890 resultados para Service public
La próxima reapertura de la radiotelevisión valenciana, teniendo en cuenta el fracaso en la gestión de RTVV durante años, suscita interrogantes sobre cómo se está desarrollando el proceso de creación del nuevo ente público. Cuáles son las medidas que se están llevando a cabo para garantizar la independencia política de la nueva corporación y evitar los errores del pasado. El objetivo de este estudio consiste en comparar los mecanismos y herramientas con los que contaba RTVV y con los que se dotará al nuevo ente, ya que a priori marcarán la diferencia entre ambos. En este sentido, la investigación se fundamenta en el análisis de contenido de la legislación tanto de RTVV como de la futura Corporación Valenciana de Medios de Comunicación, teniendo como referencia el informe de expertos Bases per a la renovació de l’espai comunicatiu valencià i la restitució del servei públic de radiotelevisió. Finalmente, se ha podido concluir que algunas herramientas de autorregulación interna propuestas hoy, ya formaban parte de la antigua RTVV. Estos organismos no cumplieron su cometido debido a la politización de los mismos, que en definitiva fue la principal causa de su declive. No obstante, también existieron carencias en cuanto a regulación externa, y que en esta nueva etapa se están incluyendo para aumentar las garantías de independencia y cumplimiento deontológico profesional.
Aufgrund noch ungewissen Ausgangs des tiefgreifenden Strukturwandels in der Medienlandschaft plädierte der Bundesrat in seinem Bericht zur Sicherung der staats- und demokratiepolitischen Funktionen der Medien, keine überstürzten Massnahmen zu ergreifen. - Der Bundesrat wird mit Annahme eines Postulats beauftragt, einen Bericht zu den Service-Public-Leistungen der SRG zu erstellen. - Nach etlichen Stunden Diskussion stimmten die Kammern in ihren Schlussabstimmungen der RTVG-Revision zu, die die Billag-Gebühr für Private und Unternehmen mit einem Jahresumsatz über CHF 500'000 zur generellen Abgabe erhob; der Gewerbeverband ergriff das Referendum. - Der Verkauf von "Le Temps" an Ringier sowie die Erwägung von Markus Somm als möglicher Nachfolger von NZZ-Chefredaktor Markus Spillmann führten dazu, dass in der breiten Öffentlichkeit gleich bei zwei überregionalen Schweizer Qualitätszeitungen Diskussionen zur redaktionellen Unabhängigkeit geführt wurden.
Companion vol. to the author's State experiences in social services planning.
"June 1993."
Some editions published without the code.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Vols. for 1970-1972 published by the Public Health Service; 1976- by the Public Health Service, Food and Drug Administration; 1980- by the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Food and Drug Administration.
Conference sponsored by the U.S. National Institute of Mental Health
Mode of access: Internet.
"May 7 and 14, 1998"--Pt. 2.
Over the years there has been a broader definition of the term health. At the same time it was found also an evolution of the concept of health care which in turn has led to changes in the approach to delivery of health services and hence in its management. In this regard, currently the nephrology services have been searching for quality technical and social need. In view of these innovations and the quest for quality, it elaborated the general objective: to develop a quality assessment protocol for dialysis service Onofre Lopes University Hospital. It is an intervention project effected through an action research, which consisted of 4 steps. Initially was identified through a literature search in scientific literature, which quality indicators would apply to a dialysis unit being selected as follows: infection rate in hemodialysis access site, microbiological control of water used for hemodialysis and Index User satisfaction. Through critical reflection on the theme researched in the previous step, it was drawn up three data collection instruments, interview form type, applied between the months of October and November 2015. In addition to the information obtained, also made up of the use of information retrieval technique. The results were organized in graphs and tables and analyzed using qualitative and exploratory technical approach. Then a reflective analysis of the data obtained and the diagnosis of reality studied was traced and confronted with the literature was performed. The data produced in this study revealed that the Dialysis Unit of HUOL is much to be desired, considering that some weaknesses have been identified in its structure. Faced with this finding have been proposed, as a contribution and aiming to guide the development of future actions, suggestions for improvement that should be implemented and monitored to be assured overcoming these difficulties, allowing an appropriate organizational restructuring, and resulting in improved service public offered. It was concluded that for hemodialysis treatment results are achieved and positive, it is necessary to have physical structure and adequate infrastructure, multidisciplinary team specialized, trained and in sufficient quantity, well designed processes for professionals to have standards to be followed decreasing the chance to err, and a risk management system to detect and control situations that endanger patient safety.
Over the years there has been a broader definition of the term health. At the same time it was found also an evolution of the concept of health care which in turn has led to changes in the approach to delivery of health services and hence in its management. In this regard, currently the nephrology services have been searching for quality technical and social need. In view of these innovations and the quest for quality, it elaborated the general objective: to develop a quality assessment protocol for dialysis service Onofre Lopes University Hospital. It is an intervention project effected through an action research, which consisted of 4 steps. Initially was identified through a literature search in scientific literature, which quality indicators would apply to a dialysis unit being selected as follows: infection rate in hemodialysis access site, microbiological control of water used for hemodialysis and Index User satisfaction. Through critical reflection on the theme researched in the previous step, it was drawn up three data collection instruments, interview form type, applied between the months of October and November 2015. In addition to the information obtained, also made up of the use of information retrieval technique. The results were organized in graphs and tables and analyzed using qualitative and exploratory technical approach. Then a reflective analysis of the data obtained and the diagnosis of reality studied was traced and confronted with the literature was performed. The data produced in this study revealed that the Dialysis Unit of HUOL is much to be desired, considering that some weaknesses have been identified in its structure. Faced with this finding have been proposed, as a contribution and aiming to guide the development of future actions, suggestions for improvement that should be implemented and monitored to be assured overcoming these difficulties, allowing an appropriate organizational restructuring, and resulting in improved service public offered. It was concluded that for hemodialysis treatment results are achieved and positive, it is necessary to have physical structure and adequate infrastructure, multidisciplinary team specialized, trained and in sufficient quantity, well designed processes for professionals to have standards to be followed decreasing the chance to err, and a risk management system to detect and control situations that endanger patient safety.
Il en va des organisations comme des personnes. Qu'on le veuille ou non, nous projetons tous une image auprès de nos interlocuteurs. Et c'est sur cette image que se fondent des décisions importantes : un consommateur va-t-il acheter un produit qu'il juge de mauvaise qualité ou trop cher, ou dont il ignore l'utilité? Une personne va-t-elle profiter d'un service public dont elle ignore l'existence? Nous vivons dans un monde de communication. Pour réussir, une organisation doit contrôler l'image qu'elle projette d'elle. Elle doit s'assurer d'être connue du public qui l'entoure. Elle doit faire comprendre ses produits, ses services et les objectifs qu'elle poursuit. De plus en plus d'organismes du secteur public et parapublic font maintenant appel à la recherche dans le but de leur permettre de prendre des décisions éclairées. Les institutions d'enseignement n'échappent pas à cette règle. Au cours des dernières années, la concurrence dans le secteur de l'enseignement secondaire s'est considérablement accrue. Même si la clientèle demeure aussi nombreuse dans les maisons d'enseignement privé de Montréal et de la Rive-Sud, il n'en demeure pas moins que les écoles publiques se sont prises en main, notamment en améliorant la qualité des services et le milieu de vie (Commission scolaire Sainte-Croix, École Pierre-Laporte; cours professionnels de ballet classique intégrés à un programme d'études secondaires régulier dans une école publique). Avec la sélection d'un projet éducatif précis dans chaque institution d'enseignement public, nous découvrons maintenant des écoles publiques spécialisées, possédant des personnalités différentes les unes des autres. Or, avec l'inversion de la pyramide des âges, la volonté de redressement des écoles publiques et leurs campagnes de sensibilisation auprès de la population, l'intégration des commissions scolaires, la concurrence existant entre les écoles privées, ces dernières doivent se définir un positionnement clair, net et précis sur l'échiquier concurrentiel. Afin de savoir si les écoles privées secondaires sont conscientes de leur image, nous avons analysé leur matériel promotionnel, c'est-à-dire brochures et dépliants. [...]