987 resultados para Seismic reflection method


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During its history, several significant earthquakes have shaken the Lower Tagus Valley (Portugal). These earthquakes were destructive; some strong earthquakes were produced by large ruptures in offshore structures located southwest of the Portuguese coastline, and other moderate earthquakes were produced by local faults. In recent years, several studies have successfully obtained strong-ground motion syntheses for the Lower Tagus Valley using the finite difference method. To confirm the velocity model of this sedimentary basin obtained from geophysical and geological data, we analysed the ambient seismic noise measurements by applying the horizontal to vertical spectral ratio (HVSR) method. This study reveals the dependence of the frequency and amplitude of the low-frequency (HVSR) peaks (0.2–2 Hz) on the sediment thickness. We have obtained the depth of the Cenozoic basement along a profile transversal to the basin by the inversion of these ratios, imposing constraints from seismic reflection, boreholes, seismic sounding and gravimetric and magnetic potentials. This technique enables us to improve the existing three-dimensional model of the Lower Tagus Valley structure. The improved model will be decisive for the improvement of strong motion predictions in the earthquake hazard analysis of this highly populated basin. The methodology discussed can be applied to any other sedimentary basin.


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There are some striking similarities and some differences between the seismic reflection sections recorded across the fold and thrust belts of the southeast Canadian Cordillera, Quebec-Maine Appalachians and Swiss Alps. In the fold and thrust belts of all three mountain ranges, seismic reflection surveys have yielded high-quality images of. (1) nappes (thin thrust sheets) stacked on top of ancient continental margins; (2) ramp anticlines in the hanging walls of faults that have ramp-flat or listric geometries; (3) back thrusts and back folds that developed during the terminal phases of orogeny; and (4) tectonic wedges and regional decollements. A principal result of the Cordilleran and Appalachian deep crustal studies has been the recognition of master decollements along which continental margin strata have been transported long distances, whereas a principal result of the Swiss Alpine deep crustal program has been the identification of the Adriatic indenter, a crustal-scale wedge that caused delamination of the European lithosphere. Significant crustal roots are observed beneath the fold and thrust belts of the Alps, southeast Canadian Cordillera and parts of the southern Appalachians, but such structures beneath the northern Appalachians have probably been removed by post-orogenic collapse and/or crustal attenuation associated with the Mesozoic opening of the Atlantic Ocean.


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Since 1986, several near-vertical seismic reflection profiles have been recorded in Switzerland in order to map the deep geologic structure of the Alps. One objective of this endeavour has been to determine the geometries of the autochthonous basement and of the external crystalline massifs, important elements for understanding the geodynamics of the Alpine orogeny. The PNR-20 seismic line W1, located in the Rawil depression of the western Swiss Alps, provides important information on this subject. It extends northward from the `'Penninic front'' across the Helvetic nappes to the Prealps. The crystalline massifs do not outcrop along this profile. Thus, the interpretation of `'near-basement'' reflections has to be constrained by down-dip projections of surface geology, `'true amplitude'' processing, rock physical property studies and modelling. 3-D seismic modelling has been used to evaluate the seismic response of two alternative down-dip projection models. To constrain the interpretation in the southern part of the profile, `'true amplitude'' processing has provided information on the strength of the reflections. Density and velocity measurements on core samples collected up-dip from the region of the seismic line have been used to evaluate reflection coefficients of typical lithologic boundaries in the region. The cover-basement contact itself is not a source of strong reflections, but strong reflections arise from within the overlaying metasedimentary cover sequence, allowing the geometry of the top of the basement to be determined on the basis of `'near-basement'' reflections. The front of the external crystalline massifs is shown to extend beneath the Prealps, about 6 km north of the expected position. A 2-D model whose seismic response shows reflection patterns very similar to the observed is proposed.


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An efficient high-resolution (HR) three-dimensional (3D) seismic reflection system for small-scale targets in lacustrine settings was developed. In Lake Geneva, near the city of Lausanne, Switzerland, the offshore extension of a complex fault zone well mapped on land was chosen for testing our system. A preliminary two-dimensional seismic survey indicated structures that include a thin (<40 m) layer of subhorizontal Quaternary sediments that unconformably overlie south-east-dipping Tertiary Molasse beds and a major fault zone (Paudeze Fault Zone) that separates Plateau and Subalpine Molasse (SM) units. A 3D survey was conducted over this test site using a newly developed three-streamer system. It provided high-quality data with a penetration to depths of 300 m below the water bottom of non-aliased signal for dips up to 30degrees and with a maximum vertical resolution of 1.1 m. The data were subjected to a conventional 3D processing sequence that included post-stack time migration. Tests with 3D pre-stack depth migration showed that such techniques can be applied to HR seismic surveys. Delineation of several horizons and fault surfaces reveals the potential for small-scale geologic and tectonic interpretation in three dimensions. Five major seismic facies and their detailed 3D geometries can be distinguished. Three fault surfaces and the top of a molasse surface were mapped in 3D. Analysis of the geometry of these surfaces and their relative orientation suggests that pre-existing structures within the Plateau Molasse (PM) unit influenced later faulting between the Plateau and SM. In particular, a change in strike of the PM bed dip may indicate a fold formed by a regional stress regime, the orientation of which was different from the one responsible for the creation of the Paudeze Fault Zone. This structure might have later influenced the local stress regime and caused the curved shape of the Paudeze Fault in our surveyed area.


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The transpressional boundary between the Australian and Pacific plates in the central South Island of New Zealand comprises the Alpine Fault and a broad region of distributed strain concentrated in the Southern Alps but encompassing regions further to the east, including the northwest Canterbury Plains. Low to moderate levels of seismicity (e. g., 2 > M 5 events since 1974 and 2 > M 4.0 in 2009) and Holocene sediments offset or disrupted along rare exposed active fault segments are evidence for ongoing tectonism in the northwest plains, the surface topography of which is remarkably flat and even. Because the geology underlying the late Quaternary alluvial fan deposits that carpet most of the plains is not established, the detailed tectonic evolution of this region and the potential for larger earthquakes is only poorly understood. To address these issues, we have processed and interpreted high-resolution (2.5 m subsurface sampling interval) seismic data acquired along lines strategically located relative to extensive rock exposures to the north, west, and southwest and rare exposures to the east. Geological information provided by these rock exposures offer important constraints on the interpretation of the seismic data. The processed seismic reflection sections image a variably thick layer of generally undisturbed younger (i.e., < 24 ka) Quaternary alluvial sediments unconformably overlying an older (> 59 ka) Quaternary sedimentary sequence that shows evidence of moderate faulting and folding during and subsequent to deposition. These Quaternary units are in unconformable contact with Late Cretaceous-Tertiary interbedded sedimentary and volcanic rocks that are highly faulted, folded, and tilted. The lowest imaged unit is largely reflection-free Permian Triassic basement rocks. Quaternary-age deformation has affected all the rocks underlying the younger alluvial sediments, and there is evidence for ongoing deformation. Eight primary and numerous secondary faults as well as a major anticlinal fold are revealed on the seismic sections. Folded sedimentary and volcanic units are observed in the hanging walls and footwalls of most faults. Five of the primary faults represent plausible extensions of mapped faults, three of which are active. The major anticlinal fold is the probable continuation of known active structure. A magnitude 7.1 earthquake occurred on 4 September 2010 near the southeastern edge of our study area. This predominantly right-lateral strike-slip event and numerous aftershocks (ten with magnitudes >= 5 within one week of the main event) highlight the primary message of our paper: that the generally flat and topographically featureless Canterbury Plains is underlain by a network of active faults that have the potential to generate significant earthquakes.


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P130 A HIGH-RESOLUTION 2D/3D SEISMIC STUDY OF A THRUST FAULT ZONE IN LAKE GENEVA SWITZERLAND M. SCHEIDHAUER M. BERES D. DUPUY and F. MARILLIER Institute of Geophysics University of Lausanne 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland Summary A high-resolution three-dimensional (3D) seismic reflection survey has been conducted in Lake Geneva near the city of Lausanne Switzerland where the faulted molasse basement (Tertiary sandstones) is overlain by complex Quaternary sedimentary structures. Using a single 48-channel streamer an area of 1200 m x 600 m was surveyed in 10 days. With a 5-m shot spacing and a receiver spacing of 2.5 m in the inline direction and 7.5 m in the crossline direction, a 12-fold data coverage was achieved. A maximum penetration depth of ~150 m was achieved with a 15 cu. in. water gun operated at 140 bars. The multi-channel data allow the determination of an accurate velocity field for 3D processing, and they show particularly clean images of the fault zone and the overlying sediments in horizontal and vertical sections. In order to compare different sources, inline 55 was repeated with a 30/30 and a 15/15 cu. in. double-chamber air gun (Mini GI) operated at 100 and 80 bars, respectively. A maximum penetration depth of ~450 m was achieved with this source.


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Surface geological mapping, laboratory measurements of rock properties, and seismic reflection data are integrated through three-dimensional seismic modeling to determine the likely cause of upper crustal reflections and to elucidate the deep structure of the Penninic Alps in eastern Switzerland. Results indicate that the principal upper crustal reflections recorded on the south end of Swiss seismic line NFP20-EAST can be explained by the subsurface geometry of stacked basement nappes. In addition, modeling results provide improvements to structural maps based solely on surface trends and suggest the presence of previously unrecognized rock units in the subsurface. Construction of the initial model is based upon extrapolation of plunging surface. structures; velocities and densities are established by laboratory measurements of corresponding rock units. Iterative modification produces a best fit model that refines the definition of the subsurface geometry of major structures. We conclude that most reflections from the upper 20 km can be ascribed to the presence of sedimentary cover rocks (especially carbonates) and ophiolites juxtaposed against crystalline basement nappes. Thus, in this area, reflections appear to be principally due to first-order lithologic contrasts. This study also demonstrates not only the importance of three-dimensional effects (sideswipe) in interpreting seismic data, but also that these effects can be considered quantitatively through three-dimensional modeling.


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The seismic reflection is used on a large scale in oil exploration. In case of marine acquisition the presence of high impedance contrast at the interfaces water/air generates multiple reflections events. Such multiple events can mask primary events; thus from the interpretational viewpoint it is necessary to mitigate the multiples. In this manuscript we compare two methods of multiple attenuation: the predictive multichannel deconvolution (DPM) and the F-K filtering (FKF). DPM is based in the periodicity of the multiples while FKF is based in multiples and primaries splitting in F-K domain. DPM and FKF were applied in common-offset and CDP gathers, respectively. DPM is quite sensible to the correct identification of the period and size of the filter while FKF is quite sensible to an adequate choice of the velocity in order to split multiples and primaries events in the F-K domain. DPM is a method that is designed to act over a specific event. So, when the parameters are well selected, DPM is very efficient in removing the specified multiple. Then DPM can be optimized by applying it several times, each time with a different parameterization. A deficiency of DPM occurs when a multiple is superposed to a primary event: in this situation, DPM can attenuate also the primary event. On the other hand, FKF presents almost the same performance to all multiples that are localized in the same sector of the F-K domain. The two methods can be combined in order to take advantage of their associated potentials. In this situation, DPM is firstly applied, with a focus in the sea bed multiples. Then FKF is applied in order to attenuate the remaining multiples


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O empilhamento por superfície de reflexão comum (ou empilhamento SRC), conhecido como empilhamento CRS, do inglês Commom reflection surface, constitui-se em um novo método para o processamento sísmico na simulação de seções afastamento nulo (AN) e afastamento comum (AC). Este método é baseado em uma aproximação paraxial hiperbólica de segunda ordem dos tempos de trânsito de reflexão na vizinhança de um raio central. Para a simulação de seção AN, o raio central é um raio normal, enquanto que para a simulação de uma seção AC o raio central é um raio de afastamento finito. Em adição à seção AN, o método de empilhamento SRC também fornece estimativas dos atributos cinemáticos do campo de onda, sendo aplicados, por exemplo, na determinação (por um processo de inversão) da velocidade intervalar, no cálculo do espalhamento geométrico, na estimativa da zona de Fresnel, e também na simulação de eventos de tempos de difrações, este último tendo uma grande importância para a migração pré-empilhamento. Neste trabalho é proposta uma nova estratégia para fazer uma migração em profundidade pré-empilhamento, que usa os atributos cinemáticos do campo de onda derivados do empilhamento SRC, conhecido por método CRS-PSDM, do inglês CRS based pre-stack depth migration. O método CRS-PSDM usa os resultados obtidos do método SRC, isto é, as seções dos atributos cinemáticos do campo de onda, para construir uma superfície de tempos de trânsito de empilhamento, ao longo da qual as amplitudes do dado sísmico de múltipla cobertura são somadas, sendo o resultado da soma atribuído a um dado ponto em profundidade, na zona alvo de migração que é definida por uma malha regular. Similarmente ao método convencional de migração tipo Kirchhoff (K-PSDM), o método CRS-PSDM precisa de um modelo de velocidade de migração. Contrário ao método K-PSDM, o método CRS-PSDM necessita apenas computar os tempos de trânsito afastamento nulo, ao seja, ao longo de um único raio ligando o ponto considerado em profundidade a uma dada posição de fonte e receptor coincidentes na superfície. O resultado final deste procedimento é uma imagem sísmica em profundidade dos refletores a partir do dado de múltipla cobertura.