970 resultados para Self-organisation
In dieser Arbeit werden neue Rylenimide und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten für diese Farbstoffklasse beschrieben, die sich durch hohe Photostabilitäten und hohe Fluoreszenzquantenausbeute auszeichnet. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, durch systematische Wahl der Substituenten in den Imidstrukturen und/oder den bay-Regionen von Rylendiimidfarbstoffen vollkommen neue Produkteigenschaften zu verwirklichen, Reaktionen bzw. Anwendungen zu ermöglichen und den Aufbau von komplexeren Chromophorarchitekturen zu gestatten. Das Strukturmotiv des Terrylendiimids nahm dabei die zentrale Rolle ein. Die Arbeit wurde in vier Kapitel aufgeteilt. Das Ziel des ersten Kapitels war es, wasserlösliche Terrylendiimide zur Untersuchung von biologischen Proben im Wellenlängenbereich über 600 nm einzusetzen. Ein wasserlösliches Terrylendiimid erwies sich dabei als deutlich photostabiler als zwei weitverbreitete Fluoreszenzfarbstoffe. Eine erste Proteinmarkierung mit monofunktionellem Farbstoff wurde an Proteinmolekülen erfolgreich durchgeführt. Durch gezielte Modifikationen konnten zwei Terrylendiimide hergestellt werden, die sich noch deutlich besser zum Abbilden von Zellstrukturen eignen. In dem zweiten Kapitel spielte die Löslichkeit von Rylendiimiden in organischen Lösungsmitteln eine zentrale Rolle. Es wurde eine Rylendiimidserie hergestellt, deren löslichkeitssteigernde Gruppen eine Organisation der Moleküle in ausgedehnten Stapelstrukturen nicht verhindern. Mit dieser Serie konnte das flüssigkristalline Verhalten und die Selbstorganisation in der Rylendiimidreihe untersucht werden. Aufbauend auf diesen Ergebnissen wurde die Selbstorganisation der Diimide in Donor-Akzeptor Gemischen untersucht. In STM-Experimenten konnten für alle drei Diimide selbstorganisierte Monoschichten mit dem Rastertunnelmikroskop mit molekularer Auflösung abgebildet werden. Darüber hinaus wurden in diesem Kapitel die ersten organischen Feldeffekttransistoren (OFET) auf der Basis des synthetisierten Terrylendiimids beschrieben. Im Rahmen eines Projektes in dem die elektronische Energieübertragung in Donor-Akzeptor-Diaden mit Hilfe von Einzelmolekülspektroskopie untersucht wird, wurde eine Perylendiimid-Terrylediimid Diade hergestellt. Die geringere Photostabilität des Donors ermöglichte zeitaufgelöste Einzelmolekül-messungen der Akzeptoremission mit und ohne Energietransfer vom Donor auf den Akzeptor. Durch diese Messungen konnten die Zeitkonstanten des Energietransfers für einzelne Diaden ermittelt werden. Ein weiterer Chromophor aus diesem Donor-Akzeptor-Paar soll die Möglichkeit eröffnen, den Energiefluß im Molekül gezielt zu manipulieren. Dazu wurde ein Donorchromophor mit zwei Akzeptoren in einem Multichromophor kombiniert. Im Rahmen der Synthesen dieser Arbeit wurden Terrylendiimide hergestellt, die in einer Imidstruktur eine Halogenfunktion trugen. Diese waren wichtige Synthesebausteine zum Aufbau von komplexen Chromophorarchitekturen. Ziel eines weiteren Kapitels war es, ein Terrylendiimid herzustellen, das als Sensibilisatorfarbstoff gemeinsam mit dem Haupt-Antennenkomplex von höheren Pflanzen LHCII in einer photoelektrochemischen Farbstoff-Solarzelle integriert werden konnte. Das hergestellte Terrylendiimid mit Carbonsäuregruppe eignete sich für Farbstoffsolarzellen auf Zinndioxidbasis.
Die DNA-Doppelhelix ist eine relativ dicke (Ø ≈ 2 nm), kompakte und dadurch auf kurzen Längenskalen relativ steife Verbindung (lp[dsDNA] ≈ 50-60 nm), mit einer klar definierten Struktur, die durch biologische Methoden sehr präzise manipuliert werden kann. Die Auswirkungen der primären Sequenz auf die dreidimensionale Strukturbildung ist gut verstanden und exakt vorhersagbar. Des Weiteren kann DNA an verschiedenen Stellen mit anderen Molekülen verknüpft werden, ohne dass ihre Selbsterkennung gestört wird. Durch die helikale Struktur besteht außerdem ein Zusammenhang zwischen der Lage und der räumlichen Orientierung von eingeführten Modifikationen. Durch moderne Syntheseverfahren lassen sich beliebige Oligonukleotidsequenzen im Bereich bis etwa 150-200 Basen relativ preiswert im Milligrammmaßstab herstellen. Diese Eigenschaften machen die DNA zu einem idealen Kandidaten zur Erzeugung komplexer Strukturen, die durch Selbsterkennung der entsprechenden Sequenzen gebildet werden. In der hier vorgelegten Arbeit wurden einzelsträngige DNA-Abschnitte (ssDNA) als adressierbare Verknüpfungsstellen eingesetzt, um verschiedene molekulare Bausteine zu diskreten nicht periodischen Strukturen zu verbinden. Als Bausteine dienten flexible synthetische Polymerblöcke und semiflexible Doppelstrang-DNA-Abschnitte (dsDNA), die an beiden Enden mit unterschiedlichen Oligonukleotidsequenzen „funktionalisiert“ sind. Die zur Verknüpfung genutzten Oligonukleotidabschnitte wurden so gewählt (n > 20 Basen), dass ihre Hybridisierung zu einer bei Raumtemperatur stabilen Doppelstrangbildung führt. Durch Kombination der Phosphoramiditsynthese von DNA mit einer festkörpergestützten Blockkopplungsreaktion konnte am Beispiel von Polyethylenoxiden ein sehr effektiver Syntheseweg zur Herstellung von ssDNA1-PEO-ssDNA2-Triblockcopolymeren entwickelt werden, der sich problemlos auf andere Polymere übertragen lassen sollte. Die Längen und Basenabfolgen der beiden Oligonukleotidsequenzen können dabei unabhängig voneinander frei gewählt werden. Somit wurden die Voraussetzungen geschaffen, um die Selbsterkennung von Oligonukleotiden durch Kombination verschiedener Triblockcopolymere zur Erzeugung von Multiblockcopolymeren zu nutzen, die mit klassischen Synthesetechniken nicht zugänglich sind. Semiflexible Strukturelemente lassen sich durch die Synthese von Doppelstrangfragmenten mit langen überstehenden Enden (sticky-ends) realisieren. Die klassischen Ansätze der molekularen Genetik zur Erzeugung von sticky-ends sind in diesem Fall nicht praktikabel, da sie zu Einschränkungen im Bezug auf Länge und Sequenz der überhängenden Enden führen. Als Methode der Wahl haben sich zwei verschiedene Varianten der Polymerase Kettenreaktion (PCR) erwiesen, die auf der Verwendung von teilkomplementären Primern beruhen. Die eigentlichen Primersequenzen wurden am 5´-Ende entweder über ein 2´-Desoxyuridin oder über einen kurzen Polyethylenoxid-Spacer (n = 6) mit einer frei wählbaren „sticky-end-Sequenz“ verknüpft. Mit diesen Methoden sind sowohl 3´- als auch 5´-Überhänge zugänglich und die Länge der Doppelstrangabschnitte kann über einen breiten Molmassenbereich sehr exakt eingestellt werden. Durch Kombination derartiger Doppelstrangfragmente mit den biosynthetischen Triblockcopolymeren lassen sich Strukturen erzeugen, die als Modellsysteme zur Untersuchung verschiedener Biomoleküle genutzt werden können, die in Form eines mehrfach gebrochenen Stäbchens vorliegen. Im letzten Abschnitt wurde gezeigt, dass durch geeignete Wahl der überstehenden Enden bzw. durch Hybridisierung der Doppelstrangfragmente mit passenden Oligonukleotiden verzweigte DNA-Strukturen mit Armlängen von einigen hundert Nanometern zugänglich sind. Im Vergleich zu den bisher veröffentlichten Methoden bietet diese Herangehensweise zwei entscheidende Vorteile: Zum einen konnte der Syntheseaufwand auf ein Minimum reduziert werden, zum anderen ist es auf diesem Weg möglich die Längen der einzelnen Arme, unabhängig voneinander, über einen breiten Molmassenbereich zu variieren.
This project was stimulated by the unprecedented speed and scope of changes in Bulgarian higher education since 1989. The rapid growth of the student population and the emergence of a new private sector in higher education led to tightening governmental control and a growing criticism of autonomy and academic freedom. This raised questions about the need for diversification in the field, about the importance of recent innovations in terms of strategic choices for future development and so of how higher education governance could maintain diversity without the system deteriorating. The group first traced the extent of spontaneous processes of innovation at the level of content, of institutions, and the organisation of teaching and learning processes. They then identified the different parties in the struggle for institutionalisation and against diversification, and promising mechanisms for maintaining diversity in higher education. On this basis they outlined a basis for a wide-ranging public discussion of the issue which may serve as a corrective to the mechanisms of state control. Their work included analysis of the legislative framework laid down in the Higher Education Act, which effectively dispenses with the autonomy of universities. They then surveyed the views of both high-level executives in the field and the academics actually involved in the process, as well as of the "consumers" of the educational product, i.e. the students. In considering diversification, they focused on four different types of programmes, including those where diversification is largely limited to content level (e.g. Law), those where it operates mainly on structural levels (e.g. Industrial Management), those where it is often feigned (e.g. Social Work), and those where it is at best formal and sporadic (e.g. Mechanical Engineering). They conclude that the educational system in Bulgaria has considerable internal resources for development. The greatest need is for adequate statutory regulation of academic life which will provide incentives for responsible academic development of higher education institutions and create conditions for the institutionalisation of academic self-organisation and self-control, which will in turn limit the pathological trends in the diversification processes.
Although Great Britain is not normally credited with the achievement of having been the first nation state to implement measures characteristic of a welfare state (this honour goes to Germany and Bismarck's strategy of promoting social insurance in the 1880s) it nevertheless pioneered many models of welfare services in view of the early onset of industrialisation in that country and the subsequent social problems it created. Organisations like the Mutual Insurance and Friendly Societies, the Charity Organisation Society or the Settlement Movement characterised an early approach to welfare that is based on initiatives at the civil society level and express a sense of self-help or of self-organisation in such a way that it did not involve the state directly. The state, traditionally, dealt with matters of discipline and public order, and for this reason institutions like prisons and workhouses represented the other end of the scale of 'welfare' provisions.
Livelihood resilience draws attention to the factors and processes that keep livelihoods functioning despite change and thus enriches the livelihood approach which puts people, their differential capabilities to cope with shocks and how to reduce poverty and improve adaptive capacity at the centre of analysis. However, the few studies addressing resilience from a livelihood perspective take different approaches and focus only on some dimensions of livelihoods. This paper presents a framework that can be used for a comprehensive empirical analysis of livelihood resilience. We use a concept of resilience that considers agency as well as structure. A review of both theoretical and empirical literature related to livelihoods and resilience served as the basis to integrate the perspectives. The paper identifies the attributes and indicators of the three dimensions of resilience, namely, buffer capacity, self-organisation and capacity for learning. The framework has not yet been systematically tested; however, potentials and limitations of the components of the framework are explored and discussed by drawing on empirical examples from literature on farming systems. Besides providing a basis for applying the resilience concept in livelihood-oriented research, the framework offers a way to communicate with practitioners on identifying and improving the factors that build resilience. It can thus serve as a tool for monitoring the effectiveness of policies and practices aimed at building livelihood resilience.
Africa’s agriculture faces varying climate change impacts which mainly worsen production conditions and adversely affect its economies. Adaptations thus need to build the resilience of farming systems. Using “resilient adaptation” as a concept, this study analyses how adaptations at farm and policy/institutional-levels contribute to the resilience of Sub-Saharan African agriculture. The developed tool, “the Resilience Check”, provides socio-economic data which complements existing adaptation tools. The underlying development gaps such as insecure property rights, poverty, low self-organisation, inadequate climate data and infrastructure limit resilient adaptations. If farmers could implement recommended practices, existing measures and improved crops can address most impacts expected in the medium-term. However, resource use efficiency remains critical for all farm management types. Development-oriented adaptation measures are needed to provide the robust foundations for building resilience. Reaching the very poor remains a challenge and the externally driven nature of many interventions raises concern about their sustainability. The study recommends practical measures such as decentralising various services and integrating the action plans of the multilateral environmental agreements into one national action plan.
This paper analyses the adaptiveness of the Public Agricultural Extension Services (PAES) to climate change. Existing literature, interviews and group discussions among PAES actors in larger Makueni district, Kenya, provided the data for the analyses. The findings show that the PAES already have various elements of adaptiveness in its policies, approaches and methods of extension provision. However, the hierarchical structure of the PAES does not augur well for self-organisation at local levels of extension provision, especially under conditions of abrupt change which climate change might trigger. Most importantly, adpativeness presupposes adaptive capacity but the lack of resources in terms of funding for extension, limited mobility of extension officers, the low extension staff/farmer ratio, the aging of extension staff and significant dependence on donor funding limits the adaptiveness of the PAES. Accordingly criteria and indicators were identified in literature with which an initial assessement of the adaptiiveneess of PAES was conducted. However this assessment framework needs to be improved and future steps will integrate more specific inputs from actors in PAES in order to make the framework operational.
The situation of the third sector in Russia, i.e. the civil society structures independent from the state, is worsening on a regular basis. The Kremlin’s actions aimed at paralysing and destroying the independent non-governmental sector seen over the past four years have been presented as part of a struggle for the country’s sovereignty. This is above all a consequence of the Russian government’s efforts to take full control of the socio-political situation in the country while it also needs to deal with the geopolitical confrontation with the West and the worsening economic crisis. The policy aimed against non-governmental organisations is depriving the public of structures for self-organisation, protection of civil rights and the means of controlling the ever more authoritarian government. At the same time, the Kremlin has been depriving itself of channels of co-operation and communication with the public and antagonising the most active citizens. The restrictive measures the Kremlin has taken over the past few years with regard to NGOs prove that Russian decision-makers believe that any social initiative independent of the government may give rise to unrest, which is dangerous for the regime, and – given the economic slump – any unrest brings unnecessary political risk.
This paper examines two concepts, social vulnerability and social resilience, often used to describe people and their relationship to a disaster. Social vulnerability is the exposure to harm resulting from demographic and socioeconomic factors that heighten the exposure to disaster. Social resilience is the ability to avoid disaster, cope with change and recover from disaster. Vulnerability to a space and social resilience through society is explored through a focus on the elderly, a group sometimes regarded as having low resilience while being particularly vulnerable. Our findings explore the degree to which an elderly group exposed to coastal flood risk exhibits social resilience through both cognitive strategies, such as risk perception and self-perception, as well as through coping mechanisms, such as accepting change and self-organisation. These attenuate and accentuate the resilience of individuals through their own preparations as well as their communities' preparations and also contribute to the delusion of resilience which leads individuals to act as if they are more resilient than they are in reality, which we call negative resilience. Thus, we draw attention to three main areas: the degree to which social vulnerability can disguise its social resilience; the role played by cognitive strategies and coping mechanisms on an individual's social resilience; and the high risk aspects of social resilience. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Over the past two years there have been several large-scale disasters (Haitian earthquake, Australian floods, UK riots, and the Japanese earthquake) that have seen wide use of social media for disaster response, often in innovative ways. This paper provides an analysis of the ways in which social media has been used in public-to-public communication and public-to-government organisation communication. It discusses four ways in which disaster response has been changed by social media: 1. Social media appears to be displacing the traditional media as a means of communication with the public during a crisis. In particular social media influences the way traditional media communication is received and distributed. 2. We propose that user-generated content may provide a new source of information for emergency management agencies during a disaster, but there is uncertainty with regards to the reliability and usefulness of this information. 3. There are also indications that social media provides a means for the public to self-organise in ways that were not previously possible. However, the type and usefulness of self-organisation sometimes works against efforts to mitigate the outcome of the disaster. 4. Social media seems to influence information flow during a disaster. In the past most information flowed in a single direction from government organisation to public, but social media negates this model. The public can diffuse information with ease, but also expect interaction with Government Organisations rather than a simple one-way information flow. These changes have implications for the way government organisations communicate with the public during a disaster. The predominant model for explaining this form of communication, the Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication (CERC), was developed in 2005 before social media achieved widespread popularity. We will present a modified form of the CERC model that integrates social media into the disaster communication cycle, and addresses the ways in which social media has changed communication between the public and government organisations during disasters.
Over the past two years there have been several large-scale disasters (Haitian earthquake, Australian floods, UK riots, and the Japanese earthquake) that have seen wide use of social media for disaster response, often in innovative ways. This paper provides an analysis of the ways in which social media has been used in public-to-public communication and public-to-government organisation communication. It discusses four ways in which disaster response has been changed by social media: 1. Social media appears to be displacing the traditional media as a means of communication with the public during a crisis. In particular social media influences the way traditional media communication is received and distributed. 2. We propose that user-generated content may provide a new source of information for emergency management agencies during a disaster, but there is uncertainty with regards to the reliability and usefulness of this information. 3. There are also indications that social media provides a means for the public to self-organise in ways that were not previously possible. However, the type and usefulness of self-organisation sometimes works against efforts to mitigate the outcome of the disaster. 4. Social media seems to influence information flow during a disaster. In the past most information flowed in a single direction from government organisation to public, but social media negates this model. The public can diffuse information with ease, but also expect interaction with Government Organisations rather than a simple one-way information flow. These changes have implications for the way government organisations communicate with the public during a disaster. The predominant model for explaining this form of communication, the Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication (CERC), was developed in 2005 before social media achieved widespread popularity. We will present a modified form of the CERC model that integrates social media into the disaster communication cycle, and addresses the ways in which social media has changed communication between the public and government organisations during disasters.
Smart cameras allow pre-processing of video data on the camera instead of sending it to a remote server for further analysis. Having a network of smart cameras allows various vision tasks to be processed in a distributed fashion. While cameras may have different tasks, we concentrate on distributed tracking in smart camera networks. This application introduces various highly interesting problems. Firstly, how can conflicting goals be satisfied such as cameras in the network try to track objects while also trying to keep communication overhead low? Secondly, how can cameras in the network self adapt in response to the behavior of objects and changes in scenarios, to ensure continued efficient performance? Thirdly, how can cameras organise themselves to improve the overall network's performance and efficiency? This paper presents a simulation environment, called CamSim, allowing distributed self-adaptation and self-organisation algorithms to be tested, without setting up a physical smart camera network. The simulation tool is written in Java and hence allows high portability between different operating systems. Relaxing various problems of computer vision and network communication enables a focus on implementing and testing new self-adaptation and self-organisation algorithms for cameras to use.
A self-organising model of macadamia, expressed using L-Systems, was used to explore aspects of canopy management. A small set of parameters control the basic architecture of the model, with a high degree of self-organisation occurring to determine the fate and growth of buds. Light was sensed at the leaf level and used to represent vigour and accumulated basipetally. Buds also sensed light so as to provide demand in the subsequent redistribution of the vigour. Empirical relationships were derived from a set of 24 completely digitised trees after conversion to multiscale tree graphs (MTG) and analysis with the OpenAlea software library. The ability to write MTG files was embedded within the model so that various tree statistics could be exported for each run of the model. To explore the parameter space a series of runs was completed using a high-throughput computing platform. When combined with MTG generation and analysis with OpenAlea it provided a convenient way in which thousands of simulations could be explored. We allowed the model trees to develop using self-organisation and simulated cultural practices such as hedging, topping, removal of the leader and limb removal within a small representation of an orchard. The model provides insight into the impact of these practices on potential for growth and the light distribution within the canopy and to the orchard floor by coupling the model with a path-tracing program to simulate the light environment. The lessons learnt from this will be applied to other evergreen, tropical fruit and nut trees.
This thesis is a research about the recent complex spatial changes in Namibia and Tanzania and local communities’ capacity to cope with, adapt to and transform the unpredictability engaged to these processes. I scrutinise the concept of resilience and its potential application to explaining the development of local communities in Southern Africa when facing various social, economic and environmental changes. My research is based on three distinct but overlapping research questions: what are the main spatial changes and their impact on the study areas in Namibia and Tanzania? What are the adaptation, transformation and resilience processes of the studied local communities in Namibia and Tanzania? How are innovation systems developed, and what is their impact on the resilience of the studied local communities in Namibia and Tanzania? I use four ethnographic case studies concerning environmental change, global tourism and innovation system development in Namibia and Tanzania, as well as mixed-methodological approaches, to study these issues. The results of my empirical investigation demonstrate that the spatial changes in the localities within Namibia and Tanzania are unique, loose assemblages, a result of the complex, multisided, relational and evolutional development of human and non-human elements that do not necessarily have linear causalities. Several changes co-exist and are interconnected though uncertain and unstructured and, together with the multiple stressors related to poverty, have made communities more vulnerable to different changes. The communities’ adaptation and transformation measures have been mostly reactive, based on contingency and post hoc learning. Despite various anticipation techniques, coping measures, adaptive learning and self-organisation processes occurring in the localities, the local communities are constrained by their uneven power relationships within the larger assemblages. Thus, communities’ own opportunities to increase their resilience are limited without changing the relations in these multiform entities. Therefore, larger cooperation models are needed, like an innovation system, based on the interactions of different actors to foster cooperation, which require collaboration among and input from a diverse set of stakeholders to combine different sources of knowledge, innovation and learning. Accordingly, both Namibia and Tanzania are developing an innovation system as their key policy to foster transformation towards knowledge-based societies. Finally, the development of an innovation system needs novel bottom-up approaches to increase the resilience of local communities and embed it into local communities. Therefore, innovation policies in Namibia have emphasised the role of indigenous knowledge, and Tanzania has established the Living Lab network.
Re-creating and understanding the origin of life represents one of the major challenges facing the scientific community. We will never know exactly how life started on planet Earth, however, we can reconstruct the most likely chemical pathways that could have contributed to the formation of the first living systems. Traditionally, prebiotic chemistry has investigated the formation of modern life’s precursors and their self-organisation under very specific conditions thought to be ‘plausible’. So far, this approach has failed to produce a living system from the bottom-up. In the work presented herein, two different approaches are employed to explore the transition from inanimate to living matter. The development of microfluidic technology during the last decades has changed the way traditional chemical and biological experiments are performed. Microfluidics allows the handling of low volumes of reagents with very precise control. The use of micro-droplets generated within microfluidic devices is of particular interest to the field of Origins of Life and Artificial Life. Whilst many efforts have been made aiming to construct cell-like compartments from modern biological constituents, these are usually very difficult to handle. However, microdroplets can be easily generated and manipulated at kHz rates, making it suitable for high-throughput experimentation and analysis of compartmentalised chemical reactions. Therefore, we decided to develop a microfluidic device capable of manipulating microdroplets in such a way that they could be efficiently mixed, split and sorted within iterative cycles. Since no microfluidic technology had been developed before in the Cronin Group, the first chapter of this thesis describes the soft lithographic methods and techniques developed to fabricate microfluidic devices. Also, special attention is placed on the generation of water-in-oil microdroplets, and the subsequent modules required for the manipulation of the droplets such as: droplet fusers, splitters, sorters and single/multi-layer micromechanical valves. Whilst the first part of this thesis describes the development of a microfluidic platform to assist chemical evolution, finding a compatible set of chemical building blocks capable of reacting to form complex molecules with endowed replicating or catalytic activity was challenging. Abstract 10 Hence, the second part of this thesis focuses on potential chemistry that will ultimately possess the properties mentioned above. A special focus is placed on the formation of peptide bonds from unactivated amino acids, despite being one of the greatest challenges in prebiotic chemistry. As opposed to classic prebiotic experiments, in which a specific set of conditions is studied to fit a particular hypothesis, we took a different approach: we explored the effects of several parameters at once on a model polymerisation reaction, without constraints on hypotheses on the nature of optimum conditions or plausibility. This was facilitated by development of a new high-throughput automated platform, allowing the exploration of a much larger number of parameters. This led us to discover that peptide bond formation is less challenging than previously imagined. Having established the right set of conditions under which peptide bond formation was enhanced, we then explored the co-oligomerisation between different amino acids, aiming for the formation of heteropeptides with different structure or function. Finally, we studied the effect of various environmental conditions (rate of evaporation, presence of salts or minerals) in the final product distribution of our oligomeric products.