981 resultados para Shoot Meristem


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? BREVIS RADIX (BRX) has been identified through a loss-of-function allele in the Umkirch-1 accession in a natural variation screen for Arabidopsis root growth vigor. Physiological and gene expression analyses have suggested that BRX is rate limiting for auxin-responsive gene expression by mediating cross-talk with the brassinosteroid pathway, as impaired root growth and reduced auxin perception of brx can be (partially) rescued by external brassinosteroid application. ? Using genetic tools, we show that brx mutants also display significantly reduced cotyledon and leaf growth. ? Similar to the root, the amplitude and penetrance of this phenotype depends on genetic background and shares the physiological features, reduced auxin perception and brassinosteroid rescue. Furthermore, reciprocal grafting experiments between mutant and complemented brx shoot scions and root stocks suggest that the shoot phenotypes are not an indirect consequence of the root phenotype. Finally, BRX gain-of-function lines display epinastic leaf growth and, in the case of dominant negative interference, increased epidermal cell size. Consistent with an impact of BRX on brassinosteroid biosynthesis, this phenotype is accompanied by increased brassinosteroid levels. ? In summary, our results demonstrate a ubiquitous, although quantitatively variable role of BRX in modulating the growth rate in both the root and shoot.


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Peptide signaling presumably occupies a central role in plant development, yet only few concrete examples of receptor-ligand pairs that act in the context of specific differentiation processes have been described. Here we report that second-site null mutations in the Arabidopsis leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinase gene barely any meristem 3 (BAM3) perfectly suppress the postembryonic root meristem growth defect and the associated perturbed protophloem development of the brevis radix (brx) mutant. The roots of bam3 mutants specifically resist growth inhibition by the CLAVATA3/ENDOSPERM SURROUNDING REGION 45 (CLE45) peptide ligand. WT plants transformed with a construct for ectopic overexpression of CLE45 could not be recovered, with the exception of a single severely dwarfed and sterile plant that eventually died. By contrast, we obtained numerous transgenic bam3 mutants transformed with the same construct. These transgenic plants displayed a WT phenotype, however, supporting the notion that CLE45 is the likely BAM3 ligand. The results correlate with the observation that external CLE45 application represses protophloem differentiation in WT, but not in bam3 mutants. BAM3, BRX, and CLE45 are expressed in a similar spatiotemporal trend along the developing protophloem, up to the end of the transition zone. Induction of BAM3 expression upon CLE45 application, ectopic overexpression of BAM3 in brx root meristems, and laser ablation experiments suggest that intertwined regulatory activity of BRX, BAM3, and CLE45 could be involved in the proper transition of protophloem cells from proliferation to differentiation, thereby impinging on postembryonic growth capacity of the root meristem.


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Background: Sulfate and phosphate are both vital macronutrients required for plant growth and development. Despite evidence for interaction between sulfate and phosphate homeostasis, no transcriptional factor has yet been identified in higher plants that affects, at the gene expression and physiological levels, the response to both elements. This work was aimed at examining whether PHR1, a transcription factor previously shown to participate in the regulation of genes involved in phosphate homeostasis, also contributed to the regulation and activity of genes involved in sulfate inter-organ transport. Results: Among the genes implicated in sulfate transport in Arabidopsis thaliana, SULTR1;3 and SULTR3;4 showed up-regulation of transcripts in plants grown under phosphate-deficient conditions. The promoter of SULTR1;3 contains a motif that is potentially recognizable by PHR1. Using the phr1 mutant, we showed that SULTR1;3 up regulation following phosphate deficiency was dependent on PHR1. Furthermore, transcript up regulation was found in phosphate-deficient shoots of the phr1 mutant for SULTR2;1 and SULTR3;4, indicating that PHR1 played both a positive and negative role on the expression of genes encoding sulfate transporters. Importantly, both phr1 and sultr1;3 mutants displayed a reduction in their sulfate shoot-to-root transfer capacity compared to wild-type plants under phosphate-deficient conditions. Conclusions: This study reveals that PHR1 plays an important role in sulfate inter-organ transport, in particular on the regulation of the SULTR1;3 gene and its impact on shoot-to-root sulfate transport in phosphate-deficient plants. PHR1 thus contributes to the homeostasis of both sulfate and phosphate in plants under phosphate deficiency. Such a function is also conserved in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii via the PHR1 ortholog PSR1.


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In the Arabidopsis root meristem, polar auxin transport creates a transcriptional auxin response gradient that peaks at the stem cell niche and gradually decreases as stem cell daughters divide and differentiate [1-3]. The amplitude and extent of this gradient are essential for both stem cell maintenance and root meristem growth [4, 5]. To investigate why expression of some auxin-responsive genes, such as the essential root meristem growth regulator BREVIS RADIX (BRX) [6], deviates from this gradient, we combined experimental and computational approaches. We created cellular-level root meristem models that accurately reproduce distribution of nuclear auxin activity and allow dynamic modeling of regulatory processes to guide experimentation. Expression profiles deviating from the auxin gradient could only be modeled after intersection of auxin activity with the observed differential endocytosis pattern and positive autoregulatory feedback through plasma-membrane-to-nucleus transfer of BRX. Because BRX is required for expression of certain auxin response factor targets, our data suggest a cell-type-specific endocytosis-dependent input into transcriptional auxin perception. This input sustains expression of a subset of auxin-responsive genes across the root meristem's division and transition zones and is essential for meristem growth. Thus, the endocytosis pattern provides specific positional information to modulate auxin response.


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Damage-inducible defenses in plants are controlled in part by jasmonates, fatty acid-derived regulators that start to accumulate within 30 s of wounding a leaf. Using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, we sought to identify the 13-lipoxygenases (13-LOXs) that initiate wound-induced jasmonate synthesis within a 190-s timeframe in Arabidopsis thaliana in 19 single, double, triple and quadruple mutant combinations derived from the four 13-LOX genes in this plant. All four 13-LOXs were found to contribute to jasmonate synthesis in wounded leaves: among them LOX6 showed a unique behavior. The relative contribution of LOX6 to jasmonate synthesis increased with distance from a leaf tip wound, and LOX6 was the only 13-LOX necessary for the initiation of early jasmonate synthesis in leaves distal to the wounded leaf. Herbivory assays that compared Spodoptera littoralis feeding on the lox2-1 lox3B lox4A lox6A quadruple mutant and the lox2-1 lox3B lox4A triple mutant revealed a role for LOX6 in defense of the shoot apical meristem. Consistent with this, we found that LOX6 promoter activity was strong in the apical region of rosettes. The LOX6 promoter was active in and near developing xylem cells and in expression domains we term subtrichomal mounds.


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Eucalyptus Shoot Blight in the Vale do Rio Doce (ESBVRD) is an anomaly that leads to reduced growth and, in more extreme cases, to death of eucalyptus plants. Initially diagnosed in plantations in the region of the Vale do Rio Doce, in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, this problem has also been found in plantations in other regions of the country and even in other countries. Although the symptoms of this anomaly are well-known, its causes are not yet understood. The aim of this study was to evaluate the cause-effect relationship between accumulation of manganese (Mn) in eucalyptus clones and ESBVRD. Characterization of the environment in areas of greater occurrence of this problem in regard to soil, climate and fluctuation of the water table was undertaken in eucalyptus plantations of the Celulose Nipo-brasileira S.A. (Cenibra) company in the region of the Vale do Rio Doce. Plant tissues were sampled in two situations. In the first situation, diagnosis occurred in the initial phase of the anomaly in clones with differentiated tolerance to the problem; in the second situation, diagnosis was made in a single clone, considered to be sensitive, in two time periods - in the phase with the strong presence of symptoms and in the recovery phase, in areas of occurrence and in areas of escape from the problem. The most ESBVRD-sensitive clone showed much higher (4.8 times higher) leaf Mn contents than more tolerant clones. In plants with the anomaly, Mn leaf contents were greater than 3,070 mg kg-1, much greater than the quantity found in those without the anomaly (734 mg kg-1). In the period in which the symptoms began to wane, there was a sharp decline in leaf Mn contents, from 2,194 to 847 mg kg-1. Manganese content in the above ground part and plant litter (44.4 g ha-1) in the area of occurrence of the anomaly was three times greater than that found in these same components (14.1 g ha-1) in the area of absence of the symptom. Based on the evidence found, such as the existence of environmental conditions favorable to high Mn availability to the plants in the areas of greatest incidence of ESBVRD, greater uptake of Mn in sensitive clones and in plants with symptoms, and a synchronism between the intensity of symptoms of ESBVRD and leaf Mn contents, it may be inferred that temporary excess of Mn in eucalyptus plants is closely related to ESBVRD.


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Selostus: Porkkanan kasvu ja biomassan jakautuminen varastojuuren ja verson välillä pohjoisissa oloissa


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The PHO1 family comprises 11 members in Arabidopsis thaliana. In order to decipher the role of these genes in inorganic phosphate (Pi) transport and homeostasis, complementation of the pho1 mutant, deficient in loading Pi to the root xylem, was determined by the expression of the PHO1 homologous genes under the control of the PHO1 promoter. Only PHO1 and the homologue PHO1;H1 could complement pho1. The PHO1;H1 promoter was active in the vascular cylinder of roots and shoots. Expression of PHO1;H1 was very low in Pi-sufficient plants, but was strongly induced under Pi-deficient conditions. T-DNA knock-out mutants of PHO1;H1 neither showed growth defects nor alteration in Pi transport dynamics, or Pi content, compared with wild type. However, the double mutant pho1/pho1;h1 showed a strong reduction in growth and in the capacity to transfer Pi from the root to the shoot compared with pho1. Grafting experiments revealed that phenotypes associated with the pho1 and pho1/pho1;h1 mutants were linked to the lack of gene expression in the root. The increased expression of PHO1;H1 under Pi deficiency was largely controlled by the transcription factor PHR1 and was suppressed by the phosphate analogue phosphite, whereas the increase of PHO1 expression was independent of PHR1 and was not influenced by phosphite. Together, these data reveal that although transfer of Pi to the root xylem vessel is primarily mediated by PHO1, the homologue PHO1;H1 also contributes to Pi loading to the xylem, and that the two corresponding genes are regulated by Pi deficiency by distinct signal transduction pathways.


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Apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) trees, cultivars Gala and Fuji, were sprayed at full bloom with thidiazuron (TDZ) at doses of 0, 5, 10, or 20 g ha-1 of a.i. in order to evaluate its effects on plant growth and development, return bloom, fruit set, nutrition, and fruit yield. Fruit set increased with TDZ dose in 'Gala' but not in 'Fuji'. TDZ did not affect fruit yield in any cultivar. In 'Gala', the return bloom was reduced in about 50% at TDZ doses of 10 or 20 g ha-1. TDZ increased shoot growth in both cultivars. In leaves, TDZ decreased the concentration of Ca and Mg in 'Gala' and of Mg in 'Fuji', but did not affect the chlorophyll content, leaf area, length, width, and dry mass per cm² regardless of cultivar. In fruits, the effect of TDZ varied according to the portion evaluated. Highest doses of TDZ decreased the concentration of Ca and K in 'Gala' and of K in 'Fuji' in the entire fruits (flesh + skin); in the skin, highest doses of TDZ reduced the levels of N, Ca, and Mg in both cultivars, in addition to the level of K in 'Fuji'.


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The objective of this work was to study the in vitro organogenesis of Citrullus lanatus, by the induction of adventitious buds in cotyledon segments cultured in medium supplemented with cytokinin. Explants were collected from one, three and five-day-old in vitro germinated seedlings, considering the distal and proximal cotyledon regions. The data obtained showed that in vitro organogenesis of watermelon occurred with higher efficiency, when cotyledon segments from the proximal region collected from three-day-old seedlings were cultivated in medium MS, supplemented with BAP (1 mg L-1) and coconut water (10%). The histological study showed that the organogenesis occurs directly, without callus formation, on epidermal and subepidermal layers of the explants. Adventitious shoots were characterized by the development of shoot apical meristem and leaf primordia. The formation of protuberances, that do not develop into adventitious buds, was also observed.


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Contrairement aux animaux, les plantes sont des organismes sessiles qui ne possèdent pas de mécanismes de fuite quand les conditions environnementales ne sont plus optimales. Les plantes sont physiquement ancrées à l'endroit où elles ont germées et aux conditions environnementales qui parfois peuvent être extrêmes. Les possibilités d'acclimatation de différentes espèces, parfois même de groupes de plantes au sein d'une même espèce, peuvent varier mais repose sur une adaptation génétique de la plante. L'adaptation est un long processus qui repose sur l'apparition spontanée de mutations génétiques, leur mise à l'épreuve face aux conditions environnementales, et dans le cas où la mutation a un impact positif sur la survie dans cet habitat particulier, elle sera maintenue dans une population donnée de plantes. De telles populations, appelées écotypes, sont le matériel de départ pour la découverte de gènes qui induisent un bénéfice pour la plante dans un environnement donné. La plante la plus étudiée en biologie moléculaire est Arabidopsis thaliana, l'arabette des prés. Dans une étude précédente, les racines d'écotypes naturels d'Arabidopsis ont été comparées et un écotype, Uk-1, avait le système racinaire le plus particulier. Cet écotype possède des racines beaucoup plus courtes et plus ramifiées que tous les autres écotypes. Des analyses plus poussées ont montré qu'une seule mutation dans un gène était la cause de ce phénotype, le gène BREVIS RADIX (BRX), mot latin signifiant 'racine courte'. Bien que l'on connaisse le gène BRX, on connaît finalement peu de choses sur son importance adaptative. Dans cette étude, nous avons montré que la mutation dans le gène BRX rend la plante plus résistante aux sols acides. Dans l'optique de mieux comprendre cette valeur adaptative du mutant brx, nous avons analysé dans quels tissus le gène BRX jouait un rôle important. Nous avons pu mettre en évidence que BRX est important pour le développement du protophloème. Le protophloème est un élément du système vasculaire de la plante. En général, les plantes supérieures possèdent deux systèmes de transport à longue distance. L'un d'eux, appelé xylème, transporte l'eau et les nutriments absorbés du sol par les racines vers les feuilles. Les feuilles sont le siège du processus de photosynthèse au cours duquel sont produits des sucres qui devront être distribués partout dans les autres parties de la plante. Le tissu cellulaire chargé de livrer les produits de la photosynthèse, ainsi que les régulateurs de croissance, est le phloème. Ce dernier regroupe le métaphloème et le protophloème. Le protophloème est essentiel pour la livraison des sucres synthétisés ainsi que des signaux de croissance aux pointes des racines, centres organogéniques responsables de la production de nouvelles cellules durant la phase de croissance de la racine. La structure du protophloème peut être décrite comme des tubes continus, vides et résistants, faits de cellules spécialisées qui permettent un transport efficace et rapide. Nous avons montré que dans les mutants brx ces canaux de transports sont discontinus car certaines cellules n'ont pas terminé leur cycle de différenciation. Ces cellules obstruent le conduit ce qui fait que les sucres et les signaux de croissance, comme l'auxine, ne peuvent plus être transportés aux méristèmes. En conséquence, la prolifération de l'activité des méristèmes est compromise, ce qui explique les racines courtes. Au lieu d'être délivré aux méristèmes, l'auxine se concentre en amont des méristèmes où cela provoque l'apparition de nouvelles racines branchées et, très probablement, l'activation des pompes à protons. Sur des sols acides, la concentration en ion H+ est très élevée. Ces ions entrent dans les cellules de la racine par diffusion et perturbent notablement la croissance des racines et de la plante en général. Si les cellules de la racine possédaient des pompes à protons hyperactives, elles seraient capable d'évacuer le surplus d'ions H+ en dehors de la cellule, ce qui leur assurerait de meilleures chances de survie sur sols acides. De fait, le mutant brx est capable d'acidifier le milieu de culture dans lequel il est cultivé plus efficacement que la plante sauvage. Ce mutant est également capable de donner plus de progéniture sur ce type de milieu de croissance que les plantes sauvages. Finalement, nous avons trouvé d'autres mutants brx en milieu naturel poussant sur sols acides, ce qui suggère fortement que la mutation du gène BRX est une des causes de l'adaptation aux sols acides. -- Plants as sessile organisms have developed different mechanisms to cope with the complex environmental conditions in which they live. Adaptation is the process through which traits evolve by natural selection to functionally improve in a given environmental context. An adaptation to the environment is characterized by the genetic changes in the entire populations that have been fixed by natural selection over many generations. BREVIS RADIX (BRX) gene was found through natural Arabidopsis accessions screen and was characterized as a root growth regulator since loss-of-function mutants exhibit arrested post-embryonic primary root growth in addition to a more branched root system. Although brx loss-of-function causes a complete alteration in root architecture, BRX activity is only required in the root vasculature, in particular in protophloem cell file. Protophloem is a part of the phloem transport network and is responsible for delivery of photo-assimilates and growth regulators, coming from the shoot through mature phloem component - metaphloem, to the all plant primary meristems. In order to perform its function, protophloem is the first cell file to differentiate within the root meristem. During this process, protophloem cells undergo a partial programmed cell death, during which they build a thicker cell wall, degrade nucleus and tonoplast while plasma membrane stays functional. Interestingly, protophloem cells enter elongation process only after differentiation into sieve elements is completed. Here we show that brx mutants fail to differentiate protophloem cell file properly, a phenotype that can be distinguished by a presence of a "gap" cells, non-differentiated cells between two flanking differentiated cells. Discontinuity of protophloem differentiation in brx mutants is considered to be a consequence of local hyperactivity of CLAVATA3/EMBRYO SURROUNDING REGION 45 (CLE45) - BARELY ANY MERISTEM 3 (BAM3) signaling module. Interestingly, a CLE45 activity, most probably at the level of receptor binding, can be modulated by apoplastic pH. Altogether, our results imply that the activity of proton pumps, expressed in non-differentiated cells of protophloem, must be maintained under certain threshold, otherwise CLE45-BAM3 signaling pathway will be stimulated and in turn protophloem will not differentiate. Based on vacuolar morphology, a premature cell wall acidification in brx mutants stochastically prevents the protophloem differentiation. Only after protophloem differentiates, proton pumps can be activated in order to acidify apoplast and to support enucleated protophloem multifold elongation driven by surrounding cells growth. Finally, the protophloem differentiation failure would result in an auxin "traffic jam" in the upper parts of the root, created from the phloem-transported auxin that cannot be efficiently delivered to the meristem. Physiologically, auxin "leakage" from the plant vasculature network could have various consequences, since auxin is involved in the regulation of almost every aspect of plant growth and development. Thus, given that auxin stimulates lateral roots initiation and growth, this scenario explains more branched brx root system. Nevertheless, auxin is considered to activate plasma membrane proton pumps. Along with this, it has been shown that brx mutants acidify media much more than the wild type plants do, a trait that was proposed as an adaptive feature of naturally occurring brx null alleles in Arabidopsis populations found on acidic soils. Additionally, in our study we found that most of accessions originally collected from acidic sampling sites exhibit hypersensitivity to CLE45 treatment. This implies that adaptation of plants to acidic soil involves a positive selection pressure against upstream negative regulators of CLE45-BAM3 signaling, such as BRX. Perspective analysis of these accessions would provide more profound understanding of molecular mechanisms underlying plant adaptation to acidic soils. All these results are suggesting that targeting of the factors that affect protophloem differentiation is a good strategy of natural selection to change the root architecture and to develop an adaptation to a certain environment. -- Les plantes comme organismes sessiles ont développé différents mécanismes pour s'adapter aux conditions environnementales complexes dans lesquelles elles vivent. L'adaptation est le processus par lequel des traits vont évoluer via la sélection naturelle vers une amélioration fonctionnelle dans un contexte environnemental donné. Une adaptation à l'environnement est caractérisée par des changements génétiques dans des populations entières qui ont été fixés par la sélection naturelle sur plusieurs générations. Le gène BREVIS RADIX (BRX) a été identifié dans le crible d'une collection d'accessions naturelles d'Arabidopsis et a été caractérisé comme un régulateur de la croissance racinaire étant donné que le mutant perte-de-fonction montre une croissance racinaire primaire arrêtée au stade post-embryonnaire et présente de plus un système racinaire plus ramifié que la plante sauvage. Bien que le mutant perte-de-fonction brx cause une altération complète de l'architecture racinaire, l'activité de BRX n'est requise que dans la vascularisation racinaire, en particulier au niveau du protophloème. Le protophloème est un composant du réseau de transport du phloème et est responsable du transit des dérivés de la photosynthèse ainsi que des régulateurs de croissances, venant de la partie aérienne par le phloème mature (métaphloème) vers tous les méristèmes primaires de la plante. Pour pouvoir réaliser sa fonction, le protophloème est la première file de cellules à se différencier à l'intérieur du méristème de la racine. Pendant ce processus, les cellules du protophloème subissent une mort cellulaire programmée partielle durant laquelle elles épaississent leur paroi cellulaire, dégradent le noyau et le tonoplaste tandis que la membrane plasmique demeure fonctionnelle. De manière intéressante, les cellules du protophloème entament le processus d'allongement seulement après que la différenciation en tubes criblés soit complète. Ce travail montre que le mutant brx est incapable de mener à bien la différenciation de la file de cellules du protophloème, phénotype qui peut être visualisé par la présence de cellules 'trous', de cellules non différenciées entourées de deux cellules différenciées. La discontinuité de la différenciation du phloème dans le mutant brx est considérée comme la conséquence de l'hyperactivité localisée du module de signalisation CLA VA TA3/EMBRYO SURROUNDING REGION 45 (CLE45) - BARELY ANY MERISTEM 3 (BAM3). De manière intéressante, l'activité de CLE45, très probablement au niveau de la liaison avec le récepteur, peut être modulé par le pH apoplastique. Pris ensemble, nos résultats impliquent que l'activité des pompes à protons, actives dans les cellules non différenciées du protophloème, doit être maintenue en dessous d'un certain seuil autrement la cascade de signalisation CLE45-BAM3 serait stimulée, en conséquence de quoi le protophloème ne pourrait se différencier. D'après la morphologie vacuolaire, une acidification prématurée de la paroi cellulaire dans le mutant brx empêche la différenciation du protophloème de manière stochastique. Une fois que le protophloème se différencie, les pompes à protons peuvent alors être activées afin d'acidifier l'apoplaste et ainsi faciliter l'allongement des cellules énuclées du protophloème, entraînées par la croissance des cellules environnantes. Finalement, la différenciation défectueuse du protophloème produit une accumulation d'auxine dans la partie supérieure de la racine car le phloème ne peut plus acheminer efficacement l'auxine au méristème. Physiologiquement, la 'fuite' d'auxine à partir du réseau vasculaire de la plante peut avoir des conséquences variées puisque l'auxine est impliquée dans la régulation de la majorité des aspects de la croissance et développement de la plante. Etant donné que l'auxine stimule l'initiation et développement des racines latérales, ce scénario pourrait expliquer le système racinaire plus ramifié du mutant brx. En plus, l'auxine est considérée comme un activateur des pompes à protons. Par ailleurs, nous avons montré que les mutants brx ont la capacité d'acidifier le milieu plus efficacement que les plantes sauvages, une caractéristique des populations sauvages <¥Arabidopsis poussant sur des sols acides et contenant les allèles délétés brx. De plus, dans nos résultats nous avons mis en évidence que la plupart des accessions collectées originellement sur des sites acidophiles montre une hypersensibilité au traitement par CLE45. Ceci implique que l'adaptation des plantes aux sols acides repose sur la pression de sélection positive à rencontre des régulateurs négatifs de CLE45- BAM3, situés en amont de la cascade, tel le produit du gène BRX. Les analyses de ces accessions pourraient aboutir à une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes moléculaires responsables de l'adaptation des plantes aux sols acides. Tous nos résultats suggèrent que le ciblage des facteurs affectant la différenciation du protophloème serait une stratégie gagnante dans la sélection naturelle pour changer l'architecture de la racine et ainsi s'adapter efficacement à un nouvel environnement.