977 resultados para Small G-proteins


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The Rab3 small G protein family consists of four members, Rab3A, -3B, -3C, and -3D. Of these members, Rab3A regulates Ca2+-dependent neurotransmitter release. These small G proteins are activated by Rab3 GDP/GTP exchange protein (Rab3 GEP). To determine the function of Rab3 GEP during neurotransmitter release, we have knocked out Rab3 GEP in mice. Rab3 GEP−/− mice developed normally but died immediately after birth. Embryos at E18.5 showed no evoked action potentials of the diaphragm and gastrocnemius muscles in response to electrical stimulation of the phrenic and sciatic nerves, respectively. In contrast, axonal conduction of the spinal cord and the phrenic nerve was not impaired. Total numbers of synaptic vesicles, especially those docked at the presynaptic plasma membrane, were reduced at the neuromuscular junction ∼10-fold compared with controls, whereas postsynaptic structures and functions appeared normal. Thus, Rab3 GEP is essential for neurotransmitter release and probably for formation and trafficking of the synaptic vesicles.


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Receptors coupled to heterotrimeric G proteins can effectively stimulate growth promoting pathways in a large variety of cell types, and if persistently activated, these receptors can also behave as dominant-acting oncoproteins. Consistently, activating mutations for G proteins of the Gαs and Gαi2 families were found in human tumors; and members of the Gαq and Gα12 families are fully transforming when expressed in murine fibroblasts. In an effort aimed to elucidate the molecular events involved in proliferative signaling through heterotrimeric G proteins we have focused recently on gene expression regulation. Using NIH 3T3 fibroblasts expressing m1 muscarinic acetylcholine receptors as a model system, we have observed that activation of this transforming G protein-coupled receptors induces the rapid expression of a variety of early responsive genes, including the c-fos protooncogene. One of the c-fos promoter elements, the serum response element (SRE), plays a central regulatory role, and activation of SRE-dependent transcription has been found to be regulated by several proteins, including the serum response factor and the ternary complex factor. With the aid of reporter plasmids for gene expression, we observed here that stimulation of m1 muscarinic acetylcholine receptors potently induced SRE-driven reporter gene activity in NIH 3T3 cells. In these cells, only the Gα12 family of heterotrimeric G protein α subunits strongly induced the SRE, while Gβ1γ2 dimers activated SRE to a more limited extent. Furthermore, our study provides strong evidence that m1, Gα12 and the small GTP-binding protein RhoA are components of a novel signal transduction pathway that leads to the ternary complex factor-independent transcriptional activation of the SRE and to cellular transformation.


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Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins are nonmembrane spanning cell surface proteins that have been demonstrated to be signal transduction molecules. Because these proteins do not extend into the cytoplasm, the mechanism by which cross-linking of these molecules leads to intracellular signal transduction events is obscure. Previous analysis has indicated that these proteins are associated with src family member tyrosine kinases; however, the role this interaction plays in the generation of intracellular signals is not clear. Here we show that GPI-anchored proteins are associated with alpha subunits of heterotrimeric GTP binding proteins (G proteins) in both human and murine lymphocytes. When the GPI-anchored proteins CD59, CD48, and Thy-1 were immunoprecipitated from various cell lines or freshly isolated lymphocytes, all were found to be associated with a 41-kDa phosphoprotein that we have identified, by using specific antisera, as a mixture of tyrosine phosphorylated G protein alpha subunits: a small amount of Gialpha1, and substantial amounts of Gialpha2 and Gialpha3. GTP binding assays performed with immunoprecipitations of CD59 indicated that there was GTP-binding activity associated with this molecule. Thus, we have shown by both immunochemical and functional criteria that GPI-anchored proteins are physically associated with G proteins. These experiments suggest a potential role of G proteins in the transduction of signals generated by GPI-anchored molecules expressed on lymphocytes of both mouse and human.


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The complete genome of mandarin fish Siniperca chuatsi rhabdovirus (SCRV) was cloned and sequenced. It comprises 11,545 nucleotides and contains five genes encoding the nucleoprotein N, the phosphoprotein P, the matrix protein M, the glycoprotein G, and the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase protein L. At the 3' and 5' termini of SCRV genome, leader and trailer sequences show inverse complementarity. The N, P, M and G proteins share the highest sequence identities (ranging from 14.8 to 41.5%) with the respective proteins of rhabdovirus 903/87, the L protein has the highest identity with those of vesiculoviruses, especially with Chandipura virus (44.7%). Phylogenetic analysis of L proteins showed that SCRV clustered with spring vireamia of carp virus (SVCV) and was most closely related to viruses in the genus Vesiculovirus. In addition, an overlapping open reading frame (ORF) predicted to encode a protein similar to vesicular stomatitis virus C protein is present within the P gene of SCRV. Furthermore, an unoverlapping small ORF downstream of M ORF within M gene is predicted (tentatively called orf4). Therefore, the genomic organization of SCRV can be proposed as 3' leader-N-P/C-M-(orf4)-G-L-trailer 5'. Orf4 transcription or translation products could not be detected by northern or Western blot, respectively, though one similar mRNA band to M mRNA was found. This is the first report on one small unoverlapping ORF in M gene of a fish rhabdovirus. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The actions of many hormones and neurotransmitters are mediated through stimulation of G protein-coupled receptors. A primary mechanism by which these receptors exert effects inside the cell is by association with heterotrimeric G proteins, which can activate a wide variety of cellular enzymes and ion channels. G protein-coupled receptors can also interact with a number of cytoplasmic scaffold proteins, which can link the receptors to various signaling intermediates and intracellular effectors. The multicomponent nature of G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathways makes them ideally suited for regulation by scaffold proteins. This review focuses on several specific examples of G protein-coupled receptor-associated scaffolds and the roles they may play in organizing receptor-initiated signaling pathways in the cardiovascular system and other tissues.


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The interaction of the chemokine receptor, CCR5, expressed in recombinant cells, with different G proteins was investigated and CCR5 was found to interact with G(i), G(o) and G(q) species. Interaction with Gi leads to G protein activation, whereas G. does not seem to be activated. Additionally, CCR5 activation also leads to phosphorylation of Janus kinase 2 (JAK2). Activation of JAK2 is independent of Gi or Gq activation. Gi protein activation was not prevented by inhibition of JAK, showing that heterotrimeric G protein activation and activation of the JAK/signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) pathway are independent of each other. (C) 2004 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Regulators of G protein signaling (RGS) proteins act as GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs) toward the α subunits of heterotrimeric, signal-transducing G proteins. RGS11 contains a G protein γ subunit-like (GGL) domain between its Dishevelled/Egl-10/Pleckstrin and RGS domains. GGL domains are also found in RGS6, RGS7, RGS9, and the Caenorhabditis elegans protein EGL-10. Coexpression of RGS11 with different Gβ subunits reveals specific interaction between RGS11 and Gβ5. The expression of mRNA for RGS11 and Gβ5 in human tissues overlaps. The Gβ5/RGS11 heterodimer acts as a GAP on Gαo, apparently selectively. RGS proteins that contain GGL domains appear to act as GAPs for Gα proteins and form complexes with specific Gβ subunits, adding to the combinatorial complexity of G protein-mediated signaling pathways.


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G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are seven-pass integral membrane proteins that act as transducers of extracellular signals across the lipid bilayer. Their location and involvement in basic and pathological physiological processes has secured their role as key targets for pharmaceutical intervention. GPCRs are targeted by many of the best-selling drugs on the market and there are a substantial number of GPCRs that are yet to be characterised; these could offer interest for therapeutic targeting. GPR35 is one such receptor that, as a result of gene knockout and genome wide association studies, has attracted interest through its association with cardiovascular and gastrointestinal disease. Elucidation of the basic physiological function of GPR35 has, however, been difficult due a paucity of potent and selective ligands in addition to a lack of consensus on the endogenous ligand. Herein, a focussed drug discovery effort was carried out to identify agonists of GPR35. Various in vitro cellular assays were employed in conjunction with N- or C-terminally manipulated forms of the receptor to investigate GPR35’s signalling profile and to provide an assay format suitable for the characterisation of newly identified ligands. Although GPR35 associates with both Gαi/o and Gα13 families of small heterotrimeric G proteins, the G protein-independent β-arrestin-2 recruitment format was found to be the most suited to drug screening efforts. Small molecule compound screening, carried out in conjunction with the Medical Research Council Technology, identified compound 1 as the most potent ligand of human GPR35 reported at that time. However, the lower efficacy and potency of compound 1 at the rodent species orthologues of GPR35 prevented its use in in vivo studies. A subsequent effort, carried out with Novartis, focused on mast cell stabilisers as putative agonists of GPR35, revealed lodoxamide and bufrolin as highly potent agonists that activated human and rat GPR35 with equal potency. This finding offered–for the first time–the opportunity to employ the same GPR35 ligand between species at a similar concentration, an important factor to consider when translating rodent in vivo functional studies to those in man. Additionally, using molecular modelling and site directed mutagenesis studies, these newly identified compounds were used to aid characterisation of the ligand binding pockets of human and rat GPR35 to reveal the molecular basis of species selectivity at this receptor. In summary, this research effort presents GPR35 tool compounds that can now be used to dissect the basic biology of GPR35 and investigate its contribution to disease.


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Essential hypertensives display enhanced signal transduction through pertussis toxin-sensitive G proteins. The T allele of a C825T variant in exon 10 of the G protein β3 subunit gene (GNB3) induces formation of a splice variant (Gβ3-s) with enhanced activity. The T allele of GNB3 was shown recently to be associated with hypertension in unselected German patients (frequency=0.31 versus 0.25 in control). To confirm and extend this finding in a different setting, we performed an association study in Australian white hypertensives. This involved an extensively examined cohort of 110 hypertensives, each of whom were the offspring of 2 hypertensive parents, and 189 normotensives whose parents were both normotensive beyond age 50 years. Genotyping was performed by polymerase chain reaction and digestion with BseDI, which either cut (C allele) or did not cut (T allele) the 268-bp polymerase chain reaction product. T allele frequency in the hypertensive group was 0.43 compared with 0.25 in the normotensive group (χ2=22; P=0.00002; odds ratio=2.3; 95% CI=1.7 to 3.3). The T allele tracked with higher pretreatment blood pressure: diastolic=105±7, 109±16, and 128±28 mm Hg (mean±SD) for CC, CT, and 7T, respectively (P=0.001 by 1-way ANOVA). Blood pressures were higher in female hypertensives with a T allele (P=0.006 for systolic and 0.0003 for diastolic by ANOVA) than they were in male hypertensives. In conclusion, the present study of a group with strong family history supports a role for a genetically determined, physiologically active splice variant of the G protein β3 subunit gene in the causation of essential hypertension.


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-Essential hypertensives display enhanced signal transduction through pertussis toxin-sensitive G proteins. The T allele of a C825T variant in exon 10 of the G protein beta3 subunit gene (GNB3) induces formation of a splice variant (Gbeta3-s) with enhanced activity. The T allele of GNB3 was shown recently to be associated with hypertension in unselected German patients (frequency=0.31 versus 0.25 in control). To confirm and extend this finding in a different setting, we performed an association study in Australian white hypertensives. This involved an extensively examined cohort of 110 hypertensives, each of whom were the offspring of 2 hypertensive parents, and 189 normotensives whose parents were both normotensive beyond age 50 years. Genotyping was performed by polymerase chain reaction and digestion with BseDI, which either cut (C allele) or did not cut (T allele) the 268-bp polymerase chain reaction product. T allele frequency in the hypertensive group was 0.43 compared with 0.25 in the normotensive group (chi2=22; P=0.00002; odds ratio=2.3; 95% CI=1.7 to 3.3). The T allele tracked with higher pretreatment blood pressure: diastolic=105+/-7, 109+/-16, and 128+/-28 mm Hg (mean+/-SD) for CC, CT, and TT, respectively (P=0.001 by 1-way ANOVA). Blood pressures were higher in female hypertensives with a T allele (P=0.006 for systolic and 0.0003 for diastolic by ANOVA) than they were in male hypertensives. In conclusion, the present study of a group with strong family history supports a role for a genetically determined, physiologically active splice variant of the G protein beta3 subunit gene in the causation of essential hypertension.


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Protein conformations and dynamics can be studied by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy using dilute liquid crystalline samples. This work clarifies the interpretation of residual dipolar coupling data yielded by the experiments. It was discovered that unfolded proteins without any additional structure beyond that of a mere polypeptide chain exhibit residual dipolar couplings. Also, it was found that molecular dynamics induce fluctuations in the molecular alignment and doing so affect residual dipolar couplings. The finding clarified the origins of low order parameter values observed earlier. The work required the development of new analytical and computational methods for the prediction of intrinsic residual dipolar coupling profiles for unfolded proteins. The presented characteristic chain model is able to reproduce the general trend of experimental residual dipolar couplings for denatured proteins. The details of experimental residual dipolar coupling profiles are beyond the analytical model, but improvements are proposed to achieve greater accuracy. A computational method for rapid prediction of unfolded protein residual dipolar couplings was also developed. Protein dynamics were shown to modulate the effective molecular alignment in a dilute liquid crystalline medium. The effects were investigated from experimental and molecular dynamics generated conformational ensembles of folded proteins. It was noted that dynamics induced alignment is significant especially for the interpretation of molecular dynamics in small, globular proteins. A method of correction was presented. Residual dipolar couplings offer an attractive possibility for the direct observation of protein conformational preferences and dynamics. The presented models and methods of analysis provide significant advances in the interpretation of residual dipolar coupling data from proteins.


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Maltose binding protein (MBP) is a large, monomeric two domain protein containing 370 amino acids. In the absence of denaturant at neutral pH, the protein is in the native state, while at pH 3.0 it forms a molten globule. The molten globule lacks a tertiary circular dichroism signal but has secondary structure similar to that of the native state. The molten globule binds 8-anilino-1-naphthalene sulfonate (ANS). The unfolding thermodynamics of MBP at both pHs were measured by carrying out a series of isothermal urea melts at temperatures ranging from 274–329 K. At 298 K, values of [Delta]G°, [Delta]Cp, and Cm were 3.1 ± 0.2 kcal mol−1, 5.9 ± 0.8 kcal mol−1 K−1 (15.9 cal (mol-residue)−1 K−1), and 0.8 M, respectively, at pH 3.0 and 14.5 ± 0.4 kcal mol−1, 8.3 ± 0.7 kcal mol−1 K−1 (22.4 kcal (mol-residue)−1 K−1), and 3.3 M, respectively, at pH 7.1. Guanidine hydrochloride denaturation at pH 7.1 gave values of [Delta]G° and [Delta]Cp similar to those obtained with urea. The m values for denaturation are strongly temperature dependent, in contrast to what has been previously observed for small globular proteins. The value of [Delta]Cp per mol-residue for the molten globule is comparable to corresponding values of [Delta]Cp for the unfolding of typical globular proteins and suggests that it is a highly ordered structure, unlike molten globules of many small proteins. The value of [Delta]Cp per mol-residue for the unfolding of the native state is among the highest currently known for any protein.


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G蛋白参与了哺乳动物内多种细胞信号途径,但其在植物花粉萌发和花粉管发育过程中的细胞学定位、生化特性及功能研究比较滞后,有关这方面的研究报道较少。在显花植物授粉受精过程中,具顶端极性生长特性的花粉管是雄性生殖单位的载体,也是研究细胞生长分子调控机理的理想体系。与被子植物相比,裸子植物具有生长周期长,花粉管生长缓慢、易分叉等特点,具有不同于被子植物花粉发育的独特发育模式。对于裸子植物花粉萌发和花粉管生长的调控机理,目前尚不十分清楚。本文以松类植物中比较有代表性的裸子植物青杆(Piceawillsonii)和白皮松(Pinus bungeana)花粉为试材,应用免疫分析和间接免疫荧光显微镜技术,结合药理学实验和FTIR手段,研究了异三聚体G蛋白和小G蛋白在花粉管细胞中的定位、生化特性及其在花粉管发育中的调控作用。结果如下: 应用Western Blotting技术和来自于抗哺乳动物中不同序列G蛋白O【亚基抗体,我们在白皮松花粉管中检测到一条分子量为40 kDa左右的蛋白。去污剂处理显示,该蛋白与质膜偶联。间接免疫荧光显微镜实验发现,在花粉管发育的整个时期,代表Ga蛋白的荧光均一的分布在整个质膜区域,尤其在尖端皮层区域荧光最亮,显示此处该蛋白浓度最高。无论是在正常发育的花粉管抑或是发生弯曲或扭曲生长的花粉管,均呈现同样的分布模式。随着花粉管发育,Ga蛋白表达量发生变化。在花粉管发育中期,Ga蛋白表达量比较高;随着花粉管离体培养时间的延长,Ga蛋白表达量下降。另外,在花粉刚刚萌发时,Ga蛋白表达量也比较低。 对白皮松花粉萌发进行的药理学实验显示,G蛋白调节剂 CTX和PTX对白皮松花粉管的影响呈现双阶段效应。当添加的药剂浓度小于400 ng mL-I时,无论CTX还是PTX均抑制了花粉萌发和花粉管生长,且花粉管容易破裂;而当二者浓度分别升至500 ng mL-I时,同对照相比,花粉管生长明显受到促进。这一结果不支持Ma等人在百合花粉中的研究结果。进一步应用FTIR技术分析发现,当用浓度为400 ng mL-I CTX或PTX处理花粉管时,花粉管细胞壁酚类物质增加,而纤维素、半纤维素、木聚糖等物质下降,这可能是导致此浓度处理下花粉管易破裂的原因。这些结果显示了G蛋白a亚基参与了白皮松花粉管生长,CTX和PTX可能通过下游对其敏感的功能蛋白而非Ga本身,影响着花粉管生长并调控着花粉管壁的建成。 利用来源于烟草的抗NtRacl抗体和拟南芥的抗ROPs抗体,应用WeternBlotting技术,我们在青杆花粉管中检测到分子量为23kDa的多肽。间接免疫荧光显微镜实验显示,在花粉萌发18和24小时后,Rac蛋白主要定位于花粉管尖端质膜区域,时而会延伸到顶端两侧区域,但从尖端到基部存在浓度梯度,这种分布模式多在花粉管发育的后期观察到。Rac蛋白在青杆花粉管不同发育时期的分布模式变化可能和花粉管的生长状态有关,在花粉管发育早期和中期,正是花粉管旺盛生长期,Rac蛋白的尖端定位保证了花粉管的极性生长。对Rac蛋白在花粉管的分布进行的连续切片扫描发现,Rac蛋白不但分布在质膜上,并与质膜偶联,而且在胞质中亦有分布。通过对一系列正常发育(即极性生长的花粉管)和畸形发育的花粉管进行观察发现,Rac蛋白主要分布在旺盛生长的花粉管尖端质膜或离顶端20 Vm处,在分叉的生长缓慢的分枝端分布较少。而在那些发生分叉生长的花粉管中,处于次要位置的基本停止生长的分枝端几乎没有Rac蛋白存在。在顶端发生膨大的花粉管中,Rac蛋白均匀分布在花粉管整个质膜上,丧失浓度梯度,失去极性生长。这些结果显示了Rac蛋白参与了青杆花粉管生长。 应用抗NtRacl抗体进行的间接免疫荧光显微镜定位实验,我们在正在生长的花粉管的管核中观察到明亮的荧光,显示了有Rac蛋白的存在。当精细胞在花粉粒中未移动到花粉管中时,几乎没有观察到荧光信号。随着花粉管发育,两个精细胞的位置发生变化,当其中一个较大的精细胞移动到花粉管中时,观察到明亮的荧光信号,这些结果显示了Rac蛋白可能参与了管核或精细胞在花粉管内的移动。


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Igor E. Moshkov, Galina V. Novikova, Luis A.J. Mur, Aileen R. Smith, and Michael A. Hall. (2003). Ethylene rapidly up-regulates the activities of both monomeric GTP-binding proteins and protein kinase(s) in epicotyls of pea. Plant Physiology, 131(4), 1718-1726 RAE2008