940 resultados para Smart Home Environment (SHE)


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In this paper, we exploit the discrete Coxian distribution and propose a novel form of stochastic model, termed as the Coxian hidden semi-Makov model (Cox-HSMM), and apply it to the task of recognising activities of daily living (ADLs) in a smart house environment. The use of the Coxian has several advantages over traditional parameterization (e.g. multinomial or continuous distributions) including the low number of free parameters needed, its computational efficiency, and the existing of closed-form solution. To further enrich the model in real-world applications, we also address the problem of handling missing observation for the proposed Cox-HSMM. In the domain of ADLs, we emphasize the importance of the duration information and model it via the Cox-HSMM. Our experimental results have shown the superiority of the Cox-HSMM in all cases when compared with the standard HMM. Our results have further shown that outstanding recognition accuracy can be achieved with relatively low number of phases required in the Coxian, thus making the Cox-HSMM particularly suitable in recognizing ADLs whose movement trajectories are typically very long in nature.


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Information and Communication Technologies can support Active Aging strategies in a scenario like the Smart Home. This paper details a person centered distributed framework, called TALISMAN+, whose aim is to promote personal autonomy by taking advantage of knowledge based technologies, sensors networks, mobile devices and internet. The proposed solution can support an elderly person to keep living alone at his house without being obliged to move to a residential center. The framework is composed by five subsystems: a reasoning module that is able to take local decisions at home in order to support active aging, a biomedical variables telemonitorisation platform running on a mobile device, a hybrid reasoning middleware aimed to assess cardiovascular risk in a remote way, a private vision based sensor subsystem, and a secure telematics solution that guarantees confidentiality for personal information. TALISMAN+ framework deployment is being evaluated at a real environment like the Accessible Digital Home.


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La tendencia actual de las redes de telecomunicaciones conduce a pensar en un futuro basado en el concepto emergente de las Smart Cities¸ que tienen como objetivo el desarrollo urbano basado en un modelo de sostenibilidad que responda a las necesidades crecientes de las ciudades. Dentro de las Smart Cities podemos incluir el concepto de Smart Grid, el cual está referido a sistemas de administración y producción de energía eficientes, que permitan un sistema energético sostenible, y que den cabida a las fuentes de energía renovables. Sistemas de este tipo se muestran a los usuarios como un conjunto de servicios con los que interactuar sin ser tan sólo un mero cliente, sino un agente más del entorno energético. Por otro lado, los sistemas de software distribuidos son cada vez más comunes en una infraestructura de telecomunicaciones cada vez más extensa y con más capacidades. Dentro de este ámbito tecnológico, las arquitecturas orientadas a servicios han crecido exponencialmente sobre todo en el sector empresarial. Con sistemas basados en estas arquitecturas, se pueden ofrecer a empresas y usuarios sistemas software basados en el concepto de servicio. Con la progresión del hardware actual, la miniaturización de los equipos es cada vez mayor, sin renunciar por ello a la potencia que podemos encontrar en sistemas de mayor tamaño. Un ejemplo es el dispositivo Raspberry Pi, que contiene un ordenador plenamente funcional contenido en el tamaño de una cajetilla de tabaco, y con un coste muy reducido. En este proyecto se pretenden aunar los tres conceptos expuestos. De esta forma, se busca utilizar el dispositivo Raspberry Pi como elemento de despliegue integrado en una arquitectura de Smart Grid orientada a servicios. En los trabajos realizados se ha utilizado la propuesta definida por el proyecto de I+D europeo e-GOTHAM, con cuya infraestructura se ha tenido ocasión de realizar diferentes pruebas de las descritas en esta memoria. Aunque esta arquitectura está orientada a la creación de una Smart Grid, lo experimentado en este PFG podría encajar en otro tipo de aplicaciones. Dentro del estudio sobre las soluciones software actuales, se ha trabajado en la evaluación de la posibilidad de instalar un Enterprise Service Bus en el Raspberry Pi y en la optimización de la citada instalación. Una vez conseguida una instalación operativa, se ha desarrollado un controlador de un dispositivo físico (sensor/actuador), denominado Dispositivo Lógico, a modo de prueba de la viabilidad del uso del Raspberry Pi para actuar como elemento en el que instalar aplicaciones en entornos de Smart Grid o Smart Home. El éxito logrado con esta experimentación refuerza la idea de considerar al Raspberry Pi, como un importante elemento a tener en cuenta para el despliegue de servicios de Smart Cities o incluso en otros ámbitos tecnológicos. ABSTRACT. The current trend of telecommunication networks lead to think in a future based on the emerging concept of Smart Cities, whose objective is to ensure the urban development based on a sustainable model to respond the new necessities of the cities. Within the Smart cites we can include the concept of Smart Grid, which is based on management systems and efficient energy production, allowing a sustainable energy producing system, and that includes renewable energy sources. Systems of this type are shown to users as a set of services that allow users to interact with the system not only as a single customer, but also as other energy environment agent. Furthermore, distributed software systems are increasingly common in a telecommunications infrastructure more extensive and with more capabilities. Within this area of technology, service-oriented architectures have grown exponentially especially in the business sector. With systems based on these architectures, can be offered to businesses and users software systems based on the concept of service. With the progression of the actual hardware, the miniaturization of computers is increasing, without sacrificing the power of larger systems. An example is the Raspberry Pi, which contains a fully functional computer contained in the size of a pack of cigarettes, and with a very low cost. This PFG (Proyecto Fin de Grado) tries to combine the three concepts presented. Thus, it is intended to use the Raspberry Pi device as a deployment element integrated into a service oriented Smart Grid architecture. In this PFG, the one proposed in the European R&D e-GOTHAM project has been observed. In addition several tests described herein have been carried out using the infrastructure of that project. Although this architecture is oriented to the creation of a Smart Grid, the experiences reported in this document could fit into other applications. Within the study on current software solutions, it have been working on assessing the possibility of installing an Enterprise Service Bus in the Raspberry Pi and optimizing that facility. Having achieved an operating installation, it has been developed a driver for a physical device (sensor / actuator), called logical device, for testing the feasibility of using the Raspberry Pi to act as an element in which to install applications in Smart Grid and Smart Home Environments. The success of this experiment reinforces the idea of considering the Raspberry Pi as an important element to take into account in the deployment of Smart Cities services or even in other technological fields.


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Given there is currently a migration trend from traditional electrical supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems towards a smart grid based approach to critical infrastructure management. This project provides an evaluation of existing and proposed implementations for both traditional electrical SCADA and smart grid based architectures, and proposals a set of reference requirements which test bed implementations should implement. A high-level design for smart grid test beds is proposed and initial implementation performed, based on the proposed design, using open source and freely available software tools. The project examines the move towards smart grid based critical infrastructure management and illustrates the increased security requirements. The implemented test bed provides a basic framework for testing network requirements in a smart grid environment, as well as a platform for further research and development. Particularly to develop, implement and test network security related disturbances such as intrusion detection and network forensics. The project undertaken proposes and develops an architecture of the emulation of some smart grid functionality. The Common Open Research Emulator (CORE) platform was used to emulate the communication network of the smart grid. Specifically CORE was used to virtualise and emulate the TCP/IP networking stack. This is intended to be used for further evaluation and analysis, for example the analysis of application protocol messages, etc. As a proof of concept, software libraries were designed, developed and documented to enable and support the design and development of further smart grid emulated components, such as reclosers, switches, smart meters, etc. As part of the testing and evaluation a Modbus based smart meter emulator was developed to provide basic functionality of a smart meter. Further code was developed to send Modbus request messages to the emulated smart meter and receive Modbus responses from it. Although the functionality of the emulated components were limited, it does provide a starting point for further research and development. The design is extensible to enable the design and implementation of additional SCADA protocols. The project also defines an evaluation criteria for the evaluation of the implemented test bed, and experiments are designed to evaluate the test bed according to the defined criteria. The results of the experiments are collated and presented, and conclusions drawn from the results to facilitate discussion on the test bed implementation. The discussion undertaken also present possible future work.


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Explores the experiences of Vietnamese immigrants in Australia. Description What is it like to be a refugee in a country that has a completely different culture from your own, where you feel very different from those around you? With a fine eye for detail and keen empathy for her interviewees, Mandy Thomas explores the experiences of Vietnamese living in Australia. She examines displacement and loss, the ongoing effects of war trauma, and international and community politics. While reflecting on many of the contemporary debates on identity and communality, she explores the concrete realities of Vietnamese lives through their daily experiences. She discusses how Vietnamese families have adapted Western domestic architecture to create a more comfortable home environment, how traditional festivals now serve new purposes, and the changing nature of status and gender relations. She describes the reception of the Vietnamese by the wider Australian society and in the media, and she explores the ongoing ties that overseas Vietnamese have with their homeland. Dreams in the Shadows is a valuable resource for anyone working with immigrant communities, for readers interested in Vietnamese immigration to Western countries, and for researchers of migration and multiculturalism. 'Dreams in the Shadows is a wonderfully sensitive account of Vietnamese in Australia that provides insight into the worlds of Vietnamese immigrants and the often marginalizing orders of the host society.' Bruce Kapferer, Professor of Anthropology, James Cook University and University College London 'A perceptive, sensitive and culturally nuanced account of one of the most recently formed diasporas - that of Vietnamese in Sydney. Deserves to be widely read.' Pnina Werbner, Reader in Social Anthropology, Keele University


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Collecting has become a popular hobby within Western society, with collectables including anything from ‘bottle tops’ to ‘skyscrapers’. As the nature and size of these collections can impact upon the use of space in the home, the purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between the collections, space in the home and the impacts on others. This qualitative study explores the experiences of 11 Australian collectors, investigating the motivations, practices and adaption techniques used within their urban home environment. The themes of sentimentality, sociability and spatial tensions, including physical, personal and use of space are discussed within the context of their home and family environments. Overall the practice of collecting objects is a complex, varied, sentimental and sociable activity, providing enjoyment, knowledge and friendships. Space can be a central consideration to the practice of collecting as collections shape and are shaped by the available space in a household.


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Narrowband Power-line Communication (NPLC) technology uses a narrow bandwidth to transmit information. Its major applications include control, smart home systems and security. This paper proposes a power optimised NPLC system to minimise its systemic power consumption without compromising its communication ability. By using the proposed Smart Energy Conservation Layer which reads the signal strength from the PLC channel, a power optimised system is achieved to provide the essential transmitting power to secure the communications. Compared to commercial systems, the potential power saving could be up to 99% in a household environment, as demonstrated by the experimental results. © 2013 IEEE.


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BACKGROUND: Stroke is one of the most disabling and costly impairments of adulthood in the United States. Stroke patients clearly benefit from intensive inpatient care, but due to the high cost, there is considerable interest in implementing interventions to reduce hospital lengths of stay. Early discharge rehabilitation programs require coordinated, well-organized home-based rehabilitation, yet lack of sufficient information about the home setting impedes successful rehabilitation. This trial examines a multifaceted telerehabilitation (TR) intervention that uses telehealth technology to simultaneously evaluate the home environment, assess the patient's mobility skills, initiate rehabilitative treatment, prescribe exercises tailored for stroke patients and provide periodic goal oriented reassessment, feedback and encouragement. METHODS: We describe an ongoing Phase II, 2-arm, 3-site randomized controlled trial (RCT) that determines primarily the effect of TR on physical function and secondarily the effect on disability, falls-related self-efficacy, and patient satisfaction. Fifty participants with a diagnosis of ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke will be randomly assigned to one of two groups: (a) TR; or (b) Usual Care. The TR intervention uses a combination of three videotaped visits and five telephone calls, an in-home messaging device, and additional telephonic contact as needed over a 3-month study period, to provide a progressive rehabilitative intervention with a treatment goal of safe functional mobility of the individual within an accessible home environment. Dependent variables will be measured at baseline, 3-, and 6-months and analyzed with a linear mixed-effects model across all time points. DISCUSSION: For patients recovering from stroke, the use of TR to provide home assessments and follow-up training in prescribed equipment has the potential to effectively supplement existing home health services, assist transition to home and increase efficiency. This may be particularly relevant when patients live in remote locations, as is the case for many veterans. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Clinical Trials.gov Identifier: NCT00384748.


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Body Area Networks are unique in that the large-scale mobility of users allows the network itself to travel across a diverse range of operating domains or even to enter new and unknown environments. This network mobility is unlike node mobility in that sensed changes in inter-network interference level may be used to identify opportunities for intelligent inter-networking, for example, by merging or splitting from other networks, thus providing an extra degree of freedom. This paper introduces the concept of context-aware bodynets for interactive environments using inter-network interference sensing. New ideas are explored at both the physical and link layers with an investigation based on a 'smart' office environment. A series of carefully controlled measurements of the mesh interconnectivity both within and between an ambulatory body area network and a stationary desk-based network were performed using 2.45 GHz nodes. Received signal strength and carrier to interference ratio time series for selected node to node links are presented. The results provide an insight into the potential interference between the mobile and static networks and highlight the possibility for automatic identification of network merging and splitting opportunities. © 2010 ACM.


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Almost 90% of all adult sons and daughters with disabilities live at home with their parents. Consequently, they have life experiences that are atypical for most of their adult peers and their aging caregivers are under stress due to failing health, financial pressures, bereavement, and worry about the future.

Adults with intellectual disabilities and aging parents took part in focus groups and interviews. results show a loving and caring home environment but evidence a lack of effective life skills development and futures planning. the paper draws attention to the inevitable crisis that occurs when aging caregivers are no longer able to care. The urgent need for skill development and timely futures planning is outlined.


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The present research paper presents five different clustering methods to identify typical load profiles of medium voltage (MV) electricity consumers. These methods are intended to be used in a smart grid environment to extract useful knowledge about customer’s behaviour. The obtained knowledge can be used to support a decision tool, not only for utilities but also for consumers. Load profiles can be used by the utilities to identify the aspects that cause system load peaks and enable the development of specific contracts with their customers. The framework presented throughout the paper consists in several steps, namely the pre-processing data phase, clustering algorithms application and the evaluation of the quality of the partition, which is supported by cluster validity indices. The process ends with the analysis of the discovered knowledge. To validate the proposed framework, a case study with a real database of 208 MV consumers is used.


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This paper presents the characterization of high voltage (HV) electric power consumers based on a data clustering approach. The typical load profiles (TLP) are obtained selecting the best partition of a power consumption database among a pool of data partitions produced by several clustering algorithms. The choice of the best partition is supported using several cluster validity indices. The proposed data-mining (DM) based methodology, that includes all steps presented in the process of knowledge discovery in databases (KDD), presents an automatic data treatment application in order to preprocess the initial database in an automatic way, allowing time saving and better accuracy during this phase. These methods are intended to be used in a smart grid environment to extract useful knowledge about customers’ consumption behavior. To validate our approach, a case study with a real database of 185 HV consumers was used.


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The Smart Grid environment allows the integration of resources of small and medium players through the use of Demand Response programs. Despite the clear advantages for the grid, the integration of consumers must be carefully done. This paper proposes a system which simulates small and medium players. The system is essential to produce tests and studies about the active participation of small and medium players in the Smart Grid environment. When comparing to similar systems, the advantages comprise the capability to deal with three types of loads – virtual, contextual and real. It can have several loads optimization modules and it can run in real time. The use of modules and the dynamic configuration of the player results in a system which can represent different players in an easy and independent way. This paper describes the system and all its capabilities.


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Generally, smart campus applications do not consider the role of the user with his/her position in a university environment, consequently irrelevant information is delivered to the users. This dissertation proposes a location-based access control model, named Smart-RBAC, extending the functionality of Role-based Access Control Model (RBAC) by including user’s location as the contextual attribute, to solve the aforementioned problem. Smart-RBAC model is designed with a focus on content delivery to the user in order to offer a feasible level of flexibility, which was missing in the existing location-based access control models. An instance of the model, derived from Liferay’s RBAC, is implemented by creating a portal application to test and validate the Smart-RBAC model. Additionally, portlet-based applications are developed to assess the suitability of the model in a smart campus environment. The evaluation of the model, based on a popular theoretical framework, demonstrates the model’s capability to achieve some security goals like “Dynamic Separation of Duty” and “Accountability”. We believe that the Smart-RBAC model will improve the existing smart campus applications since it utilizes both, role and location of the user, to deliver content.


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The purpose of this project was to provide parents with an awareness of the role that they play in their preschool children's literacy and reading development and to create a practical handbook that parents can use to teach early literacy and reading skills to their preschool children in their home environment. The handbook was created in response to the literature that confirmed that the children benefit from developing emergent literacy skills before they enter school in kindergarten or grade 1. In addition to the information gathered from the academic literature, needs assessments were conducted in order to hear perspectives from multiple stakeholders involved in the context of this project. The needs assessment questionnaires were conducted with 4 Ontario certified grade 1 and 2 teachers, and 4 parents with preschool children or children in kindergarten or grade 1. Data collected from these participants highlighted the needs of parents and were used to create a comprehensive handbook that will hopefully be accessible and useful to a wide parent audience. The results of the research project indicated that parents would, in fact, benefit from having access to a resource such as this handbook to assist in teaching the 4 components of emergent literacy to their preschool children––oral language, alphabet knowledge, phonological awareness, and print awareness––to their preschool children.