969 resultados para Software e serviços


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Some authors have shown the need of understanding the technological structuring process in contemporary firms. From this perspective, the software industry is a very important element because it provides products and services directly to many organizations from many fields. In this case, the Brazilian software industry has some peculiarities that distinguish it from other industries located in developed countries, which makes its understanding even more relevant. There is evidence that local firms take different strategies and structural configurations to enter into a market naturally dominated by large multinational firms. Therefore, this study aims to understand not only the structural configurations assumed by domestic firms but also the dynamic and the process that lead to these different configurations. To do so, this PhD dissertation investigates the institutional environment, its entities and the isomorphic movements, by employing an exploratory, descriptive and explanatory multiple cases study. Eight software development companies from the Recife's information technology Cluster were visited. Also, a form was applied and an interview with one of the main firm s professional was conducted. Although the study is predominantly qualitative, part of the data was analyzed through charts and graphs, providing a companies and environment overview that was very useful to analysis done through the interviews interpretation. As a result, it was realized that companies are structured around hybrids business models from two ideal types of software development companies, which are: software factory and technology-based company. Regarding the development process, it was found that there is a balanced distribution between the traditional and agile development paradigm. Among the traditional methodologies, the Rational Unified Process (RUP) is predominant. The Scrum is the most used methodology among the organizations based on the Agile Manifesto's principles. Regarding the structuring process, each institutional entity acts in such way that generates different isomorphic pressure. Emphasis was given to entities such as customers, research agencies, clusters, market-leading businesses, public universities, incubators, software industry organizations, technology vendors, development tool suppliers and manager s school and background because they relate themselves in a close way with the software firms. About this relationship, a dual and bilateral influence was found. Finally, the structuring level of the organizational field has been also identified as low, which gives a chance to organizational actors of acting independently


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New technologies appear each moment and its use can result in countless benefits for that they directly use and for all the society as well. In this direction, the State also can use the technologies of the information and communication to improve the level of rendering of services to the citizens, to give more quality of life to the society and to optimize the public expense, centering it in the main necessities. For this, it has many research on politics of Electronic Government (e-Gov) and its main effect for the citizen and the society as a whole. This research studies the concept of Electronic Government and wishes to understand the process of implementation of Free Softwares in the agencies of the Direct Administration in the Rio Grande do Norte. Moreover, it deepens the analysis to identify if its implantation results in reduction of cost for the state treasury and intends to identify the Free Software participation in the Administration and the bases of the politics of Electronic Government in this State. Through qualitative interviews with technologies coordinators and managers in 3 State Secretaries it could be raised the ways that come being trod for the Government in order to endow the State with technological capacity. It was perceived that the Rio Grande do Norte still is an immature State in relation to practical of electronic government (e-Gov) and with Free Softwares, where few agencies have factual and viable initiatives in this area. It still lacks of a strategical definition of the paper of Technology and more investments in infrastructure of staff and equipment. One also observed advances as the creation of the normative agency, the CETIC (State Advice of Technology of the Information and Communication), the Managing Plan of Technology that provide a necessary diagnosis with the situation how much Technology in the State and considered diverse goals for the area, the accomplishment of a course of after-graduation for managers of Technology and the training in BrOffice (OppenOffice) for 1120 public servers


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A assistência psiquiátrica e as políticas de atenção à saúde mental passaram por diversas transformações, marcadas ora por avanços, ora por retrocessos centrados no estigma, desinteresse e preconceito que ainda permeiam a sociedade e o senso comum. Este estudo objetivou analisar o processo de reforma psiquiátrica e a política de saúde mental do Município de Natal/RN a partir dos papéis e funções dos profissionais de nível superior dos serviços substitutivos em saúde mental. Trata-se de uma pesquisa analítica, transversal, com dados quantitativos e qualitativos, realizada nos sete serviços substitutivos de saúde mental de Natal, entre os meses de março a agosto de 2013, após aprovação do estudo pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Parecer nº 217.808, CAAE: 10650612.8.1001.5537, em 01 de março de 2013. A amostra por conveniência compôs-se por 65 profissionais de nível superior das equipes de saúde mental. Utilizou-se um questionário com questões fechadas e semiabertas sobre o perfil socioeconômico, as políticas, as práticas e a formação em saúde mental. Tabularam-se e submeteram-se as respostas das questões fechadas do questionário no programa estatístico SPSS versão 20.0, analisando-os por meio de estatística descritiva, com a formulação de gráficos e tabelas. Para verificar o nível de significância, adotando-se p-valor<0,05, optou-se pela aplicação dos testes qui-quadrado e exato de Fisher. Submeteram-se os dados das questões semiabertas ao software ALCESTE e à luz da análise de conteúdo de Bardin. O perfil dos participantes caracterizou-se por maioria do sexo feminino (79%), faixa etária de 36 a 55 anos (52%), média de 42 anos, carga horária de 40 horas semanais (62%), tempo de conclusão da graduação de 6 a 15 anos (57%), trabalhavam na área de saúde mental há menos de 10 anos (72%) e na instituição pesquisada há 5 anos ou menos (52%). Da amostra estudada, 86% atendiam grupos de usuários, 97% realizavam atendimento individual, 94% observavam o comportamento do paciente, 92% realizavam atendimento familiar, utilizando, principalmente, a abordagem cognitiva (28%). Os dados qualitativos originaram cinco categorias: Formação acadêmica e atuação em saúde mental; Ausência de capacitação e supervisão em saúde mental; Dificuldades da prática profissional nos serviços substitutivos de saúde mental; Trabalho em equipe: entre acertos e conflitos; Política Nacional de Saúde Mental: uma realidade ainda distante. Detectou-se adequabilidade dos papéis e funções dos profissionais quanto ao tempo de trabalho na saúde mental e na instituição pesquisada; no atendimento e atividades individuais; na promoção de ações visando à autonomia do paciente; no atendimento em grupo de pacientes; e, em parte, à família/familiar dos portadores de transtorno mental, havendo inadequação quanto ao atendimento aos grupos de familiares (52.3%), à formação especializada em saúde mental (69.2%; p=0,02) e às dificuldades de trabalho nos serviços (87.7%). Evidenciou-se adequação nos papéis e nas funções d esenvolvidas pelos profissionais nos serviços substitutivos em saúde mental de Natal, embora convivendo em seu cotidiano com inúmeras dificuldades encontradas no desenvolvimento de suas práticas profissiona is frente às condições de trabalho


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New multimedia applications that use the Internet as a communication media are pressing for the development of new technologies, such as: MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching) and DiffServ. These technologies introduce new and powerful features to the Internet backbone, as the provision of QoS (Quality of Service) capabilities. However, to obtain a true end-to-end QoS, it is not enough to implement such technologies in the network core, it becomes indispensable to extend such improvements to the access networks, what is the aim of the several works presently under development. To contribute to this process, this Thesis presents the RSVP-SVC (Resource Reservation Protocol Switched Virtual Connection) that consists in an extension of RSVP-TE. The RSVP-SVC is presented herein as a mean to support a true end-to-end QoS, through the extension of MPLS scope. Thus, it is specified a Switched Virtual Connection (SVC) service to be used in the context of a MPLS User-to-Network Interface (MPLS UNI), that is able to efficiently establish and activate Label Switched Paths (LSP), starting from the access routers that satisfy the QoS requirements demanded by the applications. The RSVP-SVC was specified in Estelle, a Formal Description Technique (FDT) standardized by ISO. The edition, compilation, verification and simulation of RSVP-SVC were made by the EDT (Estelle Development Toolset) software. The benefits and most important issues to be considered when using the proposed protocol are also included


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The Shelters are responsible for caring for children and adolescents whose families or guardians are temporarily unable to fulfill his role as care and protection. The activities to be developed by psychologists in these services are greatly important for the elaboration and development of political- pedagogical project of the same, and for reasons pertaining to the present and future of children and adolescents received judgments. The psychologist puts up the challenge of contributing to a better care of children, also cooperating with the implementation of the new care standards of childcare. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of the professional psychologist in assistance to children and adolescents in 13 Shelters in the Metropolitan Region of Natal/RN. For both set out to make visits to the institutions to know how it is organized the field work of the psychologist, his routine work and activities developed. Nine psychologists interviewed according to a semi-structured interview script. The data analysis is supported by the theoretical aspects of dialectical materialism historical and theme content analysis was used. Results were presented from three angles: psychologists and institutional framework; activities, resources and methods of work; psychologists and legal frameworks of the Institutional Hospitality. The study points out the recent entry of the psychologist in Shelters, combined with considerable turnover of these professionals. This work has been organized through the Individualized Service Plan, prioritizing the return to family of origin. Moreover, in general, perform joints with the service network, reporting, individual consultations and follow-adoption processes . Staff members, however, feel a lack of specific and continuing training on special protection, including due to the distance between the proposed theory and practice. It was thus observed a movement of psychologists distance themselves from welfare or repressive practices, however the structural difficulties of services and lack of continuing education appear to limit the development of a performance focused on the transformation of the reality of children and adolescents treated and their families


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Recently the focus given to Web Services and Semantic Web technologies has provided the development of several research projects in different ways to addressing the Web services composition issue. Meanwhile, the challenge of creating an environment that provides the specification of an abstract business process and that it is automatically implemented by a composite service in a dynamic way is considered a currently open problem. WSDL and BPEL provided by industry support only manual service composition because they lack needed semantics so that Web services are discovered, selected and combined by software agents. Services ontology provided by Semantic Web enriches the syntactic descriptions of Web services to facilitate the automation of tasks, such as discovery and composition. This work presents an environment for specifying and ad-hoc executing Web services-based business processes, named WebFlowAH. The WebFlowAH employs common domain ontology to describe both Web services and business processes. It allows processes specification in terms of users goals or desires that are expressed based on the concepts of such common domain ontology. This approach allows processes to be specified in an abstract high level way, unburdening the user from the underline details needed to effectively run the process workflow


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Web services are software accessible via the Internet that provide functionality to be used by applications. Today, it is natural to reuse third-party services to compose new services. This process of composition can occur in two styles, called orchestration and choreography. A choreography represents a collaboration between services which know their partners in the composition, to achieve the service s desired functionality. On the other hand, an orchestration have a central process (the orchestrator) that coordinates all application operations. Our work is placed in this latter context, by proposing an abstract model for running service orchestrations. For this purpose, a graph reduction machine will be defined for the implementation of service orchestrations specified in a variant of the PEWS composition language. Moreover, a prototype of this machine (in Java) is built as a proof of concept


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Este trabalho visa propor uma solução contendo um sistema de reconhecimento de fala automático em nuvem. Dessa forma, não há necessidade de um reconhecedor sendo executado na própria máquina cliente, pois o mesmo estará disponível através da Internet. Além do reconhecimento automático de voz em nuvem, outra vertente deste trabalho é alta disponibilidade. A importância desse tópico se d´a porque o ambiente servidor onde se planeja executar o reconhecimento em nuvem não pode ficar indisponível ao usuário. Dos vários aspectos que requerem robustez, tal como a própria conexão de Internet, o escopo desse trabalho foi definido como os softwares livres que permitem a empresas aumentarem a disponibilidade de seus serviços. Dentre os resultados alcançados e para as condições simuladas, mostrou-se que o reconhecedor de voz em nuvem desenvolvido pelo grupo atingiu um desempenho próximo ao do Google.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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A indústria de software se destaca por sua transversalidade em diversas cadeias produtivas. Também é de importante relevância para o desenvolvimento de um parque industrial consolidado, uma vez que, apresenta-se como peça chave no desenvolvimento das atividades ligadas a micro-eletrônica. Todavia, é um produto que possui características diferenciadas dos demais produtos manufaturados. Ou seja, é formado por uma seqüência de conhecimentos lógicos que delimitam quais são as funções que o produto irá desempenhar, tal formação concede um caráter de imaterialidade a este. O caráter imaterial e a dificuldade de mensurar o real valor agregado do software, devido a sua transversalidade, instigam a curiosidade para investigar os reais benefícios que o setor pode gerar para a estrutura produtiva de um determinado país. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar as grandes empresas de software e principalmente analisar os tipos de atividades que são desenvolvidas mundialmente por estas. Procura também analisar as atividades offshoring, isto é, aquelas que são realizadas por empresas multinacionais em outros países levando em conta a sua estratégia global. Busca também dar uma ênfase nas atividades realizadas no Brasil, com isto procura mapear o papel dos países em desenvolvimento nestas atividades. A metodologia será desenvolvida a partir de coleta do material bibliográfico, com dois propósitos distintos: entender os tipos de atividades do setor, dinâmica concorrencial, etapas do processo produtivo, evolução histórica e mercado; e também um estudo do processo de internacionalização, focando o fenômeno de offshoring e as estratégias competitivas das empresas do setor. O acompanhamento dos relatórios anuais das empresas da amostra e de notícias veiculadas em periódicos especializados levará a elaboração de “Dossiês Corporativos”... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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This paper addresses the topics required for the selection of surge arresters used, the output of autotransformers, which protect the system Auxiliary Services (SE) of an electrical substation. Surge arresters used are part of the Protection System Lightning (SPDA). Transmission lines mostly run through regions with orographic well diversified and have constant weather changes, which lead to many undesirable interactions with electromagnetic phenomena, such as giving rise to blackout on 10 November 2009, which left nine states without power, which led to unplanned shutdowns in the system that left millions of people without electricity. This work of completion is to determine whether the method used in the selection of surge arresters meet the protection needs faced by a substation auxiliary services, through the use of software use ATPDraw


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Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar a discursividade de gestores sobre a relação entre a organização dos serviços de saúde e a gestão do cuidado à tuberculose (TB) em um município da região metropolitana de João Pessoa/PB. Conduzido pela pesquisa qualitativa no campo analítico da Análise de Discurso de linha francesa, participaram 16 trabalhadores de saúde que atuavam como integrantes de equipes gestoras. Os depoimentos transcritos foram organizados com uso do software Atlas.ti versão 6.0. Após leitura minuciosa do material empírico procurou-se observar nos discursos os processos parafrásicos, polissêmicos e metafóricos, os quais possibilitaram a identificação da seguinte formação discursiva: organização dos serviços de saúde e a relação com a gestão do cuidado à TB; o plano e a prática. Nos discursos dos gestores evidencia-se a fragmentação das ações de controle da tuberculose, a falta de articulação entre os serviços e os setores, o cumprimento de atividades específicas à TB, bem como a falta de planejamento estratégico para gestão do cuidado da doença. Nesse sentido, para que a organização dos serviços de saúde seja efetiva, se faz necessário que a tuberculose seja prioridade na agenda da gestão e reconhecida como um problema social.


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No mundo moderno, comodidade e conveniência têm sido fatores ligados diretamente às necessidades cotidianas das pessoas, onde o tempo é cada vez mais escasso e a busca por facilidades se torna uma constante. Tendo em vista esse cenário, na mesma medida crescente do número de frequentadores em praça de alimentação, há uma concorrência intensa travada pelas empresas de fast food estabelecidas nesses centros de compras. Nesse contexto, esse trabalho identifica e analisa fatores determinantes da qualidade dos serviços de restaurantes fast food, sob a ótica dos consumidores. O setor de fast food foi dividido em três categorias: temáticos, por quilo e lanchonetes, visando identificar possíveis diferenças nesses segmentos. O universo da pesquisa concentra-se nos consumidores dos restaurantes fast food situados no principal shopping center da cidade de Mauá. A pesquisa é de caráter descritivo e exploratório, cujos dados foram coletados por meio de questionário, baseado no instrumento de análise SERVQUAL, aplicado junto a uma amostra não probabilística de 390 usuários da praça de alimentação. Foi realizada análise fatorial por meio do software estatístico SPSS v19, extraindo cinco fatores determinantes da qualidade dos serviços de restaurantes fast food. Dentre os fatores extraidos, ressaltam-se os que estão ligados à Excelência e à Personalização dos serviços. Os segmentos analisados apresentaram convergências em seus resultados, como a elevada expectativa por parte dos consumidores, além do déficit na qualidade percebida de serviços dos restaurantes fast food, assim como apresentaram divergências em suas análises individuais, evidenciando peculiaridades a cada um desses.


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The Physical Rehabilitation services (PR) are of fundamental importance in combating the global epidemic of Traffic Accidents (TA). Considering the numerous physical and social consequences of the survivors, quality problems in access to PR are a hazard to recovery of victims. It is necessary to improve the management of quality of services, assessing priority dimensions and intervening in their causes, to ensure rehabilitation available in time and suitable conditions. This study aimed to identify barriers to access to rehabilitation considering the perception of TA victims and professionals. The aim is also to estimate the access to rehabilitation and their associated factors. This is a qualitative and quantitative study of exploratory nature developed in Natal / RN with semi-structured interviews with 19 health professionals and telephone survey to 155 victims of traffic accidents. To explore barriers to access the speeches were transcribed and analyzed using the Alceste software (version 4.9). During the interviews used the following guiding question: “What barriers hinder or prevent access to physical rehabilitation for victims of traffic accidents?”. The names of classes and axes resulting from Alceste was performed by ad hoc query to three external researchers with subsequent consensus of the most representative name of analysis. We conducted multivariate analysis of the influence of the variables of the accident, sociodemographic, clinical and assistance on access to rehabilitation. Associations with p <0.20 in the bivariate analysis were submitted to logistic regression, step by step, with p <0.05 and confidence interval (CI) of 95%. The main barriers identified were: “Bureaucratic regulation”, “Long time to start rehabilitation”, “No post-surgery referral” and “inefficiency of public services”. These barriers were divided into a theoretical model built from the cause-effect diagram, in which we observed that insufficient access to rehabilitation is the product of causes related to organizational structure, work processes, professional and patients. Was constructed two logistic regression models: “General access to rehabilitation” and “Access to rehabilitation to public service”. 51.6% of patients had access to rehabilitation, and 32.9% in public and 17.9% in the private sector. The regression model “General access to rehabilitation” included the variables Income (OR:3.7), Informal Employment (OR:0.11), Unemployment (OR:0.15), Perceived Need for PR (OR:10) and Referral (OR: 27.5). The model “Access to rehabilitation in the public service” was represented by the “Referral to Public Service” (OR: 23.0) and “Private Health Plan” (OR: 0.07). Despite the known influence of social determinants on access to health services, a situation difficult to control by the public administration, this study found that the organizational and bureaucratic procedures established in health care greatly determine access to rehabilitation. Access difficulties show the seriousness of the problem and the factors suggest the need for improvements in comprehensive care for TA survivors and avoid unnecessary prolongation of the suffering of the victims of this epidemic.