252 resultados para Sinterização


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Tese submetida à Universidade de Coimbra, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia e aprovada em provas públicas para a obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Mecânica (especialidade de Ciência dos Materiais)


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Ta-Cu bulk composites combine high mechanical resistance of the Ta with high electrical and thermal conductivity of the Cu. These are important characteristics to electrical contacts, microwave absorber and heat skinks. However, the low wettability of Ta under Cu liquid and insolubility mutual these elements come hard sintering this composite. High-energy milling (HEM) produces composite powders with high homogeneity and refines the grain size. This work focus to study Ta-20wt%Cu composite powders prepared by mechanical mixture and HEM with two different conditions of milling in a planetary ball mill and then their sintering using hydrogen plasma furnace and a resistive vacuum furnace. After milling, the powders were pressed in a steel dye at a pressure of 200 MPa. The cylindrical samples pressed were sintered by resistive vacuum furnace at 10-4torr with a sintering temperature at 1100ºC / 60 minutes and with heat rate at 10ºC/min and were sintered by plasma furnace with sintering temperatures at 550, 660 and 800ºC without isotherm under hydrogen atmosphere with heat rate at 80ºC/min. The characterizations of the powders produced were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), x-ray diffraction (XRD) and laser granulometry. After the sintering the samples were analyzed by SEM, XRD and density and mass loss tests. The results had shown that to high intense milling condition produced composite particles with shorter milling time and amorphization of both phases after 50 hours of milling. The composite particles can produce denser structure than mixed powders, if heated above the Cu melting point. After the Cu to arrive in the melting point, liquid copper leaves the composite particles and fills the pores


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The Tungsten/copper composites are commonly used for electrical and thermal objectives like heat sinks and lectrical conductors, propitiating an excellent thermal and electrical conductivity. These properties are dependents of the composition, crystallite size and production process. The high energy milling of the powder of W-Cu produces an dispersion high and homogenization levels with crystallite size of W very small in the ductile Cu phase. This work discusses the effect of the HEM in preparation of the W-25Cu composite powders. Three techniques of powder preparation were utilized: milling the dry with powder of thick Cu, milling the dry with powder of fine Cu and milling the wet with powder of thick Cu. The form, size and composition of the particles of the powders milled were observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The X-ray diffraction (XRD) was used to analyse the phases, lattice parameters, size and microstrain of the crystallite. The analyse of the crystalline structure of the W-25Cu powders milled made by Rietveld Method suggests the partial solid solubility of the constituent elements of the Cu in lattice of the W. This analyse shows too that the HEM produces the reduction high on the crystallite size and the increase in the lattice strain of both phases, this is more intense in the phase W


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The present work shows a contribution to the studies of development and solid sinterization of a metallic matrix composite MMC that has as starter materials 316L stainless steel atomized with water, and two different Tantalum Carbide TaC powders, with averages crystallite sizes of 13.78 nm and 40.66 nm. Aiming the metallic matrix s density and hardness increase was added different nanometric sizes of TaC by dispersion. The 316L stainless steel is an alloy largely used because it s high resistance to corrosion property. Although, its application is limited by the low wear resistance, consequence of its low hardness. Besides this, it shows low sinterability and it cannot be hardened by thermal treatments traditional methods because of the austenitic structure, face centered cubic, stabilized mainly in nickel presence. Steel samples added with TaC 3% wt (each sample with different type of carbide), following a mechanical milling route using conventional mill for 24 hours. Each one of the resulted samples, as well as the pure steel sample, were compacted at 700 MPa, room temperature, without any addictive, uniaxial tension, using a 5 mm diameter cylindrical mold, and quantity calculated to obtain compacted final average height of 5 mm. Subsequently, were sintered in vacuum atmosphere, temperature of 1290ºC, heating rate of 20ºC/min, using different soaking times of 30 and 60 min and cooled at room temperature. The sintered samples were submitted to density and micro-hardness analysis. The TaC reforced samples showed higher density values and an expressive hardness increase. The complementary analysis in optical microscope, scanning electronic microscope and X ray diffractometer, showed that the TaC, processed form, contributed with the hardness increase, by densification, itself hardness and grains growth control at the metallic matrix, segregating itself to the grain boarders


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Metal powder sintering appears to be promising option to achieve new physical and mechanical properties combining raw material with new processing improvements. It interest over many years and continue to gain wide industrial application. Stainless steel is a widely accepted material because high corrosion resistance. However stainless steels have poor sinterability and poor wear resistance due to their low hardness. Metal matrix composite (MMC) combining soft metallic matrix reinforced with carbides or oxides has attracted considerable attention for researchers to improve density and hardness in the bulk material. This thesis focuses on processing 316L stainless steel by addition of 3% wt niobium carbide to control grain growth and improve densification and hardness. The starting powder were water atomized stainless steel manufactured for Höganäs (D 50 = 95.0 μm) and NbC produced in the UFRN and supplied by Aesar Alpha Johnson Matthey Company with medium crystallite size 16.39 nm and 80.35 nm respectively. Samples with addition up to 3% of each NbC were mixed and mechanically milled by 3 routes. The route1 (R1) milled in planetary by 2 hours. The routes 2 (R2) and 3 (R3) milled in a conventional mill by 24 and 48 hours. Each milled samples and pure sample were cold compacted uniaxially in a cylindrical steel die (Ø 5 .0 mm) at 700 MPa, carried out in a vacuum furnace, heated at 1290°C, heating rate 20°C stand by 30 and 60 minutes. The samples containing NbC present higher densities and hardness than those without reinforcement. The results show that nanosized NbC particles precipitate on grain boundary. Thus, promote densification eliminating pores, control grain growth and increase the hardness values


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Given the environmental concern over global warming that occurs mainly by emission of CO2 from the combustion of petroleum, coal and natural gas research focused on alternative and clean energy generation has been intensified. Among these, the highlight the solid oxide fuel cell intermediate temperature (IT-SOFC). For application as electrolyte of the devices doped based CeO2 with rare earth ions (TR+ 3) have been quite promising because they have good ionic conductivity and operate at relatively low temperatures (500-800 ° C). In this work, studied the Ce1-xEuxO2-δ (x = 0,1, 0,2 and 0,3), solid solutions synthesized by the polymeric precursor method to be used as solid electrolyte. It was also studied the processing steps of these powders (milling, compaction and two step sintering) in order to obtain dense sintered pellets with reduced grain size and homogeneous microstructure. For this, the powders were characterized by thermal analysis, X-ray diffraction, particle size distribution and scanning electrons microscopy, since the sintered samples were characterized by dilatometry, scanning electrons microscopy, density and grain size measurements. By x-ray diffraction, it was verified the formation of the solid solution for all compositions. Crystallites in the nanometric scale were found for both sintering routes but the two step sintering presented significant reduction in the average grain size


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This masther dissertation presents a contribution to the study of 316L stainless steel sintering aiming to study their behavior in the milling process and the effect of isotherm temperature on the microstructure and mechanical properties. The 316L stainless steel is a widely used alloy for their high corrosion resistance property. However its application is limited by the low wear resistance consequence of its low hardness. In previous work we analyzed the effect of sintering additives as NbC and TaC. This study aims at deepening the understanding of sintering, analyzing the effect of grinding on particle size and microstructure and the effect of heating rate and soaking time on the sintered microstructure and on their microhardness. Were milled 316L powders with NbC at 1, 5 and 24 hours respectively. Particulates were characterized by SEM and . Cylindrical samples height and diameter of 5.0 mm were compacted at 700 MPa. The sintering conditions were: heating rate 5, 10 and 15◦C/min, temperature 1000, 1100, 1200, 1290 and 1300◦C, and soaking times of 30 and 60min. The cooling rate was maintained at 25◦C/min. All samples were sintered in a vacuum furnace. The sintered microstructure were characterized by optical and electron microscopy as well as density and microhardness. It was observed that the milling process has an influence on sintering, as well as temperature. The major effect was caused by firing temperature, followed by the grinding and heating rate. In this case, the highest rates correspond to higher sintering.


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This research studies the sintering of ferritic steel chips from the machining process. Were sintered metal powder obtained from machining process chips for face milling of a ferritic steel. The chip was produced by machining and characterized by SEM and EDS, and underwent a process of high energy mill powder characterized also by SEM and EDS. Were constructed three types of matrixes for uniaxial compression (relation l / d greater than 2.5). The differences in the design of the matrixes were essentially in the direction of load application, which for cylindrical case axial direction, while for the rectangular arrays, the longer side. Two samples were compressed with different geometries, a cylindrical and rectangular with the same compaction pressure of 700 MPa. The samples were sintered in a vacuum resistive furnace, heating rate 20 °C / min., isotherm 1300 °C for 60 minutes, and cooling rate of 25 °C / min to room temperature. The starting material of the rectangular sample was further annealed up to temperature of 800 ° C for 30 min. Sintered samples were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, optical microscopy and EDS. The sample compressed in the cylindrical matrix did not show a regular density reflecting in the sintered microstructure revealed by the irregular geometry of the pores, characterizing that the sintering was not complete, reaching only the second phase. As for the specimen compacted in the rectangular array, the analysis performed by scanning electron microscopy, optical microscopy and EDS indicate a good densification, and homogeneous microstructure in their full extent. Additionally, the EDS analyzes indicate no significant changes in chemical composition in the process steps. Therefore, it is concluded that recycling of chips, from the processed ferritic steel is feasible by the powder metallurgy. It makes possible rationalize raw material and energy by manufacture of known properties components from chips generated by the machining process, being benefits to the environment


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Fuel cells are electrochemical devices that convert chemical energy in electrical energy by a reaction directly. The solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) works in temperature between 900ºC up to 1000ºC, Nowadays the most material for ceramic electrolytes is yttria stabilized zirconium. However, the high operation temperature can produce problems as instability and incompatibility of materials, thermal degradation and high cost of the surround materials. These problems can be reduced with the development of intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cell (IT-SOFC) that works at temperature range of 600ºC to 800ºC. Ceria doped gadolinium is one of the most promising materials for electrolytes IT-SOFC due high ionic conductivity and good compatibility with electrodes. The inhibition of grain growth has been investigated during the sintering to improve properties of electrolytes. Two-step sintering (TSS) is an interesting technical to inhibit this grain growth and consist at submit the sample at two stages of temperature. The first one stage aims to achieve the critical density in the initiating the sintering process, then the sample is submitted at the second stage where the temperature sufficient to continue the sintering without accelerate grain growth until to reach total densification. The goal of this work is to produce electrolytes of ceria doped gadolinium by two-step sintering. In this context were produced samples from micrometric and nanometric powders by two routes of two-step sintering. The samples were obtained with elevate relative density, higher than 90% using low energy that some works at the same area. The average grain size are at the range 0,37 μm up to 0,51 μm. The overall ionic conductivity is 1,8x10-2 S.cm and the activation energy is 0,76 eV. Results shown that is possible to obtain ceria-doped gadolinium samples by two-step sintering technique using modified routes with characteristics and properties necessary to apply as electrolytes of solid oxide fuel cell


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Fuel cells are considered one of the most promising ways of converting electrical energy due to its high yield and by using hydrogen (as fuel) which is considered one of the most important source of clean energy for the future. Rare earths doped ceria has been widely investigated as an alternative material for the electrolyte of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) due to its high ionic conductivity at low operating temperatures compared with the traditional electrolytes based on stabilized zirconia. This work investigates the effect of gallium oxide (Gallia) as a sintering aid in Eu doped ceria ceramic electrolytes since this effect has already been investigated for Gd, Sm and Y doped ceria electrolytes. The desired goal with the use of a sintering aid is to reduce the sintering temperature aiming to produce dense ceramics. In this study we investigated the effects on densification, microstructure and ionic conduction caused by different molar fraction of the dopants europium (10, 15 and 20%) and gallium oxide (0.3, 0.6 and 0.9%) in samples sintered at 1300, 1350 and 1450 0 C. Samaria (10 and 20%) doped ceria samples sintered between 1350 and 1450 °C were used as reference. Samples were synthesized using the cation complexation method. The ceramics powders were characterized by XRF, XRD and SEM, while the sintered samples were investigated by its relative density, SEM and impedance spectroscopy. It was showed that gallia contents up to 0.6% act as excellent sintering aids in Eu doped ceria. Above this aid content, gallia addition does not promote significant increase in density of the ceramics. In Ga free samples the larger densification were accomplished with Eu 15% molar, effect expressed in the microstructure with higher grain growth although reduced and surrounded by many open pores. Relative densities greater than 95 % were obtained by sintering between 1300 and 1350 °C against the usual range 1500 - 1600 0 C. Samples containing 10% of Sm and 0.9% of Ga reached 96% of theoretical density by sintering at 1350 0 C for 3h, a gain compared to 97% achieved with 20% of Sm and 1% of Ga co-doped cerias sintered at 1450 0 C for 24 h as described in the literature. It is found that the addition of gallia in the Eu doped ceria has a positive effect on the grain conductivity and a negative one in the grain boundary conductivity resulting in a small decrease in the total conductivity which will not compromise its application as sintering aids in ceria based electrolytes. Typical total conductivity values at 600 and 700 °C, around 10 and 30 mS.cm -1 respectively were reached in this study. Samples with 15% of Eu and 0.9 % of Ga sintered at 1300 and 1350 °C showed relative densities greater than 96% and total conductivity (measured at 700 °C) between 20 and 33 mS.cm -1 . The simultaneous sintering of the electrolyte with the anode is one of the goals of research in materials for SOFCs. The results obtained in this study suggest that dense Eu and Ga co-doped ceria electrolytes with good ionic conductivity can be sintered simultaneously with the anode at temperatures below 1350 °C, the usual temperature for firing porous anode materials


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Ceramic composites produced with polymerics precursors have been studied for many years, due to the facility of obtaining a complex shape, at low temperature and reduces cost. The main objective of this work is to study the process of sintering of composites of ceramic base consisting of Al2O3 and silicates, reinforced for NbC, through the technique of processing AFCOP, as well as the influence of the addition of LZSA, ICZ and Al as materials infiltration in the physical and mechanical properties of the ceramic composite. Were produced ceramic matrix composites based SiCxOy e Al2O3 reinforced with NbC, by hidrosilylation reaction between D4Vi and D1107 mixtured with Al2O3 as inert filler, Nb and Al as reactive filler. The specimens produced were pyrolised at 1200, 1250 and 1400°C and infiltred with Al, ICZ and LZSA, respectively. Density, porosity, flexural mechanical strength and fracture surface by scanning electron microscopy were evaluated. The microstructure of the composites was investigated by X-ray diffraction to identify the presence of crystalline phases. The composites presented apparent porosity varying of 31 up to 49% and mechanical flexural strength of 14 up to 34 MPa. The infiltration process improviment of the densification and reduction of the porosity, as well as increased the values of mechanical flexural strength. The obtained phases had been identified as being Al3Nb, NbSi2, Nb5S3, Nb3Si and NbC. The samples that were submitted the infiltration process presented a layer next surface with reduced pores number in relation to the total volume


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A indústria de processos químicos tem sofrido consideráveis transformações devido ao acirramento da competitividade. Importantes progressos tecnológicos têm sido atingidos através de técnicas de modelagem, simulação e otimização visando o aumento da lucratividade e melhoria contínua nos processos industriais. Neste contexto, as plantas de metanol, um dos mais importantes produtos petroquímicos, podem ser destacadas. Atualmente, a principal matéria-prima para obtenção de metanol é o gás natural. A produção do metanol é caracterizada por três etapas: geração de gás de síntese, conversão do gás de síntese em metanol (unidade de síntese ou loop de síntese) e purificação do produto na especificação requerida. Os custos fixos e variáveis da unidade de síntese são fortemente dependentes das variáveis operacionais, como temperatura, pressão, razão de reciclo e composição da carga. Desta forma, foi desenvolvido um conjunto de modelos e algoritmos computacionais para representar matematicamente unidades de síntese de metanol. O modelo apresenta operações unitárias associadas aos seguintes equipamentos: divisores de correntes, misturadores de correntes, compressores, trocadores de calor, vasos de flash e reatores. Inicialmente, foi proposto um simulador estacionário, que serviu como base para um pseudo-estacionário, o qual contempla a desativação do catalisador por sinterização térmica. Os simuladores foram criados segundo uma arquitetura seqüencial modular e empregou-se o método de substituição sucessiva para a convergência dos reciclos. O estudo envolveu dois fluxogramas típicos, um constituído por reatores adiabáticos em série, enquanto o outro constituído por um reator tipo quench. Uma análise do efeito das principais variáveis operacionais foi realizada para o reator e para o loop de síntese. Estudou-se também o efeito da desativação do catalisador ao longo do tempo. Uma ferramenta de otimização operacional foi empregada para alcançar a máxima produção manipulando as injeções de carga fria na entrada dos leitos catalíticos. Formulou-se também um problema de maximização do lucro em função da otimização de paradas da unidade para troca do catalisador. Os resultados obtidos apontam que a ferramenta desenvolvida é promissora para a compreensão e otimização da unidade objeto deste estudo


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O vapor dágua está presente na exaustão veicular em quantidades significativas e, nas condições de operação do catalisador automotivo, essa espécie pode promover uma série de fenômenos térmicos que podem reduzir a vida útil do sistema. Dentro desse contexto, essa dissertação tem como objetivo estudar os efeitos da desativação hidrotérmica nas propriedades físico-químicas e estruturais, e no desempenho de três catalisadores automotivos comerciais à base de Pd/Rh, designados A, C e E. Esses sistemas foram submetidos a tratamento térmico a 1000C por 12 horas, sob três tipos de correntes gasosas, com a seguinte composição: N2, 14% H2O/N2 e 18% H2O/N2. A caracterização dos catalisadores consistiu das seguintes técnicas: FRX, ICP-OES, ATG-ATD, fisissorção de N2, TPD-H2 e TPR. A partir dos resultados obtidos para as amostras envelhecidas, foram constatados vários fenômenos característicos da degradação térmica, como sinterização da alumina e do óxido misto CeO2-ZrO2, transições de fases cristalina na alumina e segregação de fases no óxido misto. A avaliação da atividade catalítica foi realizada com base na reação de redução do NO pelo CO, e nas reações de oxidação do CO e do C3H8. Para os catalisadores C e E, os envelhecimentos acarretaram em perda de atividade, e os resultados da avaliação catalítica apresentaram uma boa correlação com as propriedades texturais e a redutibilidade desses catalisadores. Em contrapartida, para o catalisador A, os tratamentos térmicos o ativaram para todas as reações. Apesar de os três sistemas terem apresentado boa atividade frente à redução do NO pelo CO, foi observada, para todas as amostras, a formação indesejável de N2O em quantidades significativas, indicando que eles foram pouco seletivos na faixa de temperatura analisada


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É crescente o interesse nos materiais cerâmicos, devido as suas características como baixa massa específica e maior resistência a ambientes agressivos do que a maioria das ligas metálicas. Este trabalho tem o objetivo de produzir a partir de material descartado, cerâmicas em diferentes temperaturas de sinterização e avaliar a sua tensão de ruptura em ensaio de flexão de três pontos e a confiança desta medida. Devido ao custo de produzir pó de vidro, tanto pelo alto gasto de energia para fundir a matéria-prima como pelo consumo de minerais industriais, foi proposto utilizar vidro de para-brisa obsoleto reduzindo despesas operacionais e definindo um destino econômico e ambiental viável para estes rejeitos. A metodologia consistiu-se na obtenção do pó de vidro com características adequadas para ser conformado e sinterizado. Foram usadas duas composições e quatro tratamentos térmicos para obter oito materiais. Uma composição com apenas o pó oriundo da moagem de para-brisa e outra com este pó mais 4% de óxido de nióbio. A resistência à flexão dos produtos obtidos foi avaliada. Utilizou-se a estatística de Weibull para caracterizar estes resultados. Os resultados obtidos indicam que o material de composição pó de vidro e temperatura final de sinterização de 650C obteve a maior resistência mecânica entre os materiais sintetizados. A adição do óxido de nióbio provoca um decréscimo na resistência mecânica se comparada com o material sem a adição deste óxido. Entretanto, comparando as duas composições na mesma temperatura final de sinterização, a adição de óxido de nióbio provocou um aumento no módulo de Weibull, excetuando-se dois de oito materiais obtidos. As diferentes composições e temperaturas de sinterização afetaram as propriedades mecânicas dos materiais obtidos.