107 resultados para Sobrevoo cartesiano


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A videoaula apresenta as relações entre conjuntos. Uma relação é uma comparação entre objetos, onde dois objetos podem ou não estar relacionados por alguma regra, bem como por alguma forma de associação. A videoaula também destaca a relação menor que; o produto cartesiano; o domínio e imagem, as relações sobre um conjunto, as operações entre relações, e as representações gráficas de relações sobre conjuntos finitos.


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Este trabalho compara as soluções disponibilizadas pelos sistemas Derive 5.0, Maple 6 e Mathematica 4.0 para problemas que encontramos no ensino secundário e também nos primeiros anos da universidade. Procuramos destacar os aspectos distintos entre cada um dos programas ao mesmo tempo que fazemos referência aos pontos em que tudo se passa de forma semelhante. Esta dissertação aborda o cálculo numérico, o cálculo simbólico, a programação e os gráficos. Para cada um dos assuntos é estudada a forma como se podem resolver os problemas através dos três sistemas comparando-se estas soluções. Inicialmente, é feita uma abordagem que permite ao utilizador adquirir os conhecimentos básicos acerca dos diversos programas. Tratamos de seguida de algumas questões relacionadas com o cálculo numérico e com algumas funções nomeadamente da Teoria dos Números. Referimos listas e funções e são analisadas diversas formas de manipular listas e os seus elementos bem como algumas áreas da Análise Matemática das quais destacamos as equações, a derivação e a integração compreendendo cálculo numérico e cálculo simbólico. Examinamos um vasto conjunto de operações definidas sobre matrizes (representadas como listas de listas) e polinómios que abrangem as operações mais comuns de cada um dos campos. Analisamos também a programação recursiva, a programação imperativa, a programação funcional e a programação por regras de reescrita. A abordagem aqui adoptada foi a de fornecer ao utilizador as construções chave mais importantes que cada paradigma de programação utiliza bem como as informações básicas acerca do funcionamento de cada uma delas de modo a permitir a resolução dos problemas propostos. Por último os gráficos sobre os quais incidiu a nossa análise foram os de uma e de duas variáveis representados no referencial cartesiano, gráficos estes que são os mais utilizados quer ao nível do ensino superior quer ao nível do ensino secundário. A qualidade e a facilidade de obter rapidamente as representações dão outra dimensão ao estudo dos gráficos principalmente quando estamos a falar de gráficos a três dimensões. A ideia de animação gráfica é também aqui abordada sendo evidente os benefícios da utilização da mesma nos programas em que é possível efectuá-la. Concluímos que na programação o Mathematica destaca-se em relação aos demais o mesmo se passando no Maple no respeitante à representação gráfica. O Derive permite que durante o contacto inicial seja mais fácil trabalhar e aprender a linguagem própria.


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It has been reflected on Science and spirituality having as focus the relation between them and the process lived by terminal patients after the confirmation of the finitude of their lives. It has searched with this research to excite discussions that corroborate the tematization of a possible dialogue between science and spirituality, signaling perspectives of debates and formation of an understanding of the problematic that involves these human constructs in the development of alternatives for the understanding of the life finitude. We point out the moment of split between science and spirituality through the cartesian paradigm from a historical approach and after focusing the illness and death as foundation for our discussion. We use as methodological strategy, focal talks with terminal patients having as guidance a guideline with five punctuations: the singular citizen, diagnosis impacts, indicators of science, spirituality marks and death fear that served of base for analysis and data interpretation in according to selected theoretical foundations. Thus, it was possible to perceive that science, although not to keep an explicit dialogue with spirituality, it has pointed through is representation forms to the process indicatives that will culminate with the death. And these indicators had shown that in this direction it is efficient. We believe that the confrontation of the death can happen through of a new science that dialogues with the spirituality, where does not have separation between reason and emotion on the part of science; as well as it does not have reason disdain on the part of the spirituality


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This thesis presents a new structure of robust adaptive controller applied to mobile robots (surface mobile robot) with nonholonomic constraints. It acts in the dynamics and kinematics of the robot, and it is split in two distinct parts. The first part controls the robot dynamics, using variable structure model reference adaptive controllers. The second part controls the robot kinematics, using a position controller, whose objective is to make the robot to reach any point in the cartesian plan. The kinematic controller is based only on information about the robot configuration. A decoupling method is adopted to transform the linear model of the mobile robot, a multiple-input multiple-output system, into two decoupled single-input single-output systems, thus reducing the complexity of designing the controller for the mobile robot. After that, a variable structure model reference adaptive controller is applied to each one of the resulting systems. One of such controllers will be responsible for the robot position and the other for the leading angle, using reference signals generated by the position controller. To validate the proposed structure, some simulated and experimental results using differential drive mobile robots of a robot soccer kit are presented. The simulator uses the main characteristics of real physical system as noise and non-linearities such as deadzone and saturation. The experimental results were obtained through an C++ program applied to the robot soccer kit of Microrobot team at the LACI/UFRN. The simulated and experimental results are presented and discussed at the end of the text


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This work proposes a kinematic control scheme, using visual feedback for a robot arm with five degrees of freedom. Using computational vision techniques, a method was developed to determine the cartesian 3d position and orientation of the robot arm (pose) using a robot image obtained through a camera. A colored triangular label is disposed on the robot manipulator tool and efficient heuristic rules are used to obtain the vertexes of that label in the image. The tool pose is obtained from those vertexes through numerical methods. A color calibration scheme based in the K-means algorithm was implemented to guarantee the robustness of the vision system in the presence of light variations. The extrinsic camera parameters are computed from the image of four coplanar points whose cartesian 3d coordinates, related to a fixed frame, are known. Two distinct poses of the tool, initial and final, obtained from image, are interpolated to generate a desired trajectory in cartesian space. The error signal in the proposed control scheme consists in the difference between the desired tool pose and the actual tool pose. Gains are applied at the error signal and the signal resulting is mapped in joint incrementals using the pseudoinverse of the manipulator jacobian matrix. These incrementals are applied to the manipulator joints moving the tool to the desired pose


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This work addresses the dynamic control problem of two-wheeled differentially driven non-holonomic mobile robot. Strategies for robot positioning control and robot orientating control are presented. Such strategies just require information about the robot con¯guration (x, y and teta), which can be collected by an absolute positioning system. The strategies development is related to a change on the controlled variables for such systems, from x, y and teta to s (denoting the robot linear displacement) and teta, and makes use of the polar coordinates representation for the robot kinematic model. Thus, it is possible to obtain a linear representation for the mobile robot dynamic model and to develop such strategies. It is also presented that such strategies allow the use of linear controllers to solve the control problem. It is shown that there is flexibility to choice the linear controller (P, PI, PID, Model Matching techniques, others) to be implemented. This work presents an introduction to mobile robotics and their characteristics followed by the control strategies development and controllers design. Finally, simulated and experimental results are presented and commented


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In conventional robot manipulator control, the desired path is specified in cartesian space and converted to joint space through inverse kinematics mapping. The joint references generated by this mapping are utilized for dynamic control in joint space. Thus, the end-effector position is, in fact, controlled indirectly, in open-loop, and the accuracy of grip position control directly depends on the accuracy of the available kinematic model. In this report, a new scheme for redundant manipulator kinematic control, based on visual servoing is proposed. In the proposed system, a robot image acquired through a CCD camera is processed in order to compute the position and orientation of each link of the robot arm. The robot task is specified as a temporal sequence of reference images of the robot arm. Thus, both the measured pose and the reference pose are specified in the same image space, and its difference is utilized to generate a cartesian space error for kinematic control purposes. The proposed control scheme was applied in a four degree-of-freedom planar redundant robot arm, experimental results are shown


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Le but de cet article est de présenter les éléments de preuve de l existence de Dieu présentée dans les Méditationes Métaphysiques de René Descartes, en soulignant son importance et son rôle dans le projet philosophique cartésien. La recherche visait á comprendre comment Descartes, étant um homme de science, la recherche de Dieu dans le pilier et d assurer leur philosophie. Par consé quence que Descartes propose de remplacer lui promettant de construire une nouvelle science fondée sur des bases sûres. Ainsi, le texte suit um ordre qu une partie de doute méthodologique comme um élément essentiel pour surmonter une connaissance née de l incertitude et généralisée et d opinions comme étant de droite, pour finalement atteindre la vérité dans les sciencies, Grace à la découverte Du premier cours, le cogito, moi pensant, alors existantes. Trouvé cette certitude, le sujet qui a en elle l idée d um être infini qui contient toutes perfections et, comme Il fera la démonstration de la preuve a posteriori et a priori. Et donc cet être ne peut pas être considéré comme inexistant projet assurant Descartes


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The dialog between the East philosophy and the Western thinking allow us to think the problems inherent to our time from several point of views. Nishitani Keiji, from the Kyoto School, sees the contemporaneity, or the time of the technic, for Heidegger, as derivation and as an immediate consequence of perspective introduced in the modern era form the Cartesian s cogito which creates a barrier that separates man and world. Scientific thinking that dominates our era was created from the thinking that ennobles human reason to the detriment of the others things in the world, determining that the knowledge just can be produced by the man himself and his set of rational powers. However, alerts us Nishitani, this point of view derived from modern thought which imposes subjectivity egocentric type besides not apprehend things in their truth, neither achieves the true self of man. In an attempt to overcome the abuses produced in modernity and that reverberates in our way of be until today, our philosopher will propose the point of view of the nothingness (śūnyatā) as a way to trans-descendance, that is, to overcome the traditional thinking overvalues the reason for the encounter with the original face of man, which by no longer impose its cognitive power can know all things in their true, in the tathatā


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OBJETIVO: a proposta desse trabalho foi analisar a fidelidade dos traçados predictivos realizados para cirurgias ortognáticas, por meio de análise cefalométrica do pré e pós-operatório de sete dias, em pacientes submetidos à correção de deformidade mandibular. MÉTODOS: foram utilizadas telerradiografias cefalométricas de perfil de 17 pacientes submetidos à cirurgia ortognática de mandíbula. Foram realizados traçados cefalométricos do pré e do pós-operatório de 7 dias com marcação dos pontos côndilo (Co), pogônio (Pog), goníaco (Go), mento (Me), ponto B (B) e incisivo (I). A análise foi baseada na diferença obtida pela sobreposição dos traçados pré-operatório, predictivo e pós-operatório. Os pontos foram projetados em um plano cartesiano para medição das suas distâncias em milímetros. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise estatística por meio do teste t de Student pareado (± = 0,05). RESULTADOS: no eixo horizontal, foi observada diferença média, entre a mudança planejada e a obtida nos traçados cefalométricos pós-operatórios, estatisticamente significativa nos pontos Pog (p = 0,014) e I (p = 0,008). No eixo vertical, não verificou-se diferença estatística significativa para os pontos cefalométricos marcados (p > 0,05). CONCLUSÕES: o traçado predictivo contribuiu para a avaliação pré-operatória do paciente e, consequentemente, para a otimização do tratamento. Entretanto, ele não se mostrou totalmente fiel nos casos analisados, com leve subestimação das alterações esqueléticas horizontais. Essas alterações devem ser consideradas no planejamento e acompanhamento pós-operatório dos pacientes submetidos à cirurgia ortognática em mandíbula.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Cartográficas - FCT


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Filosofia - FFC


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Pós-graduação em Filosofia - FFC