265 resultados para Semaprochilodus insignis


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Title vignette.


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The symbiotic lifestyle is widespread among porcellanid crabs, which maintain ecological and co-evolutionary associations with annelid polychaetes, poriferans, cnidarians, echinoderms, gastropod. mollusks, and other crustaceans such as shrimps and hermit crabs, among others. We investigated the ecological association between the hermit crab Dardanus insignis and the porcellanid Porcellana sayana, in southeastern Brazil. Porcellanid crabs, hermit crabs, and available shells were collected monthly from July 2001 to June 2003, with a shrimp boat equipped with two double-rig trawl nets. The majority of P. sayana specimens were collected in shells occupied by D. insignis (96.6%); a few were found in empty shells (3.4%). The catch of both symbionts and hosts increased with increasing depth, with the highest occurrence at 35 m. The F. sayana crabs of various sizes could be found solitary or forming aggregations of up to 14 individuals per host, showing no sex or size segregation. In spite of the high diversity of shell species occupied by the hermit crabs and also available in the field, only a few of them were also utilized by P. sayana. The majority (93%) of shells utilized by P. sayana also hosted other symbiont species, constituting the basis of extensive symbiotic complexes. Thus, the ecological relationship between D. insignis and P. sayana may be classified as a non-obligate and non-specific symbiosis that may also involve other facultative organisms such as sea anemones. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this study was to estimate genetic parameters to support the selection of bacuri progenies for a first cycle of recurrent selection, using the REML/BLUP (restricted maximum likelihood/best linear unbiased prediction) procedure to estimate the variance components and genotypic values. Were evaluated twelve variables in a total of 210 fruits from 39 different seed trees, from a field trial with an experimental design of incomplete blocks with clonal replies among subplots. The three variables related with the fruit development (weight, diameter, length) showed strong correlation, and where fruit length showed higher heritability and potential to be used for indirect selection. Among the 39 progenies evaluated in this study, five present potential to compose the next cycle of recurrent selection, due they hold good selection differential either to agrotechnological variables as to development of bacuri fruit.


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Nativa da Região Amazônica, o bacuri (Platonia insignis Mart) é uma espécie frutífera comumente utilizada na cultura alimentar da região Norte do Brasil. Apresenta grande importância para as populações rurais como fonte de renda, devido à sua comercialização. Devido à alta capacidade de reprodução, por meio da reprodução assexuada, pode ocorrer adensamento de indivíduos com alta similaridade, ocasionando diminuição na variabilidade genética populacional. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar a diversidade genética presente em uma população natural de Platonia insignis localizada no município de Bragança, no Estado do Pará, por meio de marcadores ISSR (inter simple sequence repeats). Dessa forma, foram genotipadas 78 plantas adultas de uma população de floresta secundária com seis primers ISSR. Os primers amplificaram 42 locos, dos quais 34 foram polimórficos, representando uma taxa de 81% polimorfismo com média de 5,66 de locos polimórficos por primer. Dentro das áreas de coleta, foram encontrados 53 indivíduos considerados clones, representando 68 % do total, considerando similaridade mínima de 0,95. Desta forma, foi possível visualizar a alta incidência de clones na população.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo principal de verificar a adoção, discutir aspectos gerais sobre a tecnologia de manejo de rebrotamento do bacurizeiro em áreas de ocorrências natural dos produtores rurais envolvidos nas mesorregiões do Nordeste Paraense e ilha do Marajó, Pará. Com isto espera-se subsidiar o manejo sustentável e a manutenção desse valioso patrimônio genético.


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The genus Brycon, the largest subunit of the Bryconinae, has 42 valid species distributed from southern Mexico to the La Plata River in Argentina. Henochilus is a monotypic genus, comprising a single species (H. wheatlandii) found in the upper Rio Doce basin. In the present study, partial sequences of the mitochondrial gene 16S were obtained for fifteen species of Brycon and for Henochilus wheatlandii. The results showed that the genus Brycon is paraphyletic, since Henochilus is the sister-group of B. ferox and B. insignis. The most basal species analyzed were the trans-Andean species B. henni, B. petrosus, and B. chagrensis.


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Eleven species of the genus Culicoides (Diptera, Heleidae) were recorded frorn a mangrove area in the town of Recife, Brazil. The midges were collected by 6 light traps during the period of a whole year, 1954-1955. The predominant species were C. maruim, C. guyanensis and C. insignis. The first one represented 73.7% of the total collected. Seasonal variations were markedly observed, with higher number of midges appearing during the period of March to July.


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Neste trabalho são estudadas as condições para a correta combinação entre o tempo de cura, acidificação e nível de sal para produzir uma semi-conserva de pescado de de água doce acondicionada em vidro, utilizando o efeito da combinalção sal/ácido. As espécies utilizadas foram jaraqui (Semaprochilodus spp.), Curimatá (Prochilodus nigricans), Dourado (Brachyplastistoma flavicans) e Pirarucu (Arapaima gigas). Na salmora de cura prelimiar o tempo indicado para se obter uma melhor textura foi de 4 semanas, a acidificação até 4,5 foi alcançada na solução contendo 5% de ácido/100 gramas de pescado e o nível adequado de sal foi de 15% (p/v). Na salmora flavorizante a proporção de ácido foi de 1% (v/v) o que torna o produto de sabor agradável, sal na concentração de 2% (p/v) e a adição de 1% de condimentos.


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São descritos aspectos morfológicos e estruturais dos frutos e sementes, em desenvolvimento, de Platonia insignis(Clusiaceae), visando principalmente esclarecer a origem da camada comestível presente no fruto. Concluiu-se que a camada carnosa branco-amarelada, que envolve as sementes, é de origem endocárpica e começa a se diferenciar já nos estádios iniciais do desenvolvimento do fruto, através de um acentuado alongamento radial das camadas mais internas do endocarpo. Estas, juntamente com as células dos septos, que também se alongam à medida que o fruto se desenvolve, vão se aderindo à testa por meio de interdigitações. Posteriormente, no fruto maduro, o endocarpo destaca-se do restante do pericarpo, permanecendo firmemente ligado à semente.


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The present work aims to update a series of information about the regional fishing production, by presenting and characterizing the contribution of the different sub-systems of the Amazon basin to the catch landed at the main fishing market of Manaus, Brazil, from 1994 to 1996. Collectors specifically hired for this function registered key information on the fisheries. Thirty nine types or groups of fish were found in the fishing production landed. Jaraqui (Semaprochilodus spp.), curimatã (Prochilodus nigricans), pacu (Myleinae), matrinchã (Brycon cephalus), sardine (Triportheus spp.), aracu (Anostomidae) and tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) were the most important items during three consecutive years. In 1994 these items summed up 91.6% of the total production; in 1995 and 1996 these values were, respectively, 85.3% and 86.4% of the total production. Tambaqui landed decreased remarkably during the period 1976-1996. There was a strong seasonal component in the production of the main species; jaraqui and matrinchã were mostly landed between April and June, while curimatã, pacu, and sardine were mostly landed during the dry season. Other important items showed a strong inter-annual variation in their production. The fishing production landed came mostly from the sub-system of the Purus River (around 30% of the total production). The subsystem of the Medium-Solimões contributed with an average of 15% and the sub-systems of the Madeira, Lower-Solimões, Upper-Amazon and Juruá, together contributed with 11.5% of the total production landed. Finally, the remaining sub-systems contributed with only 7.6% of the production.