971 resultados para Sialoprotein Messenger-rna
Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) A2 is a multitasking protein involved in RNA packaging, alternative splicing of pre-mRNA. telomere maintenance, cytoplasmic RNA trafficking, and translation. It binds short segments of single-stranded nucleic acids, including the A2RE11 RNA element that is necessary and sufficient for cytoplasmic transport of a subset of rnRNAs in oligodendrocytes and neurons. We have explored the structures of hnRNP A2, its RNA recognition motifs (RRMs) and Gly-rich module, and the RRM complexes with A2RE11. Circular dichroism spectroscopy showed that the secondary structure of the first 189 residues of hnRNP A2 parallels that of the tandem beta alpha beta beta alpha beta RRMs of its paralogue, hnRNP A1, previously deduced from X-ray diffraction studies. The unusual GRD was shown to have substantial beta-sheet and beta-turn structure. Sedimentation equilibrium and circular dichroism results were consistent with the tandem RRM region being monomeric and supported earlier evidence for the binding of two A2RE11 oligoribonucleotides to this domain, in contrast to the protein dimer formed by the complex of hnRNP A1 with the telomeric ssDNA repeat. A three-dimensional structure for the N-terminal, two-RRM-containing segment of hnRNP A2 was derived by homology modeling. This structure was used to derive a model for the complex with A2RE11 using the previously described interaction of pairs of stacked nucleotides with aromatic residues on the RRM beta-sheet platforms, conserved in other RRM-RNA complexes, together with biochemical data and molecular dynamics-based observations of inter-RRM mobility.
RNA interference (RNAi) is the latest new technology in the field of genetic medicine in which specific genes can be turned off, or silenced, so as to affect a therapeutic outcome. It can be highly specific, works in the nanomolar range and is far more effective than the antisense approaches popular 10-15 years ago. Here we review the field and explore the potential role of RNAi in cancer therapy, highlighting recent progress and examining the hurdles that must be overcome before this promising technology is ready for clinical use. (C) 2006 Prous Science. All rights reserved.
The past few years have brought about a fundamental change in our understanding and definition of the RNA world and its role in the functional and regulatory architecture of the cell. The discovery of small RNAs that regulate many aspects of differentiation and development have joined the already known non-coding RNAs that are involved in chromosome dosage compensation, imprinting, and other functions to become key players in regulating the flow of genetic information. It is also evident that there are tens or even hundreds of thousands of other non-coding RNAs that are transcribed from the mammalian genome, as well as many other yet-to-be-discovered small regulatory RNAs. In the recent symposium RNA: Networks & Imaging held in Heidelberg, the dual roles of RNA as a messenger and a regulator in the flow of genetic information were discussed and new molecular genetic and imaging methods to study RNA presented.
Binding of an RNA trafficking response element to heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins A1 and A2
Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) A2 binds a 21-nucleotide myelin basic protein mRNA response element, the A2RE, and A2RE-like sequences in other localized mRNAs, and is a trans-acting factor in oligodendrocyte cytoplasmic RNA trafficking. Recombinant human hnRNPs A1 and A2 were used in a biosensor to explore interactions with A2RE and the cognate oligodeoxyribonucleotide. Both proteins have a single site that bound oligonucleotides with markedly different sequences but did not bind in the presence of heparin. Both also possess a second, specific site that bound only A2RE and was unaffected by heparin, hnRNP A2 bound A2RE in the latter site with a K-d near 50 nM, whereas the K-d for hnRNP A1 was above 10 muM. UV cross-linking assays led to a similar conclusion. Mutant A2RE sequences, that in earlier qualitative studies appeared not to bind hnRNP A2 or support RNA trafficking in oligodendrocytes, had dissociation constants above 5 muM for this protein. The two concatenated RNA recognition motifs (RRMs), but not the individual RRMs, mimicked the binding behavior of hnRNP A2. These data highlight the specificity of the interaction of A2RE with these hnRNPs and suggest that the sequence-specific A2RE-binding site on hnRNP A2 is formed by both RRMs acting in cis.
1. RNA was isolated from crude nuclear preparations and from ribosomes derived from rat brain and liver. Nuclear RNA was obtained by lysis of the nuclei with sodium dodecyl sulphate, followed by denaturation and removal of DNA and protein with hot phenol. 2. Base composition analyses indicated that the cerebral nuclear RNA preparation contained a higher proportion of non-ribosomal RNA than the analogous hepatic preparation. 3. Sucrose-density-gradient analyses revealed a heterogeneous profile for each nuclear RNA preparation, with two major peaks possessing the sedimentation properties of ribosomal RNA (18s and 28s). 4. Template activities of both preparations were widely distributed through the sucrose density gradients. 5. The cerebral nuclear RNA preparation was more active than the hepatic nuclear RNA preparation in promoting amino acid incorporation in cell-free systems from Escherichia coli and rat brain. 6. Cerebral nuclear RNA stimulated amino acid incorporation in a cerebral ribosomal system even in the presence of an excess of purified E. coli transfer RNA. 7. It is concluded that a significant proportion of cerebral nuclear RNA has the characteristics of messenger RNA.
Positive-sense RNA viruses are important animal, plant, insect and bacteria pathogens and constitute the largest group of RNA viruses. Due to the relatively small size of their genomes, these viruses have evolved a variety of non-canonical translation mechanisms to optimize coding capacity expanding their proteome diversity. One such strategy is codon redefinition or recoding. First described in viruses, recoding is a programmed translation event in which codon alterations are context dependent. Recoding takes place in a subset of messenger RNA (mRNAs) with some products reflecting new, and some reflecting standard, meanings. The ratio between the two is both critical and highly regulated. While a variety of recoding mechanisms have been documented, (ribosome shunting, stop-carry on, termination-reinitiation, and translational bypassing), the two most extensively employed by RNA viruses are Programmed Ribosomal Frameshifting (PRF) and Programmed Ribosomal Readthrough (PRT). While both PRT and PRF subvert normal decoding for expression of C-terminal extension products, the former involves an alteration of reading frame, and the latter requires decoding of a non-sense codon. Both processes occur at a low but defined frequency, and both require Recoding Stimulatory Elements (RSE) for regulation and optimum functionality. These stimulatory signals can be embedded in the RNA in the form of sequence or secondary structure, or trans-acting factors outside the mRNA such as proteins or micro RNAs (miRNA). Despite 40+ years of study, the precise mechanisms by which viral RSE mediate ribosome recoding for the synthesis of their proteins, or how the ratio of these products is maintained, is poorly defined. This study reveals that in addition to a long distance RNA:RNA interaction, three alternate conformations and a phylogenetically conserved pseudoknot regulate PRT in the carmovirus Turnip crinkle virus (TCV).
Objective: To evaluate the effects of local administration of epidermal growth factor (EGF) located within liposomes on recruitment of osteoclasts during mechanical force in rats. Materials and Methods: An orthodontic elastic band was inserted between the left upper first and second molars, to move mesially the first molar. Rats were randomly divided into 4 groups (n = 8): EGF (2 ng/mu L) located within liposomes (group 1), liposomes only (group 2), soluble EGF (2 ng/mu L; group 3), or vehicle alone (group 4). The solutions were injected into the region of the root furcation of the left first molar after elastic band insertion. Tooth movement was measured using a plaster model of the maxilla, and the number of osteoclasts recruited at the pressure side of the first molar was histologically evaluated. Results: Intergroup analysis showed that there was no significant difference between group 2 and group 4 (P >.05) and between group 1 and group 3 (P >.05). However, group 1 and group 3 exhibited greater differences in tooth movement than group 2 and group 4 (P <.05). On the other hand, group 1 showed greater tooth movement than groups 2 and 4 with statistical significance (P <.01). The increase in the number of osteoclasts in group 1 was significantly higher than in the other groups (P <.05). Conclusion: Exogenous EGF-liposome administration has an additive effect when compared with soluble EGF on the rate of osteoclast recruitment, producing faster bone resorption and tooth movement.
Background: Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress has pathophysiological relevance in vascular diseases and merges with proteasome function. Proteasome inhibition induces cell stress and may have therapeutic implications. However, whether proteasome inhibition potentiates ER stress-induced apoptosis and the possible mechanisms involved in this process are unclear. Methodology/Principal Findings: Here we show that proteasome inhibition with MG132, per se at non-lethal levels, sensitized vascular smooth muscle cells to caspase-3 activation and cell death during ER stress induced by tunicamycin (Tn). This effect was accompanied by suppression of both proadaptive (KDEL chaperones) and proapoptotic (CHOP/GADD153) unfolded protein response markers, although, intriguingly, the splicing of XBP1 was markedly enhanced and sustained. In parallel, proteasome inhibition completely prevented ER stress-induced increase in NADPH oxidase activity, as well as increases in Nox4 isoform and protein disulfide isomerase mRNA expression. Increased Akt phosphorylation due to proteasome inhibition partially offset the proapoptotic effect of Tn or MG132. Although proteasome inhibition enhanced oxidative stress, reactive oxygen species scavenging had no net effect on sensitization to Tn or MG132-induced cell death. Conclusion/Relevance: These data indicate unfolded protein response-independent pathways whereby proteasome inhibition sensitizes vascular smooth muscle to ER stress-mediated cell death. This may be relevant to understand the therapeutic potential of such compounds in vascular disease associated with increased neointimal hyperplasia.
The ABO blood group is the most important blood group system in transfusion medicine and organ transplantation. To date, more than 160 ABO alleles have been identified by molecular investigation. Almost all ABO genotyping studies have been performed in blood donors and families and for investigation of ABO subgroups detected serologically. The aim of the present study was to perform ABO genotyping in patients with leukemia. Blood samples were collected from 108 Brazilian patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (N = 69), chronic lymphoid leukemia (N = 13), acute myeloid leukemia (N = 15), and acute lymphoid leukemia (N = 11). ABO genotyping was carried out using allele specific primer polymerase chain reaction followed by DNA sequencing. ABO*001 was the most common allele found, followed by ABO*022 and by ABO*A103. We identified 22 new ABO*(variants) in the coding region of the ABO gene in 25 individuals with leukemia (23.2%). The majority of ABO variants was detected in O alleles (15/60.0%). In 5 of 51 samples typed as blood group O (9.8%), we found non-deletional ABO*O alleles. Elucidation of the diversity of this gene in leukemia and in other diseases is important for the determination of the effect of changes in an amino acid residue on the specificity and activity of ABO glycosyltransferases and their function. In conclusion, this is the first report of a large number of patients with leukemia genotyped for ABO. The findings of this study indicate that there is a high level of recombinant activity in the ABO gene in leukemia patients, revealing new ABO variants.
Background: Metalloproteinase 2 (MMP-2) and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 2 (TIMP-2) participate in the degeneration of the extracellular matrix and are associated with carcinogenesis. MMP-2 is one of the main metalloproteinases active in neoplasia and is a marker of the malignant phenotype. Since the biological behavior of medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) varies widely, the present study was undertaken to determine if there is a correlation between the clinical evolution of MTC and the immunohistochemically detected expression of these enzymes in thyroid surgical specimens containing MTC. If so, their expression would be a novel indicator of the prognosis of MTC. Methods: Thirty-seven patients with MTC who had undergone thyroid surgery were followed for an average of 73 months. Immunohistochemical staining for metalloproteinase-related enzymes was performed in surgical paraffin blocks. The clinical status of the patients after surgery and at the end of the study period was characterized to determine correlations between these and the immunohistochemical markers. A value of p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: At the end of the study period, 15 patients (40.5%) were alive and without evidence of MTC, 17 (45.9%) had persistent MTC, and 5 (13.5%) had a relapse of their neoplasia. Four patients (10.8%) died during the course of the study. There was a significant correlation (p = 0.0005) between the immunohistochemical staining for MMP-2 and the clinical condition of the patients at the end of the study period, and a correlation between the state of apparent cure compared to persistence of MTC after thyroid surgery (p = 0.0207). No significant correlations were observed between either TIMP-2 expression or immune marking of metastatic lymph nodes and the clinical variables studied. Conclusion: Immunohistochemical expression of MMP-2 in thyroid surgical specimens from patients with MTC is a novel indicator of the prognosis of this cancer.
Dopamine (DA) is known as a primary regulator of prolactin secretion (PRL) and angiotensin II (Ang II) has been recognized as one brain inhibitory factor of this secretion. In this work, estrogen-primed or unprimed ovariectornized rats were submitted to the microinjection of saline or Ang II after previous microinjection of saline or of DA antagonist (haloperidol, sulpiride or SCH) both in the medial preoptic area (MPOA). Our study of these interactions has shown that 1) estrogen-induced PRL secretion is mediated by Ang II and DA actions in the MPOA, i.e. very high plasma PRL would be prevented by inhibitory action of Ang II, while very low levels would be prevented in part by stimulatory action of DA through D-2 receptors, 2) the inhibitory action of Ang II depends on estrogen and is mediated in part by inhibitory action of DA through D, receptors and in other part by inhibition of stimulatory action of DA through D2 receptors.
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a homodimeric glycoprotein produced mostly in endothelial cells and its transcription is regulated by a variety of growth factors and cytokines. VEGF plays many relevant roles, and three functional polymorphisms in the promoter region of the VEGF gene (C-2578A, G-1154A, and G-634C) have been associated with disease conditions. Although some studies suggest that interethnic differences exist in the distribution of these variants, no previous study has examined this hypothesis in admixed populations. We examined the distribution of these three clinically relevant VEGF single-nucleotide polymorphisms in 175 white and 185 black subjects. We have also estimated the haplotype distribution and assessed associations between these variants. Although the A-2578 and A-1154 variants were more common in whites (39% and 29%, respectively) than in blacks (29% and 16%, respectively; both p < 0.05), no significant interethnic differences were found with regards to the G-634C polymorphism. While the haplotype including the C-2578, G-1154, and G-634 variants was the most common in both ethnic groups, it was more common in blacks than in whites (p < 0.05). The haplotype including the C-2578, A-1154, and G-634 alleles and the haplotype including the C-2578, A-1154, and C-634 alleles were more common in whites than in blacks (both p < 0.05). These results show marked interethnic differences in the distribution of genetic variants of VEGF that may explain, at least in part, interethnic disparities in the susceptibility to cardiovascular diseases.
Background: To test if the expression of Smad1-8 mRNAs were predictive of survival in patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Patients and Methods: We analyzed, prospectively, the expression of Smad1-8, by means of Ribonuclease Protection Assay in 48 primary, operable, oral SCC. In addition, 21 larynx, 10 oropharynx and 4 hypopharynx SCC and 65 matched adjacent mucosa, available for study, were also included. For survival analysis, patients were categorized as positive or negative for each Smad, according to median mRNA expression. We also performed real-time quantitative PCR (QRTPCR) to asses the pattern of TGF beta 1, TGF beta 2, TGF beta 3 in oral SCC. Results: Our results showed that Smad2 and Smad6 mRNA expression were both associated with survival in Oral SCC patients. Cox Multivariate analysis revealed that Smad6 positivity and Smad2 negativity were both predictive of good prognosis for oral SCC patients, independent of lymph nodal status (P = 0.003 and P = 0.029, respectively). In addition, simultaneously Smad2(-) and Smad6(+) oral SCC group of patients did not reach median overall survival (mOS) whereas the mOS of Smad2(+)/Smad6(-) subgroup was 11.6 months (P = 0.004, univariate analysis). Regarding to TGF beta isoforms, we found that Smad2 mRNA and TGF beta 1 mRNA were inversely correlated (p = 0.05, R = -0.33), and that seven of the eight TGF beta 1(+) patients were Smad2(-). In larynx SCC, Smad7(-) patients did not reach mOS whereas mOS of Smad7(+) patients were only 7.0 months (P = 0.04). No other correlations were found among Smad expression, clinico-pathological characteristics and survival in oral, larynx, hypopharynx, oropharynx or the entire head and neck SCC population. Conclusion: Smad6 together with Smad2 may be prognostic factors, independent of nodal status in oral SCC after curative resection. The underlying mechanism which involves aberrant TGF beta signaling should be better clarified in the future.
Background: Without intensive selection, the majority of bovine oocytes submitted to in vitro embryo production (IVP) fail to develop to the blastocyst stage. This is attributed partly to their maturation status and competences. Using the Affymetrix GeneChip Bovine Genome Array, global mRNA expression analysis of immature (GV) and in vitro matured (IVM) bovine oocytes was carried out to characterize the transcriptome of bovine oocytes and then use a variety of approaches to determine whether the observed transcriptional changes during IVM was real or an artifact of the techniques used during analysis. Results: 8489 transcripts were detected across the two oocyte groups, of which similar to 25.0% (2117 transcripts) were differentially expressed (p < 0.001); corresponding to 589 over-expressed and 1528 under-expressed transcripts in the IVM oocytes compared to their immature counterparts. Over expression of transcripts by IVM oocytes is particularly interesting, therefore, a variety of approaches were employed to determine whether the observed transcriptional changes during IVM were real or an artifact of the techniques used during analysis, including the analysis of transcript abundance in oocytes in vitro matured in the presence of a-amanitin. Subsets of the differentially expressed genes were also validated by quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) and the gene expression data was classified according to gene ontology and pathway enrichment. Numerous cell cycle linked (CDC2, CDK5, CDK8, HSPA2, MAPK14, TXNL4B), molecular transport (STX5, STX17, SEC22A, SEC22B), and differentiation (NACA) related genes were found to be among the several over-expressed transcripts in GV oocytes compared to the matured counterparts, while ANXA1, PLAU, STC1and LUM were among the over-expressed genes after oocyte maturation. Conclusion: Using sequential experiments, we have shown and confirmed transcriptional changes during oocyte maturation. This dataset provides a unique reference resource for studies concerned with the molecular mechanisms controlling oocyte meiotic maturation in cattle, addresses the existing conflicting issue of transcription during meiotic maturation and contributes to the global goal of improving assisted reproductive technology.