93 resultados para Scorpion
The present study evaluated the effects of an intramuscular injection of Tityus serrulatus venom (TsV) (0.67 mu g/g) on lung mechanics and lung inflammation at 15, 30, 60 and 180 min after inoculation. TsV inoculation resulted in increased lung elastance when compared with the control group (p < 0.001): these values were significantly higher at 60 min than at 15 and 180 min (p < 0.05). Resistive pressure (Delta P(1)) values decreased significantly at 30, 60 and 180 min after TsV injection (p < 0.001). TsV inoculation resulted in increased lung inflammation, characterised by an increased density of mononuclear cells at 15, 30, 60 and 180 min after TsV injection when compared with the control group (p < 0.001). TsV inoculation also resulted in an increased pulmonary density of polymorphonuclear cells at 15, 30 and 60 min following injection when compared to the control group (p < 0.001). In conclusion, T serrulatus venom leads to acute lung injury, characterised by altered lung mechanics and increased pulmonary inflammation. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoitus oli tutkia T-tyypin kalsiumkanavan toimintaa ja sen mahdollista roolia neuronaalisten kantasolujen migraatiossa. T-tyypin kalsiumkanavan tehtävän kehittyneissä aivoissa tiedetään olevan elektroenkefalografisten oskillaatioiden tuottaminen. Nämä taas ovat eräiden fysiologisten ja patofysiologisten tapahtumien säätelyssä avainasemassa. Tällaisia tapahtumia ovat uni, muisti, oppiminen ja epileptiset poissaolokohtaukset. Näiden lisäksi T-tyypin kalsiumkanavalla on myös periferaalisia vaikutuksia, mutta tämä tutkielma keskittyy sen neuronaalisiin toimintoihin. Tämän matalan jännitteen säätelemän kanavan toiminta neurogeneesin aikana on vähemmän tutkittua ja tunnettua kuin sen vaikutukset kehittyneissä aivoissa. T-tyypin kalsiumkanavan tiedetään edistävän kantasolujen proliferaatiota ja erilaistumista neurogeneesiksen aikana, mutta vaikutukset niiden migraatioon ovat vähemmän tunnetut. Tämä tutkimus näyttää T-tyypin kalsiumkanavan todennäköisesti osallistuvan neuronaaliseen migraatioon hiiren alkion subventrikkeli alueelta eristetyillä kanta- tai progeniittorisoluilla tehdyissä kokeissa. Selektiiviset T-tyypin kalsiumkanavan antagonistit, etosuksimidi, nikkeli ja skorpionitoksiini, kurtoxin hidastivat migraatiota erilaistuvissa progeniittorisoluissa. Tämä tutkimus koostuu kirjallisuuskatsauksesta ja kokeellisesta osasta. Tämän tutkimuksen toinen tarkoitus oli esitellä vaihtoehtoinen lähestymistapa invasiiviselle kantasoluterapialle, joka vaatii kantasolujen viljelyä ja siirtämistä ihmiseen. Tämä toinen tapa on endogeenisten kantasolujen eiinvasiivinen stimulointi, jolla ne saadaan migratoitumaan kohdekudokseen, erilaistumaan siellä ja tehtävänsä suoritettuaan lopettamaan jakaantumisen. Non-invasiivinen kantasoluterapia on vasta tiensä alussa, ja tarvitsee farmakologista osaamista kehittyäkseen. Joitain onnistuneita ei-invasiivisia hoitoja on jo tehty selkärangan vaurioiden korjaamisessa. Vastaavanlaisia menetelmiä voitaisiin käyttää myös keskushermoston vaurioiden ja neurodegeneratiivisten sairauksien hoidossa. Näiden menetelmien kehittäminen vaatii endogeenisten kantasoluja inhiboivien ja indusoivien mekanismien tuntemista. Yksi tärkeä kantasolujen erilaistumista stimuloiva tekijä on kalsiumioni. Jänniteherkät kalsiumkanavat osallistuvat kaikkiin neurogeneesiksen eri vaiheisiin. T-tyypin kalsiumkanava, joka ekspressoituu suuressa määrin keskushermoston kehityksen alkuvaiheessa ja vähenee neuronaalisen kehityksen edetessä, saattaa olla oleellisessa asemassa progeniittorisolujen ohjaamisessa.
Comparative fishing trials were conducted in the river Elbe estuary using 9 m commercial brown shrimp beam trawls. To avoid the bycatch of fish a metal sorting grid of the Nordmöre type was used. The elliptical grid was constructed of 6 mm stainless steel bar with a spacing of 20 mm between the bars and housed in a cylindrical frame of 800 mm diameter. It was installed in the extension piece just in front of the codend. The inclination of the grid was 45 degrees. A fish outlet was provided in the upper panel of the trawl at the upper edge of the grid. A series of 8 tows of 15 min duration at a towing speed of 3 kns was done. For evaluation the catch of the main codend was compared to the portion of the catch escaped through the grid. The presence of the grid caused a 97.4 % reduction of the catch of lump sucker, a 90.6 % reduction of the catch of sea scorpion, a 79.3 % reduction of the catch of cod, a 58.8 % reduction of the catch of armed bullhead, a 39.6 % reduction of the catch of dab, a 34.7 % reduction of the catch of flounder, a 32.3 % reduction of the catch of smelt, a 19.8 % reduction of the catch of plaice and a 14.5 % reduction of the catch of brown shrimp.
We manipulated the diversity of top predators in a three trophic level marine food web. The food web included four top benthic marine fish predators (black goby, rock goby, sea scorpion and shore rockling), an intermediate trophic level of small fish, and a lower trophic level of benthic invertebrates. We kept predator density constant and monitored the response of the lower trophic levels. As top predator diversity increased, secondary production increased. We also observed that in the presence of the manipulated fish predators, the density of small gobiid fish (intermediate consumers) was suppressed, releasing certain groups of benthic invertebrates (caprellid amphipods, copepods, nematodes and spirorbid worms) from heavy intermediate predation pressure. We attribute the mechanism responsible for this trophic cascade to a trait-mediated indirect interaction, with the small gobiid fish changing their use of space in response to altered predator diversity. In the absence of top fish predators, a full-blown trophic cascade occurs. Therefore the diversity of predators reduces the likelihood of trophic cascades occurring and hence provides insurance against the loss of an important ecosystem function (i.e. secondary production).
Cf. notice du ms. par Leroquais, Sacramentaires, II, 180-183 n° 366. Les incipit des proses ont été relevés dans la table des incipit. F. 1-6v Calendrier de Paris : 3 janv., en rouge, «Genovefe virg. IX lc.» (1); 22 avr., «Inventio corporis s. Dyonisii sociorumque ejus. Oportune virg. semid.» (2v); 28 mai, en rouge, «Germani ep. Parisiensis semid. Carauni mart. memoria» (3); 25juin, en violet, «Translatio s. Eligii ep.» (3v); en violet, «In prima dominica hujus mensis [augusti] fit d. de cruce» [réception à Notre-Dame d'un fragment de la vraie Croix] (4v); 9 oct., en rouge, «Dyonisii sociorumque ejus duplex» (5v); 28 oct., «Germani ep. Translatio s. Genovefe virg. mart. memoria» (5v); 3 nov. «Marcelli ep. Parisiensis dupl.»; 13 nov., «Gendulphi ep. et conf. [Parisiensis] dupl.»; 26 nov., en violet, «Genovefe virg. de miraculo [ardentium] IX lc.» (6); 4 déc., «Susceptio capillorum b. Marie et capitis b. Dyonisii in ecclesia Parisiensi» (6v). Le calendrier ne contient pas la fête de s. Louis au 25 août (établie en 1298) ni au 17 mai la translation du chef de s. Louis à la Sainte-Chapelle (en 1306); — Ajout du XIVe s. au 30 avr., «Eutropii mart. et conf.» [culte établi à Paris en 1296] (2v); cf. Leroquais, Bréviaires, I, CXII-CXIII, Tableau chronologique des fêtes parisiennes. — Au début de chaque mois, vers sur les jours égyptiaques (éd. Hennig, Traditio, XI (1955), 84 III), sauf celui de janvier (1) qui correspond au premier vers de la série éd. par Riese (Anthol. lat., I2 (1906), 680a); — À la fin de février, vers sur l'année bissextile : «Byssextum sexte martis tenuere kalende...»; cf. ms. Latin 3162, f. 102 (1v); — À la fin de mars, vers sur la date de Pâques : «Post martis nonas ubi sit nova luna requiras...» (2); — Notations astrologiques et de comput, passim. F. 7-353v Temporal, avec parties chantées notées. Incomplet du début par la perte du premier f., il commence dans la prose du premier dimanche de l'Avent : «... [eterna indefici]ens mundi vita...» (7). À remarquer : «dominica IIIa [in Adventu] more ecclesie Parisiensis» (24v); — Cérémonie des Cendres avec rubriques liturgiques (62v-66v); — Dimanche des Rameaux, «congregatis processionibus conventualibus in ecclesia B. Marie, capiceriis portantibus capsam et tribus clericis in albis paratis tres textus, exitur de ecclesia nichil cantando et sic eundum est ad ecclesiam Sancte Genovefe de Monte...» (147); cf. Leroquais, 181; — Dans l'évangile des Rameaux, le Christ est désigné par la lettre L, le narrateur par la lettre C et les autres par la lettre S (153-158); dans les autres évangiles de la Passion (162-186 passim), ces lettres suscrites ont été effacées et remplacées à la mine de plomb de façon sporadique, le Christ étant alors désigné par une croix; — «Oremus pro papa nostro N...» (186v); «... pro christianissimo rege nostro N...» (187); — Parmi les litanies, «s.Stephane... s. Dyonisi...» (191v)..., « s. Lucane... s. Justine... s. Gendulphe... s. Germane...» (199)..., « s. Genovefa...» (201v). — «Incipit ordo misse. Sacerdos primo induat se rocheto dicens : Actiones nostras...» (203v-206); pour les rubriques liturgiques, cf. Leroquais, 181; — Préfaces notées : «Incipiunt prefationes...» (206-210); — Canon de la messe (210-213); pour les rubriques liturgiques, cf. Leroquais, 182; — «In die Re[sur]rectionis» (214); — «In die sancto [Pentecostes]» (262v); — [De sancta Trinitate] (280v); — «Dominica XXVa» (348v); — «In dedicatione ecclesie» (350-353v). La fête du Saint-Sacrement ne figure pas. F. 354-496v Sanctoral, avec parties chantées notées. À noter parmi les saints parisiens : 3 janv., «S. Genovefe virg.» (373v); 22 avr., «Inventio corporis s. Dyonisii, Rustici et Eleuterii» (398v); — 28 mai, «S. Germani ep. Parisiensis» (407v); — 10 juin, «S. Landerici Parisiensis ep.» (410); — 26 juill., «In translatione s. Marcelli» (432); — 11août, «De receptione s. corone...» (443v); —, 4 oct., «Auree virg. [abb. Parisiis]» (480); 9 oct., «In die [s. Dyonisii]», avec octave (481v); — 28oct., «In translatione s. Genovefe» (487); — 3nov., «S. Marcelli Parisiensis ep.», avec octave (489v); — 26 nov., «S. Genovefe de miraculo ardentium» (495); — «De s. Gendulpho. Prosa» (495). F. 497-541 Commun des saints, avec pièces chantées notées. F. 541-559 Messes votives, sans parties notées à l'exception de la messe des morts (551v-556). Aux ff. 546v-547, en marge de la messe «pro amico», deux additions d'une écriture cursive de la fin du XIVe s. précisent : «ducem nostrum et duxissem ejusque prolem». — Prières diverses (556-559). F. 559-563 Rituel de mariage. «Incipit ordo ad sponsam benedicendam. Cum venerint ante valvas ecclesie sponsus et sponsa, accinctus sacerdos alba et stola... auxilium et argentum super scutum positum benedicat dicens : Manda Deus... Tunc aspergatur aqua benedicta et thurificetur et sponsus et sponsa; quo facto sacerdos dicat : Bones genz nos avons faiz les bans III foiz de ces II genz et encore les faison nous, que se il i a nul ne nule qui sache enpeschement par quoi l'un ne puisse avoir l'autre par loi de mariage, si le die. Et re[spon]dent assistentes : Nous ni savons se bien non. Quo audito, accipiat sacerdos manum dexteram sponse et ponat in dextera manu sponsi et dicat... nominandos eos : Vos Marie et vos Jeham vous prometez, fianciez et jurez l'un à l'autre à garder la foi et la loiauté du mariage... Tunc sacerdos tradat anulum sponso et sponsus autem per manum sacerdotis primo in police sponse... dicens... : Marie de cest annel t'espous et de mon cors t'ennor et de douaire qui est devisiez entre mes amis et les tiens. In nomine... Secundo in indice dicens... Tercio in medio dicens : Et Spiritus sancti. Amen... Postea sacerdos extensa manu super illos dicat orationes... Tunc sacerdos centus [sic] sponsum per manum dexteram et sponsam et introducat eos in ecclesiam...» (559-559bis); — Messe de mariage, comportant deux préfaces notées : «Deinde celebratur missa...» (559bis-562v); pour les rubriques liturgiques, cf. Leroquais, 183. — «Missa celebrata, recedant sponsus et sponsa et, ipsis stantibus ante hostium domus illorum presentibus pane et vinum [sic], faciat sacerdos benedictionem super panem dicens : Benedic Domine creaturam... Tunc sponsus mordet in pane, postea sponsa. Item benedictio super vinum... Tunc sponsus bibat, postea sponsa. Quo facto introducit eos sacerdos per manum in domum... Item in sero benedictio thalami... Tunc turificet thalamum, postea sponsum et sponsam sedentes vel jacentes in lecto suo benedicat dicens : Benedic Domine adulescentulos...» (562v-563) (éd. avec variantes par E. Martène, De antiquis Ecclesiae ritibus, II, 374-376, d'après le ms. Latin 859A); même ordo dans le ms. NAL 2649, f. 333-336. F. 563-565v Exorcisme de l'eau et du sel (563-564v). — «Pro Terra sancta» (564v-565). — «Pro rege nostro» (565). — «Benedictio pere et baculi peregrinorum» (565-565v). — «Benedictio crucis... Benedictio novorum fructuum... Benedictio panis» (565v).
En aquest treball de tesi doctoral es descriu l'estructura gonadal, gametogènesi i cicle anual de Scorpaena porcus, S. scrofa i S. elongata per tal d'aprofundir en el coneixement dels diferents graus d'especialització dins l'oviparisme en peixos. Es pretén fer èmfasi en aquells trets inusuals que difereixen del què s'ha descrit fins ara per la majoria de les espècies ovípares de teleostis, i relacionar-los amb l'estratègia reproductiva de les espècies que els presenten El mostreig s'ha dut a terme de forma intensiva entre l'any 2000 i 2002, tot i que s'ha continuat recol·lectant mostres fins a l'agost de 2004, amb més o menys freqüència segons la necessitat. En total s'han obtingut 258 exemplars de S. porcus, 119 de S. scrofa i 46 de S. elongata. S'ha pogut veure com S. porcus, S. scrofa i S. elongata són espècies ovípares ovulípares especialitzades, ja que la seva estructura ovàrica presenta tot una sèrie de trets molt particulars i poc comuns a la resta de peixos ovípars estudiats fins ara: posició central del raquis musculo-connectiu que es troba envoltat completament pel lumen i la paret ovàrica; presència de peduncles en oòcits en fase de creixement secundari; escassetat i mida petita dels alvèols corticals; poc gruix de la zona radiata; i secreció d'una massa gelatinosa que engloba els ous en el moment de la posta. Totes aquestes característiques també s'han observat en Scorpaena notata, suggerint que l'especialització de l'oviparisme ovulípar es dóna en tot el gènere Scorpaena. L'estructura testicular i l'espermatogènesi d'aquestes espècies també és força particular. Per una banda els testicles són del tipus lobular no-restringit, tot i que presenten algunes característiques com la ordenació parcial dels cists segons l'estadi de maduració de les cèl·lules germinals que contenen i l'absència de lumen central, que actualment només s'ha observat en testicles del tipus lobular restringit de les espècies de la sèrie Aterinomorpha. Per l'altre banda, l'espermatogènesi és del tipus semicística, és a dir, els cists s'obren abans d'acabar tot el procés i les cèl·lules germinals s'acaben de desenvolupar a la llum del lòbul fins a espermatozoides. La posta d'aquestes espècies és múltipla i constisteix en una massa gelatinosa d'ous pelàgica, que en el cas de S. porcus s'alliberen entre els mesos de juny i agost, i en S. scrofa, a partir del mes de juliol. S'ha relacionat la presència d'aquesta massa amb un aparellament mascle-femella, de manera que el mascle alliberaria l'esperma directament sobre la massa d'ous, assegurant així la fartilització total dels mateixos.
From 1997 onward, the strobilurin fungicide azoxystrobin was widely used in the main banana-production zone in Costa Rica against Mycosphaerella fijiensis var. difformis causing black Sigatoka of banana. By 2000, isolates of M. fijiensis with resistance to the quinolene oxidase inhibitor fungicides were common on some farms in the area. The cause was a single point mutation from glycine to alanine in the fungal target protein, cytochrome b gene. An amplification refractory mutation system Scorpion quantitative polymerase chain reaction assay was developed and used to determine the frequency of G 143A allele in samples of M. fijiensis. Two hierarchical surveys of spatial variability, in 2001 and 2002,found no significant variation in frequency on spatial scales <10 in. This allowed the frequency of G143A alleles on a farm to be estimated efficiently by averaging single samples taken at two fixed locations. The frequency of G 143A allele in bulk samples from I I farms throughout Costa Rica was determined at 2-month intervals. There was no direct relationship between the number of spray applications and the frequency of G143A on individual farms. Instead, the frequency converged toward regional averages, presumably due to the large-scale mixing of ascospores dispersed by wind. Using trap plants in an area remote from the main producing area, immigration of resistant ascospores was detected as far as 6 km away both with and against the prevailing wind.
A new synthesis of the geographical distribution of the genus Ananteris Thorell, 1891 (Scorpiones, Buthidae) in Brazil is proposed. Three new species, Ananteris chagasi sp. n., Ananteris kuryi sp. n., and Ananteris bernabei sp. n. are described from the States of Bahia, Espirito Santo and Minas Gerais. Only isolated records of Ananteris species where known up to now, for the States of Minas Gerais and Bahia. The record of an Ananteris species from the State of Espirito Santo is new. The total number of Ananteris species is now raised to 67 and from this, 16 species are found in Brazil. The geographical distribution of the genus is considerably enlarged in the country.
Introduction. Coitus in snakes may last up to 28 hours; however, the mechanisms involved are unknown. Aim. To evaluate the relevance of the nitric oxide (NO)-cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP)-phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) system in snake corpus cavernosum reactivity. Methods. Hemipenes were removed from anesthetized South American rattlesnakes (Crotalus durissus terrificus) and studied by light and scanning electronic microscopy. Isolated Crotalus corpora cavernosa (CCC) were dissected from the non-spiny region of the hemipenises, and tissue reactivity was assessed in organ baths. Main Outcome Measures. Cumulative concentration-response curves were constructed for acetylcholine (ACh), sodium nitroprusside (SNP), 5-cyclopropyl-2-[1-(2-fluorobenzyl)-1H-pyrazolo[3,4-b]pyridine-3-yl]pyrimidin-4-ylamine (BAY 41-2272), and tadalafil in CCC precontracted with phenylephrine. Relaxation induced by electrical field stimulation (EFS) was also done in the absence and presence of N omega nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME; 100 mu M), 1H-[1, 2, 4] oxadiazolo[4,3-a]quinoxalin-1-one (ODQ; 10 mu M) and tetrodotoxin (TTX; 1 mu M). Results. The hemipenes consisted of two functionally concentric corpora cavernosa, one of them containing radiating bundles of smooth muscle fibers (confirmed by alpha-actin immunostaining). Endothelial and neural nitric oxide synthases were present in the endothelium and neural structures, respectively; whereas soluble guanylate cyclase and PDE5 were expressed in trabecular smooth muscle. ACh and SNP relaxed isolated CCC, with the relaxations being markedly reduced by L-NAME and ODQ, respectively. BAY 41-2272 and tadalafil caused sustained relaxations with potency (pEC(50)) values of 5.84 +/- 0.17 and 5.10 +/- 0.08 (N = 3-4), respectively. In precontracted CCC, EFS caused frequency-dependent relaxations that lasted three times longer than those in mammalian CC. Although these relaxations were almost abolished by either L-NAME or ODQ, they were unaffected by TTX. In contrast, EFS-induced relaxations in marmoset CC were abolished by TTX. Conclusions. Rattlesnake CC relaxation is mediated by the NO-cGMP-PDE5 pathway in a manner similar to mammals. The novel TTX-resistant Na channel identified here may be responsible for the slow response of smooth muscle following nerve stimulation and could explain the extraordinary duration of snake coitus. Capel RO, Monica FZ, Porto M, Barillas S, Muscara MN, Teixeira SA, Arruda AMM, Pissinatti, L, Pissinatti A, Schenka AA, Antunes E, Nahoum C, Cogo JC, de Oliveira MA, and De Nucci G. Role of a novel tetrodotoxin-resistant sodium channel in the nitrergic relaxation of corpus cavernosum from the South American rattlesnake Crotalus durissus terrificus. J Sex Med 2011;8:1616-1625.
In Brazil, accidents with scorpions are considered of medical importance, not only by the high incidence, but also for the potentiality of the venom from some species in determining severe clinical conditions. Tityus stigmurus is a widely distributed scorpion species in Northeastern Brazil and known to cause severe human envenomations, inducing pain, hyposthesia, edema, erythema, paresthesia, headaches and vomiting. The present study uses a transcriptomic approach to characterize the molecular repertoire from the non-stimulated venom gland of Tityus stigmurus scorpion. A cDNA library was constructed and 540 clones were sequenced and grouped into 37 clusters, with more than one EST (expressed sequence tag) and 116 singlets. Forty-one percent of ESTs belong to recognized toxin-coding sequences, with antimicrobial toxins (AMP-like) the most abundant transcripts, followed by alfa KTx- like, beta KTx-like, beta NaTx-like and alfa NaTx-like. Our analysis indicated that 34% include other possible venom molecules , whose transcripts correspond to anionic peptides, hypothetical secreted peptides, metalloproteinases, cystein-rich peptides and lectins. Fifteen percent of ESTs are similar to cellular transcripts. Sequences without good matches corresponded to 11%. This investigation provides the first global view of cDNAs from Tityus stigmurus. This approach enables characterization of a large number of venom gland component molecules, which belong either to known or atypical types of venom peptides and proteins from the Buthidae family
Tityus serrulatus, popularly known as yellow scorpion, is one of the most studied scorpion species in South America and its venom has supplied some highly active molecules. The effects of T. serrulatus venom upon the renal physiology in human showed increased renal parameters, urea and creatinine. However, in perfused rat kidney the effects were not tested until now. Isolated kidneys from Wistar rats, weighing 240-280 g, were perfused with Krebs-Henseleit solution containing 6% (g weight) of previously dialysed bovine serum albumin. The effects of T. serrulatus venom were studied on the perfusion pressure (PP), renal vascular resistance (RVR), urinary flow (UF), glomerular filtration rate (GFR), sodium tubular transport (%TNa+), potassium tubular transport (%TK+) and chloride tubular transport (%TCl-). Tityus serrulatus venom (TsV; 10 mu g/mL) was added to the system 30 min after the beginning of each experiment (n = 6). This 30 min period was used as an internal control. The mesenteric bed was perfused with Krebs solution kept warm at 37 T by a constant flow (4 mL/min), while the variable perfusion pressure was measured by means of a pressure transducer. The direct vascular effects of TsV (10 mu g/mL/min; n=6), infused at a constant rate (0.1 mL/min), were examined and compared to the infusion of the vehicle alone at the same rate. TsV increased PP (PP30'= 127.8 +/- 0.69 vs PP60' = 154.2 +/- 14 mmHg*, *p < 0.05) and RVR (RVR30' = 6.29 +/- 0.25 vs RVR60' = 8.03 +/- 0.82 mmHg/mL g(-1) min(-1)*, *p < 0.05), decreased GFR (GFR(30') =0.58 +/- 0.02 vs GFR(60') = 0.46 +/- 0.01 mL g(-1) min(-1)*, *p < 0.05) and UF (UF30' = 0.135 +/- 0.001 vs UF60' = 0.114 +/- 0.003 mL g(-1)min(-1)*, *p < 0.05). Tubular transport was not affected during the whole experimental period (120 min). on the other hand, the infusion of TsV (10 mu g/mL/min) increased the basal perfusion pressure of isolated arteriolar mesenteric bed (basal pressure: 74.17 +/- 3.42 vs TsV 151.8 +/- 17.82 mmHg*, *p < 0.05). TsV affects renal haemodynamics probably by a direct vasoconstrictor action leading to decreased renal flow. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In Brazil, several species of scorpions are known to cause accidents which can lead to death, which are mainly belonging to the genus Tityus. The scorpion Tityus serrulatus is the main responsible for more severe cases. Anti-scorpion serums are routinely produced by various institutions, despite their effectiveness, quality and action depends on how quickly treatment is started. Studies have been developed in the search for appropriate technologies to encapsulate and release recombinant or natives proteins capable of inducing antibody production. In this context, chitosan copolymer which can be obtained from the partial deacetylation of chitin or in some microorganisms and it is biocompatible and biodegradable has been widely used for this purpose. This study aimed to search for a system release from chitosan nanoparticles for peptide / protein of the venom of the scorpion T. serrulatus, able to provide a new model of immunization in animals, in order to obtain a potential novel polyclonal serum, anti-venom T. serrulatus. The chitosan nanoparticles were prepared by ionic gelation with polyanion tripolyphosphate (TPP). After standardizing the concentrations of TPP and chitosan was evaluated the efficiency of incorporation of bovine serum albumin (BSA) and scorpion venom, showed particle size compatible with the intended purpose. The particles showed adequate size around 200nm. The crosslinking was confirmed by absorption spectroscopy in the infrared. After verified the high encapsulation efficiency (EE) for acid bicinconínico method (BCA) protein assay and the particle size distribution, the success of the technique was proven and the potential for in vivo application of nanoparticles. The experimental animals were vaccinated and the antibodies measured by ELISA
Members of arthropod classes Chilopoda (centipedes), Diplopoda (millipedes), and Arachnida (spiders and scorpions) cause tissue injury via bites, stings, and/or a release of toxins. A few members of the Acari subclass of Arachnida (mites and ticks) can transmit a variety of infectious diseases, but this review will cover the noninfectious manifestations of these vectors. Dermatologists should be familiar with the injuries caused by these arthropods in order to initiate proper treatment and recommend effective preventative measures. (J Am Acad Dermatol 2012;67:347.e1-9.)
The effects of alpha-pompilidotoxin (alpha-PMTX), a new neurotoxin isolated from the venom of a solitary wasp, were studied on the neuromuscular synapses in lobster walking leg and the rat trigeminal ganglion (TG) neurons. Paired intracellular recordings from the presynaptic axon terminals and the innervating lobster leg muscles revealed that alpha-PMTX induced long bursts of action potentials in the presynaptic axon, which resulted in facilitated excitatory and inhibitory synaptic transmission. The action or alpha-PMTX was distinct from that of other known facilitatory presynaptic toxins, including sea anemone toxins and alpha-scorpion toxins, which modify the fast inactivation of Na+ current. We further characterized the action of alpha-PMTX on Na+ channels by whole-cell recordings from rat trigeminal neurons. We found that alpha-PMTX stowed the Na+ channels inactivation process without changing the peak current-voltage relationship or the activation time course of tetrodotoxin (TTX)-sensitive Na+ currents, and that alpha-PMTX had voltage-dependent effects on the rate of recovery from Na+ current inactivation and deactivating tail currents. The results suggest that alpha-PMTX slows or blocks conformational changes required for fast inactivation of the Na+ channels on the extracellular surface. The simple structure of alpha-PMTX, consisting of 13 amino acids, would be advantageous for understanding the functional architecture of Na+ channel protein.