363 resultados para Sertão de Apodi
A atenção primária à saúde é um importante cenário para o cuidado em saúde mental por suas características e pelo trabalho no território contribuir para a superação do modelo manicomial de atenção. Esta pesquisa partiu do questionamento sobre como acontece a atenção em saúde mental na atenção básica nas unidades em que se desenvolve a Residência de Medicina de Família e Comunidade em um município do sertão paraibano. Objetivou investigar as demandas de saúde mental e práticas de cuidado no contexto de ESF e da RMFC do município de Cajazeiras a partir do discurso dos profissionais ali inseridos e discutir estratégias de qualificação do cuidado em saúde mental nessa realidade. Utilizou-se abordagem qualitativa em que foram realizados grupos focais envolvendo profissionais de duas equipes da ESF e uma equipe de NASF. Os dados produzidos nos grupos foram analisados a partir do referencial da análise do discurso de inspiração foucaultiana. Como resultados evidenciou-se que os profissionais percebem a demanda em saúde mental na atenção básica principalmente na forma de sofrimento psíquico inespecífico e transtornos mentais graves. A atenção a essas pessoas não consegue superar a medicalização que é identificada por esses profissionais. A prática asilar persiste como alternativa para os casos de transtornos mentais graves, sendo limitada a incorporação do paradigma da desinstitucionalização como referencial para a prática profissional. Além disso, a relação com a rede de saúde encontra vários limites destacando-se a dificuldade de produção de continuidade e integralidade do cuidado. A partir disto, analisa-se a formação médica e sua capacidade de garantir o cuidado integral na atenção às demandas de saúde mental. No campo da pesquisa, dois modelos de formação se encontram. Os residentes participantes ou graduaram-se em Cuba ou em escola médica brasileira orientada pelas Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais. Percebe-se então que a graduação, ao incorporar questões relativas à integralidade do cuidado, não é suficiente para gerar bons profissionais para o SUS. Considera-se necessário somar às mudanças na graduação a perspectiva da Educação Permanente em Saúde no mundo do trabalho, o envolvimento dos profissionais com a transformação das práticas de atenção à saúde e a construção da perspectiva da integralidade e da atenção psicossocial por dentro da Residência de Medicina de Família e Comunidade como importantes estratégias para a formação de médicos generalistas aptos para a atenção às demandas de saúde mental
The mangrove is a coastal ecosystem of the big ecological importance, showing high fragility front by natural process and the human interventions in the coastal zone. This research has objective to analyses the relation between mangrove species distribution and geochemical parameters variation of the water and soil in Apodi/Mossoro estuary, located in the Rio Grande do Norte state north coastline. The results were obtained from floristic and structural analysis of the vegetation and Quick Bird satellite images interpretation (collected in 2006 year), manipulated with ENVI 4.3 and ArcGIS 9.2 software s. This estuary was characterized by to presents a gradient of the salinity around 40 kilometers extension, finding amount between 50 and 90 g/l-1. Will be identified the formation of the mix vegetation formation in the estuary mount, where the water salinity no show express wide variation on seawater (36 g/l-1), finding species: Rhizophora mangle L., Laguncularia racemosa (L.) C. F. Gaertn, Avicennia schaueriana Stap. & Leechman e Avicennia germinans L. Along of the estuary, have a streak formation of the vegetation composed by Avicennia spp. and L. racemosa. In high estuary, where the salinities value stay above 60 g/l-1, only A. germinans predominate in dwarf form. In this sense, the salinity is as a limiting factor of stress on the mangrove vegetation as it enters the estuary, this parameter should be taken into account when drawing up management plans and environmental restoration in the estuary in question
The aim of the paper is to carry out a geo-environmental characterization of Apodi District, in Rio Grande do Norte State, as a support to agro-ecological zoning studies on that region. The first methodology action was to accomplish a comprehensive bibliography review on the subject, followed by observation of satellite images and their processing throughout geographic information systems (SIG), as well as technical visits to various places in order to verify in loco the preset conditions of the soil and the environmental degradation problems in those areas. The paper also presents data about the socio-economy and physic-natural local aspects of the land, required to the implementation of zoning studies which are one the most important tool to the planning and organization of the use of the soil containing a sustainable cattle-raising activity. As a result, thematic maps describing the physic-natural features and analysis of the socio-environment data, indispensable to the agro-ecological zoning, have been provided
Water scarcity is a reality for the inhabitants of the Brazilian semiarid region. The problem, in quantitative terms , is caused due to local climatic conditions due mostly to a water deficit. Qualitatively, results of multiple uses and resulting contamination by human activities. Eutrophication is presented as a threat to the sustainable use of water resources, in order to favor the predominance of dense populations of cyanobacteria, which can be potentially harmful to human health. The aim of this study is to understand the population dynamics of phytoplankton and cyanobacteria to assess water quality of reservoirs Santa Cruz do Apodi and Pau dos Ferros belonging to bacia Apodi Mossoró-RN . Water samples were collected monthly between October 2011 and May 2012 in reservoirs Santa Cruz do Apodi and Pau dos Ferros, in this latter , in Jan/12 we performed a diel profile . The abiotic variables obtained in the field and in the laboratory were: water temperature , dissolved oxygen , pH , turbidity , transparency , total nitrogen and total phosphorus . Phytoplankton samples were collected with a plankton net and bottle of Van dorn . Were performed : identification , quantification , calculation of biovolume , classification into functional groups and index calculation phytoplankton assembly ( Q ) , cyanotoxins were quantified by ELISA . Statistical analyzes supported the evaluation of the dynamics between biotic and abiotic factors. A questionnaire was conducted to examine the conceptions of the population, education professionals and students. The reservoir of Pau dos Ferros, shallow , turbid and eutrophic showed dominance of the functional group SN throughout the sample period . The phytoplankton biomass ranged from 20 to 70 mm ³ . L - 1, the lowest values coincided with the increase of the mixing zone and transparency, which contributed to the occurrence of a change in species composition phytoplankton . The application of the index Q proved relevant, the reservoir of Pau dos Ferros , depending on the species present , was classified ecologically as bad for almost the entire sample period . The reservoir Santa Cruz do Apodi showed low biomass ( 0.04 and 4.31 mm ³ . L - 1 ) and greater diversity in the phytoplankton composition . According to the index assembly (Q ), it showed moderate condition during most of the period influenced by different functional groups of typical meso- eutrophic environment (K S0, H1, C, F , J , E, D and N) . Associations of diatoms and green algae D and X1 succeeded populations of cyanobacteria in periods marked by greater instability in the system , caused by wind or rain. In summary , the occurrence of drought has a direct influence on the hydrological conditions of the reservoirs , in general, these events, reducing the reservoir level is directly related to decreased water quality and increased density of phytoplankton occurring predominance of cyanobacteria , the index Q reflected well to changes in phytoplankton composition , being a good indicator for biomonitoring of reservoirs in this study and survey of previous conceptions showed the need to work on environmental awareness for the preservation of water resources by conducting workshops for Environmental Education
The Caatinga biome has a high diversity of potential and their conservation constitutes one of the greatest challenges of Brazilian science. The sustainable management of the Caatinga emerges as an alternative that through the formation of systems agrossilvipastoris, enables the use of forest resources sustainably, ensuring their conservation, regeneration and recovery. In RN this technique has been developed mainly in settlements of Agrarian Reform, such as P. A. Moaci Lucena, and their impacts go beyond the environmental aspect and reverberate socially and economically on the quality of life of family farmers. Despite the efficiency of the Sustainable Management of the Caatinga in the conservation of native species, many forests species of this biome faces serious problems of propagation and for this reason have become vulnerable to extinction, as is the case of Mimosa caesalpiniifolia Benth . Thus , it is evident the need to use sustainable alternatives to overcome the difficulties of propagation of this species and enable their replacement in areas where their existence is threatened. The Plant Biotechnology is considered as a promising alternative in this sense, considering that by micropropagation enables the large-scale production of seedlings with high health genetics status. This work has the following objectives: evaluate the perception of family farmers of P. A. Moaci Lucena in relation to social, environmental and economic impacts of the Sustainable Management of the Caatinga and check the conditions of germination and in vitro propagation of Mimosa caesalpiniifolia Benth that enabling the production of seedlings of this specie on a large scale. To achieve the first objective, semi-structured interviews showed that in the perception of farmers PA Moaci Lucena, the Sustainable Management of the Caatinga was responsible for generating many social, environmental and economic impacts that affected directly in the improvement in the quality of life of the families of the Settlement Project Moaci Lucena. Have to achieve the second objective, were investigated the influence of different substrates and concentrations of growth regulator BAP in the germination and shoot induction in vitro of Mimosa caesalpiniifolia Benth. The vermiculite was presented as the most suitable substrate for germination of this species, because it provided a more rapid germination, higher growth rates and higher dry matter accumulation. Regarding micropropagation, the concentration of 17.76 μmol/L of BAP presented a more responsive in relation to multiplication rate and the number of shoots in M. caesalpiniifolia, thus constituting the most suitable concentration for the in vitro propagation of this specie
This study explores the symbolism of evil way in the novel Grande sertão: veredas, by Guimarães Rosa, regarding faustian pact by Goethe, and so tries to understand how the rosiana language are present to the strategies which put in suspense the effectiveness of the demonic agreement and enable, with poetic intensity, different interpretations, especially as regards the anguish of the human condition. This research thus has drawn upon the Mythical Symbolism, in Literary Criticism and aspects of Metaphysics, in addition to analyzing classic literary essays in approaching of Rosa s masterpiece structure. It has also demonstrated that the incorporation of the Faust legend in Grande sertão reflects the same desire for happiness that is not done completely, and in this manner, instigates a discussion about the limits to the satisfaction of being human. Therefore, it has observed that epic narrative of ex-gangster Riobaldo to the doctor of city speculates on human man, in the continuous learning of his passing
The aim of this study is to investigate the eco-environmental vulnerability, its changes, and its causes to develop a management system for application of eco-environmental vulnerability and risk assessment in the Apodi-Mossory estuary, Northeast Brazil. This analysis is focused on the interference of the landscape conditions, and its changes, due to the following factors: the oil and natural gas industry, tropical fruits industry, shrimp farms, marine salt industry, occupation of the sensitive areas; demand for land, vegetation degradation, siltation in rivers, severe flooding, sea level rise (SLR), coastal dynamics, low and flat topography, high ecological value and tourism in the region and the rapid growth of urbanization. Conventional and remote sensing data were analyzed using modeling techniques based on ArcGIS, ER-Mapper, ERDAS Imagine and ENVI software. Digital images were initially processed by Principal Component Analysis and transformation of the maximum fraction of noise, and then all bands were normalized to reduce errors caused by bands of different sizes. They were integrated in a Geographic Information System analysis to detect changes, to generate digital elevation models, geomorphic indices and other variables of the study area. A three band color combination of multispectral bands was used to monitor changes of land and vegetation cover from 1986 to 2009. This task also included the analysis of various secondary data, such as field data, socioeconomic data, environmental data and prospects growth. The main objective of this study was to improve our understanding of eco-environmental vulnerability and risk assessment; it´s causes basically show the intensity, its distribution and human-environment effect on the ecosystem, and identify the high and low sensitive areas and area of inundation due to future SLR, and the loss of land due to coastal erosion in the Apodi-Mossoró estuary in order to establish a strategy for sustainable land use. The developed model includes some basic factors such as geology, geomorphology, soils, land use / land cover, vegetation cover, slope, topography and hydrology. The numerical results indicate that 9.86% of total study area was under very high vulnerability, 29.12% high vulnerability, 52.90% moderate vulnerability and 2.23% were in the category of very low vulnerability. The analysis indicates that 216.1 km² and 362.8 km² area flooded on 1m and 10m in sea levels respectively. The sectors most affected were residential, industrial and recreational areas, agricultural land, and ecosystems of high environmental sensitivity. The results showed that changes in eco-environmental vulnerability have a significant impact on the sustainable development of the RN state, since the indicator is a function of sensitivity, exposure and status in relation to a level of damage. The model were presented as a tool to assist in indexing vulnerability in order to optimize actions and assess the implications of decisions makers and policies regarding the management of coastal and estuarine areas. In this context aspects such as population growth, degradation of vegetation, land use / land cover, amount and type of industrialization, SLR and government policies for environmental protection were considered the main factors that affect the eco-environmental changes over the last three decades in the Apodi-Mossoró estuary.
Numerous studies have indicated that the Potiguar Basin is affected by Cenozoic tectonics. The reactivation of Cretaceous fault systems affect the post-rift units, witch include Neogene and overlying Quaternary sediments. In this context, the objectives of this thesis are the followings: (1) to characterize the effects of post-rift tectonics in the morphology of Apodi Mossoró-river valley located in the central portion of the Potiguar, (2) to characterize the drainage of the Apodi Mossoró river valley and investigate the behavior of their channels across active faults, and (3) to propose a geologic-geomorphological evolutionary model for the study area. This study used a geological and geomorphological mapping of the central part of the basin, with emphasis on the Quaternary record, luminescence dating of sediments, and geoelectric profiles of the area. The results reveal by maps of structural lineaments and drainage channels of the rivers form valleys that are affected by faults and folds. In Apodi-Mossoró valley, anomalies of channel morphology are associated with the deformation of the post-rift basin. These anomalies show the reactivation of major fault systems in the Potiguar Basin in Cenozoic. On a regional scale, can be seen through the vertical electric profiles that the Cenozoic tectonics is responsible for the elevation of a macro dome NE-SE-trending 70-km long and 50km wide and up to 270 above sea level. In this sector, the vertical electric profiles data show that the contact between the Cretaceous and Neogene rise more than 100m. This Is an important feature of inversion data obtained in this work showed that the deposits that cover the macro dome (Serra do Mel) have ages of 119 ka to 43 ka. In the river valley and surrounding areas Apodi-Mossoró ages vary between 319 ka and 2.7 ka. From these data it was possible to establish the correct geochronological posiconamento paleodepósitos of distinguishing them from the fluvial deposits of the Neogene (Barreiras Formation)
The study area islocated in the northern cost of Rio Grande do Norte State, preciselyin a west zone of Apodi-Mossoró River, inclunding Tibau City, Grossos City and part of Mossoró City. Geologicaly, this area is composed by rokcs of Potiguar basin, represented by Cretaceous, Tertiary and Quaternary sediments. This area is characterizer by the intense action of cosatal processes (eolic and costal tranports, generalized erosion, alteration in the sediments balance and coast modification), reponsable for it´s morfological instability, also the antropic interference, where the iol industry is located, next Mossoró City, and also the salt exploration industry and the tendency of expantion of shrimp cultivation. This report had as objective the multitemporalgeoenvorimentalmonitoring of the region by recognizingin the field and analizingimages of orbital sensors of diferents years of last four decades. This analisys was achieved by Digital Images Procesing (DIP) thecnics, com subsidized, in a GIS, the preparion of Thematic Maps of natural resources (Geology, Geomorphology and Use & Ocupatios of Earth) and the Envorimental Sensivity to Oil Spilling, main objective os this project. Such technics constitute important tools of envoriment monitoring and maneging, indicating tendencies of antropic of natural growing, making possible the apropiated planning of development of the region, where the steps can be indicated minimized possibles envorimental impacts caused by antropics interferencies on the region, mainly those related to industrial activities, and oil industry above all. Researchs of this nature are very important to the analisys and ordered manegements of use and ocupation of coastal places
The brazilian marginal basins have a huge potential to generate and accumulate petroleum. Incised valleys which are eroded in response to a fall of relative sea level are related to potential reservoir as well, modern drowned-valley estuaries serve as harbors to petroleum and salt industries, fisheries, waste-disposal sites and recreational areas for a significant fraction of the world s population. The combined influence of these factors has produced a dramatic increase in research on modern and ancient incised-valley systems. This research is one expression of this interest. The integrated use of satellites images and high resolution seismic (bathymetry, sides scan sonar) was used on the Apodi River mouth-RN to characterizes the continental shelf This area is located at the Potiguar Basin in the NE Brazilian Equatorial Atlantic margin. Through bathymetric and side scan sonar data processing, a digital Terrain Model was developed, and a detailed geomorphologic analysis was performed. In this way was possible to recognize the geomorphologic framework and differents sismofacies, which may influence this area. A channel extending from the ApodiMossoró river mouth to the shelf edge dominates the investigated area. This structure can be correlated with the former river valley developed during the late Pleistocene sea level fall. This channel has two main directions (NW-SE and NE-SW) probably controlled by the Potiguar Basin structures. The western margin of the channel is relatively steep and pronounced whereas the eastern margin consists only of a gentle slope. Longitudinal bedforms and massive ridges also occur. The first are formed doe to the shelf sediment rework and the reef-like structures probably are relics of submerged beachrock-lines indicating past shoreline positions during the deglacial sea-level rise. The sub-bottom seismic data allow the identification of different sismic patterns and a marcant discontinuity, interpreted as the Upper
Este trabalho teve como objetivo principal analisar as mudanças ocorridas no clima local onde o município de Apodi/RN está inserido, em virtude da construção da Barragem Santa Cruz do Apodi. Foram utilizadas para o tratamento dos dados climáticos precipitação pluviométrica, umidade relativa do ar e temperatura técnicas estatísticas como Desvio Padrão, Teste T, Coeficiente de Variação e Média aritmética, além do modelo matemático. Para o balanço hídrico foi aplicado o método de Thornthwait (1948), considerando dois períodos em análise: o anterior e posterior a construção da Barragem Santa Cruz do Apodi, respectivamente 1995 e 2005. os resultados obtidos permitiram inferir que a hipótese inicial levantada se confirma, ou seja, a construção da Barragem Santa Cruz do Apodi, está influenciando diretamente numa alteração no que concerne à condição atmosférica local, especialmente no parâmetro umidade relativa do ar. Quanto ao balanço hídrico, observou-se a predominância do déficit hídrico especialmente entre os meses de junho a janeiro, período de estiagem; um excedente ocorrente entre os meses de maio e junho, conseqüente do período chuvoso; e uma reposição hídrica antecedendo e sucedendo este período, chuvoso, ou seja, compreendendo os meses de fevereiro a junho. Todas as considerações e análises poderão contribuir para o planejamento de abastecimento d´água, a irrigação, auxílio na previsão de enchentes e estiagens, bem como o manejo do uso da água subterrânea
Este artigo inicia-se com uma exposição sucinta da metáfora do teatro, tal como aparece em Platão. em seguida, após levantamento dos momentos capitais da literatura, investiga-se a metáfora em Guimarães Rosa, no Grande sertão: veredas e no conto Pirlimpsiquice. No Grande sertão, a atuação no palco é tomada como equivalente ao desempenho na vida. Teatro e vida são, portanto, domínios que se identificam. Para isto, concorrem a religião cristã e o pensamento de Plotino. em Pirlimpsiquice, o Autor investiga por menorizadamente os limites e aproximações entre teatro e vida, sendo que o grau mínimo da metáfora é conferido pelas práticas histórica e cultural. Por fim, retomando a polêmica de Hegel com o platonismo, conclui-se que a representação e a vida estão amalgamadas, numa constante dialetização entre história e cultura.
Pós-graduação em Geografia - FCT