853 resultados para Social health inequalities
Links to data sources and methods as used in the production of erpho's 2008 Health Inequalities Profiles. This year's profiles cover the same indicators as previous profiles. Changes since last year:> A fifth time period: 2005-07> Updated populations > IMD 2007> Standardised against European Standard Population> Added comparator area 'All but most deprived' (80/20)
The status report provides a review of developments against the data since the publication of the Programme for Action in 2003. It considers progress against the Public Service Agreement (PSA) target, the national headline indicators and against government commitments. The report highlights the challenging nature of the health inequalities PSA target for 2010.
Exploring and using summary measures of inequality often used in economics such as Gini Coefficients and Theil Index to summarise and compare intra-PCT health inequalities
This paper describes the data and methods used in the London health inequalities forecast: A briefing on inequalities in life expectancy and deaths from cancers, heart disease and stroke in London. Links to relevant data sources and further information are also provided where possible.
This briefing considers the national health inequalities targets which must be met by 2010. The targets include those set for heart disease and stroke, cancers and life expectancy.
This tool contains the data for the LHO briefing "The London Health Inequalities Forecast: A briefing on inequalities in life expectancy and deaths from cancers, heart disease and stroke in London". The tool enables local areas to monitor their progress towards the national health inequalities targets for life expectancy, mortality from heart disease and stroke, and mortality from cancers.
This document answers some common questions about the use of the Spearhead Health Inequalities Intervention Tool.
This document describes the technical detail behind the Spearhead Health Inequalities Intervention Tool.
This tool is designed to support Primary Care Trusts with their Local Delivery Planning and commissioning
The APHO Health Inequalities Tool provides health and local authorities with the information they need to reduce health inequalities in their local community. For the first time they will have hard-edged evidence at their fingertips that tells them the causes of their life expectancy gap and quantifies the impact of local actions
This document provides an update on progress to meet the health inequalities national target to reduce the gap as measured by infant mortality and life expectancy, by 10% by 2010. It includes an assessment of whether the 70 spearhead area local authorities, which map to 62 PCTs, are on track to meet the life expectancy target.
Instructions on how to use the Health inequalities intervention tool and how to interpret the results.
This document answers some common questions about the use of the Health inequalities intervention tool.
This note sets out the cost effectiveness performance of the interventions currently presented in the Health inequalities intervention tool . These interventions have been chosen for their cost effectiveness performance as health interventions as well as for their impact on the life expectancy gap.
This paper describes the data and methods used in the Health inequalities intervention tool to calculate the effect of four interventions on life expectancy.