981 resultados para Software metrics


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VALENTIM, R. A. M. ; SOUZA NETO, Plácido Antônio de. O impacto da utilização de design patterns nas métricas e estimativas de projetos de software: a utilização de padrões tem alguma influência nas estimativas?. Revista da FARN, Natal, v. 4, p. 63-74, 2006


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Software Product Line (SPL) consists of a software development paradigm, whose main focus is to identify features common and variability among applications in a specific domain. An LPS is designed to attend all products requirements from its product family. These requirements and LPS may have changes over time due to several factors, such as evolution of product requirements, evolution of the market, evolution of SLP process, evolution of the technologies used to develop the products. To handle these changes, LPS should be modified and evolve in order to not become obsolete, and adapt itself to new requirements. The Changes Impact Analysis is an activity that understand and identify what consequences these changes are cause on LPS. Impact Analysis on LPS may be supported by traceability relationships, which identify relationships between artefacts created during all phases of software development. Despite the solutions of change impact analysis based on traceability for software, there is a lack of solutions for assessing the change impact analysis based on traceability for LPS, since existing solutions do not include estimates specific to the artefacts of LPS. Thus, this paper proposes a process of change impact analysis and an tool for assessing the change impact through traceability of artefacts in LPS. For this purpose, we specified a process of change impact analysis that considers artifacts produced during the development of LPS. We have also implemented a tool which allows estimating and identifying artefacts and products of LPS affected from changes in other products, changes in class, changes in features, changes between releases of LPS and artefacts related to changes in core assets and variability. Finally, the results were evaluated through metrics


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The main goal of Regression Test (RT) is to reuse the test suite of the latest version of a software in its current version, in order to maximize the value of the tests already developed and ensure that old features continue working after the new changes. Even with reuse, it is common that not all tests need to be executed again. Because of that, it is encouraged to use Regression Tests Selection (RTS) techniques, which aims to select from all tests, only those that reveal faults, this reduces costs and makes this an interesting practice for the testing teams. Several recent research works evaluate the quality of the selections performed by RTS techniques, identifying which one presents the best results, measured by metrics such as inclusion and precision. The RTS techniques should seek in the System Under Test (SUT) for tests that reveal faults. However, because this is a problem without a viable solution, they alternatively seek for tests that reveal changes, where faults may occur. Nevertheless, these changes may modify the execution flow of the algorithm itself, leading some tests no longer exercise the same stretch. In this context, this dissertation investigates whether changes performed in a SUT would affect the quality of the selection of tests performed by an RTS, if so, which features the changes present which cause errors, leading the RTS to include or exclude tests wrongly. For this purpose, a tool was developed using the Java language to automate the measurement of inclusion and precision averages achieved by a regression test selection technique for a particular feature of change. In order to validate this tool, an empirical study was conducted to evaluate the RTS technique Pythia, based on textual differencing, on a large web information system, analyzing the feature of types of tasks performed to evolve the SUT


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Content-based image retrieval is still a challenging issue due to the inherent complexity of images and choice of the most discriminant descriptors. Recent developments in the field have introduced multidimensional projections to burst accuracy in the retrieval process, but many issues such as introduction of pattern recognition tasks and deeper user intervention to assist the process of choosing the most discriminant features still remain unaddressed. In this paper, we present a novel framework to CBIR that combines pattern recognition tasks, class-specific metrics, and multidimensional projection to devise an effective and interactive image retrieval system. User interaction plays an essential role in the computation of the final multidimensional projection from which image retrieval will be attained. Results have shown that the proposed approach outperforms existing methods, turning out to be a very attractive alternative for managing image data sets.


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Mainstream IDEs such as Eclipse support developers in managing software projects mainly by offering static views of the source code. Such a static perspective neglects any information about runtime behavior. However, object-oriented programs heavily rely on polymorphism and late-binding, which makes them difficult to understand just based on their static structure. Developers thus resort to debuggers or profilers to study the system's dynamics. However, the information provided by these tools is volatile and hence cannot be exploited to ease the navigation of the source space. In this paper we present an approach to augment the static source perspective with dynamic metrics such as precise runtime type information, or memory and object allocation statistics. Dynamic metrics can leverage the understanding for the behavior and structure of a system. We rely on dynamic data gathering based on aspects to analyze running Java systems. By solving concrete use cases we illustrate how dynamic metrics directly available in the IDE are useful. We also comprehensively report on the efficiency of our approach to gather dynamic metrics.


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Maintaining object-oriented systems that use inheritance and polymorphism is difficult, since runtime information, such as which methods are actually invoked at a call site, is not visible in the static source code. We have implemented Senseo, an Eclipse plugin enhancing Eclipse's static source views with various dynamic metrics, such as runtime types, the number of objects created, or the amount of memory allocated in particular methods.


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ome free, open-source software projects have been around for quite a long time, the longest living ones dating from the early 1980s. For some of them, detailed information about their evolution is available in source code management systems tracking all their code changes for periods of more than 15 years. This paper examines in detail the evolution of one of such projects, glibc, with the main aim of understanding how it evolved and how it matched Lehman's laws of software evolution. As a result, we have developed a methodology for studying the evolution of such long-lived projects based on the information in their source code management repository, described in detail several aspects of the history of glibc, including some activity and size metrics, and found how some of the laws of software evolution may not hold in this case


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Context: Measurement is crucial and important to empirical software engineering. Although reliability and validity are two important properties warranting consideration in measurement processes, they may be influenced by random or systematic error (bias) depending on which metric is used. Aim: Check whether, the simple subjective metrics used in empirical software engineering studies are prone to bias. Method: Comparison of the reliability of a family of empirical studies on requirements elicitation that explore the same phenomenon using different design types and objective and subjective metrics. Results: The objectively measured variables (experience and knowledge) tend to achieve more reliable results, whereas subjective metrics using Likert scales (expertise and familiarity) tend to be influenced by systematic error or bias. Conclusions: Studies that predominantly use variables measured subjectively, like opinion polls or expert opinion acquisition.


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Este artículo presenta el análisis de los resultados obtenidos al aplicar TSPi en el desarrollo de un proyecto software en una microempresa desde el punto de vista de la calidad y la productividad. La organización en estudio necesitaba mejorar la calidad de sus procesos pero no contaba con los recursos económicos que requieren modelos como CMMI-DEV. Por esta razón, se decidió utilizar un proceso adaptado a la organización basado en TSPi, observándose una reducción en la desviación de las estimaciones, un incremento en la productividad, y una mejora en la calidad.---ABSTRACT---This article shows the benefits of developing a software project using TSPi in a “Very Small Enterprise” based in quality and productivity measures. An adapted process from the current process based on the TSPi was defined and the team was trained in it. The workaround began by gathering historical data from previous projects in order to get a measurement repository, and then the project metrics were collected. Finally, the process, product and quality improvements were verified.


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Hardware/Software partitioning (HSP) is a key task for embedded system co-design. The main goal of this task is to decide which components of an application are to be executed in a general purpose processor (software) and which ones, on a specific hardware, taking into account a set of restrictions expressed by metrics. In last years, several approaches have been proposed for solving the HSP problem, directed by metaheuristic algorithms. However, due to diversity of models and metrics used, the choice of the best suited algorithm is an open problem yet. This article presents the results of applying a fuzzy approach to the HSP problem. This approach is more flexible than many others due to the fact that it is possible to accept quite good solutions or to reject other ones which do not seem good. In this work we compare six metaheuristic algorithms: Random Search, Tabu Search, Simulated Annealing, Hill Climbing, Genetic Algorithm and Evolutionary Strategy. The presented model is aimed to simultaneously minimize the hardware area and the execution time. The obtained results show that Restart Hill Climbing is the best performing algorithm in most cases.


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El particionado hardware/software es una tarea fundamental en el co-diseño de sistemas embebidos. En ella se decide, teniendo en cuenta las métricas de diseño, qué componentes se ejecutarán en un procesador de propósito general (software) y cuáles en un hardware específico. En los últimos años se han propuesto diversas soluciones al problema del particionado dirigidas por algoritmos metaheurísticos. Sin embargo, debido a la diversidad de modelos y métricas utilizadas, la elección del algoritmo más apropiado sigue siendo un problema abierto. En este trabajo se presenta una comparación de seis algoritmos metaheurísticos: Búsqueda aleatoria (Random search), Búsqueda tabú (Tabu search), Recocido simulado (Simulated annealing), Escalador de colinas estocástico (Stochastic hill climbing), Algoritmo genético (Genetic algorithm) y Estrategia evolutiva (Evolution strategy). El modelo utilizado en la comparación está dirigido a minimizar el área ocupada y el tiempo de ejecución, las restricciones del modelo son consideradas como penalizaciones para incluir en el espacio de búsqueda otras soluciones. Los resultados muestran que los algoritmos Escalador de colinas estocástico y Estrategia evolutiva son los que mejores resultados obtienen en general, seguidos por el Algoritmo genético.


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Las bibliotecas universitarias recopilan, de manera rutinaria estadísticas sobre el uso de sus colecciones impresas y de la actividad in situ. Paralelamente y de manera sostenida, han ido incorporando recursos y servicios electrónicos, lo que ha motivado la elaboración de normas internacionales que definen indicadores que permiten medir su uso, no obstante contar con un software estándar es aún un asunto pendiente. Por otro lado, para medir la actividad de un sitio web existen varios programas gratuitos y de código abierto. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo determinar si los softwares de analítica web gratuitos para sitios web AWStats, Google Analytics y Piwik, pueden utilizarse para evaluar el uso de recursos y servicios electrónicos, conforme a los indicadores propuestos por las normas ANSI/NISO Z39.7-2013, ISO 2789:2003, ISO 20983:2003, BS ISO 11620:2008, EMIS, Counter e ICOLC. Para tales efectos, fueron utilizados para realizar el análisis de esta investigación sitio web y el catálogo en línea de la Biblioteca Florentino Ameghino, Biblioteca Central de la Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo de la Universidad Nacional de la Plata, Argentina. Los resultados reflejan las características de los indicadores, el software y el caso de estudio. Estas características son abordadas en las conclusiones con el fin de darle contexto y perspectiva a la respuesta de la pregunta de si es viable medir el uso de recursos y servicios electrónicos de una biblioteca universitaria por medio de programas estadísticos para sitios web