989 resultados para Shrimp aquaculture
As a result of increased population growth, the attraction of high profits from shrimp culture and ineffective mangrove forest management, a number of serious environmental problems exist in Ngoc Hien District, Minh Hai Province, Vietnam. These environmental problems are highlighted in this article.
Some examples are given of integration of crustacean aquaculture into coastal rice farming in Vietnam. Freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii ) and marine shrimp culture integrated with coastal rice farming and crab (Scylla serrata ) culture in backyard ponds and ricefields are described.
A modification of the Schaefer surplus-production model was used to account for environmental induced variations of shrimp (Penaeus vannamei) catch in northern Peru. Based on time series of catch, effort, river discharge and sea surface temperature, fluctuations in catch of shrimps are explained and discussed with respect to multiple level of carrying capacity and hence different maximum sustainable yields.
The gregarine (Nematopsis spp.) infestation in Penaeus vannamei on a commercial shrimp pond is discussed focusing on quantifying the parasites and some attempts to control infestation.
The Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture Collaborative Research Support Program (PDA/CRSP) is a global research network to generate basic science that may be used to advance aquaculture development. One of a family of research programs funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the CRSP focuses on improving the efficiency of aquaculture systems. The PDA/CRSP began work in 1982 in Thailand, and subsequently in the Philippines, Honduras, the US and, until recently, Rwanda. At all the sites, the goal is the same: to identify constraints to aquaculture production, and to design responses that are environmentally and culturally appropriate. The research network's global experiment has focused on tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), although some sites have devoted attention to marine shrimp and other locally significant species. Impact of the network's investigations with tilapia is examined in this article.
The use of antibiotics and other chemicals in controlling shrimp pathogens become ineffective as the strains grow more resistant to these chemicals. Moreover, the bacterial pathogen (Vibrio harveyi) produced biofilm coating that protects it from dying and disinfection procedures that are followed during pond preparation. Biological control is being considered as an alternative means of preventing shrimp disease outbreak. The main principle behind biological control is to enhance the growth of beneficial microorganisms which serve as antagonists or target pathogens. The paper discusses shrimp and tilapia crop rotation as a form of effective biological control, a technique which is already being practiced in Indonesia and the Philippines.
The incidence of various human pathogenic bacteria in commercially available and home-made shrimp feeds used on some farms in India was analyzed. The Total Heterotrophic Bacteria in the commercial feed samples ranged between 103–105 cfu g-1 and those in the farm-made feeds between 106-107 cfu g-1. No bacteria of significance to human health were found to be associated with any of the commercial feed samples analyzed, while farm-made feeds analyzed during the study showed a high incidence of various human pathogens such as Vibrio parahaemolyticus, V. cholerae, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Possible modes of contamination in feeds and ways to prevent them are discussed.
This paper details some of the problems encountered in culturing black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) the semi-intensive way in India, which include aquatic macrophytes; invasions by molluscs, jellyfish and frogs; predators; fouling organisms; and others.
The white spot viral disease in penaeid shrimp affects the development of the global shrimp industry. This paper reviews the viruses that cause the disease, the transmission of the virus, diagnosis and preventive measures.
Vibriosis caused by opportunistic and secondary bacterial pathogens is still a serious disease problem in aquaculture of the black tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon. Attempts were made for controlling shrimp bacterial disease using Marine Secondary Metabolites (MSMs). Findings indicated that the MSMs of seaweed Ulva fasciata and Dendrilla nigra are effective for controlling shrimp bacterial pathogens.
A progressive farmer in Tamil Nadu state, India experimented with crop rotation and successfully cultured Penaeus monodon during the dry season and Macrobrachium rosenbergii during the wet season. The details of M. rosenbergii culture are discussed in this article. Rotation with M. rosenbergii did help the farmer overcome the disease problem since farmers who exclusively cultured P. monodon in the nearby areas during the same season suffered losses due to white spot disease.
Improvements to traditional brackishwater shrimp culture in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam are discussed. A technical support program has been implemented based on a so-called improved extensive shrimp culture method, as previously developed and tested by the Artermia and Shrimp Research and Development Center (ASRDC). The program focuses on: 1) the use of hatchery-produced postlarvae (of Penaeus monodon and P. merguinensis) nursed for three to four weeks, and 2) the application of low-cost pond management practices including predator control, supplementary feeding and frequent water renewal. A credit program, managed as a revolving fund was made available. A dialogue among participating farmers was encouraged through the organization of group meetings before and after each production cycle.
This paper describes the expansion of improved-extensive shrimp (Penaeus monodon) farming in the Mekong Delta, southern Vietnam, emphasizing management decisions, technological constraints and economics.
This study was undertaken to determine the effect of nutritional management of broodstock of Penaeus monodon on growth and maturation. Test specimens were obtained from a grow-out pond before attainment of maturity and were reared in hatchery tanks. Four types of dietary treatments (M1–M4) were given to separate batches that were run in duplicate. Feeding trials continued for five months. A diet with live bloodworm, bioencapsulated to contain tricalcic phosphate as its major component, was found to be the most efficient. Specimens of this particular batch assimilated food more efficiently, grew at a faster rate and attained maturity earlier than other groups. Bloodworm provided the lipid fractions for which there is no de novo synthesis in shrimp. The enrichment product acted by promoting somatic growth and increasing transfer of biochemical constituents needed by the ovary for develop
This paper provides the first description of the mangrove cockle, Anadara spp., fisheries throughout their Latin American range along the Pacific coast from Mexico to Peru. Two species, A. tuberculosa and A. grandis, are found over the entire range, while A. similis occurs from El Salvador to Peru. Anadara tuberculosa is by far the most abundant, while A. grandis has declined in abundance during recent decades. Anadara tuberculosa and A. similis occur in level mud sediments in mangrove swamps, comprised mostly of Rhizophora mangle, which line the main-lands and islands of lagoons, whereas A. grandis inhabits intertidal mud flats along the edges of the same mangrove swamps. All harvested cockles are sexually mature. Gametogenesis of the three species occurs year round, and juvenile cockles grow rap-idly. Cockle densities at sizes at least 16–42 mm long ranged from 7 to 24/m2 in Mexico. Macrofaunal associates of cockles include crustaceans, gastropods, and finfishes. The mangrove swamps are in nearly pristine condition in every country except Honduras, Ecuador, and Peru, where shrimp farms constructed in the 1980’s and 1990’s have destroyed some mangrove zones. In addition, Hurricane Mitch destroyed some Honduran mangrove swamps in 1998. About 15,000 fishermen, including men, women, and children, harvest the cockles. Ecuador has the largest tabulated number of fishermen, 5,055, while Peru has the fewest, 75. Colombia has a large number, perhaps exceeding that in Ecuador, but a detailed census of them has never been made. The fishermen are poor and live a meager existence; they do not earn sufficient money to purchase adequate food to allow their full health and growth potential. They travel almost daily from their villages to the harvesting areas in wooden canoes and fiberglass boats at low tide when they can walk into the mangrove swamps to harvest cockles for about 4 h. Harvest rates, which vary among countries owing to differences in cockle abundances, range from about 50 cockles/fisherman/day in El Salvador and Honduras to 500–1,000/ fisherman/day in Mexico. The fishermen return to their villages and sell the cockles to dealers, who sell them mainly whole to market outlets within their countries, but there is some exporting to adjacent countries. An important food in most countries, the cockles are eaten in seviche, raw on the half-shell, and cooked with rice. The cockles are under heavy harvesting pressure, except in Mexico, but stocks are not yet being depleted because they are harvested at sizes which have already spawned. Also some spawning stocks lie within dense mangrove stands which the fishermen cannot reach. Consumers fortunately desire the largest cockles, spurning the smallest. Cockles are important to the people, and efforts to reduce the harvests to prevent overfishing would lead to severe economic suffering in the fishing communities. Pro-grams to conserve and improve cockle habitats may be the most judicious actions to take. Preserving the mangrove swamps intact, increasing their sizes where possible, and controlling cockle predators would lead to an increase in cockle abundance and harvests. Fishes that prey on juvenile cockles might be seined along the edges of swamps before the tide rises and they swim into the swamps to feed. Transplanting mangrove seedlings to suitable areas might increase the size of those habitats. The numbers of fishermen may increase in the future, because most adults now have several children. If new fishermen are tempted to harvest small, immature cockles and stocks are not increased, minimum size rules for harvestable cockles could be implemented and enforced to ensure adequate spawning.