990 resultados para Små barn
A Schistosoma mansoni adult worm anionic fraction (PIII) has previously been shown to protect mice against challenge infection and to reduce pulmonary and hepatic granulomatous hypersensitivity. Serum from PIII-immunized rabbit was used to screen a lgt11 cDNA library from S. mansoni adult worm in order to identify antigens capable of modulating granulomatous hypersensitivity. We obtained four clones with 400 (Sm-III.11), 900 (Sm-III.16), 1100 (Sm-III.10) and 1300 (Sm-III.12) bp of length. All clone-specific antibodies were able to recognize most of the PIII components. The sequence analysis showed that these clones presented high homology with S. mansoni paramyosin (Sm-97). These findings ascribe a new function to this antigen with an important role in modulation of granulomatous hypersensitivity to S. mansoni eggs
Most bird studies of female signalling have been confined to species in which females display a male-ornament in a vestigial form. However, a great deal of benefit may be gained from considering phenotypic traits that are specific to females. This is because (1) sex-specific traits may signal sex-specific qualities and (2) females may develop a male-ornament not because they are selected to do so, but because fathers transmit to daughters the underlying genes for its expression (genetic correlation between the sexes). We investigated these two propositions in the barn owl Tyto alba, a species in which male plumage is lighter in colour and less marked with black spots than that of females. Firstly, we present published evidence that female plumage spottiness reflects parasite resistance ability. We also show that male plumage coloration is correlated with reproductive success, male feeding rate and heart mass. Secondly, cross-fostering experiments demonstrate that plumage coloration and spottiness are genetically correlated between the sexes. This implies that if a given trait value is selected in one sex, the other sex will indirectly evolve towards a similar value. This prediction is supported by the observation that female plumage coloration and spottiness resembled that of males, in comparisons at the level of Tyto alba alba populations, Tyto alba subspecies and Tyto species. Our results therefore support the hypothesis that sex-specific traits signal sex-specific qualities and that a gene for a sex-specific trait can be expressed in the other sex as the consequence of a genetic correlation between the sexes.
OPNET es una herramienta de simulación de redes muy potente, donde se puede configurar cualquier tipo de red existente. Esta herramienta nos ayuda a “probar” sin tener que montar ninguna red física, una gran ventaja sobre todo para protocolos experimentales o para el diseño de los mismos. En este proyecto se utiliza el OPNET para explotar el protocolo multicast PIM-SM. Se establecerá un modelo de red, donde estarán configurados los nodos de forma estratégica para intentar extraer el máximo de información del comportamiento en esta situación del protocolo PIM-SM.
The costs of coping with stressful situations are traded-off against other functions such as immune responses. This trade-off may explain why corticosterone secretion reduces immune reactions. Corticosterone differentially affects various immunity components. However, which component is suppressed varies between studies. It remains unclear whether the trade-off in energy, nutrition, autoimmunity or oxidative stress accounts for differential immunosuppression. In this study, we investigated whether corticosterone differentially affects the constitutive innate and humoral acquired immunity. We used barn owl nestlings, implanting 50% with a corticosterone-releasing pellet and the other 50% with a placebo pellet. To measure the effect on humoral immunity we vaccinated 50% of the corticosterone-nestlings and 50% of the placebo-nestlings with the antigens 'Tetravac' and the other 50% were injected with PBS. To assess the costs of elevated corticosterone, we measured body mass and resistance to oxidative stress. Administration of corticosterone increased corticosterone levels whereas vaccination induced the production of antibodies. Corticosterone reduced the production of antibodies, but it did not significantly affect the constitutive innate immunity. Corticosterone reduced body growth and resistance to oxidative stress. Under stressful conditions barn owl nestlings seem to keep the constitutive innate immunity, whereas elevated corticosterone levels negatively affected inducible immune responses. We found evidence that mounting a humoral immune reaction is not costly in terms of growth, but reduces the resistance to oxidative stress independently of corticosterone administration. We suggest that humoral immunity is suppressed because the risk of immunopathologies may be disproportionately high when mounting an antibody response under stressful situations.
Two nonmutually exclusive hypotheses can explain why divorce is an adaptive strategy to improve reproductive success. Under the 'better option hypothesis', only one of the two partners initiates divorce to secure a higher-quality partner and increases reproductive success after divorce. Under the 'incompatibility hypothesis', partners are incompatible and hence they may both increase reproductive success after divorce. In a long-term study of the barn owl (Tyto alba), we address the question of whether one or the two partners derive fitness benefits by divorcing. Our results support the hypothesis that divorce is adaptive: after a poor reproductive season, at least one of the two divorcees increase breeding success up to the level of faithful pairs. By breeding more often together, faithful pairs improve coordination and thereby gain in their efficiency to produce successful fledglings. Males would divorce to obtain a compatible mate rather than a mate of higher quality: a heritable melanin-based signal of female quality did not predict divorce (indicating that female absolute quality may not be the cause of divorce), but the new mate of divorced males was less melanic than their previous mate. This suggests that, at least for males, a cost of divorce may be to secure a lower-quality but compatible mate. The better option hypothesis could not be formally rejected, as only one of the two divorcing partners commonly succeeded in obtaining a higher reproductive success after divorce. In conclusion, incompatible partners divorce to restore reproductive success, and by breeding more often together, faithful partners improve coordination.
Individuals need to adapt to their local environment in order to survive. When selection pressures differ in local populations, polymorphism can evolve. Colour polymorphism is one of the most obvious polymorphisms since it is readily observable. Different sources of colouration exist, but melanin-based colouration is one of the most common in birds. The melanocortin system produces this colouration and because the melanocortin system has pleiotropic effects on behavioural and physiological traits, it is a good candidate to be an underlying mechanism to explain the maintenance of colour polymorphism. In this thesis I studied three different raptors which all display melanin-based colouration; barn owls (Tyto alba), tawny owls (Strix aluco) and Eurasian kestrels (Falco tinnunculus). The main question was if there was a relationship between melanin-based colouration and individual behavioural differences. The underlying hypothesis is that colour could be a signal of certain adaptive traits. Our goal was to find evolutionary explanations for the persistence of colour polymorphism. I found that nestling kestrels and barn owls differ in anti-predatory behaviour, with respect to their melanic colouration (chapters 1 and 2). Darker individuals show less reaction to human handling, but in kestrels aggression and colouration are related in opposite ways than in barn owls. More reddish barn owls travel greater distances in natal dispersal and this behaviour is repeatable between parents and same sex offspring (chapter 3). Dark reddish tawny owls defend their nests more intensely against intruders and appear to suffer less from nest predation (chapter 4). Finally I show that polymorphism in the Melanocortin 1 receptor gene (MC1R), which is strongly correlated with reddish colouration in the barn owl, is related to natal dispersal distance, providing a first indication for a genetic basis of the relation between this behaviour and colouration (chapter 5). My results demonstrate a clear link between melanin-based colouration and animal personality traits. I demonstrated this relation in three different species, which shows there is most likely a general underlying mechanism responsible. Different predation pressures might have shaped the reactions to predation, but also differences in sex-related colouration. Male-like and female-like colouration might signal more or less aggressive behaviour. Fluctuating environmental conditions might cause different individual strategies to produce equal reproductive success. The melanocortin system with its pleiotropic effects might be an underlying mechanism, as suggested by the results from the genetic polymorphism, the similar results found in these three species and by the similar relations reported in other species. This thesis demonstrates that colouration and individual differences are correlated and it provides the first glimpse of an underlying system. We can now conduct a more directed search for underlying mechanisms and evolutionary explanations with the use of quantitative genetic methods.
Feathers confer protection against biophysical agents and determine flying ability. The geometry and arrangement of the barbs, together with the keratin and pigments deposited in the feathers, determine the mechanical stability of the vane, and its stiffness and resistance to abrasive agents. In colour-polymorphic species, individuals display alternative colour morphs, which can be associated with different foraging strategies. Each morph may therefore require specific flying abilities, and their feathers may be exposed to different abrasive agents. Feathers of differently coloured individuals may thus have a specific structure, and colour pigments may help resist abrasive agents and improve stiffness. We examined these predictions in the barn owl (Tyto alba), a species for which the ventral body side varies from white to dark reddish pheomelanic, and in the number and size of black spots located at the tip of the feathers. White and reddish birds show different foraging strategies, and the size of black feather spots is associated with several phenotypic attributes. We found that birds displaying a darker reddish coloration on the ventral body side deposit more melanin pigments in their remiges, which also have fewer barbs. This suggests that wear resistance increases with darkness, whereas feathers of lighter coloured birds may bend less easily. Accordingly, individuals displaying a lighter reddish coloration on the ventral body side, and those displaying larger black spots, displayed more black transverse bars on their remiges: as larger-spotted individuals are heavier and longer-winged birds also have more transverse bars, these bars may reduce feather bending when flying. We conclude that differently coloured individuals produce wing feathers of different strengths to adopt alternative behavioural and life history strategies
Spatial variation in the pattern of natural selection can promote local adaptation and genetic differentiation between populations. Because heritable melanin-based ornaments can signal resistance to environmentally mediated elevation in glucocorticoids, to oxidative stress and parasites, populations may vary in the mean degree of melanic coloration if selection on these phenotypic aspects varies geographically. Within a population of Swiss barn owls (Tyto alba), the size of eumelanic spots is positively associated with survival, immunity and resistance to stress, but it is yet unknown whether Tyto species that face stressful environments evolved towards a darker eumelanic plumage. Because selection regimes vary along environmental gradients, we examined whether melanin-based traits vary clinally and are expressed to a larger extent in the tropics where parasites are more abundant than in temperate zones. To this end, we considered 39 barn owl species distributed worldwide. Barn owl species living in the tropics displayed larger eumelanic spots than those found in temperate zones. This was, however, verified in the northern hemisphere only. Parasites being particularly abundant in the tropics, they may promote the evolution of darker eumelanic ornaments.
Comentari del llibre Cancionero del Barón de Claret, compilat a Catalunya. El comentari es centra en la influència de Lope de Vega i de Calderón de la Barca sobre aquesta obra. Resulta més influent Lope de Vega, malgrat que en el moment de la compilació de la obra ja no estava de moda, que Calderón de la Barca
Publicado en la página web del Servicio Andaluz de Salud. http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/servicioandaluzdesalud (Servicio Andaluz de Salud/principal/la organización/publicaciones)
Recent isotopic and biochronologic dating has demonstrated that the Gets nappe contains remnants of the oldest part of the oceanic crust of the Alpine Tethys. The ophiolites are associated with deep sea sediments, platform carbonates and continental crustal elements suggesting a transitional environment between continental and oceanic crust. Therefore, the ophiolites from the Gets nappe provide the opportunity to assess the nature of mantle source and the magma evolution during the final rifting stage of the European lithosphere. Trace clement analyses of mafic rocks can he divided into two sets: (1) P, Zr and Y contents are consistent with those of mid-ocean ridge basalts and REE patterns have a P-MORB affinity. (2) P,Zr Ti and Y contents are compatible with within-plate basalts and are characterized by REE spectra similar to that of T-MORB. Both have Nd isotopic compositions similar to those of synrift magma of the Red Sea and to the Rhine Graben. The model ages are in agreement with an LREE-enriched subcontinental mantle source derived from depleted mantle 800 to 900 Ma ago. Minor, trace element and Sm-Nd compositions suggest that these rocks are basaltic relies of an earliest stage of oceanic spreading i.e. an embryonic ocean. Comparison between REE patterns, Nd and Sr isotope compositions, isotopic and biochronologic ages from different Alpine Tethys ophiolites shows that samples with enriched LREE are from the older ophiolitic suites and are relies of the embryonic ocean floor. Later phases of ocean spreading are characterized by basalts that are depleted in LREE.
Conflicts among siblings are widespread and their resolution involves complex physical and communication tools. Observations in the barn owl Tyto alba showed that siblings vocally communicate in the absence of parents to negotiate priority of access to the impending food resources that parents will bring. In the present paper, we hypothesize and provide correlative evidence that after a parent brought a food item to their progeny, sibling competition involves vocal sib-sib communication. A food item takes a long time to be entirely consumed, and hence siblings continue to compete over prey monopolization even after parents gave a food item to a single offspring. When physical competition is pronounced and thereby the risk of prey theft is high, the individual that received a prey item consumes it in a concealed place. Concomitantly, nestlings vocalize intensely probably to indicate their motivation to siblings to not share their food item, since this vocal behaviour was particularly frequent in younger individuals for which the risk of being robbed is higher than in their older siblings. Furthermore, nestlings consumed more rapidly a food item when their siblings vocalized intensely presumably because the intensity of siblings' vocalizations is associated with a risk of prey theft. Our correlative study suggests that sibling competition favoured the evolution of sib-sib communication under a wide range of situations.
When competing over parental resources, young animals may be typically selfish to the point of siblicide. This suggests that limited parental resources promote the evolution of sibling competition rather than altruistic or cooperative behaviours. In striking contrast, we show here that in 71% of experimental three-chick broods, nestling barn owls, Tyto alba, gave food to their siblings on average twice per night. This behaviour prevailed in the first-born dominant nestlings rather than the last-born subordinate nestlings. It was also more prevalent in individuals displaying a heritable dark phaeomelanin-based coloration, a typical female-specific plumage trait (owls vary from dark reddish to white, females being on average darker reddish than males). Stealing food items from siblings, which occurred in 81% of the nests, was more frequent in light than dark phaeomelanic dominant nestlings. We suggest that food sharing has evolved in the barn owl because parents store prey items in their nest that can be used by the offspring to feed their nestmates to derive indirect (kin selection) or direct benefits (pseudoreciprocity or by-product mutualism). The cost of feeding siblings may be relatively low for dominant individuals while the indirect genetic benefits could be high given that extrapair paternity is infrequent in this species. Thus, in situations in which young animals have access to more food resources than they currently need, they can altruistically share them with their siblings.
The maintenance of phenotypic variation is a central question in evolutionary biology. A commonly suggested mechanism is that of local adaptation, whereby different phenotypes are adapted to alternative environmental conditions. A recent study in the European barn owl (Tyto alba) has shown that natural selection maintains a strong clinal variation in reddish pheomelanin-based coloration. Studies in the region where phenotypic variation in this owl is the highest in Europe have further demonstrated that dark-reddish and pale-reddish owls exploit open and wooded habitats, predate voles and wood mice, and are long-tailed and short-tailed, respectively. However, it remains unclear as to whether these traits evolved as a consequence of allopatric evolution of dark colour in northern Europe and white colour in southern Europe, during which owls could have also evolved different morphologies and foraging behaviour. This scenario implies that covariation between coloration and foraging behaviour could be a specificity of the European continent, which is not found in other worldwide-distributed populations. To investigate this issue we studied a barn owl population in the Middle East. Our results show that, as in Central Europe, dark-reddish female owls breed more often in the open landscape than their pale-reddish female conspecifics, their offspring are fed with more voles than Muridae, and they are longer-winged and longer-tailed. These findings indicate that in the barn owl the association in females between pheomelanin-based coloration and foraging behaviour and morphology is not restricted to the European continent but may well evolve in sympatry in many barn owl populations worldwide.
Spatial variation in the pattern of natural selection can promote local adaptation and genetic differentiation between populations. Because heritable melanin-based ornaments can signal resistance to environmentally mediated elevation in glucocorticoids, to oxidative stress and parasites, populations may vary in the mean degree of melanic coloration if selection on these phenotypic aspects varies geographically. Within a population of Swiss barn owls (Tyto alba), the size of eumelanic spots is positively associated with survival, immunity and resistance to stress, but it is yet unknown whether Tyto species that face stressful environments evolved towards a darker eumelanic plumage. Because selection regimes vary along environmental gradients, we examined whether melanin-based traits vary clinally and are expressed to a larger extent in the tropics where parasites are more abundant than in temperate zones. To this end, we considered 39 barn owl species distributed worldwide. Barn owl species living in the tropics displayed larger eumelanic spots than those found in temperate zones. This was, however, verified in the northern hemisphere only. Parasites being particularly abundant in the tropics, they may promote the evolution of darker eumelanic ornaments.