989 resultados para Segregação urbana
This dissertation is an attempt to understand how families with an income of up to three minimum wages and living in different Areas of Demographic Expansion (AEDs) of Natal municipality specifically in the districts of Igapó and Salinas (North Administrative Zone of the city), Ponta Negra (South Administrative Zone), Santos Reis, Praia do Meio, Areia Preta and Mãe Luíza (East Administrative Zone) and Felipe Camarão (West Administrative Zone) solve their problems of urban mobility. It is, therefore, a reflection upon the mobility needs of poor urban households as expressed in terms of origin-destiny displacements for specific movements (house-work, house-school, house-shopping, house-healthcare and house-leisure), all of which being analyzed within the relationship between public transportation and poverty spaces of the city. In order to develop the study, theoretical aspects and themes related to the production of the urban space, to social and spatial segregation, to urban mobility and to transportation were confronted with the collected data referring to the urban population previously selected. One of the research main findings is the crucial role mobility plays in the social differentiation of such people living in Natal and that any policy for the improvement of their living conditions must take mobility issues into account
João Pessoa, the capital city of the state of Paraíba (Northeast Brazil), is reputed throughout the country as a quiet place, although it has been acquiring, over the past years, an urban character with social implications similar to those of major metropolitan Brazilian areas. The new situation is evident by the social inequalities, with the creation of confined spaces, which segregate and cause enclosure of the inhabitants, leading to death the public space. This study correlates accessibility in spatial structure with two types of crime data, burglary and robbery, recorded in 2008 and 2009, by the Secretaria de Segurança da Paraíba (The government agency public in charge of safety), in the district of Manaíra, an upper middle class neighborhood, which has, in recent times, been considered one of the most violent areas in João Pessoa. Sought to understand connections between these events and morpho-social aspects of the built environment, where examined the spatial properties, such as accessibility of the urban net, the presence of control measures, the safety of buildings and their uses. Spatial properties were also validated by the observation of pedestrian flows at strategic points of the study area. It was concluded that the presence of intense flows helps to attract potential thieves, physical security and control offers little protection
In Natal s urban growth process it is given that the performance period of the National Housing Bank (BNH, 1964-1986) was marked by the intense expansion of the urban grid and configuration of outskirts, through the construction of social housing developments. Implanted in segregated areas of the existing formal city, the population installed in these complexes was also excluded from their rights, considering that the housing defines itself not only by the physical dwelling, but also by its access to urban infrastructure, facilities, services, and others. From this reality and the verification of the city s exclusion and sociospatial segregation processes, we aimed to quantitatively demonstrate levels of social exclusion in Natal, based on the methodology developed by Sposati (2000) and adapted by Genovez (2002), which relates IBGE s (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) database underlying variables such as income, schooling and dwelling s quality. The research unveiled some spatial patterns promoted by the social housings: in these areas islands were developed with higher indicators than surrounding areas, revealing internal hierarchies in the city s outskirts
The urban expansion problem of Baía Formosa, a southern edge city of de Rio Grande do Norte eastern coast, which has been presented in other coast Brazilian towns, specially on those with tourist activities increase. Therefore, this situation brings huge concerns to their inhabitants, to their technical /scientific community and to the governments, because of the conflicts of interest and of the growth of urban problems that this has been created. At Baía Formosa, the situation is aggravated because the city is confined, once around it, there are large private proprieties, environmental preservation area and the sea, at the eastern edge. The objectives of this study are the analyses of this city expansion process in order to obtain adequate alternatives and defining methodology to apply in other urban nucleus that are subjected to similar situations. Of course, presents social relations, environmental conditions and promoting local population insertion should be considered in order that enjoin this process and contributing to a better social balance. This case study has used bibliography research, field data, maps and soil occupation recorders and photographs of the area, besides the primary data gathering by surveys carried out with many social actors. The present analysis shows that the urban expansion observed today is featured by a recent unsustainable model, which attacks the environment and brings either farm conflicts. On the other hand, the ecological tourism can represent an alternative in order to achieve an adequate expansion form, without forgetting the several structural parameters necessary to support the sustainable activities
The general objective of this academic work is to analyze the relationship between the territorial division and the urban expansion process of Mossoró city, understood here as the production and occupation of space. The urban expansion in Mossoró, since its formation as settlement in 1772 until current days, identifies with the Brazilian urbanization process whose growth is determined by the capitalist development. Thus, the expansion was determined by several economical specializations imposed by the territorial division of work which occurs at an interregional level, and, sometimes at an international level. Then, each specialization determined a moment of the urban expansion of the city, as follows: a) The cattle farmer specialization, between 1772 and 1857, when the urban expansion was shy, is summarized to a commercial square that received goods from Aracati aiming to cover a wide rural area; b) The commercial emporium specialization, between 1857 and 1930, when the urban expansion took an important impulse with the concentration of public and private capitals; c) The salt industry and the agricultural-industrial exporter specialization inside a state of development policy, between 1930 and 1970, when the urban expansion, joined to the settlement of the working class in the urban soil, developed along an important axis -the railway; d) The render of services specialization inside a state of intervention policy, between 1970 and 1990, when the urban expansion was characterized by the accelerated growth rhythm, by the reuse of some spaces, and by space segregation of demanding people; e) The render of services policy inside a neoliberal state policy, since 1990 until current days, when the urban expansion reduced its rhythm abruptly, when only small alterations occurred in the existing spaces. It focused on social policies and on several slums eradication programs. Finally, the territorial structure is deeply articulated with others, no territorial, but economical, social and political, which happens at a national, regional and local rate. Only within a historical and conceptual panorama, it was possible to explain the urban expansion in Mossoró from its formation in 1772 until current days. Therefore, this work is a several discipline analysis of the urbanization process existing in Mossoró
This dissertation is an attempt to understand how families with an income of up to three minimum wages and living in different Areas of Demographic Expansion (AEDs) of Natal municipality specifically in the districts of Igapó and Salinas (North Administrative Zone of the city), Ponta Negra (South Administrative Zone), Santos Reis, Praia do Meio, Areia Preta and Mãe Luíza (East Administrative Zone) and Felipe Camarão (West Administrative Zone) solve their problems of urban mobility. It is, therefore, a reflection upon the mobility needs of poor urban households as expressed in terms of origin-destiny displacements for specific movements (house-work, house-school, house-shopping, house-healthcare and house-leisure), all of which being analyzed within the relationship between public transportation and poverty spaces of the city. In order to develop the study, theoretical aspects and themes related to the production of the urban space, to social and spatial segregation, to urban mobility and to transportation were confronted with the collected data referring to the urban population previously selected. One of the research main findings is the crucial role mobility plays in the social differentiation of such people living in Natal and that any policy for the improvement of their living conditions must take mobility issues into account
João Pessoa, the capital city of the state of Paraíba (Northeast Brazil), is reputed throughout the country as a quiet place, although it has been acquiring, over the past years, an urban character with social implications similar to those of major metropolitan Brazilian areas. The new situation is evident by the social inequalities, with the creation of confined spaces, which segregate and cause enclosure of the inhabitants, leading to death the public space. This study correlates accessibility in spatial structure with two types of crime data, burglary and robbery, recorded in 2008 and 2009, by the Secretaria de Segurança da Paraíba (The government agency public in charge of safety), in the district of Manaíra, an upper middle class neighborhood, which has, in recent times, been considered one of the most violent areas in João Pessoa. Sought to understand connections between these events and morpho-social aspects of the built environment, where examined the spatial properties, such as accessibility of the urban net, the presence of control measures, the safety of buildings and their uses. Spatial properties were also validated by the observation of pedestrian flows at strategic points of the study area. It was concluded that the presence of intense flows helps to attract potential thieves, physical security and control offers little protection
In Natal s urban growth process it is given that the performance period of the National Housing Bank (BNH, 1964-1986) was marked by the intense expansion of the urban grid and configuration of outskirts, through the construction of social housing developments. Implanted in segregated areas of the existing formal city, the population installed in these complexes was also excluded from their rights, considering that the housing defines itself not only by the physical dwelling, but also by its access to urban infrastructure, facilities, services, and others. From this reality and the verification of the city s exclusion and sociospatial segregation processes, we aimed to quantitatively demonstrate levels of social exclusion in Natal, based on the methodology developed by Sposati (2000) and adapted by Genovez (2002), which relates IBGE s (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) database underlying variables such as income, schooling and dwelling s quality. The research unveiled some spatial patterns promoted by the social housings: in these areas islands were developed with higher indicators than surrounding areas, revealing internal hierarchies in the city s outskirts
The urban expansion problem of Baía Formosa, a southern edge city of de Rio Grande do Norte eastern coast, which has been presented in other coast Brazilian towns, specially on those with tourist activities increase. Therefore, this situation brings huge concerns to their inhabitants, to their technical /scientific community and to the governments, because of the conflicts of interest and of the growth of urban problems that this has been created. At Baía Formosa, the situation is aggravated because the city is confined, once around it, there are large private proprieties, environmental preservation area and the sea, at the eastern edge. The objectives of this study are the analyses of this city expansion process in order to obtain adequate alternatives and defining methodology to apply in other urban nucleus that are subjected to similar situations. Of course, presents social relations, environmental conditions and promoting local population insertion should be considered in order that enjoin this process and contributing to a better social balance. This case study has used bibliography research, field data, maps and soil occupation recorders and photographs of the area, besides the primary data gathering by surveys carried out with many social actors. The present analysis shows that the urban expansion observed today is featured by a recent unsustainable model, which attacks the environment and brings either farm conflicts. On the other hand, the ecological tourism can represent an alternative in order to achieve an adequate expansion form, without forgetting the several structural parameters necessary to support the sustainable activities
The general objective of this academic work is to analyze the relationship between the territorial division and the urban expansion process of Mossoró city, understood here as the production and occupation of space. The urban expansion in Mossoró, since its formation as settlement in 1772 until current days, identifies with the Brazilian urbanization process whose growth is determined by the capitalist development. Thus, the expansion was determined by several economical specializations imposed by the territorial division of work which occurs at an interregional level, and, sometimes at an international level. Then, each specialization determined a moment of the urban expansion of the city, as follows: a) The cattle farmer specialization, between 1772 and 1857, when the urban expansion was shy, is summarized to a commercial square that received goods from Aracati aiming to cover a wide rural area; b) The commercial emporium specialization, between 1857 and 1930, when the urban expansion took an important impulse with the concentration of public and private capitals; c) The salt industry and the agricultural-industrial exporter specialization inside a state of development policy, between 1930 and 1970, when the urban expansion, joined to the settlement of the working class in the urban soil, developed along an important axis -the railway; d) The render of services specialization inside a state of intervention policy, between 1970 and 1990, when the urban expansion was characterized by the accelerated growth rhythm, by the reuse of some spaces, and by space segregation of demanding people; e) The render of services policy inside a neoliberal state policy, since 1990 until current days, when the urban expansion reduced its rhythm abruptly, when only small alterations occurred in the existing spaces. It focused on social policies and on several slums eradication programs. Finally, the territorial structure is deeply articulated with others, no territorial, but economical, social and political, which happens at a national, regional and local rate. Only within a historical and conceptual panorama, it was possible to explain the urban expansion in Mossoró from its formation in 1772 until current days. Therefore, this work is a several discipline analysis of the urbanization process existing in Mossoró
O objetivo deste trabalho consistiu em investigar o processo de expansão horizontal urbana no município de Paulínia por intermédio de mapeamentos temáticos e análises a respeito da distribuição espacial dos diversos segmentos populacionais, bem como salientar as principais implicações sobre a atual configuração socioespacial da cidade. A metodologia utilizada fundamentou-se no emprego de tecnologias de geoprocessamento para elaboração de mapas e subsídio às análises acerca da estruturação socioespacial. A distribuição dos segmentos populacionais foi realizada a partir do tratamento estatístico-espacial de dados sociodemográficos. Ademais, trabalhos de campo e entrevistas foram realizados com o intento de conhecer e registrar informações localizadas. Evidenciou-se nos mapas temáticos o acelerado processo de expansão urbana. Já o padrão do espraiamento horizontal da área urbanizada concatenado à distribuição diferencial da população revelam o modo como vem sendo produzido este espaço urbano, o que corrobora na identificação de um cenário de crescente segregação socioespacial.
O presente trabalho faz um estudo da segregação sócio-espacial. O espaço geográfico é formado por um conjunto de objetos e ações, ou seja, de formas e, de práticas sociais. O espaço urbano é produzido a partir de ações ou forças sócio-econômicas que vão fragmentando a cidade e dando origem aos seus diversos lugares. Os lugares segregados possuem características internas comuns e apresentam fortes desigualdades sociais entre eles e os outros lugares, aceitos. Os lugares de habitação são mais duramente atingidos por essa diferenciação social de lugares e seuscostumes. Várias análises demonstram que a cidade pode ser vista como a expressão concreta de processos sociais em um ambiente físico construído sobre o espaço geográfico. Os objetivos deste estudo são os seguintes: mostrar que o espaço urbano é produzido pela ordem econômica e social vigente; compreender que, numa sociedade capitalista, a divisão social do trabalho cria as desigualdades sociais que refletem na produção do espaço urbano; mostrar que a desigualdade espacial é fruto da desigualdade social. A lógica da estruturação espacial têm, portanto, dois elementos principais: a renda e a divisão social do trabalho. A metodologia da pesquisa é a de revisão teórica e bibliográfica sobre o tema.
Estudio sobre comercialización y consumo de carne de pollo en la zona urbana del municipio de Masaya
El presente trabajo se realizó en la zona urbana del Municipio de Masaya, entre los meses de Agosto y Noviembre de 1998, con el objetivo de caracterizar los canales de comercialización de la carne de pollo, así como también los factores que afecten el consumo de , El estudio se basó en el análisis de 148 encuestas sobre consumo de carne de pollo, realizadas a la población consumidora así como también entrevistas semi estructuradas a agentes la cadena de intermediación. Se utilizó el método de mínimos cuadrados para analizar el efecto sobre el consumo de carne de pollo de las variables propio precio, precio de sustitutos y el ingreso percapita. Además se realizó el cálculo de las respectivas elasticidades. Para el análisis se utilizó una serie de tiempo que comprende el periodo 1992-1998. Los productos avícolas se venden en 3 presentaciones: pollo de engorde (entero congelado y cortado en pieza), ponedoras de descarte y gallinas de patio. La oferta de pollo de engorde obedece un mercado oligopólico con características de monopolio, con un sistema de comercialización centralizado. El margen bruto de comercialización de la carne de pollo de engorde varía de acuerdo al tipo de presentación oscilando entre el 29 - 30 % del valor pagado por el consumidor. Así mismo el margen bruto de comercialización para las ponedoras de descarte oscila entre 18- 22%. Los precios de la carne de pollo varían de acuerdo a la forma en que se presente la canal y al tipo de establecimiento donde se oferta dicho producto (1O -12 córdobas por libra). Con respecto a otros tipos de carne, el pollo presenta un precio relativo menor. El consumo per cápita en la zona es de 28 libras por persona por año; siendo mayor ellos estratos de ingreso más alto, pero se consume aún en los estratos de ingresos más bajos. El incremento del precio del pollo tiende a reducir la demanda. Las preferencias del consumidor son hacia un pollo con poco contenido de grasa y de textura blanda pero no flácida. El 85% de la población consume pollo de engorde principalmente en la presentación de pollo cortado en pieza. La elasticidad precio resultó altamente elástica siendo esta de 2.72. La elasticidad cruzada de cante de pollo con carne de res resultó de 0.84 la cual demuestra que la carne de pollo alcanza ser un sustituto de la carne de res, así mismo la elasticidad ingreso es de -1.33 lo que indica que el pollo es un bien normal básico.