361 resultados para Sers, Phillipe


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In this paper we report the rational design and fabrication of high-quality core-shell Au-Pt nanoparticle film. Such film shows highly efficient catalytic properties and excellent surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) ability.


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A useful method for the synthesis of various gold nanostructures is presented. The results demonstrated that flowerlike nanoparticle arrays, nanowire networks, nanosheets, and nanoflowers were obtained on the solid substrate under different experimental conditions. In addition, surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) spectra of 4-aminothiophenol (4-ATP) on the as-prepared gold nanostructures of various shapes were measured, and their shape-dependent properties were evaluated. The intensity of the SERS signal was the smallest for the gold nanosheets, and the flowerlike nanoparticle arrays gave the strongest SERS signals.


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In this paper, an approach for fabricating an active surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) substrate is adopted. This approach is based on the assembling of silver nanoparticles film on gold substrate. Rhodamine 6G (R6G) and p-aminothiophenol (P-ATP) were used as probe molecules for SERS experiments, showing that this new active substrate has sensitivity to SERS response. Tapping-mode atomic force microscopy (AFM) was also used to investigate the surface morphology following the fabricating process of the active SERS substrate, which showed that large quantities of silver nanoparticles were uniformly coated on the substrate.


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The electrochemical polymerization of 0.01 M aniline in 1 M H2SO4 aqueous solution on roughened Au surface modified with a self-assembled monolayer (SAM) of 4-aminothiophenol (4-ATP) has been investigated by in situ electrochemical surface-enhanced Raman scattering spectroscopy (SERS). The repeat units and possible structures of the electrodeposited polyaniline (PANI) film were proposed; i.e., aniline monomer is coupled in head-to-tail predominately at the C-4 of aniline and amine of 4-ATP, and the thin PANI film is orientated vertically to substrate surface. Simultaneous Raman spectra during potential scanning indicate clearly that the ultrathin PANI film (in initial growth of the film) consists of semiquinone radical cation (IP+), para-disubstituted benzene (IP and IP+) and quinine diimine (NP) while it is oxidized, and without quinine diimine and semiquinone radical cation while reduced. Meanwhile, the results confirm that 4-ATP monolayer shows a strong promotion on the electrodeposition of aniline monomer, and a possible polymerization mechanism was proposed.


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This thesis explores a new method to fabricate SERS detection platforms formed by large area self-assembled Au nanorod arrays. For the fabrication of these new SERS platforms a new droplet deposition method for the self-assembly of Au nanorods was developed. The method, based in the controlled evaporation of organic suspensions of Au nanorods, was used for the fabrication of horizontal and vertical arrays of Au nanorods over large areas (100μm2). The fabricated nanorods arrays showed a high degree of order measured by SEM and optical microscopy over mm2 areas, but unfortunately they detached from the support when immersed in any analyte solutions. In order to improve adhesion of arrays to the support and clean off residual organic matter, we introduced an additional stamping process. The stamping process allows the immobilization of the arrays on different flexible and rigid substrates, whose feasibility as SERS platforms were tested satisfactory with the model molecule 4ABT. Following the feasibility study, the substrates were used for the detection of the food contaminant Crystal Violet and the drug analogue Benzocaine as examples of recognition of health menaces in real field applications.


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Aggregated Au colloids have been widely used as SERS enhancing media for many years but to date there has been no systematic investigation of the effect of the particle size on the enhancements given by simple aggregated Au colloid solutions. Previous systematic studies on isolated particles in solution or multiple particles deposited onto surfaces reported widely different optimum particle sizes for the same excitation wavelength and also disagreed on the extent to which surface plasmon absorption spectra were a good predictor of enhancement factors. In this work the spectroscopic properties of a range of samples of monodisperse Au colloids with diameters ranging from 21 to 146 nm have been investigated in solution. The UV/visible absorption spectra of the colloids show complex changes as a function of aggregating salt (MgSO4) concentration which diminish when the colloid is fully aggregated. Under these conditions, the relative SERS enhancements provided by the variously sized colloids vary very significantly across the size range. The largest signals in the raw data are observed for 46 nm colloids but correction for the total surface area available to generate enhancement shows that particles with 74 nm diameter give the largest enhancement per unit surface area. The observed enhancements do not correlate with absorbance at the excitation wavelength but the large differences between differently sized colloids demonstrate that even in the randomly aggregated particle assemblies studied here, inhomogeneous broadening does not mask the underlying changes due to differences in particle diameter.


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Here we report an example of a mixed thiol monolayer on the surface of Ag nanoparticles which promotes adsorption and quantitative SERS detection of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, “Ecstasy”); the thiols in the mixed monolayers act synergistically since MDMA does not adsorb onto colloids modified with either of the thiols separately.


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Cucurbit[n]urils (CB[n]) are macrocyclic host molecules with subnanometer dimensions capable of binding to gold surfaces. Aggregation of gold nanoparticles with CB[n] produces a repeatable, fixed, and rigid interparticle separation of 0.9 nm, and thus such assemblies possess distinct and exquisitely sensitive plasmonics. Understanding the plasmonic evolution is key to their use as powerful SERS substrates. Furthermore, this unique spatial control permits fast nanoscale probing of the plasmonics of the aggregates "glued" together by CBs within different kinetic regimes using simultaneous extinction and SERS measurements. The kinetic rates determine the topology of the aggregates including the constituent structural motifs and allow the identification of discrete plasmon modes which are attributed to disordered chains of increasing lengths by theoretical simulations. The CBs directly report the near-field strength of the nanojunctions they create via their own SERS, allowing calibration of the enhancement. Owing to the unique barrel-shaped geometry of CB[n] and their ability to bind "guest" molecules, the aggregates afford a new type of in situ self-calibrated and reliable SERS substrate where molecules can be selectively trapped by the CB[n] and exposed to the nanojunction plasmonic field. Using this concept, a powerful molecular-recognition-based SERS assay is demonstrated by selective cucurbit[n]uril host-guest complexation.


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Esta tese descreve diversas estratégias preparativas assim como estudos de caracterização de nanocompósitos e outras nanoestruturas, para a análise em espectroscopia de Raman com intensificação por superfície (SERS). Em particular foi estudada a incorporação de nanopartículas (NPs) metálicas de Ag e Au em matrizes poliméricas visando avaliar o potencial destes materiais como novos substratos para SERS na deteção de moléculas. O primeiro capítulo consiste numa revisão bibliográfica, onde é destacado o desenvolvimento de novos substratos para SERS utilizando nomeadamente nanopartículas de Ag, Au e Cu. Numa primeira fase, esta secção apresenta uma breve descrição sobre as propriedades plasmónicas dos metais utilizados e alguns conceitos básicos de espectroscopia de difusão de Raman. Posteriormente, descreve-se em mais detalhe o efeito de SERS, revendo-se sobretudo a química de materiais descrita em trabalhos recentes tendo em conta a sua utilização como novas plataformas para análise química por SERS. O capítulo 2 descreve a síntese e caracterização de nanocompósitos de poli(acrilato de butilo) obtidos através de polimerização in situ por miniemulsão na presença de nanopartículas de Ag. Os nanocompósitos Ag/PtBA foram investigados como novos substratos de SERS visando o desenvolvimento de novas plataformas versáteis para deteção molecular. Estudos como o efeito da temperatura, pH e pressão foram investigados, visando a compreensão do efeito da matriz polimérica na difusão/adsorção do analito (ácido tiossalicílico) na superfície metálica. No capítulo 3, os nanocompósitos de Ag/PtBA descritos anteriormente foram investigados detalhadamente como substratos para bio-deteção em SERS, usando a adenina como analito modelo. Os nanocompósitos foram submetidos a vários tratamentos pré-analíticos para a bio-deteção da adenina. Foram realizadas experiências nos sistemas Ag/PtBA de modo a obter informação sobre o efeito do pH na deteção deste analito em soluções aquosas diluídas. Os nanocompósitos poliméricos obtidos apresentam a vantagem de poderem ser processados utilizando tecnologia disponível. Pelo que o estudo das suas propriedades térmicas é especialmente relevante. Assim, a influência da incorporação de NPs inorgânicas na temperatura de transição vítrea (Tg) do polímero PtBA foi investigada por meio de calorimetria diferencial de varrimento (DSC) e os resultados são apresentados no capítulo 4. Estes estudos descrevem efeitos na Tg do PtBA quando analisado em nanocompósitos obtidos por diferentes métodos (métodos ex situ e in situ), contendo nanopartículas metálicas com diferentes distribuições de tamanho e presentes em quantidade variável na matriz polimérica. Estes estudos possibilitaram relacionar a influência das NPs metálicas na mobilidade das cadeias poliméricas com as propriedades térmicas observadas. O capítulo 5 descreve a preparação e caracterização de materiais compósitos de base polimérica (PtBA) e NPs de Au com morfologia de bastonetes (NRs). Estes materiais foram investigados como substratos para SERS tendo originado um bom sinal de SERS na análise de 2-2’-ditiodipiridina. Investigouse igualmente o efeito da variação da morfologia das NPs metálicas (esferas e bastonetes), a razão de aspecto (R.A.) dos bastonetes e o tipo de matriz polimérica (PtBA e PnBA) no sinal de SERS. No capítulo 6 é descrita a utilização da técnica de SERS como método alternativo para a monitorização de alterações morfológicas de coloides de NRs de Au. Os NRs de Au foram recolhidos em diferentes fases de oxidação promovida pela presença de K2S2O8 e a sua sensibilidade como substratos de SERS foi avaliada utilizando o anião dietilditiocarbamato (DTC) como analito modelo. Os estudos foram realizados utilizando as linhas de excitação a 1064 nm e 633 nm. Este estudo demonstrou que a sensibilidade dos NRs de Au como substratos de SERS diminui à medida que a sua R.A. diminui devido à competitividade do CTAB (estabilizante) e o DTC pela superfície dos NRs. É de salientar que este processo é acompanhado por um diferente comportamento em termos de adsorção dos dois tautómeros do DTC à superfície do metal. O capítulo 7 introduz um novo tipo de compósitos para SERS, utilizando matrizes biopoliméricas. Assim, descreve-se a preparação e caracterização de nanocompósitos de carragenano e NPs de Ag. Nesta secção é avaliada a utilização destes materiais como novos substratos para a análise em SERS, utilizando a 2-2’-ditiodipiridina como molécula modelo. Descrevem-se estudos pioneiros que procuram relacionar a dependência do sinal de SERS com a força do gel. Para tal, realizou-se um estudo sistemático aos nanobiocompósitos usados como substratos de SERS em diferentes condições analíticas e investigaram-se as suas propriedades reológicas. No capitulo 8 é descrita a investigação de nanocompósitos de Ag/Gelatina como substratos para SERS, utilizando o anião dietilditiocarbamato como analito modelo. Realizaram-se várias experiências para correlacionar a variação da força do gel com o aumento do sinal de SERS bem como a diferente adsorção dos dois tautómeros do DTC à superfície do metal. Ao longo desta dissertação são apresentados metodologias distintas para a preparação e obtenção de nanocompósitos com base em polímeros (sintéticos ou naturais) e NPs metálicas (Ag e Au). Esta investigação não só permitiu a síntese e estudo de novos substratos para SERS mas também a compreensão do efeito matriz/NPs metálicas no sinal de SERS e na formação de “hot spots”. Este trabalho contribui para o enriquecimento na área da Nanociência e Nanotecnologia demonstrando a eficácia e reprodutibilidade de nanocompósitos com base em polímeros como novos substratos para SERS. Embora as propriedades óticas apresentadas por estes materiais serem aqui direcionadas para a deteção molecular pela técnica de SERS, estes materiais podem ser investigados em outras área tecnológicas.


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The present work aimed to explore the potential of new nanocomposites based on carbon nanostructures and metal nanoparticles for the detection of biomolecules through surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). In a first step, polyvinyl alcohol composites were prepared incorporating silver nanoparticles by two different reduction procedures. At first without introduction of carbon nanostructures. These composites showed good results for the SERS identification of nucleic acids. Next, the synthesis and characterization of graphene oxide was studied to be used in the preparation of silver and gold nanocomposites. The reduction of this nanomaterial with different chemical agents was explored, since its reduction degree may be a determinant factor for the application envisaged (biomolecules interaction). The preparation of the nanocomposites with silver and gold was performed with different reducing agents. The SERS activity of these new nanocomposites was then explored in the presence of different analytes, varying the experimental conditions for Raman spectra acquisition. It was interesting to verify that the silver containing nanocomposites presented the particularity to intensify the graphene D and G bands. It is also important to highlight that a new eco-friendly reducing agent was tested for the synthesis of the graphene oxide composites, an Eucalyptus Globulus extract. Other variable introduced was the preparation of gold nanostars synthesized with hydroxylamine in the presence of graphene oxide, which allowed the preparation of a new nanocomposite with SERS potential. Fibrous membranes were also prepared by electrospinning with the aim to prepare SERS supports with adequate topography and porosity for the formation of nanoparticles agglomerates for the creation of the so-called hot-spots and also to allow the penetration of the analyte molecules. The polymers polyvinyl alcohol and polyacrylonitrile were selected for electrospinning. Using this technique, electrospun mantles with silver and gold nanoparticles and nanocomposites were prepared. Several variables were studied, such as the introduction of the nano-fillers during the electrospinning process, later deposition of the nano-fillers on the simple electrospun polymeric fibres and surface functionalization of the simple polymeric membranes to link the nano-fillers. At last, the potentialities of using carbon nanotubes forests, produced by chemical vapor deposition and coated with gold film by sputtering, as new SERS substrates were explored. It was found that the SERS detection of DNA bases and ADN itself is possible using these substrates.


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This work deals with the optical properties of supported noble metal nanoparticles, which are dominated by the so-called Mie resonance and are strongly dependent on the particles’ morphology. For this reason, characterization and control of the dimension of these systems are desired in order to optimize their applications. Gold and silver nanoparticles have been produced on dielectric supports like quartz glass, sapphire and rutile, by the technique of vapor deposition under ultra-high vacuum conditions. During the preparation, coalescence is observed as an important mechanism of cluster growth. The particles have been studied in situ by optical transmission spectroscopy and ex situ by atomic force microscopy. It is shown that the morphology of the aggregates can be regarded as oblate spheroids. A theoretical treatment of their optical properties, based on the quasistatic approximation, and its combination with results obtained by atomic force microscopy give a detailed characterization of the nanoparticles. This method has been compared with transmission electron microscopy and the results are in excellent agreement. Tailoring of the clusters’ dimensions by irradiation with nanosecond-pulsed laser light has been investigated. Selected particles are heated within the ensemble by excitation of the Mie resonance under irradiation with a tunable laser source. Laser-induced coalescence prevents strongly tailoring of the particle size. Nevertheless, control of the particle shape is possible. Laser-tailored ensembles have been tested as substrates for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS), leading to an improvement of the results. Moreover, they constitute reproducible, robust and tunable SERS-substrates with a high potential for specific applications, in the present case focused on environmental protection. Thereby, these SERS-substrates are ideally suited for routine measurements.


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Guía para la educación en valores desde la escuela, para fomentar la solidaridad entre los niños y los mayores y promover una sociedad más justa y solidaria en la que las generaciones y las personas que la integran se respeten, se apoyen y convivan armónicamente. Recurso orientativo que puede ayudar al profesor a diseñar programas de actividades dirigidas a la interiorización, por parte de los niños, de actitudes positivas hacia las personas mayores e inculcarles un grado de sensibilización alejado de los estereotipos discriminatorios y peyorativos. Se divide en tres capítulos : el primero ofrece el marco conceptual en el que se sitúa el tema de las personas mayores, el segundo capítulo se centra en la dimensión didáctica, el tercer capítulo (consta de tres bloques didácticos, uno para cada ciclo de educación primaria) contiene propuestas y actividades coherentes con los criterios y orientaciones prescritos en el capítulo anterior.


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The adsorption of pyridine (py) on Fe, Co, Ni and Ag electrodes was studied using surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) to gain insight into the nature of the adsorbed species. The wavenumber values and relative intensities of the SERS bands were compared to the normal Raman spectrum of the chemically prepared transition metal complexes. Raman spectra of model clusters M(4)(py) (four metal atoms bonded to one py moiety) and M(4)(alpha-pyridil) where M = Ag, Fe, Co or Ni were calculated by density functional theory (DFT) and used to interpret the experimental SERS results. The similarity of the calculated M(4)(py) spectra with the experimental SERS spectra confirm the molecular adsorption of py on the surface of the metallic electrodes. All these results exclude the formation of adsorbed alpha-pyridil species, as suggested previously. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.