992 resultados para Serviços de saúde - São Paulo (SP) - Organização e administração
Este artigo apresenta o método, critérios, atividades e produtos obtidos no mapeamento de risco de escorregamentos realizado em ocupações urbanas subnormais na cidade de São Paulo para subsidiar a implantação de medidas de mitigação destes riscos. Palavras-chave: Riscos geológicos, mapeamento de risco.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Among numerous studies about the selective collection of solid waste and cooperatives of recyclable materials, this research aims to contribute with the study of these problems from the geographic space. As the world population increases, the issue of solid waste becomes increasingly worrying, due to new consumption patterns that create larger amounts of waste, especially in the urban centers. The recycling appears to be the best solution for this problem since most materials that are currently sent to landfills would become raw material for new products. The Triage Centers performs an important role in this process because they are responsible for sorting, packing and selling the materials arising from the selective collect, so it is necessary to analyze the places where these steps are performed. This study intend to examine the location and distribution of these enterprises in the city of São Paulo in order to provide support for the mitigation of impacts, both environmental and social, from their location, as well as provide support for the expansion of selective collection program in the city. The choice for studying this area was due to the curiosity of investigating the inefficiency of the recycling program in the city of São Paulo, which currently recycles about 1% of all household solid waste collected. Therefore, from a historical survey of the city's recycling programs, technical visits, interviews with responsible agencies and also analysis of the Triage Center's frameworks based on the guidelines from the municipal legislation, it will be evaluated the problems faced by the program for its expansion
This research aimed to analyze the spatial area for the design of the Heat Island of Subprefecture Sé, in São Paulo-SP, with the support of geotecnology and based on the study of environmental perception. We used remote sensing products such as maps ofland use and soil temperature and apparent surface to evaluate the thermal conditions considered critical points in the central area of the municipality. The methodology used was qualitative analysis, based on interviews with the people, allowing rescue geoecology the conditioning aspects of the city, with an emphasis on environmental perception. This study aimed toanalyze the perception of the variation of the thermal field in São Paulo. The results indicated that (95%) of respondents feel that the temperature of the central area has increased each year, and the district that stood out was the Sé, due to intense use and occupation of land and contribute one of the largest shopping centers. Districts with points given for having better thermal comfort were Santa Cecília, the República and Bela Vista, due to their larger amount of green areas by fiscal court, which act as local refrigerators. It was found that the respondents have the perception and awareness of their spa directly related to the quality of life. Through analysis of several variables involved, proposals and strategies may support public policies and urban planning
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The process of recognition by the State of E. F. Perus Pirapora records the progress along many different interests and opinions, differences and conflicts unresolved even after the definition of recognition. Different opinions identified and their possible relationships with the subsequent abandonment of the property justify research efforts. Result of discussions over the development of a scientific research about industrial heritage, this article identifies people interested in this subject and conflicts presented in recognition 21.273/80. We understand this identification as possible subsidy for reflections about values, uses and management of the property recognized. Among the methods highlight the documentary research and interviews with the people involved in the recognition of the property. The process 21.273/80 was the focus of our investigation and it has been taken as official record of interests and positions of the people involved. The research concludes that conflicts between requestor and owner limited the effectiveness of the tool of recognition, resulting in abandonment and degradation of the heritage recognized. We also identify the positive presence of the government in this case represented by the Department of Culture of the State of São Paulo and CONDEPHAAT, on the management of the conflicts and the actions to safeguard the E.F. Perus Pirapora.
The Billings Complex and the Guarapiranga System are important strategic reservoirs for the city of São Paulo and surrounding areas because the water is used among other things, for the public water supply. They produce 19,000 liters of water per second and Supply water to 5.4 million people. Crude water is transferred from the Taquacetuba branch of the Billings Complex to the Guarapiranga Reservoir to regulate the water level of the reservoir. The objective of this study was to evaluate the water quality in the Taquacetuba branch, focusing on cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins. Surface water samples were collected in February (summer) and July (winter) of 2007. Analyses were conducted of physical, chemical, and biological variables of he water, cyanobacteria richness and density, and the presence of cyanotoxins. The water was classified as eutrophic-hypereutrophic. Cyanobacteria blooms were observed in both collection periods. The cyanobacteria bloom was most significant in July, reflecting lower water transparency and higher levels of total solids, suspended organic matter, chlorophyll-a, and cyanobacteria density in the surface water. Low richness and elevated dominance of the cyanobacteria were found in both periods. Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii was dominant in February, with 352 661.0 cel mL(-1), and Microcystis panniformis was dominant in July, with 1 866 725.0 cel mL(-1). Three variants of microcystin were found in February (MC-RR, MC-LR, MC-YR), as well as saxitoxin. The same variants of microcystin were found in July, but no saxitoxin was detected. Anatoxin-a and cylindropermopsin were not detected in either period. These findings are of great concern because the water in the Taquacetuba branch, which is transferred into the Guarapiranga Reservoir, is not treated nor managed. It is recommended that monitoring be intensified and more effective measures be taken by the responsible agencies to prevent the process of eutrophication and the consequent development of the cyanobacteria and their toxins.
O trabalho tem como objetivo realizar o mapeamento do uso da terra no entorno de 10 km da Estação Ecológica de Itaberá, levantar a legislação incidente e detectar as pressões das atividades humanas sobre a unidade de conservação, de modo a subsidiar a elaboração do plano de manejo e a delimitação de sua zona de amortecimento. A metodologia do trabalho compreende levantamentos bibliográfico e cartográfico e o mapeamento do uso da terra com base na interpretação visual de imagem de satélite ALOS, do ano de 2008, com resolução espacial de 10m. Os objetos representados nas imagens de satélite foram identificados por meio da tonalidade/cor, textura, tamanho, forma, sombra, altura, padrão e localização geográfica. O uso da terra predominante no entorno da Estação Ecológica de Itaberá é caracterizado por atividades agrícolas de cultivos anuais e pecuária. A cobertura vegetal natural remanescente está restrita aos fundos de vale e encostas mais íngremes e devem constituir os corredores ecológicos. Os resultados obtidos por esse estudo colaboram, portanto, para a delimitação da zona de amortecimento, procura-se assim, ordenar o uso da terra e controlar as atividades antrópicas desenvolvidas ao redor da unidade de conservação.
A partir de um levantamento bibliográfico foram selecionados pontos que compuseram um questionário com a finalidade de elaborar um diagnóstico sobre como vem se dando o processo de informatização nas Administrações Públicas Municipais do Estado de São Paulo. Os resultados são relacionados com o desenvolvimento da indústria nacional de informática e com as mudanças trazidas pela Constituição de 1988 referentes às competências administrativas
Este estudo tem como objeto a investigação do assédio moral a partir da perspectiva de professores em cursos de Administração de Empresas de Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) privadas na cidade de São Paulo, sendo seu objetivo analisar as práticas de assédio moral e das condições organizacionais que as favorecem. Para responder à questão: “Quais condições organizacionais favorecem e como ocorrem as práticas de assédio moral, na perspectiva de professores dos cursos de Administração de Empresas em IES particulares na cidade de São Paulo?”, foi realizada uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, norteada pelo paradigma interpretativo, sendo que os dados colhidos mediante entrevistas e análise documental foram submetidos à análise de conteúdo. Os resultados evidenciaram que o assédio moral ocorre em diversas instâncias, é motivado tanto por questões de ordem pessoal, quanto por questões organizacionais e possui múltiplas faces, que se manifestam nas diferentes formas de violência sofrida pelo docente. Este estudo contribui para a compreensão das práticas de assédio no ambiente acadêmico, revelando que este fenômeno tem como elementos deflagradores o posicionamento das IES privadas no cenário competitivo em que estão inseridas e a fragilidade ou inexistência de normas e de processos referentes à prevenção e ao tratamento de casos de assédio moral.
O trabalho procura levantar uma memória do planejamento urbano em São Paulo, definindo como objeto de pesquisa o estudo dos planos urbanísticos. Estudo dos principais planos feitos para São Paulo desde 1899 até 1961, analisando o seu conteúdo e as suas condições de implementação, sistematizando a memória do Planejamento da cidade. Aborda a intervenção da Prefeitura no processo de urbanização espontâneo, destacando os principais obstáculos que impediram uma ordenação mais eficaz da estrutura urbana. Aponta as condições institucionais necessárias para um planejamento urbano inovador e eficiente, dentro da nossa realidade político-econômica.