972 resultados para Singular perturbations


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We present a study of the growth of local, nonaxisymmetric perturbations in gravitationally coupled stars and gas in a differentially rotating galactic disk. The stars and gas are treated as two isothermal fluids of different velocity dispersions, with the stellar velocity dispersion being greater than that for the gas. We examine the physical effects of inclusion of a low-velocity dispersion component (gas) on the growth of non-axisymmetric perturbations in both stars and gas, as done for the axisymmetric case by Jog & Solomon. The amplified perturbations in stars and gas constitute trailing, material, spiral features which may be identified with the local spiral features seen in all spiral galaxies. The formulation of the two-fluid equations closely follows the one-fluid treatment by Goldreich & Lynden-Bell. The local, linearized perturbation equations in the sheared frame are solved to obtain the results for a temporary growth via swing amplification. The problem is formulated in terms of five dimensionless parameters-namely, the Q-factors for stars and gas, respectively; the gas mass fraction; the shearing rate in the galactic disk; and the length scale of perturbation. By using the observed values of these parameters, we obtain the amplifications and the pitch angles for features in stars and gas for dynamically distinct cases, as applicable for different regions of spiral galaxies. A real galaxy consisting of stars and gas may display growth of nonaxisymmetric perturbations even when it is stable against axisymmetric perturbations and/or when either fluid by itself is stable against non-axisymmetric perturbations. Due to its lower velocity dispersion, the gas exhibits a higher amplification than do the stars, and the amplified gas features are slightly more tightly wound than the stellar features. When the gas contribution is high, the stellar amplification and the range of pitch angles over which it can occur are both increased, due to the gravitational coupling between the two fluids. Thus, the two-fluid scheme can explain the origin of the broad spiral arms in the underlying old stellar populations of galaxies, as observed by Schweizer and Elmegreen & Elmegreen. The arms are predicted to be broader in gas-rich galaxies, as is indeed seen for example in M33. In the linear regime studied here, the arm contrast is shown to increase with radius in the inner Galaxy, in agreement with observations of external galaxies by Schweizer. These results follow directly due to the inclusion of gas in the problem.


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A force-torque sensor capable of accurate measurement of the three components of externally applied forces and moments is required for force control in robotic applications involving assembly operations. The goal in this paper is to design a Stewart platform based force torque sensor at a near-singular configuration sensitive to externally applied moments. In such a configuration, we show an enhanced mechanical amplification of leg forces and thereby higher sensitivity for the applied external moments. In other directions, the sensitivity will be that of a normal load sensor determined by the sensitivity of the sensing element and the associated electronic amplification, and all the six components of the force and torque can be sensed. In a sensor application, the friction, backlash and other non-linearities at the passive spherical joints of the Stewart platform will affect the measurements in unpredictable ways. In this sensor, we use flexural hinges at the leg interfaces of the base and platform of the sensor. The design dimensions of the flexure joints in the sensor have been arrived at using FEA. The sensor has been fabricated, assembled and instrumented. It has been calibrated for low level loads and is found to show linearity and marked sensitivity to moments about the three orthogonal X, Y and Z axes. This sensor is compatible for usage as a wrist sensor for a robot under development at ISRO Satellite Centre.


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In the present study singular fractal functions (SFF) were used to generate stress-strain plots for quasibrittle material like concrete and cement mortar and subsequently stress-strain plot of cement mortar obtained using SFF was used for modeling fracture process in concrete. The fracture surface of concrete is rough and irregular. The fracture surface of concrete is affected by the concrete's microstructure that is influenced by water cement ratio, grade of cement and type of aggregate 11-41. Also the macrostructural properties such as the size and shape of the specimen, the initial notch length and the rate of loading contribute to the shape of the fracture surface of concrete. It is known that concrete is a heterogeneous and quasi-brittle material containing micro-defects and its mechanical properties strongly relate to the presence of micro-pores and micro-cracks in concrete 11-41. The damage in concrete is believed to be mainly due to initiation and development of micro-defects with irregularity and fractal characteristics. However, repeated observations at various magnifications also reveal a variety of additional structures that fall between the `micro' and the `macro' and have not yet been described satisfactorily in a systematic manner [1-11,15-17]. The concept of singular fractal functions by Mosolov was used to generate stress-strain plot of cement concrete, cement mortar and subsequently the stress-strain plot of cement mortar was used in two-dimensional lattice model [28]. A two-dimensional lattice model was used to study concrete fracture by considering softening of matrix (cement mortar). The results obtained from simulations with lattice model show softening behavior of concrete and fairly agrees with the experimental results. The number of fractured elements are compared with the acoustic emission (AE) hits. The trend in the cumulative fractured beam elements in the lattice fracture simulation reasonably reflected the trend in the recorded AE measurements. In other words, the pattern in which AE hits were distributed around the notch has the same trend as that of the fractured elements around the notch which is in support of lattice model. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents a singular edge-based smoothed finite element method (sES-FEM) for mechanics problems with singular stress fields of arbitrary order. The sES-FEM uses a basic mesh of three-noded linear triangular (T3) elements and a special layer of five-noded singular triangular elements (sT5) connected to the singular-point of the stress field. The sT5 element has an additional node on each of the two edges connected to the singular-point. It allows us to represent simple and efficient enrichment with desired terms for the displacement field near the singular-point with the satisfaction of partition-of-unity property. The stiffness matrix of the discretized system is then obtained using the assumed displacement values (not the derivatives) over smoothing domains associated with the edges of elements. An adaptive procedure for the sES-FEM is proposed to enhance the quality of the solution with minimized number of nodes. Several numerical examples are provided to validate the reliability of the present sES-FEM method. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper proposes an algorithm for joint data detection and tracking of the dominant singular mode of a time varying channel at the transmitter and receiver of a time division duplex multiple input multiple output beamforming system. The method proposed is a modified expectation maximization algorithm which utilizes an initial estimate to track the dominant modes of the channel at the transmitter and the receiver blindly; and simultaneously detects the un known data. Furthermore, the estimates are constrained to be within a confidence interval of the previous estimate in order to improve the tracking performance and mitigate the effect of error propagation. Monte-Carlo simulation results of the symbol error rate and the mean square inner product between the estimated and the true singular vector are plotted to show the performance benefits offered by the proposed method compared to existing techniques.


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This paper presents a study of the nature of the degrees-of-freedom of spatial manipulators based on the concept of partition of degrees-of-freedom. In particular, the partitioning of degrees-of-freedom is studied in five lower-mobility spatial parallel manipulators possessing different combinations of degrees-of-freedom. An extension of the existing theory is introduced so as to analyse the nature of the gained degree(s)-of-freedom at a gain-type singularity. The gain of one- and two-degrees-of-freedom is analysed in several well-studied, as well as newly developed manipulators. The formulations also present a basis for the analysis of the velocity kinematics of manipulators of any architecture. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper guidance laws to intercept stationary and constant velocity targets at a desired impact angle, based on sliding mode control theory, are proposed. The desired impact angle, which is defined in terms of a desired line-of-sight (LOS) angle, is achieved in finite time by selecting the missile's lateral acceleration (latax) to enforce non-singular terminal sliding mode on a switching surface designed using this desired LOS angle and based on non-linear engagement dynamics. Numerical simulation results are presented to validate the proposed guidance laws for different initial engagement geometries and impact angles.


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We propose an analytic perturbative scheme in the spirit of Lord Rayleigh's work for determining the eigenvalues of the Helmholtz equation in three dimensions inside an arbitrary boundary where the eigenfunction satisfies either the Dirichlet boundary condition or the Neumann boundary condition. Although numerous works are available in the literature for arbitrary boundaries in two dimensions, to the best of our knowledge the formulation in three dimensions is proposed for the first time. In this novel prescription, we have expanded the arbitrary boundary in terms of spherical harmonics about an equivalent sphere and obtained perturbative closed-form solutions at each order for the problem in terms of corrections to the equivalent spherical boundary for both the boundary conditions. This formulation is in parallel with the standard time-independent Rayleigh-Schrodinger perturbation theory. The efficacy of the method is tested by comparing the perturbative values against the numerically calculated eigenvalues for spheroidal, superegg and superquadric shaped boundaries. It is shown that this perturbation works quite well even for wide departure from spherical shape and for higher excited states too. We believe this formulation would find applications in the field of quantum dots and acoustical cavities.


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Self-induced internal boiling in burning functional droplets has been observed to induce severe bulk shape oscillations in droplets with characteristic bubble ejection events that corrugate the droplet surface. Such bubble-droplet interactions are characterized by a distinct regime of a single bubble growing inside the droplet where evaporative Darrieus-Landau instability occurs at the bubble-droplet interface. In this regime the bubble-droplet system behaves as a self-excited coupled oscillator. In this study, we report the external flame-acoustic interaction with bubbles inside the droplet resulting in controlled droplet deformation. In particular, by exciting the droplet flame in a critical, responsive frequency range (80 Hz <= f(p) <= 120 Hz) the droplet deformation cycle could be altered through suppression of these self-excited instabilities and intensity/frequency of bubble ejection events. This selective acoustic tuning also enabled the control of bubble dynamics, bulk droplet-shape distortion and the final precipitate morphology even in burning nanoparticle laden droplets. (C) 2014 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Cool cluster cores are in global thermal equilibrium but are locally thermally unstable. We study a non-linear phenomenological model for the evolution of density perturbations in the intracluster medium (ICM) due to local thermal instability and gravity. We have analysed and extended a model for the evolution of an overdense blob in the ICM. We find two regimes in which the overdense blobs can cool to thermally stable low temperatures. One for large t(cool)/t(ff) (t(cool) is the cooling time and t(ff) is the free-fall time), where a large initial overdensity is required for thermal runaway to occur; this is the regime which was previously analysed in detail. We discover a second regime for t(cool)/t(ff) less than or similar to 1 (in agreement with Cartesian simulations of local thermal instability in an external gravitational field), where runaway cooling happens for arbitrarily small amplitudes. Numerical simulations have shown that cold gas condenses out more easily in a spherical geometry. We extend the analysis to include geometrical compression in weakly stratified atmospheres such as the ICM. With a single parameter, analogous to the mixing length, we are able to reproduce the results from numerical simulations; namely, small density perturbations lead to the condensation of extended cold filaments only if t(cool)/t(ff) less than or similar to 10.


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In the family of iron-based superconductors, LaFeAsO-type materials possess the simplest electronic structure due to their pronounced two-dimensionality. And yet they host superconductivity with the highest transition temperature T-c approximate to 55K. Early theoretical predictions of their electronic structure revealed multiple large circular portions of the Fermi surface with a very good geometrical overlap (nesting), believed to enhance the pairing interaction and thus superconductivity. The prevalence of such large circular features in the Fermi surface has since been associated with many other iron-based compounds and has grown to be generally accepted in the field. In this work we show that a prototypical compound of the 1111-type, SmFe0.92Co0.08AsO, is at odds with this description and possesses a distinctly different Fermi surface, which consists of two singular constructs formed by the edges of several bands, pulled to the Fermi level from the depths of the theoretically predicted band structure by strong electronic interactions. Such singularities dramatically affect the low-energy electronic properties of the material, including superconductivity. We further argue that occurrence of these singularities correlates with the maximum superconducting transition temperature attainable in each material class over the entire family of iron-based superconductors.


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The central part of the Himalaya (Kumaun and Garhwal Provinces of India) is noted for its prolonged seismic quiescence, and therefore, developing a longer-term time series of past earthquakes to understand their recurrence pattern in this segment assumes importance. In addition to direct observations of offsets in stratigraphic exposures or other proxies like paleoliquefaction, deformation preserved within stalagmites (speleothems) in karst system can be analyzed to obtain continuous millennial scale time series of earthquakes. The Central Indian Himalaya hosts natural caves between major active thrusts forming potential storehouses for paleoseismological records. Here, we present results from the limestone caves in the Kumaun Himalaya and discuss the implications of growth perturbations identified in the stalagmites as possible earthquake recorders. This article focuses on three stalagmites from the Dharamjali Cave located in the eastern Kumaun Himalaya, although two other caves, one of them located in the foothills, were also examined for their suitability. The growth anomalies in stalagmites include abrupt tilting or rotation of growth axes, growth termination, and breakage followed by regrowth. The U-Th age data from three specimens allow us to constrain the intervals of growth anomalies, and these were dated at 4273 +/- 410 years BP (2673-1853 BC), 2782 +/- 79 years BP (851-693 BC), 2498 +/- 117 years BP (605-371 BC), 1503 +/- 245 years BP (262-752 AD), 1346 +/- 101 years BP (563-765 AD), and 687 +/- 147 years BP (1176-1470 AD). The dates may correspond to the timings of major/great earthquakes in the region and the youngest event (1176-1470 AD) shows chronological correspondence with either one of the great medieval earthquakes (1050-1250 and 1259-1433 AD) evident from trench excavations across the Himalayan Frontal Thrust.


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We study moduli spaces M-X (r, c(1), c(2)) parametrizing slope semistable vector bundles of rank r and fixed Chern classes c(1), c(2) on a ruled surface whose base is a rational nodal curve. We showthat under certain conditions, these moduli spaces are irreducible, smooth and rational (when non-empty). We also prove that they are non-empty in some cases. We show that for a rational ruled surface defined over real numbers, the moduli space M-X (r, c(1), c(2)) is rational as a variety defined over R.


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Four types of the fundamental complex potential in antiplane elasticity are introduced: (a) a point dislocation, (b) a concentrated force, (c) a dislocation doublet and (d) a concentrated force doublet. It is proven that if the axis of the concentrated force doublet is perpendicular to the direction of the dislocation doublet, the relevant complex potentials are equivalent. Using the obtained complex potentials, a singular integral equation for the curve crack problem is introduced. Some particular features of the obtained singular integral equation are discussed, and numerical solutions and examples are given.