988 resultados para Soil - Classification


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O presente trabalho utilizou ferramentas de sensoriamento remoto e sistema de informação geográfica, aliadas às informações espectrais do solo e quantitativas e qualitativas do relevo, para a caracterização e discriminação das classes de solos desenvolvidos do Grupo Barreiras na região do município de Porto Grande, Amapá. Após o mapeamento semidetalhado de solos, realizou-se a caracterização pontual das amostras dos perfis por meio de espectroscopia de visível e infravermelho (400-2500 nm), e a análise espacial das redes de drenagem e relevo a partir de fotos aéreas e imagens de radar. As informações quantitativas do relevo foram mais eficientes na caracterização e discriminação dos solos estudados do que as qualitativas, enquanto as informações espectrais permitiram caracterizar os solos em nível pontual. Métodos espaciais utilizando redes de drenagem e relevo e métodos espectrais utilizando amostras pontuais complementam-se na caracterização e discriminação de solos na paisagem.


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Während der Glazialphasen kam es in den europäischen Mittelgebirgen bedingt durch extensive solifluidale Massenbewegungen zur Bildung von Deckschichten. Diese Deckschichten repräsentieren eine Mischung verschiedener Substrate, wie anstehendes Ausgangsgestein, äolische Depositionen und lokale Erzgänge. Die räumliche Ausdehnung der Metallkontaminationen verursacht durch kleinräumige Erzgänge wird durch die periglaziale Solifluktion verstärkt. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Untersuchung war a) den Zusammenhang zwischen den Reliefeigenschaften und den Ausprägungen der solifluidalen Deckschichten und Böden aufzuklären, sowie b) mittels Spurenelementgehalte und Blei-Isotopen-Verhältnisse als Eingangsdaten für Mischungsmodelle die Beitrage der einzelnen Substrate zum Ausgangsmaterial der Bodenbildung zu identifizieren und quantifizieren und c) die räumliche Verteilung von Blei (Pb) in Deckschichten, die über Bleierzgänge gewandert sind, untersucht, die Transportweite des erzbürtigen Bleis berechnet und die kontrollierenden Faktoren der Transportweite bestimmt werden. Sechs Transekte im südöstlichen Rheinischen Schiefergebirge, einschließlich der durch periglaziale Solifluktion entwickelten Böden, wurden untersucht. Die bodenkundliche Geländeaufnahme erfolgte nach AG Boden (2005). O, A, B und C-Horizontproben wurden auf ihre Spurenelementgehalte und teilweise auf ihre 206Pb/207Pb-Isotopenverhältnisse analysiert. Die steuernden Faktoren der Verteilung und Eigenschaften periglazialer Deckschichten sind neben der Petrographie, Reliefeigenschaften wie Exposition, Hangneigung, Hangposition und Krümmung. Die Reliefanalyse zeigt geringmächtige Deckschichten in divergenten, konvexen Hangbereichen bei gleichzeitig hohem Skelettgehalt. In konvergent, konkaven Hangbereichen nimmt die Deckschichtenmächtigkeit deutlich zu, bei gleichzeitig zunehmendem Lösslehm- und abnehmendem Skelettgehalt. Abhängig von den Reliefeigenschaften und -positionen reichen die ausgeprägten Bodentypen von sauren Braunerden bis hin zu Pseudogley-Parabraunerden. Des Weiteren kommen holozäne Kolluvien in eher untypischen Reliefpositionen wie langgestreckten, kaum geneigten Hangbereichen oder Mittelhangbereichen vor. Außer für Pb bewegen sich die Spurenelementgehalte im Rahmen niedriger Hintergrundgehalte. Die Pb-Gehalte liegen zwischen 20-135 mg kg-1. Abnehmende Spurenelementgehalte und Isotopensignaturen (206Pb/207Pb-Isotopenverhältnisse) von Pb zeigen, dass nahezu kein Pb aus atmosphärischen Depositionen in die B-Horizonte verlagert wurde. Eine Hauptkomponentenanalyse (PCA) der Spurenelementgehalte hat vier Hauptsubstratquellen der untersuchten B-Horizonte identifiziert (Tonschiefer, Löss, Laacher-See-Tephra [LST] und lokale Pb-Erzgänge). Mittels 3-Komponenten-Mischungsmodell, das Tonschiefer, Löss und LST einschloss, konnten, bis auf 10 Ausreißer, die Spurenelementgehalte aller 120 B-Horizontproben erklärt werden. Der Massenbeitrag des Pb-Erzes zur Substratmischung liegt bei <0,1%. Die räumliche Pb-Verteilung zeigt Bereiche lokaler Pb-Gehaltsmaxima hangaufwärtiger Pb-Erzgänge. Mittels eines 206Pb/207Pb-Isotopenverhältnis-Mischungsmodells konnten 14 Bereiche erhöhter lokaler Pb-Gehaltsmaxima ausgewiesen werden, die 76-100% erzbürtigen Bleis enthalten. Mit Hilfe eines Geographischen Informationssystems wurden die Transportweiten des erzbürtigen Bleis mit 30 bis 110 m bestimmt. Die steuerenden Faktoren der Transportweite sind dabei die Schluffkonzentration und die Vertikalkrümmung. Diese Untersuchung zeigt, dass Reliefeigenschaften und Reliefposition einen entscheidenden Einfluss auf die Ausprägung der Deckschichten und Böden im europäischen Mittelgebirgsbereich haben. Mischungsmodelle in Kombination mit Spurenelementanalysen und Isotopenverhältnissen stellen ein wichtiges Werkzeug zur Bestimmung der Beiträge der einzelnen Glieder in Bodensubstratmischungen dar. Außerdem können lokale Bleierzgänge die natürlichen Pb-Gehalte in Böden, entwickelt in periglazialen Deckschichten der letzten Vereisungsphase (Würm), bis über 100 m Entfernung erhöhen.


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The hydraulic piston coring device (HPC-15) allows recovery of deep ocean sediments with minimal disturbance. The device was used during Leg 72 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) aboard the Glomar Challenger. Core samples were recovered from bore holes in the Rio Grande Rise in the southwest Atlantic Ocean. Relatively undisturbed sediment cores were obtained from Holes 515A, 516, 517, and 518. The results of shipboard physical property measurements and on-shore geotechnical laboratory tests on these cores are presented in this chapter. A limited number of 0.3 m cores were obtained and used in a series of geotechnical tests, including one-dimensional consolidation, direct shear, Atterburg limit, particle size analysis, and specific gravity tests. Throughout the testing program, attention was focused on assessment of sample disturbance associated with the HPC-15 coring device. The HPC-15 device limits sample disturbance reasonably well in terrigenous muds (clays). However, sample disturbance associated with coring calcareous sediments (nannofossil-foraminifer oozes) is severe. The noncohesive, granular behavior of the calcareous sediments is vulnerable to severe disturbance, because of the design of the sampling head on the device at the time of Leg 72. A number of modifications to the sampling head design are recommended and discussed in this chapter. The modifications will improve sample quality for testing purposes and provide longer unbroken core samples by reducing friction between the sediment column and the sampling tool.


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Cryosols are permafrost-affected soils whose genesis is dominated by cryogenic processes, resulting in unique macromorphologies, micromorphologies, thermal characteristics, and physical and chemical properties. In addition, these soils are carbon sinks, storing high amounts of organic carbon collected for thousands of years. In the Canadian soil classification, the Cryosolic Order includes mineral and organic soils that have both cryogenic properties and permafrost within 1 or 2 m of the soil surface. This soil order is divided into Turbic, Static and Organic great groups on the basis of the soil materials (mineral or organic), cryogenic properties and depth to permafrost. The great groups are subdivided into subgroups on the basis of soil development and the resulting diagnostic soil horizons. Cryosols are commonly associated with the presence of ground ice in the subsoil. This causes serious problems when areas containing these soils are used for agriculture and construction projects (such as roads, town sites and airstrips). Therefore, where Cryosols have high ice content, it is especially important either to avoid these activities or to use farming and construction methods that maintain the negative thermal balance.


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This study is aimed at determining the spatial distribution, physical properties, and groundwater conditions of the Vashon advance outwash (Qva) in the Mountlake Terrace, WA area. The Qva is correlative with the Esperance Sand, as defined at its type section; however, local variations in the Qva are not well-characterized (Mullineaux, 1965). While the Qva is a dense glacial unit with low compressibility and high frictional shear strength (Gurtowski and Boirum, 1989), the strength of this unit can be reduced when it becomes saturated (Tubbs, 1974). This can lead to caving or flowing in excavations, and on a larger scale, can lead to slope failures and mass-wasting when intersected by steep slopes. By studying the Qva, we can better predict how it will behave under certain conditions, which will be beneficial to geologists, hydrogeologists, engineers, and environmental scientists during site assessments and early phases of project planning. In this study, I use data from 27 geotechnical borings from previous field investigations and C-Tech Corporation’s EnterVol software to create three-dimensional models of the subsurface geology in the study area. These models made it possible to visualize the spatial distribution of the Qva in relation to other geologic units. I also conducted a comparative study between data from the borings and generalized published data on the spatial distribution, relative density, soil classification, grain-size distribution, moisture content, groundwater conditions, and aquifer properties of the Qva. I found that the elevation of the top of the Qva ranges from 247 to 477 ft. I found that the Qva is thickest where the modern topography is high, and is thinnest where the topography is low. The thickness of the Qva ranges from absent to 242 ft. Along the northern, east-west trending transect, the Qva thins to the east as it rises above a ridge composed of Pre- Vashon glacial deposits. Along the southern, east-west trending transect, the Qva pinches out against a ridge composed of pre-Vashon interglacial deposits. Two plausible explanations for this ridge are paleotopography and active faulting associated with the Southern Whidbey Fault Zone. Further investigations should be done using geophysical methods and the modeling methods described in this study to determine the nature of this ridge. The relative density of the Qva in the study area ranges from loose to very dense, with the loose end of the spectrum probably relating to heave in saturated sands. I found subtle correlations between density and depth. Volumetric analysis of the soil groups listed in the boring logs indicate that the Qva in the study area is composed of approximately 9.5% gravel, 89.3% sand, and 1.2% silt and clay. The natural moisture content ranges from 3.0 to 35.4% in select samples from the Qva. The moisture content appears to increase with depth and fines content. The water table in the study area ranges in elevation from 231.9 to 458 ft, based on observations and measurements recorded in the boring logs. The results from rising-head and falling-head slug tests done at a single well in the study area indicate that the geometric mean of hydraulic conductivity is 15.93 ft/d (5.62 x 10-03 cm/s), the storativity is 3.28x10-03, and the estimated transmissivity is 738.58 ft2/d in the vicinity of this observation well. At this location, there was 1.73 ft of seasonal variation in groundwater elevation between August 2014 and March 2015.


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The natural and anthropogenic changes that are occurring at the coastal zone around the world represent the greatest problem to society in this century. This problem becomes more evident due to high density of coastal cities, to growing tourist-estate speculation of those areas and to climate change that tend to trigger and accelerate the erosive processes that operating in the littoral. In this context, it‟s possible perceive ever more a significant increase of problems associated to the coastal erosion and retreat of cliffs in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, where this study area of this search is located. The area is located in the coastal zone of the city of Baía Formosa/RN, in south-eastern coast of Rio Grande do Norte, and has a extension of about 1200 meters along the Porto beach. The main objective of this study is to analyze the stability of these cliffs in this region. Through field investigations, testings and computational analysis using the Finite Element Method and Equilibrium Limit Methods. The area was divided into four sections, and were applied checklists, and also realized characterization tests and direct shear tests with materials obtained along these sections. In this manner, it was found that the segments of cliff in this coastal zone have heights around 4 meters to 14 meters and inclinations of approximately 40° to 90°.However the constituents soils of the cliffs were classified, in general terms in accordance to Unified Soil Classification System (USCS), as clayey sands or silty sands, clays of low plasticity, clayey gravels and poorly graduaded sands. The most variegated and clayey soils belong to base of the cliff. The stability analysis showed that the safety factors ranged in section 01, from 1.92 to 4.93, in the section 02, from 1.00 to 1.43, in the section 03, from 1.36 to 1.75 , and section 04, from 1.00 to 3.64. Thus, the sections 02 and 03 were considered more unstable. However, the section 03 can be considered as the most critical section due to the absence of coastal protection structures and the narrow strip of beach.


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Abstract: BRIGUICHE. H, ZIDANE. L. Floristic And Ethnobotanical Studies Of Medicinal Plants Of The City Of El -Jadida (MOROCCO). In the framework of the ethnobotanical studies on medicinal plants undertaken by the Laboratory of Biodiversity and Natural Resources of the Faculty of Sciences of Kenitra (Morocco), we are interested in the area of El Jadida which presents a rather important floristic richness thanks to changes in its ecological conditions By using 204 questionnaire, the ethnobotanical surveys were conducted in the field during the years 2012-2013. The location of the different sampling sites was determined by the stratified sampling method. The analysis of the results obtained from the questionnaires and forms using statistical processing allowed us to identify 70 plant species distributed in 69 genera and 37 families. These results also show that most of these species are mainly used in the care of the digestive system and respiratory system. The seed is the most used part in local traditional medicines and the decoction is the most frequent mode with a rate of 31%. The species Origanum compactum is the most used by the population of the city of El Jadida 47 quotes.  


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Compaction control using lightweight deflectometers (LWD) is currently being evaluated in several states and countries and fully implemented for pavement construction quality assurance (QA) by a few. Broader implementation has been hampered by the lack of a widely recognized standard for interpreting the load and deflection data obtained during construction QA testing. More specifically, reliable and practical procedures are required for relating these measurements to the fundamental material property—modulus—used in pavement design. This study presents a unique set of data and analyses for three different LWDs on a large-scale controlled-condition experiment. Three 4.5x4.5 m2 test pits were designed and constructed at target moisture and density conditions simulating acceptable and unacceptable construction quality. LWD testing was performed on the constructed layers along with static plate loading testing, conventional nuclear gauge moisture-density testing, and non-nuclear gravimetric and volumetric water content measurements. Additional material was collected for routine and exploratory tests in the laboratory. These included grain size distributions, soil classification, moisture-density relations, resilient modulus testing at optimum and field conditions, and an advanced experiment of LWD testing on top of the Proctor compaction mold. This unique large-scale controlled-condition experiment provides an excellent high quality resource of data that can be used by future researchers to find a rigorous, theoretically sound, and straightforward technique for standardizing LWD determination of modulus and construction QA for unbound pavement materials.


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The knowledge on the Podzols which occur in Portugal is scarce. Besides its morphological characterization, their actual extension and distribution are unknown, and its taxonomy is controversial. Therefore, 22 pedons formed under conditions considered representative of those in which Podzols mostly occur in the country were selected in the Mata Nacional de Leiria, and their morphological, physical, chemical and mineralogical characteristics were studied. Soils developed in such conditions are both Podzols and Arenossolos sensu WRB 2006, but the latter are clearly predominant. The Podzols frequently show thick albic horizons and incipient spodic horizons; the latter are dusky, but show organic matter (OM) contents close the minimum threshold considered as diagnostic criteria for spodic horizons, and low content in Al and Fe. A wide spectrum of characteristics is observed in the Arenosols. Some of them present profils with morphology close to that of the Podzols, but with a low illuvial acumulationb of OM (and Fe e Al components), and the others (the predominant Arenosols in the study area) do not present intergrade characteristics, although they can show expressed albic horizons. The former Arenosols correspond to intergrades of Podzols which are not satisfactorily fit into the recent WRB versions. The characteristics of Podzols are strongly dependent on the low weatherability and high permeability of the lithological substrate (non consolidated quartzeous sediments)


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Semantic perception and object labeling are key requirements for robots interacting with objects on a higher level. Symbolic annotation of objects allows the usage of planning algorithms for object interaction, for instance in a typical fetchand-carry scenario. In current research, perception is usually based on 3D scene reconstruction and geometric model matching, where trained features are matched with a 3D sample point cloud. In this work we propose a semantic perception method which is based on spatio-semantic features. These features are defined in a natural, symbolic way, such as geometry and spatial relation. In contrast to point-based model matching methods, a spatial ontology is used where objects are rather described how they "look like", similar to how a human would described unknown objects to another person. A fuzzy based reasoning approach matches perceivable features with a spatial ontology of the objects. The approach provides a method which is able to deal with senor noise and occlusions. Another advantage is that no training phase is needed in order to learn object features. The use-case of the proposed method is the detection of soil sample containers in an outdoor environment which have to be collected by a mobile robot. The approach is verified using real world experiments.


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Equilibrium sediment volume tests are conducted on field soils to classify them based on their degree of expansivity and/or to predict the liquid limit of soils. The present technical paper examines different equilibrium sediment volume tests, critically evaluating each of them. It discusses the settling behavior of fine-grained soils during the soil sediment formation to evolve a rationale for conducting the latest version of equilibrium sediment volume test. Probable limitations of equilibrium sediment volume test and the possible solution to overcome the same have also been indicated.