895 resultados para Sleep-disordered breathing
Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a progressive neuromuscular disease with death usually occurring because of respiratory failure. Signs of early respiratory insufficiency are usually first detectable in sleep. Objective: To study the presentation of sleep-related breathing disorder (SRBD) in patients with DMD. Method:> A retrospective review of patients with DMD attending a tertiary paediatric sleep disorder clinic over a 5-year period. Symptoms, lung function and polysomnographic indices were reviewed. Results: A total of 34 patients with DMD were referred for respiratory assessment (1-15 years). Twenty-two (64%) reported sleep-related symptomatology. Forced vital capacity (FVC) was between 12 and 107% predicted (n = 29). Thirty-two progressed to have polysomnography of which 15 were normal studies (median age: 10 years) and 10 (31%) were diagnostic of obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) (median age: 8 years). A total of 11 patients (32%) showed hypoventilation (median age: 13 years) during the 5-year period and non-invasive ventilation (NIV) was offered to them. The median FVC of this group was 27% predicted. There was a significant improvement in the apnoea/hypopnoea index (AHI) (mean difference = 11.31, 95% CI = 5.91-16.70, P = 0.001) following the institution of NIV. Conclusions: The prevalence of SRBD in DMD is significant. There is a bimodal presentation of SRBD, with OSA found in the first decade and hypoventilation more commonly seen at the beginning of the second decade. Polysomnography is recommended in children with symptoms of OSA, or at the stage of becoming wheelchair-bound. In patients with the early stages of respiratory failure, assessment with polysomnography-identified sleep hypoventilation and assisted in initiating NIV.
Respiration is altered during different stages of the sleep-wake cycle. We review the contribution of cholinergic systems to this alteration, with particular reference to the role of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (MAchRs) during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Available evidence demonstrates that MAchRs have potent excitatory effects on medullary respiratory neurones and respiratory motoneurones, and are likely to contribute to changes in central chemosensitive drive to the respiratory control system. These effects are likely to be most prominent during REM sleep, when cholinergic brainstem neurones show peak activity levels. It is possible that MAchR dysfunction is involved in sleep-disordered breathing, Such as obstructive sleep apnea. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The risk of cardiovascular diseases and sleep-disordered breathing increases after menopause. This cross-sectional study focuses on overnight transcutaneous carbon dioxide (TcCO2) measurements and their power to predict changes in the early markers of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. The endothelial function of the brachial artery, the intima-media thickness of the carotid artery, blood pressure, glycosylated hemoglobin A1C and plasma levels of cholesterols and triglycerides were used as markers of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. The study subjects consisted of healthy premenopausal women of 46 years of age and postmenopausal women of 56 years of age. From wakefulness to sleep, the TcCO2 levels increased more in postmenopausal women than in premenopausal women. In estrogen-users the increase in TcCO2 levels was even more pronounced than in other postmenopausal women. From the dynamic behaviour of the nocturnal TcCO2 signal, several important features were detected. These TcCO2 features had a remarkable role in the prediction of endothelial dysfunction and thickening of the carotid wall in healthy premenopausal women. In addition, these TcCO2 features were linked with blood pressure, lipid profile and glucose balance in postmenopausal women. The nocturnal TcCO2 profile seems to contain significant information, which is associated with early changes in cardiovascular diseases in middle-aged women. TcCO2 might not only measure the tissue carbon dioxide levels, but the TcCO2 signal variation may also reflect peripheral vasodynamic events caused by increased sympathetic activity during sleep.
Objetivo: determinar la frecuencia de las diferentes alteraciones respiratorias durante el sueño (ARS) e hipertensión pulmonar (HTP) y establecer la saturación de oxígeno (SpO2) en vigilia, sueño y durante los eventos en niños con Síndrome Down (SD) a la altura de Bogotá (2640m) de acuerdo a grupos de edad e IMC. Métodos: estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, se incluyeron todos los niños con SD con sospecha de ARS remitidos a polisonograma (PSG) de octubre de 2011 a enero de 2013 a la Fundación Neumológica Colombina (FNC). Se dividieron en 3 grupos: apnea obstructiva, apnea obstructiva y central, sin apneas. Resultados: 74 niños, el 36,5% mujeres, edad media 4 años. 47,3% presento apnea obstructiva, más frecuente en >2 años, 35,1% apnea obstructiva y central, más frecuente en < 2 años y 17,6 % sin apnea. SpO2 promedio en apnea obstructiva 84,63%, apnea obstructiva y central: 81,8% y sin apnea: 86,85% (p 0,058). 23% presento obesidad, 16% con apnea obstructiva. 53 pacientes tenían ecocardiograma: 28% HTP, 53,3% tuvo apnea obstructiva y 26,7 apnea obstructiva y central, no diferencias significativas. SpO2 promedio en HTP 88,3% vigilia, 86,2% sueño REM, 85,7 % sueño no REM, no diferencia significativa comparada con pacientes sin HTP. Conclusiones: Las ARS son frecuentes en los niños con SD, La desaturación está presente en los niños con SD independiente del tipo de apnea. A todos los niños SD se les debe practicar un PSG en el primer año de vida.
Objetivo: determinar parámetros biométricos para evaluación y diagnóstico de pacientes con SAHOS por medio de Cefalometría Tridimensional y reconstrucción Multiplanar escanográfica. Materiales y Métodos: se realizó estudio observacional tipo cross-sectional, con 25 pacientes diagnosticados con SAHOS, a los cuales se les hizo TAC simple de cara con reconstrucción multiplanar y tridimensional, evaluando volumen de vía aérea, longitud, promedio del área en corte transversal, área retropalatal, área reglosal, espacio retrogloso lateral y anteroposterior. Resultados: se incluyeron 25 pacientes y realizaron medidas de volumen, longitud, promedio del área en corte transversal, área retropalatal, área retroglosal y espacios regloso lateral y anteroposterior, realizando análisis estadístico mediante el programa SPSS 17.0 reportando medidas de tendencia central como promedio, media, moda, rango, desviación estándar, y concordancia inter e intra observador. Conclusión: la Cefalometría tridimensional con reconstrucción multiplanar ha mostrado ser un excelente método de evaluación de vía aérea en pacientes con SAHOS, obteniendo propias clasificaciones dentro del estudio de estos pacientes. Sin embargo, ante la escasa literatura y difícil obtención de parámetros de referencia es necesario promover el estudio y la investigación de este método diagnostico en pacientes con SAHOS.
El objetivo de esta investigación es describir la calidad de vida y la calidad del sueño en los pacientes con diagnóstico de Síndrome de Apnea Hipoapnea del sueño, mediante el uso de un grupo de cuestionarios para obtener datos demográficos, la evaluación del grado de somnolencia diurna percibida, la percepción de la calidad del sueño y la percepción de la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud con encuestas en sus respectivas versiones validadas para Colombia.
OBJECTIVES. assessment of opinions and practices of pediatricians concerning sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) in children. Methods. randomly 516 pediatricians were selected in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. A survey mailed to them included questions regarding: their professional profile, knowledge about SDB in childhood, opinions and practices for diagnosis and treatment of these diseases. RESULTS. 112 anonymous completed surveys were returned (21.7%). The teaching of SDB during medical school and pediatric residency training was considered unsatisfactory respectively by 65.2% and 34.8% of the pediatricians. Forty-nine respondents (43.8%) rated their knowledge about SDB in children as regular, 39 (34.8%) as good and 17 (15.2%) as unsatisfactory. The most important sleep-related questions were: mouth breathing, breathing pauses, sleep amount, excessive daytime sleepiness and nocturnal wheezing. Clinical aspects regarded as the most significant for suspecting obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) were: breathing pauses, adenoid hypertrophy, mouth breathing, craniofacial anomaly and snoring. The most frequent practices for evaluation of OSAS in children were: cavum radiography with referral to an otorhinolarnygologist (25%) and nocturnal pulse oximetry (14.2%). Only 11.6% of pediatricians recommended overnight polysomnography and 4.5%, nap polysomnography. The most effective practices for SDB were considered to be: adenoidectomy and adenotonsillectomy, parents counseling, weight loss and sleep hygiene. CONCLUSIONS. there is a gap between research on SDB in childhood and pediatric practice. © 2006 Associação Médica Brasileira.
Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB
Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB
A Síndrome do Respirador Bucal (SRB) ocasiona características físicas e comportamentais que interferem na qualidade de vida da criança. O Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade (TDAH) pode estar relacionado à respiração bucal no indivíduo, bem como a presença de Distúrbios Respiratórios do Sono (DRS). Por outro lado, estudos indicam que a adenotonsilectomia reduz a ocorrência de comportamentos sugestivos de TDAH em portadores de SRB, bem como produz melhora significativa nos DRS. Pretendeu-se caracterizar a condição sociodemográfica e de risco e analisar padrões comportamentais indicadores de TDAH e os hábitos de sono de crianças com diagnóstico de Síndrome do Respirador Bucal, observados antes e após a realização de cirurgia de adenoidectomia, tonsilectomia ou adenotonsilectomia. Participaram 44 crianças, de ambos os gêneros, entre dois e 12 anos de idade, atendidas pelo Serviço de Otorrinolaringologia de um hospital universitário, assim como seus cuidadores e professores. A coleta de dados foi realizada mediante aplicação de: (1) Roteiros de entrevistas denominados Informações sobre a família e a criança e História desenvolvimental e médica, aplicados com os cuidadores; (2) Lista de Verificação Comportamental para Crianças – versão para pais (CBCL) e dos critérios para diagnóstico de TDAH do DSM-IV; (2) Lista de Verificação Comportamental para Crianças – versão para professores (TRF); (3) Inventário dos hábitos de sono para crianças pré-escolares e Questionário sobre o comportamento do sono, para escolares; (4) Avaliação comportamental pós-cirúrgica, utilizando-se o CBCL e os Inventários do sono, após dois meses da cirurgia; e (5) Entrevista devolutiva. Os respiradores bucais em sua maioria: (a) eram crianças em período escolar; (b) entre sete e nove anos de idade; (c) do gênero feminino; (d) seu principal cuidador tinha o Ensino Médio Completo; (e) renda familiar mensal entre um e dois salários mínimos; (f) constituição familiar original; e, (g) encontravam-se em risco psicossocial moderado. Observou-se que a maioria das crianças deste estudo teve uma gestação dentro de padrões considerados como normais e seu nascimento se deu de forma adequada; no entanto, uma parcela de respiradores bucais desta amostra ficou cianótica durante ou imediatamente após o parto e apresentou problemas respiratórios nos primeiros meses de vida. A respeito do temperamento do bebê no primeiro ano de vida, grande parte teve dificuldade para dormir, em ser mantido ocupado e foi superativo. A maioria dos marcos desenvolvimentais ocorreu em um período considerado dentro dos padrões típicos do desenvolvimento infantil. Os problemas de saúde mais frequentes foram problemas de apetite e problemas de sono. Tanto as crianças pré-escolares quanto as escolares apresentaram melhoras nos comportamentos característicos do TDAH após a cirurgia, de acordo com dados do CBCL (p=0,723). A maioria dos itens do Inventário dos hábitos de sono para crianças pré-escolares teve redução na frequência dos hábitos inadequados e aumento dos adequados. No Questionário sobre o comportamento do sono, uma minoria apresentou problemas de sono na avaliação pós-cirúrgica e a maior parte dos problemas de sono sofreu redução de frequência. As maiores reduções ocorreram em movimenta-se muito enquanto dorme e ronca enquanto dorme (p=0,000). Sugere-se a avaliação multidisciplinar preventiva da respiração bucal e a incorporação de um grupo controle em estudos futuros, composto por indivíduos respiradores nasais.
Objective: To review the cardiovascular consequences of obstructive sleep-disordered breathing in children Data source: Medline and Ovid data base. Study selection: pediatric articles (original articles and case report) that investigated the obstructive sleep-disordered breathing in children Data synthesis: The obstructive sleep-disordered breathing can lead to serious cardiovascular consequences such as pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary edema and anatomic and functional abnormalities Conclusions: The knowledge of cardiovascular repercussions allows in better management of pediatric patients and may result in positive consequences for treatment and follow up of these patients.
Background: Regulation of sleep and sleep-related breathing resides in different brain structures. Vascular lesions can be expected to differ in their consequences on sleep depending on stroke topography. However, studies addressing the differences in sleep and sleep-related breathing depending on stroke topography are scarce. The aim of the present investigation was to compare the sleep and sleep-related breathing of patients with supratentorial versus infratentorial stroke. Methods: This study was part of the prospective multicenter study SAS-CARE-1 (Sleep-Disordered Breathing in Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA)/Ischemic Stroke and Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Treatment Efficacy (SAS-CARE); NCT01097967). We prospectively included 14 patients (13 male, age 66 ± 6 years) with infratentorial lesions and 14 patients (14 male, age 64 ± 7 years) with supratentorial lesions, matched for age and stroke severity. Polysomnography was recorded in all during the acute phase within 9 days after stroke onset and 3 months later. Results: During the acute phase after stroke, patients with infratentorial lesions had significantly more sleep-related breathing disorders than patients with supratentorial lesions with an apnea-hypopnea index >20 observed in 8 (57%) patients with infratentorial stroke and in only 2 (14%) patients with supratentorial stroke. Sleep-related breathing improved from the acute to the subacute phase (3 months), albeit remaining elevated in a significant proportion of subjects. Sleep parameters did not differ between the two patient groups but there was a general improvement of sleep from the acute to the subacute phase which was comparable for both patient groups. Although stroke severity was mild, recovery after 3 months was worse in patients with infratentorial stroke with 12 of 14 patients with supratentorial stroke being symptom free (NIHSS = 0), while this was the case for only 6 of 14 patients with infratentorial stroke. Conclusions: Patients with infratentorial lesions are at an increased risk for sleep-related breathing disorders, which are frequent in this group. Monitoring of sleep-related breathing is therefore especially recommended in patients with infratentorial stroke. Because of the absence of reliable differences in sleep parameters between the two patient groups, polygraphy, with reduced diagnostic costs, rather than polysomnography could be considered. The higher prevalence of sleep-related breathing disorders and the poorer recovery of patients with infratentorial lesions suggest that early treatment interventions should be considered.
Objective: Respiratory health of Indigenous and minority ethnic groups in affluent countries is poorer than their non-minority counterparts and sleep disorders are no exception. In children, obstructive sleep apnoea has the potential to result in serious long-term consequences. In 1999, we studied 1650 children and adolescents living in the Torres Strait and the Northern Peninsula Area, Australia. Here we report prevalence of snoring in these communities and relate its association with asthma symptoms. Methods: A population-based cross-sectional study was conducted in the Torres Strait region. Five indigenous communities were randomly selected and information was collected using a structured face-to-face interview based on a standardized questionnaire. There was a 98% response rate, and 1650 children, 0-17 years of age, were included in the study. Results: Overall, the prevalence of snoring was 14.2% (95% CI 12.5-15.9); 3.6% (95% CI 2.7-4.6) reported snorting, and 6% (95% CI 4.9-7.2) reported restless sleep. The prevalence of snoring was significantly higher among males (17.1% for males and 10.8 for females, P = 0.005). Children were five times more likely to have experienced snoring and snorting if they reported wheezing in the last 12 months. Conclusion: We conclude that the prevalence of symptoms suggestive of obstructive sleep problems is relatively high in children of this region. This highlights the need for awareness among the community patients and physicians about the problem of obstructive sleep-disordered breathing, especially in children with asthma, and for the need for further studies to measure prevalence of sleep breathing disorders among Indigenous Australians.
Aim: Polysomnography (PSG) is the current standard protocol for sleep disordered breathing (SDB) investigation in children. Presently, there are limited reliable screening tests for both central (CE) and obstructive (OE) respiratory events. This study compared three indices, derived from pulse oximetry and electrocardiogram ( ECG), with the PSG gold standard. These indices were heart rate (HR) variability, arterial blood oxygen de-saturation (SaO(2)) and pulse transit time (PTT). Methods: 15 children (12 male) from routine PSG studies were recruited (aged 3 - 14 years). The characteristics of the three indices were based on known criteria for respiratory events (RPE). Their estimation singly and in combination was evaluated with simultaneous scored PSG recordings. Results: 215 RPE and 215 tidal breathing events were analysed. For OE, the obtained sensitivity was HR (0.703), SaO(2) (0.047), PTT (0.750), considering all three indices (0) and either of the indices (0.828) while specificity was (0.891), (0.938), (0.922), (0.953) and (0.859) respectively. For CE, the sensitivity was HR (0.715), SaO(2) (0.278), PTT (0.662), considering all indices (0.040) and either of the indices (0.868) while specificity was (0.815), (0.954), (0.901), (0.960) and (0.762) accordingly. Conclusions: Preliminary findings herein suggest that the later combination of these non-invasive indices to be a promising screening method of SDB in children.