228 resultados para Softwood sawdust
Ten microsatellite loci are described in Araucaria cunninghamii, the first reported in the Araucariaceae. Eight were tested in sections Eutacta and Bunya, which diverged more than 200 MYA, and to the sister genus Agathis. Specific amplification products within the expected size range were obtained for six to eight loci in section Eutacta (depending on species), five loci in section Bunya and three. loci in Agathis. Two of the loci (CRCAc1 and CRCAc2, both GA repeats) produced specific amplification products in all taxa, with orthology confirmed by sequence analysis. The repeats were perfect in all taxa. The flanking sequences were extremely conserved, with sequence divergence of 0% to 2.0% within Araucaria species and 2.9% to 7.5% between Araucaria and Agathis. These microsatellites represent some of the most conserved microsatellite loci reported in plants. This may be due to a low evolutionary rate in Araucariaceae genome or the loci may be closely associated with highly conserved, unreported genes.
Despite extensive research since pathogenicity was first established in 1919, no cultural or chemical control strategy has proven effective against Fusarium wilt of bananas. The efficacy of cultural control is attributed to the suppression of pathogen activity. Yet, amending naturally infested soil with aged chicken manure has been shown to enhance disease severity, without any change in the activity of the pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Foc) in the soil. In this study, the effect of amending soil with composted sawdust, and of solarising soil, was compared with the effect of amending soil with chicken manure. Bioassays comparing the activity of Foc in the soil with the extent of invasion of banana pseudostem tissue by Foc were used to investigate why strategies targetting pathogen survival have not proven successful in controlling this disease. The enhancement of Foc invasion of the banana plantlets was reproduced with the addition of chicken manure to the naturally infested soil. However, changes in the activity of Foc in the soil were not associated with changes in the frequency of invasion of the plantlets. Invasion of banana pseudostems in the sawdust and solarisation treatments was not significantly different from invasion in the respective control treatments, despite a reduction in the activity of Foc in the sawdust-amended soil and an enhancement in the solarised soil. Moreover, the increase in Foc activity in the solarised soil recorded during the bioassays occurred despite the effectiveness of solarisation in reducing the survival of Foc in pre-colonised banana root tips buried in the soil. Changes in the frequency of invasion were associated with changes in the availability of mineral nitrogen, particularly ammonium N. These results suggest that the physiological response of banana cultivars to ammonium N may be associated with their susceptibility to Fusarium wilt. Accordingly, cultural strategies for controlling Panama disease will only be effective if they enhance the ability of the host to resist invasion.
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da extração da madeira de seis espécies, quatro nativas (candeia, cedro, cerejeira e jacarandá-caviúna) e duas exóticas (E. citriodora e E. gumifera), em diferentes solventes, na resistência ao apodrecimento causado pelo fungo da podridão-parda Gloeophyllum trabeum. O material foi ensaiado na forma de serragem, em face da maior facilidade para os procedimentos de extração. Dentre os resultados, pode-se destacar a baixa perda de massa ocorrida na madeira de cedro (Cedrela fissilis), evidenciando sua elevada resistência natural ao fungo testado e, ainda, à incapacidade dos solventes utilizados na retirada de compostos que conferem resistência ao apodrecimento. As madeiras de candeia (Vanillosmopsis erythropappa), cerejeira (Amburana cearensis), jacarandá-caviúna (Machaerium scleroxylon) e de eucaliptos (Corymbia citriodora e Eucalyptus gummifera) também apresentaram elevada resistência natural, em função da baixa perda de massa ocorrida, quando expostas ao fungo G. trabeum. Essas madeiras, quando totalmente extraídas, apresentaram elevados valores de perda de massa. No que diz respeito ao material extraído por diferentes solventes de forma isolada, observou-se, na candeia, que o solvente mais eficiente na retirada de substâncias que conferem resistência ao apodrecimento foi o diclorometano. Com relação ao cedro, o mais eficiente foi o metanol. Na cerejeira, por meio da mistura de etanol/tolueno retiraram-se mais substâncias, ao passo que no jacarandá-caviúna foi o metanol. Nas madeiras de eucaliptos, o metanol foi mais eficiente na retirada de componentes tóxicos ao fungo utilizado neste estudo, devendo destacar ainda, no E. gummifera, a eficiência da água quente na retirada de tais compostos. No C. citriodora, os valores de perda de massa, em razão das extrações em água fria, em água quente, em diclorometano e ao natural (não-extraída), foram muito baixos.
Exposure to certain fungi can cause human illness. Fungi cause adverse human health effects through three specific mechanisms: generation of a harmful immune response (e.g., allergy or hypersensitivity pneumonitis); direct infection by the fungal organism; by toxic-irritant effects from mold byproducts, such as mycotoxins. In Portugal there is an increasingly industry of large facilities that produce whole chickens for domestic consumption and only few investigations have reported on fungal contamination of the poultry litter. The material used for poultry litter is varied but normally can be constitute by: pine shavings; sawdust of eucalyptus; other types of wood; peanut; coffee; sugar cane; straw; hay; grass; paper processed. Litter is one of the most contributive factors to fungal contamination in poultries. Spreading litter is one of the tasks that normally involve higher exposure of the poultry workers to dust, fungi and their metabolites, such as VOC’s and mycotoxins. After being used and removed from poultries, litter is ploughed into agricultural soils, being this practice potentially dangerous for the soil environment, as well for both humans and animals. The goal of this study was to characterize litter’s fungal contamination and also to report the incidence of keratinophilic and toxigenic fungi.
Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Mecânica.
Mangoes, cv. Imperial, were exposed, in post harvest, to the following methods of ripening: 1) sawdust burning; 2) alcohol vaporization; 3) calcium carbide (acetylene), 4) vapour of ethylene; and, 5) immersion in ethefon. All methods resulted in acceleration of ripening, when compared to controls. Calcium carbide, ethelene and ethefon were the best, methods. Alcohol vaporization also showed good results sawdust burning method showing low efficiency.
Aspects related to the longevity and oviposition of Ophyra albuquerquei Lopes, 1985 are studied. Males had a mean lifespan longer than females (40.24 vs. 33.15 days, respectively), while still possessing qualitative advantages during this period. Females O. albuquerquei were fed on powdered milk, fish flour, refined sugar and water, and provided fish flour and moistened sawdust for oviposition. The length of the oviposition period for females was 46.75 days, and most of the deposition of the eggs occurred in the first days of the colony. Females completed 50% of their egg deposition by Day 16, seven days before the large last mortality peak and about 12 days after the first oviposition in the colony. Females deposited an average of 184 eggs per individual. Mortality of males, unlike females, was low until the 28th day, and increased thereafter. It was demonstrated that it is possible to maintain colonies of this species under laboratory conditions for at least 28 days with high fertility and low cost.
Currently, acoustic isolation is one of the problems raised with building construction in Spain. The publication of the Basic Document for the protection against noise of the Technical Building Code has increased the demand of comfort for citizens. This has created the need to seek new composite materials that meet the new required acoustical building codes. In this paper we report the results of the newly developed composites that are able to improve the acoustic isolation of airborne noise. These composites were prepared from polypropylene (PP) reinforced with mechanical pulp fibers from softwood (Pinus radiata). Mechanical and acoustical properties of the composites from mechanical pulp (MP) and polypropylene (PP) have been investigated and compared to fiberglass (FG) composites. MP composites had lower tensile properties compared with FG composites, although these properties can be improved by incorporation of a coupling agent. The results of acoustical properties of MP composites were reported and compared with the conventional composites based on fiberglass and gypsum plasterboards. Finally, we suggest the application of MP composites as a light-weight building material to reduce acoustic transmitions
Estudi realitzat a partir d’una estada a la University of British Columbia, Canada, entre 2010 i 2012. Primerament es va desenvolupar una escala per mesurar coixeses (amb valors de l’1 al 5). Aquesta escala es va utilitzar per estudiar l’associació entre factors de risc a nivell de granja (disseny de le instal.lacions i maneig) i la prevalencia de coixeses a Nord America. Les dades es van recollir en un total de 40 granges al Nord Est dels E.E.U.U (NE) i 39 a California (CA) . Totes les vaques del group mes productiu es van categoritzar segons la severitat de les coixeses: sanes, coixes i severament coixes. La prevalencia de coixeses en general fou del 55 % a NE i del 31% a CA. La prevalencia de coixeses severes fou del 8% a NE i del 4% a Ca. A NE, les coixeses en general increntaren amb la presencia de serradura als llits i disminuiren en granjes grans, amb major quantitat de llit i acces a pastura. Les coixeses mes severes incrementaren amb la falta d’higiene als llit i amb la presencia de serradura als llits, i disminuiren amb la quantitat de llit proveit, l’us de sorra als llits i amb la mida de la granja. A CA, les coixeses en general incrementaren amb la falta d’higiene al llit, i disminuiren amb la mida de la granja, la presencia de terres de goma, l’increment d’espai als cubicles , l’espai a l’abeuredor i la desinfeccio de les peulles. Les coixeses severes incrementaren amb la falta d’higiene al llit i disminuixen amb la frequencia de neteja del corral. En conclusio, canvis en el maneig i el disseny de les instal.lacions poden ajudar a disminuir la prevalencia de coixeses, tot i que les estrategies a seguir variaran segons la regio.
This research was carried out in order to compare the occurrence of insects in two maté cultivation systems, native and high tree density. It was performed from August/2000 to September/2001, in a private property in São Mateus do Sul county, in Paraná State, Brazil. Visual inspections of trees and light traps were used to evaluate insect populations in both areas. For Hedypathes betulinus (Klug) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), only six adults were observed in the dense area. Based on presence of sawdust at the basis of the trunk, it was obtained that the number of attacked trees did not surpass 11% in either area. For Gyropsylla spegazziniana (Lizer y Trelles) (Hemiptera, Psyllidae), the number of galls per tree was counted and it was observed that the population peak occurred from November to January. For Hylesia spp. (Lepidoptera, Saturniidae) and Thelosia camina Schaus (Lepidoptera, Eupterotidae), the presence of caterpillars on the trees was noticed from September to February, with the population peak in November and December. Adults of Hylesia spp. were more numerous in February and March. Two species that were not previously recorded for Brazil on maté were identified: Hylesia paulex Dognin (83%) and Hylesia remex Dyer (17%), collected with light traps. The maté caterpillar, T. camina was not collected with these traps. Nymphs and adults of Ceroplastes grandis Hempel (Hemiptera, Coccidae) were observed along the year on the branches, with population peak between April and June for the nymphs and from September to November for the adults. It should be considered that despite higher insect incidence in the dense area compared to the native area, the first presents higher yield, and that with a good pest management program the insect problems can be minimized.
Ophyra albuquerquei may often be a potential predator of Musca domestica Linnaeus, 1758 in poultry and pig houses in southern Brazil. Here we address the developmental period of immatures stages and their viability. To obtain eggs, larvae and pupae, a colony was established in the laboratory. Adult flies were fed on a diet comprising two parts dry milk, two parts sugar and one part fish flour. Larval diet comprised one part fish flour and one part sawdust and water. The eggs, larvae and pupae were incubated at 26º ± 1ºC, 75% ± 10% R.H. and 12 h photoperiod. The egg to adult cycle took 573 h with a total viability of 64%. The shortest of the stages was the egg stage, which lasted about 20 h. The larval stage had the lowest viability (about 82%) and longest time interval (279 h). Overall, the results of this study show that O. albuquerquei can be readily maintained in the laboratory.
The application of organic residues to the soil can increase soluble organic carbon (SOC) and affect the pH and electrolytic conductivity (EC) of the soil. However, the magnitude of these changes depends on the type of residue and the applied dose. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of increasing C rates contained in organic residue on the pH, EC, water-extractable total carbon (WETC), water-extractable organic carbon (WEOC), and water-extractable inorganic carbon (WEIC) in soil treated with manure (chicken, swine, and quail), sawdust, coffee husk, and sewage sludge. The levels of total C (TC- KH2PO4), organic carbon (OC- KH2PO4), and inorganic C (IC- KH2PO4) extractable by a 0.1 mol L-1 KH2PO4 solution were also quantified in soil under the effect of increasing rates of chicken and quail manures. The following rates of organic residue C were applied to a dystrophic Red Latosol (Oxisol) sample: 0, 2,000, 5,000, 10,000, and 20,000 mg kg-1. The addition of organic residues to the soil increased pH, except in the case of sewage sludge, which acidified the soil. The acidity correction potential of chicken and quail manure was highest, dependent on the manure rate applied; regardless of the dose used, sawdust barely alters the soil pH. At all tested rates, the EC of the soil treated with swine manure, coffee husk, and sawdust remained below 2.0 dS m-1, which is a critical level for salinity-sensitive crops. However, the application of chicken or quail manure and sewage sludge at certain rates increased the EC to values above this threshold level. Highest levels of WETC, WEOC, and WEIC were obtained when chicken and quail manure and coffee husk were applied to the Oxisol. The quantities of SOC extracted by KH2PO4 were higher than the quantities extracted by water, demonstrating the ability of soil to adsorb C into its colloids.
ABSTRACT Persistent areas of tailings and deposits from coal and gold mining may present high levels of arsenic (As), mainly in the arsenate form, endangering the environment and human health. The establishment of vegetation cover is a key step to reclaiming these environments. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the potential of Eucalyptus urophylla and E. citriodora seedlings for use in phytoremediation programs of arsenate-contaminated areas. Soil samples were incubated at increasing rates (0, 50, 100, 200 and 400 mg dm-3) of arsenic (arsenate form, using Na2HAsO4) for 15 days. The seedlings were produced in a substrate (vermiculite + sawdust) and were transplanted to the pots with soil three months after seed germination. The values of plant height and diameter were taken during transplanting and 30, 60 and 90 days after transplanting. In the last evaluation, the total leaf area and biomass of shoots and roots were also determined. The values of available As in soil which caused a 50 % dry matter reduction (TS50%), the As translocation index (TI) from the roots to the shoot of the plants, and its bioconcentration factor (BF) were also calculated. Higher levels of arsenate in the soil significantly reduced the dry matter production of roots and shoots and the height of both species, most notably in E. urophylla plants. The highest levels of As were found in the root, with higher values for E. citriodora (ranging from 253.86 to 400 mg dm-3). The TI and BF were also reduced with As doses, but the values found in E. citriodora were significantly higher than in E. urophylla. E. citriodora plants presented a higher capacity to tolerate As and translocate it to the shoot than E. urophylla. Although these species cannot be considered as hyperaccumulators of As, E. citriodora presented the potential to be used in phytoremediation programs in arsenate-contaminated areas due to the long-term growth period of this species.
The objective of this work was to assess the productivity and polysaccharide-protein complex content of Agaricus blazei on rice straw medium, in comparison to conventional sawdust, using four casing soils. The A. blazei strain used was BCRC36814T, purchased from the Food Industry Research and Development Institute, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan. The two media were evaluated as to A. blazei productivity, harvesting time, and production costs. The experimental design used was a randomized complete block, with four replicates. Three local casing soils - Typic Paleudult (CCe), Typic Udorthent (Tq) and Oxyaquic Paleudult (TSp) - were compared to imported peat soil (PS, Saprists, Histosols), used as the control. The productivity of A. blazei using Tq and TSp soil was significantly higher. The TSp casing treatment resulted in earlier harvest by at least 14 to 27 days, when compared to the other treatments. The polysaccharide content in CCe (13.2%) and Tq soils (13.2%) did not differ significantly from the PS (13.4%) and TSp (10.6%) treatments. Local casing soils decreased the production costs of A. blazei cultivation. Composted rice straw can substitute sawdust as the culture medium for A. blazei production with increased yield.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the feasibility of different agro-residues as a carbon source in the fruiting substrates of Flammulina velutipesmushroom and the effect of supplementation with the nitrogen sources spent brewer's yeast and rice bran. The following fruiting substrates were evaluated: rubber wood sawdust (SD), paddy straw (PS), palm empty fruit bunches (EFB), and palm-pressed fiber (PPF). Cultivation was done on each agro-residue, based on formulations consisting of two substrates at the ratios of 3:1, 1:1, and 1:3. Mycelial growth rate and basidiocarp yield were evaluated. The best fruiting substrates were PS+EFB (25:75), PS+PPF (50:50), and PPF (100), with biological efficiency of 185.09±36.98, 150.89±50.35, and 129.06±14.51%, respectively. No significant effects of supplementation with rice bran and spent yeast were observed on mycelial growth rate and biological efficiency. The cultivation of F. velutipes on oil palm wastes does not require additional nitrogen sources.