquisas no Brasil e no mundo, principalmente quando estes estão atrelados ao recorte espacial de Unidades de Conservação. No entanto, tem sido difícil para os gestores dessas unidades a avaliação dos impactos ambientais gerados ao longo dos anos nas bacias hidrográficas, principalmente pela falta de investimentos. Esta dissertação teve por objetivo geral avaliar o atual estágio de degradação da bacia hidrográfica do Córrego da Caçada pertencente à Área de Proteção Ambiental Federal de Cairuçu, no município de Paraty RJ, analisando quantitativamente e qualitativamente a redução dos fragmentos de Mata Atlântica e estabelecendo relações com a degradação física e química dos solos dentro e fora dos fragmentos florestais. A metodologia utilizada para a redução ou avanço dos fragmentos de Mata Atlântica baseou-se no uso de fotografias aéreas do ano de 1956 e imagens de satélite de 2012, onde possibilitou a avaliação espaço-temporal do uso e cobertura das terras, através da produção de um mapa temático final. Além disso, foram elaborados mapas temáticos de reconhecimento da área de estudo, como o de hipsometria, de declividade, de orientação e forma das encostas, além da geração de perfis topográficos. Para a avaliação da qualidade física, química e biológica dos solos foram determinadas as curvas de distribuição granulométrica, a densidade relativa dos grãos sólidos e a densidade aparente, porosidade total, os limites de liquidez e plasticidade, a estabilidade dos agregados em água, análises morfológicas, a saturação de bases, a capacidade de troca catiônica (CTC), a saturação por alumínio, fósforo, pH e o carbono orgânico. Para tal, foi realizada a abertura de três perfis, sendo um em área de fragmento florestal e dois em áreas de pasto. O resultado das análises permitiu, segundo a Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do solo, a classificação de dois tipos de solos na bacia, sendo: Cambissolo Háplico Tb Distrófico Típico em área fragmento florestal e em área de pasto, e um Latossolo Amarelo Tb Distrófico Típico em área de pasto. Os resultados de laboratório mostraram que os solos avaliados têm baixa fertilidade e valores variados nos resultados de física do solo. No entanto, além do histórico de uso do solo caracterizado pelas práticas rudimentares do manejo empregado pelos Caiçaras, o clima predominante na região possibilita um regime pluviométrico anual que passa dos 2.000mm de chuva/ano, caracterizando solos muito lixiviados e pobres quimicamente. Portanto, conclui-se que a relação das propriedades físicas e químicas avaliadas junto ao manejo inadequado ao longo dos anos tem apresentado um cenário de grandes dificuldades para a recuperação florestal na bacia hidrográfica do Córrego da Caçada, o que mostra a importância da avaliação dos impactos ambientais não só pelo recorte de bacias hidrográficas, como contextualizar seu posicionamento dentro de Unidades de Conservação, com legislações e objetivos específicos.