970 resultados para Secretory cells


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In this study, we characterized the gerbil's ventral prostate histology ultrastructurally and quantitatively throughout three phases of postnatal development (young, adult, and old) in order to comprehend its biological behavior and propensity to developing spontaneous lesions with aging. The gerbil prostate is composed of alveoli and ducts immersed in a stroma composed of smooth muscle, fibroblasts, collagen and elastic fibers and vessels. The prostate tissue components present morphological and quantitative aspects that vary according to age. Young animals have an immature gland with modest secretory activity. Synthetic activity remained stable in adult and old gerbil. However, prostatic morphology was altered in the aging, showing an increased epithelium and stromal fibrosis. The nuclei of the secretory cells increased with aging, whereas nucleoli presented few alterations during postnatal development. The epithelial proliferation and stromal remodeling noted in this study indicate that the gerbil prostate may respond to the androgen declines typical of senescence through epithelial proliferation and stromal remodeling.


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The flutamide antiandrogenic effects oil the Guinea pig male prostate morphology in puberal, post-puberal and adult ages were evaluated in the present study. Daily-treated group animals received flutamide Subcutaneous injection at a dose of 10 mg/Kg body weight for 10 days. The control group animals received a pharmacological vehicle under the same conditions. The lateral prostate was removed, fixed and processed for light and transmission electron microscopy. The results revealed all increase of the acinus diameter in the treated puberal animals and straitness in the stromal compartment around the acini. The epithelial cells exhibited cubic phenotype. In the post-puberal and adult animals, a decrease of the acinus diameter was observed, as well as an increase of the smooth muscle layer and presence of the folds at epithelium. The ultrastructural evaluation of the secretory cells in the treated group demonstrated endomembrane enlargement, mainly in the rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus. In addition, a decrease of the microvilli and alterations in the distribution patterns and density of the stromal fibrillar components were observed. In Conclusion, the flutamide treatment exerts tissue effects oil the lateral prostate, promoting stroma/epithelium alterations.


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Knowledge of structural and physiological differences among the prostatic lobes (PL) is the basis for development of experimental studies in traditional laboratory rodents. Although Mongolian gerbil reproductive organs have been increasingly investigated, its prostate structure is far from being properly known, and investigations of this organ focused on the ventral lobe (VL). Thus, the present study provides a thorough morphological description of prostatic complex in the male adult gerbil on the basis of topographic, histological, and ultrastructural analysis and ductal branching. Like other rodents, four pairs of PL were observed. However, in contrast to the rat and mouse, the VL is the least voluminous component and the dorsolateral lobe (DLL) is the most prominent and spatially isolated from remaining PL. The occurrence of a dorsal lobe (DL), hidden between bladder and insertion of seminal vesicles, has not been mentioned in previous reports with Mongolian gerbil. Collagenase digestion followed by microdissection revealed that, except for DL, which has a tubularacinar organization, all PL exhibit tubular organization and variable ductal branching. Distinct histological and ultrastructural features such as secretory epithelium, aspect of luminal secretion and stromal organization are reported for each PL and are confirmed by morphometric and stereological methods. Histological sections showed at least three intralobar segments in VL and DL. Ultrastructural analysis evidenced that, although luminal epithelial cells of PL share typical features of exocrine secretory cells, there are striking lobe phenotypical variations. Both merocrine and apocrine pathways are observed in variable rates in all PL, with the predominance of the former in the DLL and the latter in the CG. The morphological observations presented herein point to distinct structural identities for each PL, which probably reflects,specific functional compromise of seminal fluid secretion. These data also point to the gerbil as a good model for investigations concerning the regulation of prostate development and homeostasis, mainly with regard to the dorsal and dorsolateral PL.


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Richards gland in the epiponine wasp Metapolybia docilis occurs at the anterior side of the 5(th) abdominal sternite, and is formed by approx. 360 secretory cells. The cells discharge their secretory products through accompanying duct cells into a reservoir that is formed by the invaginated intersegmental membrane between the 4(th) and 5(th) sternites. The ultrastructural characteristics of the secretory cells are indicative for the production of a non-proteinaceous secretion, which is in line with the trail substance that is used by these wasps during their swarm-founding.


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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo realizar um estudo de anatomia foliar por meio de microscopia óptica e de microscopia eletrônica de varredura em Mentha spicata L. e Mentha spicata X suaveolens, caracterizando histologicamente a lâmina foliar. Secções transversais e paradérmicas da região mediana do limbo foliar mostraram a presença de epiderme unisseriada, coberta por uma fina camada de cutícula, apresentando tricomas glandulares do tipo capitado e peltado e não glandulares unisseriados multicelulares, não ramificados. O mesofilo de ambas as espécies é dorsiventral, com parênquima paliçádico uniestratificado, com células alongadas e rico em inclusões citoplasmáticas. O parênquima lacunoso é formado por três a quatro camadas de células irregulares. Os tricomas capitados presentes são classificados como do tipo I, e apresentam-se com uma célula basal, uma célula peduncular e uma grande célula apical, cujo formato varia de circular a piriforme. Os tricomas peltados consistem de uma célula basal, uma célula peduncular curta, larga e unicelular, com paredes externas cutinizadas e uma cabeça grande multicelular com 12 células secretoras, distribuídas radialmente em dois círculos concêntricos, o central com 4 células e o externo com 8 células, as quais acumulam o produto da secreção em uma cavidade entre a cutícula e as células secretoras; o pé do tricoma glandular está inserido em 11 células epidérmicas. Há predominância de tricomas capitados em relação aos tricomas peltados em ambas as espécies de Mentha.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The mandibular glands of Pachycondyla striata workers consists of a proximal reservoir and secretory portion. The secretion is transported from the cytoplasm of the secretory cells to reservoir through individual canaliculi which is subdivided into two portions : an intracytoplasmatic and extracellular one. The reservoir consists of an epithelium made up of thin cells has a thick cuticle. The secretory cells showed a large amount of structures forming the citoskeleton always associated with myelin figures.


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In the tufted capuchin (Cebus apella) the main lacrimal gland is composed of 2 distinct portions with an intraorbital and extraorbital localisation, interconnected by a bridge of glandular tissue which crosses the lateral orbital wall through the lateral orbital fissure located in the sphenozygomatic suture. The intraorbital lacrimal gland is flattened and extremely thin, with a variable outline. It lies on the upper and outer third of the globe of the eye, and the aponeurosis and the belly of the lateral rectus muscle, extending antero-posteriorly from the upper lateral angle of the orbit midway along the orbital cavity. The extraorbital lacrimal gland is compact, halfmoon-shaped, with 3 surfaces, 3 borders and 2 extremities. It lies in the temporal fossa between the temporalis muscle and the temporal surface of the zygomatic bone, fitting into a depression in this bone, and totally surrounded by adipose tissue. The secretory cells have a flocculent appearance and either low or high density. They possess a basal region containing the nucleus and rich in granular endoplasmic reticulum, and an apical region filled with secretory granules varying in size, form and density.


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The salivary glands of females in Grigiotermes bequaerti (Snyder & Emerson 1949) are composed of many acini. Within the acini, the secretion is collected by canals that join into excretory ducts that open at the acini are formed of 3 classes of cells: secretory, parietal and canalicular. The secretory cells present 2 distinct types which, however, seem to be only different functional stages. Their secretion appears to be highly fluid and accumulates in vacuoles of low electron density. The morphological features of parietal cells point to an ionic transportation function, since they contain an intracellular canaliculus lined with microvilli, and are rich in mitochondria. The final product of the gland may result from the interaction of these 2 cells. The canicular cells located within the acini, in addition to constituting the way of secretion elimination, may have a support function serving as a point of aggregation an interconnection of secretory and parietal cells.


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In the present investigation we analyzed both histology and area of secretory cells from workers, virgin and physogastric queen mandibular glands of Melipona bicolor bicolor Lepeletier. The histological differences observed include the number of vacuoles present in the cell cytoplasm and the quantity and distribution of the secretion. The morphometry results demonstrated the occurrence of significative differences in the cell area values that were related to the secretory cell activity level, which is higher in the physogastric queens. Worker and queen glands have histological patterns quite similar, but the morphometric data indicated cast-specific differences, as well as differences between the queens, which were related to the posture activity.


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The ectal mandibular gland (EMG) of wasps is homologous to the mandibular gland of ants and bees. This gland belongs to salivary system and its function stile unknown. The EMG of Polistes versicolor showed histological and ultramorphological features similar to that founded in ants and others wasps. This gland is constituted by a secretory region and a reservoir. The secretory region contains individual secretory cells that showed several nucleoli. The reservoir has a club shape and is connected to each mandible, by a duct that opens on its external side, which there are cuticular projections. The EMG of males is smaller than those of females. Our results suggested that the EMG secrete volatiles compounds that are liberated when the mandibles still open.


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The glandular hairs of Mentha pulegium x spicata (Lamiaceae) were studied by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy, Three morphologically distinct types of trichomes are described: two of them are glandulars (peltate and capitate) and one is non-glandular hair (tector). Capitate trichome is of Type I, and consists of a foot cell, a stalk and a unicellular head with elongated format and two lateral depressions, showing the thinnest cuticle. The peltate trichome consists of a foot cell, a stalk cell and a radial cluster of secretory cells, cover by cuticle. The tector trichomes can be simple and forked -format, both multicellular, in which there are ornamentations on cell cuticle. The leaf cross sections, analysed in light microscopy, showed mesophyll organized for unistratification palisade parenchyma and lacurary parenchyma with four to five cell stratum. It was observed the presence of cristal mass agglomerate in mesophyll cells and in epidermical cells.


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The salivary glands of Culex quinquefasciatus female mosquitoes are paired organs composed of two lateral lobes with proximal and distal secretory portions, and a medial lobe. All portions comprise a simple epithelium that surrounds a salivary duct. In the apical portion of the medial lobe, non-secretory cells strongly resemble cells involved in ion and water transport. The general architecture of the secretory portions is similar between lobes. The appearance of the secretory material and the morphological aspect of the apical cell membrane are the most distinctive features among the three secretory portions. Cells in the lateral proximal lobe display thin membrane projections extending into a translucent and finely filamentous secretory product. At the lateral distal portion, the apical cell membrane forms an intricate meshwork that encloses a dark secretory product. Medial lobe secretory cells also contain secretory cavities surrounded by intracytoplasmic vesicles, all containing a very dark and uniform product. Scattered cells holding numerous vacuoles, some of them containing a small and electron-dense granule eccentrically located and resembling those of the diffuse endocrine system, are frequently observed in the periphery of all secretory portions. Immunofluorescence assays revealed that the distal portion of the lateral lobes contains apyrase, an enzyme putatively responsible for platelet aggregation inhibition, diffusely distributed in the cell cytoplasm. © 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.