911 resultados para Seizure Types
The complex and variable composition of honey, depending on source, season and processing, means different honey samples could cause variation in the characteristics of the finished product. The objective of this study was to determine how the minor components present in honey affect starch gelatinization. A Rapid Visco Analyser was used to measure changes in viscosity when unmodified maize starch was gelatinized in a honey or model sugar solution. When honey was compared to equivalent blends of sugars, there was an increase in starch viscosity with increasing levels of addition. However, at the same level, honey gave a lower viscosity than the blends of sugars. Honeys from different sources (differing in pH and amylase activity) show a varied effect on starch gelatinization, with starch viscosity increasing with addition level for six of the honeys, but decreasing with increasing addition level for two honey samples. Varying the pH also produced variation in starch gelatinization patterns between honey types. Between pH 3.0 and 4.0, starch viscosity was similar for all four honey types studied, while above this pH there were differences between all honey types. As expected, starch viscosity decreased as the solution pH neared the optimum for honey amylase activity (pH 5.3-5.6), though it did not increase as the pH moved away from the honey amylase activity optimum. Differences between honey samples, and between honey and a model sugar mixture, in their effect on starch gelatinization was attributed to honey amylase activity and the composition and concentration of minor organic compounds present. Crown Copyright (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd. on behalf of Swiss Society of Food Science and Technology
In insect societies, workers often try to challenge the reproductive monopoly of the queen by laying their own eggs. Successful worker reproduction, however, is frequently prevented by queen policing or worker policing, whereby either the mother queen or non-reproductive workers selectively kill worker-laid eggs. Recently, a third mechanism-""selfish"" worker policing-has also been described in which the workers selectively police worker-laid eggs but also lay eggs themselves. Here, we present results from the monogynous wasp Dolichovespula norwegica, which show that all three kinds of policing-queen policing, worker policing and ""selfish"" worker policing-co-occur. The net effect of these three kinds of policing collectively favoured the queen`s reproduction, as within 1 day 44% of the worker-laid eggs versus only 8% of the queen-laid eggs were eaten. Of the worker-laid eggs that were killed by workers, approximately two thirds were eaten by the reproductive workers even though these made up only a small proportion, 8%, of the work force. This means that policing workers obtained both direct fitness benefits as well as indirect (inclusive) fitness. In addition, we show that worker policing was carried out by a limited, specialised set of workers that was estimated to constitute approximately one quarter of the whole colony and of which 66% were non-reproductive.
The aim of this study was to analyze semantic and episodic memory deficits in children with mesial temporal sclerosis (MTS) and their correlation with clinical epilepsy variables. For this purpose, 19 consecutive children and adolescents with MTS (8 to 16 years old) were evaluated and their performance on five episodic memory tests (short- and long-term memory and learning) and four semantic memory tests was compared with that of 28 healthy volunteers. Patients performed worse on tests of immediate and delayed verbal episodic memory, visual episodic memory, verbal and visual learning, mental scanning for semantic clues, object naming, word definition, and repetition of sentences. Clinical variables such as early age at seizure onset, severity of epilepsy, and polytherapy impaired distinct types of memory. These data confirm that children with MTS have episodic memory deficits and add new information on semantic memory. The data also demonstrate that clinical variables contribute differently to episodic and semantic memory performance. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
An 18-year-old boy with refractory epilepsy and aggressiveness associated to a hypothalamic hamartoma was submitted to a stereotactically guided lesion by thermocoagulation. The target was based on magnetic resonance (MR) images merged with computed tomography scan images taken on the day of surgery while patient was on a stereotactic frame. In order to reveal structures not discernible in MR images, the Schaltenbrand digital brain atlas was merged onto the patient`s images. Target and trajectory of the depth electrode were chosen based on three-dimensional imaging reconstructions. A surgical plan was devised to disconnect the hypothalamic hamartoma from the hypothalamus, medial forebrain bundle, fasciculus princeps, and dorsal longitudinal fasciculus. Our target was placed at the inferior portion of the posterolateral component of the hamartoma, bordering the normal hypothalamus. The patient evolved with marked lessening of aggressiveness. Seizure frequency was reduced from several seizures per day to less than one tonic-clonic seizure during sleep per month and only two episodes suggestive of partial complex seizures during daytime. These results have remained consistent over a 24-month postoperative follow-up. Functional neuroanatomy of hypothalamic connections involved in seizure propagation and aggressive behavior was reviewed.
Fibroblasts are thought to be partially responsible for the persisting contractile forces that result in burn contractures. Using a monolayer cell culture and fibroblast populated collagen lattice (FPCL) three-dimensional model we subjected hypertrophic scar and non-cicatricial fibroblasts to the antifibrogenic agent pentoxifylline (PTF - 1 mg/mL) in order to reduce proliferation, collagen types I and III synthesis and model contraction. Fibroblasts were isolated from post-burn hypertrophic scars (HSHF) and non-scarred skin (NHF). Cells were grown in monolayers or incorporated into FPCL`s and exposed to PTF. In monolayer, cell number proliferation was reduced (46.35% in HSHF group and 37.73% in NHF group, p < 0.0001). PTF selectively inhibited collagen III synthesis in the HSHF group while inhibition was more evident to type I collagen synthesis in the NHF group. PTF also reduced contraction in both (HSHF and NHF) FPCL. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd and ISBI. All rights reserved.
OBJECTIVE. The objective of our study was to describe the T1 and T2 signal intensity characteristics of papillary renal cell carcinoma (RCC) and clear cell RCC with pathologic correlation. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Of 539 RCCs, 49 tumors (21 papillary RCCs and 28 clear cell RCCs) in 45 patients were examined with MRI. Two radiologists retrospectively and independently assessed each tumor`s T1 and T2 signal intensity qualitatively and quantitatively (i.e., the signal intensity [SI] ratio [tumor SI/renal cortex SI]). Of the 49 tumors, 37 (76%) were assessed for pathology features including tumor architecture and the presence of hemosiderin, ferritin, necrosis, and fibrosis. MRI findings and pathology features were correlated. Statistical methods included summary statistics and Wilcoxon`s rank sum test for signal intensity, contingency tables for assessing reader agreement, concordance rate between the two readers with 95% CIs, and Fisher`s exact test for independence, all stratified by RCC type. RESULTS. Papillary RCCs and clear cell RCCs had a similar appearance and signal intensity ratio on T1-weighted images. On T2-weighted images, most papillary RCCs were hypointense (reader 1, 13/21; reader 2, 14/21), with an average mean signal intensity ratio for both readers of 0.67 +/- 0.2, and none was hyperintense, whereas most clear cell RCCs were hyperintense (reader 1, 21/28; reader 2, 17/28), with an average mean signal intensity ratio for both readers of 1.41 +/- 0.4 (p < 0.05). A tumor T2 signal intensity ratio of <= 0.66 had a specificity of 100% and sensitivity of 54% for papillary RCC. Most T2 hypointense tumors exhibited predominant papillary architecture; most T2 hyperintense tumors had a predominant nested architecture (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION. On T2-weighted images, most papillary RCCs are hypointense and clear cell RCCs, hyperintense. The T2 hypointense appearance of papillary RCCs correlated with a predominant papillary architecture at pathology.
Background: Using enzyme immunoassays and Western blot (Wb) tests, HTLV serodiagnosis yields indeterminate results in a significant number of cases. Objective: To determine the prevalence of HTLV infection among HTLV-seroindeterminate individuals. Study design: We studied peripheral blood mononuclear cells from 65 anti-HTLV Wb-seroindeterminate individuals by attempting to amplify proviral DNA sequences (tax and pot) to identify HTLV-I and HTLV-2 infections. Results: These 65 specimens exhibited predominantly (43%) anti-HTLV antibodies to gag-coded antigens in the absence of anti-p24 on Wb analysis. Tax proviral sequences were detected in 6 (9.2%) samples. According to restricted fragment polymorphism analysis (RFLP), we identified HTLV-1 proviral DNA in 4 samples. HTLV-2 in one and sequences from both in another. Nested PCR for the pot region was positive in 3 (4.6%) specimens, which were also positive for tax sequences. After hybridization HTLV-1 infection was confirmed in 2 samples (3.1%) and HTLV-2 in another (1.5%). Detection of a single HTLV DNA sequence may be due to infection by defective provirus, but its significance remains undefined. In this cohort, no Wb reactivity pattern was predictive of proviral detection. HTLV-I infection was demonstrated in an individual who had Wb reactivity to gag-coded antigens only. Conclusions: This emphasizes the importance of clinical and laboratory follow-up of HTLV-seroindeterminate individuals from endemic areas. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Intrapleural instillation of talc has been used in the treatment of recurrent pleural effusions but can, in rare instances, result in respiratory failure. Side-effects seem to be related to composition, size and inflammatory power of talc particles. The aim of this study was to evaluate the inflammatory response to intrapleural injection of talc containing small particles (ST) or talc containing particles of mixed size (MT). 100 rabbits received intrapleural talc, 50 with ST (median 6.41 mu m) and 50 with MT median 21.15 mu m); the control group was composed of 35 rabbits. Cells, lactate dehydrogenase, C-reactive protein (CRIP), interleukin (IL)-8 and vascular endothelial growth factor were evaluated in serum and bronchoalveolar lavage at 6, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h. Lung histology and the presence of talc were also analysed. Statistics were performed using ANOVA and an unpaired t-test. Most of the parameters showed greater levels in the animals injected with talc than in the controls, suggesting a systemic and pulmonary response. Higher serum levels of CRP and IL-8 were observed in the animals injected with ST. Talc particles were observed in both lungs with no differences between groups. Lung cell infiltrate was more evident in the ST group. In conclusion, talc with larger particles should be the preferred choice in clinical practice in order to induce safer pleurodesis.
Retinal neurons with distinct dendritic morphologies are likely to comprise different cell types, subject to three important caveats. First, it is necessary to avoid creating “artificial” cell types based on arbitrary criteria—for example, the presence of two or three primary dendrites. Second, it is essential to take into account changes in morphology with retinal eccentricity and cell density. Third, the retina contains imperfections like any natural system and a significant number of retinal neurons display aberrant morphologies or make aberrant connections that are not typical of the population as a whole. Many types of retinal ganglion cells show diverse patterns of tracer coupling, with the simplest pattern represented by the homologous coupling shown by On-Off direction-selective (DS) ganglion cells in the rabbit retina. Neighboring DS ganglion cells with a common preferred direction have regularly spaced somata and territorial dendritic fields, whereas DS ganglion cells with different preferred directions may have closely spaced somata and overlapping dendritic fields.
Study design: Cross-sectional study. Objectives: To assess the importance of proprioceptive and vision information on different types of wheelchair seats with regard to postural control in paraplegic individuals during static posture. Setting: Centre of Rehabilitation at the University Hospital/FMRP-USP and Rehabilitation Outpatient Clinic at University Hospital/UNICAMP, Brazil. Methods: This study involved 11 individuals with paraplegia. All individuals were submitted to an evaluation of static balance with their eyes open and closed in three different types of seats: wheelchair seat, foam seat and gel seat. Balance evaluation was performed by using the Polhemus system, in which body displacements and anteroposterior and mediolateral speeds were assessed in a static seated position in the different types of seats. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance. The differences were considered at P<0.05. Results: No statistical differences were found between the three types of seats in terms of displacements and anteroposterior and mediolateral speeds, or between seats with individuals keeping their eyes open or closed (P>0.05). However, it was observed that body displacements were more prominent toward an anteroposterior than a mediolateral direction. Conclusion: This study suggests that individuals with paraplegia tend to exhibit a more anteroposterior body displacement than a mediolateral one, with no significant differences between the types of seats in both situations of eyes open and closed. Spinal Cord (2010) 48, 825-827; doi:10.1038/sc.2010.30; published online 30 March 2010
Pharmacological studies have been focused on the involvement of different neural pathways in the organization of antinociception that follows tonic-clonic seizures, including 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)-, norepinephrine-, acetylcholine- and endogenous opioid peptide-mediated mechanisms, giving rise to more in-depth comprehension of this interesting post-ictal antinociceptive phenomenon. The present work investigated the involvement of 5-HT(1A/1B), 5-HT(6), and 5-HT(7) serotonergic receptors through peripheral pretreatment with methiothepin at doses of 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 mg/kg in the organization of the post-ictal antinociception elicited by pharmacologically (with pentylenetetrazole at 64 mg/kg)-induced tonic-clonic seizures. Methiothepin at 1.0 mg/kg blocked the post-ictal antinociception recorded after the end of seizures, whereas doses of 2.0 and 3.0 mg/kg potentiated the post-ictal antinociception. The nociceptive thresholds were kept higher than those of the control group. However, when the same 5-hydroxytryptamine receptors antagonist was microinjected (at 1.0, 3.0 and 5.0 mu g/0.2 mu L) in the dorsal raphe nucleus, a mesencephalic structure rich in serotonergic neurons and 5-HT receptors, the post-ictal hypo-analgesia was consistently antagonized. The present findings suggest a dual effect of methiothepin, characterized by a disinhibitory effect on the post-ictal antinociception when peripherally administered (possibly due to an antagonism of pre-synaptic 5-HT(1A) serotonergic autoreceptors in the pain endogenous inhibitory system) and an inhibitory effect (possibly due to a DRN post-synaptic 5-HT(1B), 5-HT(6), and 5-HT(7) serotonergic receptors blockade) when centrally administered. The present data also Suggest that serotonin-mediated mechanisms of the dorsal raphe nucleus exert a key-role in the modulation of the post-ictal antinociception. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
At present, there is a variety of formalisms for modeling and analyzing the communication behavior of components. Due to a tremendous increase in size and complexity of embedded systems accompanied by shorter time to market cycles and cost reduction, so called behavioral type systems become more and more important. This chapter presents an overview and a taxonomy of behavioral types. The intentions of this taxonomy are to provide a guidance for software engineers and to form the basis for future research.
The aims of this study were to characterize the spatial distribution of neurodegeneration after status epilepticus (SE) induced by either systemic (S) or intrahippocampal (H) injection of pilocarpine (PILO), two models of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), using FluoroJade (FJ) histochemistry, and to evaluate the kinetics of FJ staining in the H-PILO model. Therefore, we measured the severity of behavioral seizures during both types of SE and also evaluated the FJ staining pattern at 12, 24, and 168 h (7 days) after the H-PILO insult. We found that the amount of FJ-positive (FJ+) area was greater in SE induced by S-PILO as compared to SE induced by H-PILO. After SE induced by H-PILO, we found more FJ+ cells in the hilus of the dentate gyrus (DG) at 12 h, in CA3 at 24 h, and in CA1 at 168 h. We found also no correlation between seizure severity and the number of FJ+ cells in the hippocampus. Co-localization studies of FJ+ cells with either neuronal-specific nuclear protein (NeuN) or glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) labeling 24 h after H-PILO demonstrated spatially selective neurodegeneration. Double labeling with FJ and parvalbumin (PV) showed both FJ+/PV+ and FJ+/PV- cells in hippocampus and entorhinal cortex, among other areas. The current data indicate that FJ+ areas are differentially distributed in the two TLE models and that these areas are greater in the S-PILO than in the H-PILO model. There is also a selective kinetics of FJ+ cells in the hippocampus after SE induced by H-PILO, with no association with the severity of seizures, probably as a consequence of the extra-hippocampal damage. These data point to SE induced by H-PILO as a low-mortality model of TLE, with regional spatial and temporal patterns of FJ staining. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.