1000 resultados para Sedação Consciente
A queimadura corresponde ao quadro resultante da ação direta ou indireta do calor do fogo, de substâncias químicas ou da eletricidade sobre o organismo humano. Alguns estudos apontam as crianças como as maiores vítimas. Procedimentos inerentes ao processo de recuperação são reconhecidos como particularmente dolorosos. A frequência de procedimentos médicos invasivos, situação constante ao paciente vítima de queimadura, favorece a emissão de comportamentos concorrentes pela criança, bem como pode ocasionar a generalização do caráter aversivo do procedimento invasivo para estímulos presentes no ambiente, justificando estudos sobre a eficácia de intervenções neste contexto. A pesquisa foi dividida em dois estudos com objetivos específicos. Estudo 1 (n=5): caracterizar comportamentos de crianças vítimas de queimadura emitidos durante procedimento de curativo sem sedação em enfermaria e comparar a frequência de comportamentos concorrentes e não concorrentes emitidos por estas crianças em duas sessões consecutivas deste procedimento. Estudo 2 (n=2): analisar os efeitos do uso de instrução sobre a frequência de comportamentos concorrentes e não concorrentes em crianças vítimas de queimadura durante procedimento de curativo sem sedação em enfermaria. Participaram sete crianças (4 meninos e 3 meninas; 7 a 12 anos) vítimas de queimadura em área corporal inferior a 70% e seus acompanhantes, selecionados em um Centro de Tratamento de Queimados (CTQ). Como instrumentos, foram utilizados: (a) Protocolo de consulta à equipe de saúde; (b) Lista de Verificação Comportamental para crianças/adolescentes (CBCL 6-18anos); (c) Roteiro de entrevista com a criança; (d) Escala de observação comportamental OSBD (Observation Scale of Behavioral Distress); (e) Escala facial para avaliar a percepção de dor da criança (FACES); e (f) Manual de instrução sobre o procedimento de curativo. No Estudo 1, observou-se maior frequência de comportamentos concorrentes sobre os não concorrentes nas duas sessões de curativo. No Estudo 2, após o uso do Manual de instrução, observou-se redução estatisticamente significante na frequência do comportamento concorrente Choramingar (= 0,0447) e aumento significativo (= 0,0324) na frequência do comportamento não concorrente Auxiliar na execução do procedimento. Houve correlação significativa (p-valor = 0,0066) entre a frequência de comportamentos não concorrentes entre as crianças do Estudo 1 e as que participaram do Estudo 2, sugerindo que a intervenção, por meio de instruções, foi eficaz para aumentar a frequência de comportamentos não concorrentes nas crianças participantes do Estudo 2.
Brainstem auditory evoked potential (BAEP) reflects the electrical activity along the auditory pathway, from the cochlea to the brainstem, and contributes for the diagnosis of deafness in dogs. BAEP recording may require chemical restraint in some cases, so this study was designed to analyze the impact of sedation with morphine and acepromazine on the BAEP recordings of 16 dogs with normal hearing. BAEPs were recorded before and during sedation with a combination of morphine (0.5mgkg(-1)) and acepromazine (0.05mgkg(-1)) given intramuscularly. The protocol employed allowed safe and effective animal restraint. Sedation increased the latency of waves II and III and intervals I-III and I-V but did not interfere with wave identification. and showed to be safe in the dogs tested. Based on the current literature this is the first study which assessed the impact of sedation on BAEPs in dogs in Brazil.
This academic work has as its objective to demonstrate the fundamental role of communication as a tool towards implantating an environmental management project in organizations, aswell as familiarizing with the complex relashionship be-tween green businesses and its publics. The concern involving environmental prob-lems are increasing and it directly affects the consumer’s choice and their requests on organizations’ behavior. The integration with all sectors of economy is necessary as a part of a developing process that has as its main objective the environmental conservation and therefore the quality of human life on planet. There is also the question of how in the process of communication there is not an only way of interven-tion, but a continuous reciprocal action. The work is accomplished with an analyses of the green management communication of the business Grupo Abril
The perception of modern society regarding the nature and indigenous peoples came to be shaped in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, with two major events, the invasion of Europeans in America and the scientific revolution. These events symbolize the cultural overlap and European thinking about the rest of the world. The current scenario is industrialism, consumism and cultural standardization driven by Cartesian thought. This work demonstrates, through literature research and data analysis, that this dominant model has caused the crisis of modernity, focusing especially on the environmental crisis that threatens human life. The solutions are present in the modern society the knowledge of indigenous peoples that is inherently ecological and sustainable by tradition. From the union of diverse cultures and knowledge dialog you can find solutions for today's problems and provide a renewal of relationships between modern society, indigenous peoples and nature. The World Conscious Pact presents this proposal which can be increased through public relations strategies in order to reconnect the man-nature bond, generating critical behavior with respect to the current dominant system and motivate society to adopt truly ecological postures. For this it is necessary to rescue the Earth image as a mother
The aim of this work was to evaluate the electrocardiography effects (ECG), sedation time and quality of recovery due to buprenorphine (G1) and butorphanol (G2) administration in dogs pretreated with acepromazine. Seven adult dogs were submitted to both protocols, with a thirty days interval between groups. G1 animals were premedicated with acepromazine (0.1 mg/kg) followed 10 minutes later with buprenorphine (0.005 mg/kg), both applied intravenously. The same procedure was performed for G2 employing butorphanol (0.3 mg/kg) instead of buprenorphine. The measurements of the variables heart rate (HR), duration and amplitude of P wave, P-R intervals (PR), QRS complex duration, R wave amplitude, Q-T intervals (QT) and R-R intervals (RR) were taken immediately before application of acepromazine (M0), 10 minute after administration of acepromazine (M10) and 10 minutes after opioids administration (M20). Serial measurements were carried out in 10 minute intervals after the administration of butorphanol or buprenorphine up to 60 minutes. Numeric data were submitted to Tukey Analysis (p < 0.05). The amplitude of P wave decreased 30 minutes after the administration of the butorphanol. Sedation time was longer in G1 (78 minutes) than G2 (72 minutes) and recovery was good in both groups. These results indicate that butorphanol or buprenorphine produced discreet alterations on ECG, which don´t contraindicate its clinical use.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)