876 resultados para Site fidelity


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We propose an alternative fidelity measure (namely, a measure of the degree of similarity) between quantum states and benchmark it against a number of properties of the standard Uhlmann-Jozsa fidelity. This measure is a simple function of the linear entropy and the Hilbert-Schmidt inner product between the given states and is thus, in comparison, not as computationally demanding. It also features several remarkable properties such as being jointly concave and satisfying all of Jozsa's axioms. The trade-off, however, is that it is supermultiplicative and does not behave monotonically under quantum operations. In addition, metrics for the space of density matrices are identified and the joint concavity of the Uhlmann-Jozsa fidelity for qubit states is established.


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The present study investigates the effects of drill cutting discharges on the structure of meiofauna communities in an area of the shelf break at Campos Basin, Southeast Brazil. Drilling activities were operated, in a first phase, with water-based fluid and, in a second phase, with synthetic fluid paraffin-based (NAF-III). A total of 135 samples taken at a pre-drilling situation (MS1) and two post-drilling moments (MS2 and MS3-3 and 22 months post-drilling, respectively) were analyzed. Effects on meiofauna were dependent on two main factors: 1-the impact received during drilling operation, if water-based or synthetic/water-based drilling fluid and 2-the background state, if it already presented signs of previous drilling activities or not. Based on univariate and multivariate analysis, there were evidences that the most affected area after drilling was those under the influence of synthetic-based fluid and that already had signs of previous drillings activities. The region impacted only by water-based fluid was less affected and the only one that completely recovered after 22 months. Nematodes and copepods had different responses to the impact. While copepods flourish in the impacted area and recovered 22 months after drilling, nematodes were adversely affected shortly after drilling and the community structure only recovered where hydrocarbons had been depleted.


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Eucalyptus is the dominant and most productive planted forest in Brazil, covering around 3.4 million ha for the production of charcoal, pulp, sawtimber, timber plates, wood foils, plywood and for building purposes. At the early establishment of the forest plantations, during the second half of the 1960s, the eucalypt yield was 10 m(3) ha(-1) y(-1). Now, as a result of investments in research and technology, the average productivity is 38 m3 ha(-1) y(-1). The productivity restrictions are related to the following environmental factors, in order of importance: water deficits > nutrient deficiency > soil depth and strength. The clonal forests have been fundamental in sites with larger water and nutrient restrictions, where they out-perform those established from traditional seed-based planting stock. When the environmental limitations are small the productivities of plantations based on clones or seeds appear to be similar. In the long term there are risks to sustainability, because of the low fertility and low reserves of primary minerals in the soils, which are, commonly, loamy and clayey oxisols and ultisols. Usually, a decline of soil quality is caused by management that does not conserve soil and site resources, damages soil physical and chemical characteristics, and insufficient or unbalanced fertiliser management. The problem is more serious when fast-growing genotypes are planted, which have a high nutrient demand and uptake capacity, and therefore high nutrient output through harvesting. The need to mobilise less soil by providing more cover and protection, reduce the nutrient and organic matter losses, preserve crucial physical properties as permeability ( root growth, infiltration and aeration), improve weed control and reduce costs has led to a progressive increase in the use of minimum cultivation practices during the last 20 years, which has been accepted as a good alternative to keep or increase site quality in the long term. In this paper we provide a synthesis and critical appraisal of the research results and practical implications of early silvicultural management on long-term site productivity of fast-growing eucalypt plantations arising from the Brazilian context.


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Due to the rapid depletion of water resources, water must be used more efficiently in agriculture to maintain current levels of yield in irrigated areas. The efficiency of irrigation systems can be increased by adjusting the amount of water applied to specific conditions of soil and crop, which may vary in a field. Taking into account spatial and temporal variability, it is evident that an equipment capable of providing different irrigation levels is necessary to meet the water requirement of the soil. This work aims to develop and evaluate a flow rate sprinkler to be used in center pivots or linear moving irrigation systems, with potential for utilization in irrigation scheduling. A prototype was developed by duplicating its calibrations, and discharge coefficient adjustment was carried out in the laboratory. To predict the flow rate, a successful model that represented the operation of the flow rate sprinkler was established. The calibration of the flow rate sprinkler prototype showed satisfactory statistical and technical results. Automation of the prototype was achieved by driving a step motor using communication from the parallel port of a microcomputer, which was controlled by a software developed for this purpose. The results were satisfactory and technically feasible.


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Prohormone proteins in animals and yeast are typically processed at dibasic sites by convertases. Propeptide hormones are also found in plants but little is known about processing. We show for the first time that a dibasic site upstream of a plant peptide hormone, AtRALF1, is essential for processing. Overexpression of preproAtRALF1 causes semidwarfism whereas overexpression of preproAtRALF1(R69A), the propeptide with a mutation in the dibasic site, shows a normal phenotype. RALF1(R69A) plants accumulate only the mutated proprotein and not the processed peptide. In vitro processing using microsomal fractions suggests that processing is carried out by a kexin-like convertase. (C) 2008 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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Looking uphill towards house from road.


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Terracing of site in preparation for construction.


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A Pilot-Scale Engineered Ecosystem (PSEE) operated for over two years in sub-tropical conditions, produced an effluent with COD (median 38 mg/L) and TSS (median 3 mg/L) levels comparable to that required by the AS/NZS 1547:2000 Onsite Domestic Wastewater Management standard. Only partial nitrification was achieved as dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonia occurred; however the level of NH4-N was reduced by 75% and total inorganic nitrogen by 53%. Phosphorus was not removed by the system due to the lack of regular sludge removal. Mass balances around the system showed that bacteria removed 36% of the influent nitrogen and 76% of the influent COD. Algae and plants were shown to remove 5% of the influent nitrogen, and 6% of the influent phosphorus. Challenges in developing a sustainable on-site wastewater treatment system were largely met by minimising chemical, energy and labour inputs, eliminating the need for frequent sludge handling, and creating an effluent quality suitable for re-use in non-potable applications. However, the sludge removal from the system needs to be adequately managed to avoid excessive accumulation as this can cause a range of negative impacts.


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This paper examines the manipulation of forms of the traditional Japanese stroll garden at Site of Reversible Destiny, a tourist park designed by the New Yorkbased collaborators Shusaku Arakawa and Madeline Gins. Landscape and its representations are central to the construction of national identity in Japan since the cultural distinctiveness of the Japanese people has been argued to rest on their unique relationship to nature and the country’s idiosyncratic geography. The stroll garden of the larger estates and palaces of the Edo period (1615–1867) developed out of earlier temple gardens and most public parks in contemporary Japan are in the grounds of these historic sites or reproduce their forms.


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A common mechanism for chromosomal fragile site genesis is not yet apparent. Folate-sensitive fragile sites are expanded p(CCG)n repeats that arise from longer normal alleles. Distamycin A or bromodeoxyuridine-inducible fragile site FRA16B is an expanded AT-rich similar to 33 bp repeat; however, the relationship between normal and fragile site alleles is not known. Here, we report that bromodeoxyuridine-inducible, distamycin A-insensitive fragile site FRA10B is composed of expanded similar to 42 bp repeats. Differences in repeat motif length or composition between different FRA10B families indicate multiple independent expansion events. Some FRA10B alleles comprise a mixture of different expanded repeat motifs. FRA10B fragile site and long normal alleles share flanking polymorphisms. Somatic and intergenerational FRA10B repeat instability analogous to that found in expanded trinucleotide repeats supports dynamic mutation as a common mechanism for repeat expansion.


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Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic autoimmune inflammatory disease in which unknown arthrogenic autoantigen is presented to CD4+ T cells. The strong association of the disease with an epitope within the HLA-DR chain shared between various alleles of HLA-DR4 and DR1 emphasizes the importance of antigen presentation. This immune response predominantly occurs in the synovial tissue and fluid of the joints and autoreactive T cells are readily demonstrable in both the synovial compartment and blood. Circulating dendritic cells (DC) are phenotypically and functionally identical with normal peripheral blood (PB) DC. In the synovial tissue, fully differentiated perivascular DC are found in close association with T cells and with B cell follicles, sometimes containing follicular DC. These perivascular DC migrate across the activated endothelium from blood and receive differentiative signals within the joint from monocyte-derived cytokines and CD40-ligand+ T cells. In the SF, DC manifest an intermediate phenotype, similar to that of monocyte-derived DC in vitro. Like a delayed-type hypersensitivity response, the rheumatoid synovium represents an effector site. DC at many effector sites have a characteristic pattern of infiltration and differentiation. It is important to note that the effector response is not self-limiting in RA autoimmune inflammation. In this article, we argue that the presentation of self-antigen by DC and by autoantibody-producing B cells is critical for the perpetuation of the autoimmune response. Permanently arresting this ongoing immune response with either pharmaceutical agents or immunotherapy is a major challenge for immunology.


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Structurally related tetratricopeptide repeat motifs in steroid receptor-associated immunophilins and the STI1 homolog, Hop, mediate the interaction with a common cellular target, hsp90, We have identified the binding domain in hsp90 for cyclophilin 40 (CyP40) using a two-hybrid system screen of a mouse cDNA library. All isolated clones encoded the intact carboxyl terminus of hsp90 and overlapped with a common region corresponding to amino acids 558-724 of murine hsp84, The interaction was confirmed in vitro with bacterially expressed CyP40 and deletion mutants of hsp90 beta and was delineated further to a 124-residue COOH-terminal segment of hsp90, Deletion of the conserved MEEVD sequence at the extreme carboxyl terminus of hsp90 precludes interaction with CyP40, signifying an important role for this motif in hsp90 function. We show that CyP40 and Hop display similar interaction profiles with hsp90 truncation mutants and present evidence for the direct competition of Hop and FK506-binding protein 52 with CyP40 for binding to the hsp90 COOH-terminal region. Our results are consistent with a common tetratricopeptide repeat interaction site for Hop and steroid receptor associated immunophilins within a discrete COOH-terminal domain of hsp90. This region of hsp90 mediates ATP-independent chaperone activity, overlaps the hsp90 dimerization domain, and includes structural elements important for steroid receptor interaction.